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SY/T 0520-2008 English PDF (SYT0520-1993)

SY/T 0520-2008_English: PDF (SY/T0520-2008)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
SY/T 0520-2008English70 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Viscosity determination of crude petroleum. Equilibrium method by rotational viscometer Valid SY/T 0520-2008
SY/T 0520-1993English199 Add to Cart 2 days [Need to translate] (Crude oil viscosity measurement. Rotational viscometer balance method) Obsolete SY/T 0520-1993

Standard ID SY/T 0520-2008 (SY/T0520-2008)
Description (Translated English) Viscosity determination of crude petroleum. Equilibrium method by rotational viscometer
Sector / Industry Oil & Gas Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard E21
Classification of International Standard 75.040
Word Count Estimation 6,634
Date of Issue 2008-06-16
Date of Implementation 2008-12-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) SY/T 0520-1993
Drafting Organization Daqing Oilfield Engineering Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization Oil and Gas Measurement and Analysis Methods Standardization Technical Committee
Regulation (derived from) NDRC Notice No. 44 of 2008
Summary This standard specifies the use coaxial cylinder rotational viscometer oil viscosity approach.

Standard ID SY/T 0520-1993 (SY/T0520-1993)
Description (Translated English) (Crude oil viscosity measurement. Rotational viscometer balance method)
Sector / Industry Oil & Gas Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard E21
Classification of International Standard 75.04
Word Count Estimation 4,459
Date of Issue 1993/3/27
Date of Implementation 1993/9/1

SY/T 0520-2008 SY OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 75.040 E 21 Filing No.. 24279-2008 Replacing SY/T 0520-1993 Viscosity Determination of Crude Petroleum - Equilibrium Method by Rotational Viscometer ISSUED ON. JUNE 16, 2008 IMPLEMENTED ON. DECEMBER 1, 2008 Issued by. National Development and Reform Commission Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Principle of Measurement ... 4  3 Equipment and Materials ... 5  4 Test Procedure ... 5  5 Result Calculation ... 6  6 Precision ... 6  7 Report ... 7  Viscosity Determination of Crude Petroleum - Equilibrium Method by Rotational Viscometer 1 Scope This Standard specifies the method of viscosity determination of crude petroleum through coaxial cylinder rotational viscometer. This Standard is applicable to the determination of viscosity or apparent viscosity of crude petroleum whose water content does not exceed 0.5% (mass fraction). 2 Principle of Measurement Rotational cylinder places the surrounding fluid in stable layer-by-layer rotational flow; the viscous torque of the fluid will act on the cylinder. The relations between the fluid’s viscosity and torque can be expressed in accordance with Formula (1). Where, ---the viscosity of fluid, expressed in (Pas); M---the fluid’s viscous torque acting on the cylinder, expressed in (Nm); ---the cylinder’s rotational speed, expressed in (rad/s); K---flow field constant, expressed in (m-3). In accordance with the relations between M and ,  and , shear stress  on the cylindrical flow layer shall be expressed in Formula (2); viscosity or apparent viscosity shall be calculated in accordance with Formula (3) (in terms of non-Newtonian fluid,  shall be apparent viscosity a). Where, 4.2.2 Use the electronic balance to weigh sample mass (density is already known), which shall be slightly higher than the corresponding mass of the stipulated volume; place it into an outer measuring cylinder, which is previously heated. 4.2.3 In terms of sample, which maintains flow state at room temperature, directly inject the sample for determination in accordance with the determination volume. 4.3 Constant Temperature In accordance with the viscometer’s characteristics, crude petroleum’s variety and test temperature, under general circumstances, maintain constant temperature for 20 min ~ 30 min. Under special circumstances, re-prolong the constant-temperature time. 4.4 Measurement 4.4.1 The selection of shear rate shall be determined in accordance with users’ demands. When it is impossible to determine in advance whether it is Newtonian fluid or non-Newtonian fluid, adopt multiple shear rates for determination. In addition, determine respectively from low shear rate to high shear rate. 4.4.2 Viscosity determination. at the selected shear rate, initiate the rotational viscometer; wait till the instrument indication is basically stable, then, record the first  value. Afterwards, record once every 5 min. If in the four  values that are continuously recorded, the deviation of the arithmetic mean value of the latter three  values and the first  value does not exceed 5%, then, it shall be deemed that a balance value is reached. Thus, the determination of  value at this shear rate is completed. 4.4.3 When the sample is non-Newtonian fluid, sample shall be replaced if test temperature changes. 5 Result Calculation 5.1 In terms of rotational viscometer, whose viscosity value cannot be directly read, take the last  value. In accordance with Formula (2) and Formula (3), calculate the viscosity value or apparent viscosity value. 5.2 In terms of rotational viscometer, which adopts computer programming for determination, take the arithmetic value of the latter two determined values as the viscosity value or apparent viscosity value. 6 Precision In accordance with the following stipulations, determine the precision of the determination result (95% confidence level). 6.1 Non-Newtonian Fluid ......

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