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YS/T 1065.2-2015 English PDF

YS/T 1065.2-2015_English: PDF (YS/T1065.2-2015)
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YS/T 1065.2-2015English149 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Methods for physical performance determination of zeolite - Part 2: Determination of particle size - Centrifugal sedimentation method Valid YS/T 1065.2-2015

Standard ID YS/T 1065.2-2015 (YS/T1065.2-2015)
Description (Translated English) Methods for physical performance determination of zeolite. Part 2: Determination of particle size. Centrifugal sedimentation method
Sector / Industry Nonferrous Metallurgy Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard H21
Classification of International Standard 77.120.10
Word Count Estimation 4,48
Date of Issue 2015-04-30
Date of Implementation 2015-10-01
Quoted Standard GB/T 6682
Drafting Organization China Aluminum Co., Ltd. Shandong Branch, Shandong Province, Zibo City Product Quality Supervision, Inspection, Shandong Li Bo, Inc., Kunming Metallurgy Research Institute
Administrative Organization National Non-Ferrous Metals Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 243)
Regulation (derived from) Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Announcement (2015 No. 28)
Proposing organization National Non-Ferrous Metals Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 243)
Issuing agency(ies) Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China
Summary This Standard specifies the centrifugal sedimentation method Determination of particle size distribution of the zeolite. This Standard applies to the determination of a centrifugal sedimentation particle size of the zeolite. Determination range 0.5��m ~ 5��m.

YS/T 1065.2-2015 (Zeolite determination of physical performance - Part 2. Determination of particle size centrifugal sedimentation method) ICS 77.120.10 H21 People's Republic of China Nonferrous Metals Industry Standard Zeolite determination of physical performance Part 2. Determination of particle size centrifugal sedimentation method Part 2. Determinationofparticlesize- Issued on. 2015-04-30 2015-10-01 implementation Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China released Foreword YS/T 1065-2015 "zeolite determination of physical performance" is divided into the following four parts. --- Part 1. Determination of EDTA calcium exchange capacity of titration; --- Part 2. Determination of particle size centrifugal sedimentation method; --- Part 3. loss on ignition - Gravimetric method; --- Part 4. Non-ionic liquid carrying capacity (LCC) measurement. This is Part 2. This section drafted in accordance with GB/T 1.1-2009 given rules. The non-ferrous metal part by the National Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC243) and focal points. Drafting this Part. Aluminum Corporation of China Shandong Branch, Zibo City, Shandong Province Product Quality Supervision, Inspection, Shandong Li Wave daily chemical Co., Ltd., Kunming Metallurgy Research Institute. The main drafters of this section. Bo, car offer pine, Shao Jing, ARCHIVES increase, Wang Yabin, Guozhuan Hua, Liu Wei Li. Zeolite determination of physical performance Part 2. Determination of particle size centrifugal sedimentation method 1 Scope YS/T 1065 This section provides the centrifugal sedimentation method Determination of particle size distribution of the zeolite. This section applies to the determination of a centrifugal sedimentation particle size of the zeolite. Determination range 0.5μm ~ 5μm. 2 Normative references The following documents for the application of this document is essential. For dated references, only the dated version suitable for use herein Member. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies to this document. Laboratory use specifications and test methods GB/T 6682 Analysis 3 PRINCIPLE OF THE METHOD The suspension was made of zeolite, when X-rays pass through the test suspension, due to the presence of particles, the intensity of light is attenuated after passing through the light Attenuation or extinction value as a scale to characterize particle size, as measured extinction values versus time to obtain a sample size distributed. 4 Reagents 4.1 deionized water. 4.2 hexametaphosphate. AR. 4.3 Dispersant. Weigh 2.0g of sodium hexametaphosphate (4.2), into 2000mL deionized water (4.1) and shake well to prepare for analysis. 5 device 5.1 X-ray sedimentation particle size analyzer. 5.2 an ultrasonic disperser. 5.3 Balance. a sense of the amount of 0.1g. 6 Sample Weigh 3.0g sample was poured into a beaker 50mL, 27mL extraction dispersing agent with a syringe (4.3) into a beaker into an ultrasonic The diffuser (5.2) ultrasonic dispersing 5min, to prepare a suspension. 7 measuring step 7.1 measured temperature of the suspension. ......

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