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YC/T 243-2008 English PDF

YC/T 243-2008_English: PDF (YC/T243-2008)
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YC/T 243-2008English170 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Tobacco and tobacco products. Determination of 1, 2-propylene glycol and glycerol. Gas chromatographic method Valid YC/T 243-2008

Standard ID YC/T 243-2008 (YC/T243-2008)
Description (Translated English) Tobacco and tobacco products. Determination of 1, 2-propylene glycol and glycerol. Gas chromatographic method
Sector / Industry Tobacco Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard X87
Classification of International Standard 65.160
Word Count Estimation 8,892
Date of Issue 2008-04-14
Date of Implementation 2008-04-14
Drafting Organization China Tobacco Standardization Research Center
Administrative Organization National Standardization Technical Committee of Tobacco
Proposing organization National Tobacco Monopoly Bureau
Issuing agency(ies) National Tobacco Monopoly Bureau
Summary This standard specifies the tobacco and tobacco products in the 1, 2 propylene glycol, glycerin gas chromatographic method. This standard applies to tobacco and tobacco products in the 1, 2 propanediol, glycerol determination.

YC/T 243-2008 TOBACCO INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 65.160 X 87 Record number: 23582-2008 Tobacco and tobacco products - Determination of 1,2- propylene glycol and glycerol - Gas chromatographic method ISSUED ON: APRIL 14, 2008 IMPLEMENTED ON: APRIL 14, 2008 Issued by: State Tobacco Monopoly Administration Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative references ... 4  3 Principle ... 4  4 Reagents and materials ... 4  5 Apparatus ... 5  6 Analytical procedure ... 6  7 Calculation and expression of results ... 7  8 Detection limit and recovery rate ... 8  9 Test report ... 8  Appendix A (Informative) Recommended chromatographic columns ... 9  Appendix B (Informative) Examples of chromatograms ... 10  Tobacco and tobacco products - Determination of 1,2- propylene glycol and glycerol - Gas chromatographic method 1 Scope This Standard specifies the gas chromatographic determination method for 1,2- propylene glycol and glycerol in tobacco and tobacco products. This Standard applies to the determination of 1,2-propylene glycol and glycerol in tobacco and tobacco products. 2 Normative references The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this Standard, constitute provisions of this Standard. For the dated references, their subsequent amendments (excluding corrections) or revisions do not apply to this Standard. However, the parties who enter into agreement based on this Standard are encouraged to investigate whether the latest editions of these documents are applicable. For undated reference documents, the latest editions apply to this Standard. GB/T 5606.1 Cigarettes - Part 1: Sampling GB/T 19616 Tobacco - Sampling of batches of raw material - General principles (GB/T 19616-2004, ISO 4874:2000, MOD) YC/T 31 Tobacco and tobacco products - Preparation of test sample and determination of water content - Oven method 3 Principle USE a methanol solution with an internal standard to extract the 1,2-propylene glycol and glycerol in the test sample. USE a gas chromatograph equipped with a hydrogen flame detector for determination. 4 Reagents and materials 4.1 Unless otherwise required, analytical grade reagents shall be used. 35% biphenyl-65% polydimethylsiloxane. See Appendix A for other suitable chromatographic columns. 6 Analytical procedure 6.1 Sampling Cigarette samples are taken according to GB/T 5606.1. Tobacco samples are taken according to GB/T 19616. 6.2 Preparation of test sample Prepare test samples according to YC/T 31. 6.3 Sample extraction WEIGH about 2 g of sample, accurate to 0.01 g; PLACE it in 150 mL conical flask. USE a pipette or an automatic liquid dispenser to add 50 mL of extractant (4.4); oscillate with plug to extract for 2 h. After that, the extract is allowed to stand for 10 min~15 min. TAKE the supernatant for gas chromatographic analysis. 6.4 Determination procedure 6.4.1 Apparatus preparation According to the manufacturer's operation manual, operate the gas chromatograph. The chromatographic conditions used shall be such that 1,2- propylene glycol and glycerol can be completely separated from other substances. The following gas chromatographic analysis conditions are available for reference. When other conditions are adopted, their applicability shall be verified: a) Temperature: 1) Inlet temperature is 250°C; 2) Detector temperature is 275°C; 3) Initial temperature: 110°C; KEEP for 1 min; 4) Temperature programming 1: At a rate of 10°C/min, increase from 110°C to 150°C and maintain for 3 min; 5) Temperature programming 2: At a rate of 30°C/min, increase from 150°C to 220°C and maintain for 5 min. b) Airflow rate: According to the apparatus operation manual and the experience of the analyst, set the airflow rate. The suitable airflow rate is as follows: 1) Carrier gas: Helium, 0.7 mL/min; 2) Make-up gas: Helium or nitrogen, 30 mL/min; 3) Hydrogen: 30 mL/min; 4) Air: 400 mL/min. c) Injection mode: Injection volume is 2 μL; split injection. Split ratio is 50:1. 6.4.2 Making of standard curve Perform chromatographic determination of the working standard solution (4.7.2). Calculate the peak area ratio of 1,2-propylene glycol and glycerol to internal standard in each standard solution. MAKE a standard curve of 1,2-propylene glycol and glycerol concentration to peak area ratio; or calculate to obtain a regression equation. The standard curve shall be linear. The correlation coefficient R2 shall not be less than 0.99. The standard curve is produced once a day. After every 20 sample determinations, a medium-concentration working standard solution shall be added. If the measured value differs from the previous value by more than 5%, the entire standard curve shall be made again. 6.4.3 Determination Determine the sample extract (6.3). Calculate the peak area ratio of 1,2- propylene glycol and glycerol to internal standard. From the regression equation, calculate the concentration (c) of 1,2-propylene glycol and glycerol in the extract. Conduct gas chromatographic analysis on the standard solution and sample extract. The resulting gas chromatograms are as shown in Appendix B, Figure B.1 and Figure B.2. 7 Calculation and expression of results The content of 1,2-propylene glycol and glycerol in the sample is denoted as mass fraction w. The value is expressed in % and calculated according to formula (1): ......

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