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QC/T 771-2017 English PDF (QC/T 771-2006)

QC/T 771-2017_English: PDF (QC/T771-2017)
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QC/T 771-2017English180 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Specifications of diesel-fuel fine filter assembly with paper element for automotive diesels Valid QC/T 771-2017
QC/T 771-2006English439 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Specifications of diesel-fuel fine filter assembly with paper element for automotive diesels Obsolete QC/T 771-2006

Standard ID QC/T 771-2017 (QC/T771-2017)
Description (Translated English) Specifications of diesel-fuel fine filter assembly with paper element for automotive diesels
Sector / Industry Automobile & Vehicle Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard T13
Word Count Estimation 16,135
Date of Issue 2017-01-09
Date of Implementation 2017-07-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) QC/T 771-2006
Regulation (derived from) Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Announcement No.2 of 2017
Summary This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods and inspection rules, as well as marking, packaging, transportation and storage of diesel diesel engine paper filter (including composite filter material filter) diesel fine filter assembly (referred to as assembly).

Standard ID QC/T 771-2006 (QC/T771-2006)
Description (Translated English) Specifications of diesel-fuel fine filter assembly with paper element for automotive diesels
Sector / Industry Automobile & Vehicle Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard T11
Classification of International Standard 43.060.99
Word Count Estimation 11,180
Date of Issue 2006-12-17
Date of Implementation 2007-05-01
Quoted Standard GB/T 2828.1; QC/T 772-2006
Adopted Standard ISO 12103-2-1997, MOD
Drafting Organization Chongqing Automobile Research Institute (Emissions and Energy Study Department)
Administrative Organization National Automotive Standardization Technical Committee
Regulation (derived from) NDRC Notice 2006 No. 90
Summary This standard specifies the automotive diesel fuel fine filter paper filter assembly of the technical requirements, test methods and inspection rules and signs, packaging, transport and storage. This standard applies to volumetric flow rate of 3. 5L/min (210L/h) or less automotive diesel fuel fine filter paper filter assembly (hereinafter referred to as assembly), including spin-on replaceable cartridge and filter assembly.

