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YBB 00162003-2015 English PDF

YBB 00162003-2015_English: PDF (YBB00162003-2015)
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YBB 00162003-2015English100 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Test for Stress Valid YBB 00162003-2015

Standard ID YBB 00162003-2015 (YBB00162003-2015)
Description (Translated English) Test for Stress
Sector / Industry Medical & Pharmaceutical Packaging Industry Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard C08
Word Count Estimation 1,125
Date of Issue 2015-08-11
Date of Implementation 2015-12-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) YBB 0016-2003
Regulation (derived from) China Food & Drug Administration Announcement 2015 No.164

YBB00162003-2015 YBB Test for Stress This Standard applies to the test for the stress of medicinal glass containers. Usually, glass is an isotropic homogeneous material. When there is stress, it will show anisotropy and produce light birefringence. This Standard specifies the test of using a polarized light stress meter to measure the optical path difference of birefringence, and using the numerical value of the optical path difference of unit thickness to express the magnitude of stress of product. Instruments and devices The polarized light stress meter shall conform to the following technical requirements. When using polarized light elements and protectors to observe, the brightness of the edge of the light field is not less than 120 cd/m2. The polarization elements used shall ensure that the degree of polarization at any point in the bright field is not less than 99%. The polarization field is not less than 85 mm. Between the polarizer and the analyzer, a full-wave plate (sensitive color plate) of 565 nm and a 1/4 wave plate can be inserted respectively; and the slow axis of the wave plate is at 90° to the polarization plane of the polarizer. The analyzer shall be installed to be able to rotate relative to the polarizer and the full-wave plate or 1/4 wave plate; and shall be equipped with the measuring equipment of rotation angle (The dial scale value is 1°). Test method The sample for test shall be a product which has not been ......

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