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SN/T 3321.2-2013 English PDF

SN/T 3321.2-2013_English: PDF (SN/T3321.2-2013)
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SN/T 3321.2-2013English140 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Limestone and dolomite. Part 2: Determination of carbon and sulfur content. High frequency combustion with infrared absorption method Valid SN/T 3321.2-2013

Standard ID SN/T 3321.2-2013 (SN/T3321.2-2013)
Description (Translated English) Limestone and dolomite. Part 2: Determination of carbon and sulfur content. High frequency combustion with infrared absorption method
Sector / Industry Commodity Inspection Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard D52
Classification of International Standard 73.080
Word Count Estimation 6,633
Quoted Standard GB/T 2007.2
Drafting Organization People's Republic of China Fujian Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau
Administrative Organization National Certification and Accreditation Administration
Regulation (derived from) National quality recognition (2013), No. 464; industry standard filing Notice No. 1 of 2014 (No. 169 overall)
Proposing organization Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China
Issuing agency(ies) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China
Summary This standard specifies the determination of high-frequency and then burn the infrared absorption method limestone, dolomite, carbon and sulfur content. This standard applies to limestone, dolomite determination of carbon and sulfur content of the measure

SN/T 3321.2-2013 SN ENTRY AND EXIT INSPECTION AND QUARANTINE INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Limestone and dolomite - Part 2: Determination of carbon and sulfur content - High frequency combustion with infrared absorption method ISSUED ON: AUGUST 30, 2013 IMPLEMENTED ON: MARCH 01, 2014 Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of PRC Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative references ... 4  3 Method summary ... 4  4 Reagents and materials ... 5  5 Instruments and equipment... 5  6 Preparation of specimen ... 5  7 Analytical procedures ... 5  8 Result calculation ... 7  9 Result representation ... 7  10 Precision ... 7  Limestone and dolomite - Part 2: Determination of carbon and sulfur content - High frequency combustion with infrared absorption method 1 Scope This Part of SN/T 3321 specifies the high-frequency combustion with infrared absorption method, for the determination of carbon and sulfur content in limestone and dolomite. This Part applies to the determination of carbon and sulfur content in limestone and dolomite, in which the determination range (mass fraction) of carbon content is 10% ~ 15%, the determination range (mass fraction) of sulfur content is 0.02% ~ 0.2%. 2 Normative references The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) is applicable to this standard. GB/T 2007.2 General rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in bulk - Manual method of sample preparation 3 Method summary The specimen is heated and burned in the oxygen flow of the high-frequency induction furnace; the generated carbon dioxide (or carbon monoxide) and sulfur dioxide are carried by the oxygen, to the measuring chamber of the infrared analyzer. The carbon dioxide (or carbon monoxide) and sulfur dioxide absorb infrared energy of a certain wavelength. The absorption energy is proportional to its concentration; then the carbon and sulfur content can be measured, according to the change of the energy received by the detector. concentrations of oxygen can cause fires, in confined spaces. 7.1 Instrument debugging Assemble the instrument, according to the manufacturer's instructions. Prepare it for operation. Check the air tightness of the combustion unit and the measuring unit. Before calibrating and measuring specimens, it is necessary to check and debug the instrument, to ensure that the instrument is in a normal and stable working state; meanwhile determine the best analysis conditions. 7.2 Blank test A blank test is performed along with the specimen analysis. According to the analysis method of the specimen, add the corresponding pure iron flux and tungsten particles. Carry out at least three blank tests. Blanks are subtracted from subsequent specimen measurements. 7.3 Calibration 7.3.1 Carbon calibration with calcium carbonate purity standards Weigh 0.05 g of calcium carbonate purity standard (4.3), accurate to 0.0001 g. Place it in a crucible (5.2), that has been burned and covered with 0.2 g of pure iron flux (4.1). Then cover 1.2 g of tungsten particles (4.2). Make at least three measurements. Perform linear adjustment of the system. 7.3.2 Sulfur calibration with limestone and dolomite standards According to the sulfur content of the specimen to be tested, weigh 0.2 g of the appropriate standard (4.4), accurate to 0.0001 g. Place it in a crucible (5.2), that was burnt and covered with 0.2 g of pure iron flux (4.1). Then cover 0.2 g of pure iron flux (4.1) AND 1.2 g of tungsten particles (4.2). Make at least three measurements. Perform linear adjustment of the system. 7.4 Analysis of specimen 7.4.1 Determination of carbon content Weigh 0.05 g of the specimen, accurate to 0.0001 g. Place it in a crucible (5.2), that has been burned and covered with 0.2 g of pure iron flux (4.1). Then cover 1.2 g of tungsten particles (4.2). Use the same test conditions, procedures, operations as the measurement of standard sample, to make measurement. 7.4.2 Determination of sulfur content Weigh 0.2 g of the specimen, accurate to 0.0001 g. Place it in a crucible (5.2), that has been burned and covered with 0.2 g of pure iron flux (4.1). Then cover 0.2 g of pure iron flux (4.1) AND 1.2 g of tungsten particles (4.2). Use the same ......

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