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SB/T 223-2013 English PDF (SBT223-2007, SB223-1985)

SB/T 223-2013_English: PDF (SB/T223-2013)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
SB/T 223-2013English259 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] General specification for food machinery. Technical requirements of machining Valid SB/T 223-2013
SB/T 223-2007English359 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] General specification for food machinery. Technical requirements of machining Obsolete SB/T 223-2007
SB 223-1985English199 Add to Cart 2 days [Need to translate] (Food Machinery General technical requirements of machining technology) Obsolete SB 223-1985

Standard ID SB/T 223-2013 (SB/T223-2013)
Description (Translated English) General specification for food machinery. Technical requirements of machining
Sector / Industry Domestic Trade Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard X99
Classification of International Standard 67.260
Word Count Estimation 10,167
Date of Issue 2014/4/6
Date of Implementation 2014/12/1
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) SB/T 223-2007
Quoted Standard GB/T 3; GB/T 197; GB/T 307.1; GB/T 307.3; GB/T 1095; GB/T 1096; GB/T 1097; GB/T 1184-1996; GB/T 1243; GB/T 1804-2000; GB/T 4140; GB/T 5269; GB/T 5796.4; GB/T 6414; GB/T 10089; GB/T 10095.1; GB/T 10095.2; GB/T 10096; GB/T 10225; GB/T 11365; GB/T 12362; GB/
Drafting Organization Beijing Institute of Mechanical Services
Administrative Organization National Commercial Machinery Standardization Technical Committee
Regulation (derived from) Ministry of Commerce Announcement No. 23 of 2014
Proposing organization People's Republic of China Ministry of Commerce
Issuing agency(ies) People's Republic of China Ministry of Commerce

Standard ID SB/T 223-2007 (SB/T223-2007)
Description (Translated English) General specification for food machinery. Technical requirements of machining
Sector / Industry Domestic Trade Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard X99
Classification of International Standard 67.260
Word Count Estimation 9,986
Date of Issue 2007-03-28
Date of Implementation 2007-09-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) SB 223-1985
Quoted Standard GB/T 3; GB/T 197; GB/T 307.1; GB/T 307.3; GB/T 1095; GB/T 1096; GB/T 1097; GB/T 1184-1996; GB/T 1243; GB/T 1804-2000; GB/T 4140; GB/T 5269; GB/T 5796.4; GB/T 6414; GB/T 10089; GB/T 10095.1; GB/T 10095.2; GB/T 10096; GB/T 10225; GB/T 11365; GB/T 12362; GB/T 15826.1; JB/T 9168.1; JB/T 9168.2; JB/T 9168.3; JB/T 9168.4; JB/T 9168.5; JB/T 9168.6; JB/T 9168.7; JB/T 9168.8; JB/T 9168.9; JB/T 9168.10; JB/T 9168.11; JB/T 9168.12; JB/T 9168.13
Drafting Organization Zhejiang University of Commerce and Industry
Administrative Organization National Standardization Technical Committee Business Machines
Regulation (derived from) ?Ministry of Commerce 2007 Announcement No.38; Ministry of Commerce 2014 No.23 Announcement
Summary This standard specifies the technical requirements of machining required no special food machinery machining parts. This standard applies to food mechanical parts.

Standard ID SB 223-1985 (SB223-1985)
Description (Translated English) (Food Machinery General technical requirements of machining technology)
Sector / Industry Domestic Trade Industry Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard X90
Word Count Estimation 4,442
Date of Issue 1985/11/1
Date of Implementation 1985/12/1
Regulation (derived from) Ministry of Commerce 2007 Notice No. 38

