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TSG R3001-2006 English PDF

TSG R3001-2006_English: PDF (TSGR3001-2006)
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TSG R3001-2006English479 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Pressure Vessel Installation and Repair Licensing Regulation Obsolete TSG R3001-2006

Standard ID TSG R3001-2006 (TSGR3001-2006)
Description (Translated English) Pressure Vessel Installation and Repair Licensing Regulation
Sector / Industry Special Equipment Industry Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard J74
Classification of International Standard 23.020.30
Word Count Estimation 12,194
Date of Issue 2006-06-21
Date of Implementation 2006-10-01
Drafting Organization Beijing Yanhua Construction and Installation Engineering Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization AQSIQ
Summary This standard applies to the "Regulations" pressure vessel. Does not apply to pressure vessels: (a) mobile pressure vessel (limited installation); (b) the pressure in the container refrigeration unit; pressure vessel (three) made ??of non-metallic materials; pressure vessel under the (four) working in a vacuum (excluding jacketed pressure vessel); (e) normal operating pressure is less than the maximum working pressure vessel 0. lMPa (or included in the feed material, the process needs to withstand pressure greater than or equal to the instantaneous pressure vessel 0. lMPa excluding disinfection, cooling and other processes required to withstand short-term pressure greater than or equal to 0. 1MPa pressure vessel); (six) on the machine independent non-pressure parts (including compressors, generators, pumps, diesel engine cylinder or pressure shell body, etc., but excluding paper, textile machinery, dryer, compressor auxiliary pressure vessel); (seven) without casing tube heat exchanger, corrugated plate heat exchangers, air-cooled heat exchangers, cooling exhaust pipe and so on. Need to complete the final ring weld work in the field of pressure vessels and the overall need in the field welding of pressure vessels, does not belong to the extent permitted by the installation of pressure vessels. Installation, alteration, repair in accordance with the license Medical Oxygen "Medical Oxygen safety regulations" be.

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