SB/T 223-2013 General specification for food machinery.Technical requirements of machining ICS 67.260 X99 Record Number. 47007-2014 People's Republic of China domestic trade industry standards Replacing SB/T 223-2007 Food machinery - General requirements Machining technology requirements Issued on. 2014-04-06 2014-12-01 implementation People's Republic of China Ministry of Commerce released Foreword This standard is one of series of industry standard "Food machinery - General requirements." This series of industry standards, including. --- SB/T 222 Food machinery - General requirements basic technical requirements; --- SB/T 223 Food machinery - General requirements machining technology requirements; --- SB/T 224 Food machinery - General requirements assembly technology requirements; --- SB/T 225 Food machinery - General requirements castings technical requirements; --- SB/T 226 Food machinery - General requirements welding, riveting pieces of technical requirements; --- SB/T 227 Food Machinery General technical conditions electrical installations technical requirements; --- SB/T 228 Food Machinery General technical conditions painted surfaces; --- SB/T 229 Food Machinery General technical conditions products packaging technology requirements; --- SB/T 230 Food Machinery General technical conditions products inspection rules; --- SB/T 231 Food machinery - General requirements for product labeling, transport and storage. This standard was drafted in accordance with GB/T 1.1-2009 given rules. This standard is the SB/T 223-2007 "Food machinery - General requirements machining technology requirements," the revision of the standard and SB/T 223-2007 main differences are as follows. --- Revise normative documents and language reference guide GB/T 1243 and other references to the name of the standard; --- Identified in Tables 1 to 8, Table 13 and Table 15 value ranges. The standard proposed by the People's Republic of China Ministry of Commerce. This standard by the National Standardization Technical Committee of commercial machinery. This standard was drafted. Beijing Institute of Mechanical Services, Food Machinery Co., Ltd. Guangdong Henglian, Anhui Valin West kitchen equipment shares have Limited. The main drafters of this standard. Chenguang Jie, Liu Wenzhong, Xu Zhenghua MULTIPURPOSE, Lai Ping Kuen, Mr. Peter Paul. This standard replaces the standards previously issued as follows. --- SB 223-1985; --- SB/T 223-2007. Food machinery - General requirements Machining technology requirements 1 Scope This standard specifies the technical requirements of machining No specific requirements of food machinery parts machining. This standard applies to food machinery parts. 2 Normative references The following documents for the application of this document is essential. For dated references, only the dated version suitable for use herein Member. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies to this document. GB/T 3 common thread ending, from the shoulder, undercuts and chamfers GB/T 197 common thread tolerance GB/T 307.1 Rolling to the heart bearing tolerance GB/T 307.3 bearings - General technical rules Sectional dimensions GB/T 1095 flat key keyway GB/T 1096 Ordinary flat key GB/T 1097 oriented flat key GB/T 1184-1996 shape and position tolerances without individual tolerance value GB/T 1243 Short pitch transmission precision roller chains, bush chains, attachments and sprockets GB/T 1804-2000 General tolerances Tolerances for linear and angular dimensions without individual tolerance GB/T 4140 with flat top conveyor chains and sprockets GB/T 5269 for transmission and conveyors Double pitch precision roller chains, attachments and sprockets GB/T 5796.4 trapezoidal thread - Part 4. Tolerances GB/T 6414 casting dimensional tolerances and machining allowances GB/T 10089 cylindrical worm and precision GB/T 10095.1 cylindrical gear accuracy system - Part 1. Definitions tooth surface deviation and ipsilateral tooth allowable value GB/T 10095.2 cylindrical gear accuracy system - Part 2. radial composite deviations and runout Definitions and allowable values GB/T 10096 precision rack GB/T 10225 small module precision bevel gears GB/T 11365 bevel gear and hypoid gear precision GB/T 12362 pieces of steel forging tolerances and machining allowances GB/T 21469 hammer on steel forgings Machining allowances and tolerances General requirements JB/T 9168 (all parts) cutting general procedure Code 3 Technical requirements 3.1 General requirements 3.3.1 Part shall comply with the relevant product drawings and technical documents approved by the prescribed procedures, and shall conform to this standard. ......

SB/T 223-2007 General specification for food machinery.Technical requirements of machining ICS 67.260 X99 Record number. 20477-2007 People's Republic of China domestic trade industry standard Replacing SB 223-1985 General technical conditions for food machinery Machining technical requirements Released on.2007-03-28 2007-09-01 implementation Published by the Ministry of Commerce Foreword This standard is a revision of SB 223-1985 "Technical Requirements for Mechanical Processing of General Technical Conditions for Food Machinery". Compared with SB 223-1985, the main changes of this standard are as follows. --- Amend the original standard for the size, shape and position of the parts without tolerances; --- Amend the original standard provisions on cylindrical gears, bevel gears, worm gears, threads, rolling bearings; --- Increased the basic principles that should be observed in the machining process, the machining allowance of the casting blank, and the machining allowance of the forging blank Volume, un-chamfered height and rounding radius, chamfering height and rounding radius unfilled tolerance, angle unfilled tolerance, unfilled surface roughness Degree, rack accuracy, trapezoidal thread tolerance, shape and tolerance of keys and keyways; --- Added Chapter 5, "Other Requirements." This standard is one of the series of industry standards "General technical conditions for food machinery". The rest of the series of "General Technical Conditions for Food Machinery" Industry standards are. ---SB/T 222 Basic technical requirements for general technical conditions of food machinery; ---SB/T 224 food machinery general technical conditions assembly technical requirements; ---SB/T 225 Technical requirements for general technical conditions castings for food machinery; ---SB/T 226 General technical requirements for food machinery, technical requirements for welding and riveting; ---SB/T 227 Technical requirements for general technical requirements of food machinery; ---SB/T 228 general technical conditions for food machinery surface painting; ---SB/T 229 General requirements for food machinery; technical requirements for product packaging; ---SB/T 230 food machinery general technical conditions product inspection rules; ---SB/T 231 General technical conditions for food machinery, marking, transportation and storage. This standard replaces SB 223-1985 as of the date of implementation. This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Commercial Machinery Standardization Technical Committee. This standard was drafted. Zhejiang Gongshang University, National Food Service Machinery Quality Supervision and Inspection Center. The main drafters of this standard. He Yangchun, Fu Yuying, Liu Xu, Wang Yubo, Hong Yuping. General technical conditions for food machinery Machining technical requirements 1 range This standard specifies the mechanical processing technical requirements for food machinery cutting parts without special requirements. This standard applies to food machinery parts. 2 Normative references The terms in the following documents become the terms of this standard by reference to this standard. All dated references, followed by all Modifications (not including errata content) or revisions do not apply to this standard, however, parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to study Is it possible to use the latest version of these files? For undated references, the latest edition applies to this standard. GB/T 3 common thread finishing, shoulder distance, undercut and chamfer GB/T 197 ordinary thread tolerance GB/T 307.1 rolling bearing radial bearing tolerance GB/T 307.3 General technical rules for rolling bearings Sectional dimensions of GB/T 1095 flat keyway GB/T 1096 ordinary type flat key GB/T 1097 oriented flat key GB/T 1184-1996 Shape and position tolerances without tolerance values GB/T 1243 precision roller chain and sprocket for short pitch transmission GB/T 1804-2000 General tolerances and tolerances for linear and angular dimensions without tolerances GB/T 4140 flat top chain and sprocket for transportation GB/T 5269 double pitch precision roller chain and sprocket for transmission and conveying GB/T 5796.4 Trapezoidal thread tolerance GB/T 6414 casting dimensional tolerance and machining allowance GB/T 10089 cylindrical worm, worm gear accuracy GB/T 10095.1 Involute cylindrical gears - Part 1 . Definitions and permissible values GB/T 10095.2 Involute cylindrical gears - Part 2. Definitions and permissible values for radial integrated deviation and radial runout GB/T 10096 rack accuracy GB/T 10225 small modulus bevel gear accuracy GB/T 11365 bevel gear and hypoid gear precision GB/T 12362 steel die forgings tolerance and machining allowance GB/T 15826.1 General requirements for machining allowances and tolerances for steel free forgings on hammers JB/T 9168.1~9168.13 General Code of Practice for Cutting 3 General requirements 3.1 Parts shall comply with the product drawings approved by the prescribed procedures and the relevant technical documents, and shall comply with the provisions of this standard. 3.2 Casting and forging blanks shall be left with cutting allowance according to GB/T 6414, GB/T 12362 and GB/T 15826.1. 3.3 The machining of parts shall comply with the basic principles of cutting as specified in JB/T 9168.1 to 9168.13. ......

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