QC/T 771-2017 AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 43.060.40 T 13 Replacing QC/T 771-2006 Specifications of Diesel-Fuel Fine Filter Assembly with Paper Element for Automobile Diesels ISSUED ON: JANUARY 09, 2017 IMPLEMENTED ON: JULY 01, 2017 Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of PRC Table of Contents Announcement ... 2 Foreword ... 9 1 Scope ... 11 2 Normative References ... 11 3 Terms and Definitions ... 12 4 Technical Requirements ... 12 5 Inspection Rules ... 18 6 Marking, Packaging, Transportation and Storage ... 19 Foreword This Standard was drafted as per the rules specified in GB/T 1.1-2009 Directives for Standardization – Part 1: Structure and Drafting of Standards. This Standard was used in conjunction with QC/T 772-2017 Test Methods of Diesel- Fuel Filer for Automobiles. This Standard replaced QC/T 771-2006 Specifications of Diesel-Fuel Fine Filter Assembly with Paper Element for Automotive Diesels. Compared with QC/T 771-2006, this Standard ha the major technical changes as follows: --- Add the applicable range of flow from 3.5 L/min (210 L/h) to 15 L/min (900 L/h); --- Add GB/T 14041.1-2007 Hydraulic Fluid Power - Filter Elements - Part 1: Verification of Fabrication Integrity and Determination of the First Bubble Point (ISO 2942: 2004 IDT) to regulate filter element integrity; --- Modify the original filtration efficiency of the assembly according to GB/T 28957.1-2012 Road Vehicles - Test Dust for Filter Evaluation - Part 1: Silicon Dioxide Test Dust (ISO 12103-1:1997, Road Vehicles-Test Dust for Filter Evaluation - Part 1: Arizona Test Dust, MOD), and GB/T 28957.2-2012 Road Vehicles - Test Dust for Filter Evaluation - Part 2: Aluminum Oxide Test Dust (ISO 12103-2:1997 IDT); --- Add HG/T 4392-2012 Rubber Seals for Automobile Filter to regulate the performance of rubber seals; --- Add the original resistance value of diesel fine filters with accessories such as manual pumps and heaters; --- Add the diesel fine filter with gravity or inertial water separation device according to 5.5.3 The oil-water separation efficiency Limit value in the tested free water separation (full sample method) from the fuel in QC/T 772-2017 Test Methods of Diesel-Fuel Filer for Automobiles; --- Add the water separation efficiency value according to 5.5.4 tested free water (sampling method) separation from the fuel in QC/T 772-2017 Test Methods of Diesel-Fuel Filer for Automobiles; --- Add the water separation efficiency value according to 5.5.5 tested emulsified water (sampling method) separation from the fuel in QC/T 772-2017 Test Methods of Diesel-Fuel Filer for Automobiles; --- Add the high and low temperature resistance requirements; Specifications of Diesel-Fuel Fine Filter Assembly with Paper Element for Automobile Diesels 1 Scope This Standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods and inspection rules, as well as marking, packaging, transportation and storage of diesel-fuel fine filter assembly (referred to as assembly) with paper filter elements (including composite filter element) for automobile diesels. This Standard is applicable to diesel-fuel fine filter assembly (including spin-on assemblies and assemblies with replaceable filter element) with paper element for automobile diesels with a volume flow rate of 15 L/min (900 L/h) or less. For the other paper element for diesel with the flow rate of more than 15L/min (900 L/h) can refer to this application. 2 Normative References The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) are applicable to this document. GB/T 2828 Sampling Procedures and Tables for Lot-by-Lot Inspection by Attributes (Apply to Inspection of Successive Lots or Batches) GB/T 10125-2012 Corrosion Tests in Artificial Atmospheres - Salt Spray Tests GB/T 28957.1-2012 Road Vehicles - Test Dust for Filter Evaluation - Part 1: Silicon Dioxide Test Dust GB/T 28957.2-2012 Road Vehicles - Test Dust for Filter Evaluation - Part 2: Aluminum Oxide Test Dust GB/T 14041.1-2007 Hydraulic Fluid Power - Filter Elements - Part 1: Verification of Fabrication Integrity and Determination of the First Bubble Point QC/T 772-2017 Test Methods of Diesel-Fuel Filter for Automobiles HG/T 4392-2012 Rubber Seals for Automobile Filter SAE J 1985-2006 Fuel Filter Initial Single-Pass Efficiency Test Method 3 Terms and Definitions For the purpose of this Standard, the terms and definitions given in QC/T 772-2017 and the following apply. 3.1 Diesel-fuel fine filter The last level of diesel filter that protects the diesel injecting device. 4 Technical Requirements 4.1 General The assembly shall be manufactured in accordance with the product drawings and technical documents approved by the prescribed procedures, and its technical requirements shall comply with the provisions of this Standard. 4.2 Performance 4.2.1 Sealing property. Test according to 5.1 in QC/T 772-2017. The assembly is installed on a test bench; inject the dry air of the specified pressure (or the pressure required by the test program) inside. The holding time is at least 1 min. The joint surface and the sealing surface of the assembly are allowed not to be leaked (no bubbles overflow). The technical requirements for the sealing property of the assembly are given in Table 1. Table 1 – Technical Requirements for Sealing Property of the Assembly Types of diesel filters Technical requirements Diesel filter installed before the oil transfer pump If the internal pressure of the assembly reaches 400Pa, the joint surface, sealing surface and all positions of the assembly are not allowed to be leaked (no bubbles overflow) Diesel filter installed after the oil transfer pump If the internal pressure of the assembly reaches 500Pa, the joint surface, sealing surface and all positions of the assembly are not allowed to be leaked (no bubbles overflow) 4.2.2 Integrity of filter element Test on the integrity of filter element shall be conducted as per GB/T 14041.1- 2007. Meet the requirements of 4.2.1 for sealing property. Disassemble the diesel filter to check whether the internal filter element is de-glued, whether the joint is reliable, whether the filter paper is cracked, whether there are defects such as plastic swelling and metal corrosion. 4.2.13 Vibration fatigue. Test according to 5.9 in QC/T 772-2017. The assembly is installed in the way of loading (machine). After the vibration fatigue test is performed under the prescribed vibration parameters, the following defects are not allowed, such as permanent deformation, cracking, leakage at the seal connection, and swelling deformation of the seal ring. Before the assembly test, the sealing test shall be carried out in accordance with 5.1 in QC/T 772-2017; and after confirming that it meets the requirements of 4.2.1, the vibration fatigue test shall be performed. After the test, recheck whether the sealing property meet the requirements, and whether conform to the provisions of Before the assembly test, there is test oil inside it, and the maintained oil pressure is (34.5 ± 0.1) kPa. During and after the test, check whether there is any test oil leakage or the oil pressure is reduced, and whether conform to the provisions of 4.2.14 Sealing ring material. The seal ring of the assembly shall be made of a diesel-resistant elastic material. The performance of the seal ring of the assembly meets the performance requirements of HG/T 4392-2012. 4.2.15 Anti-rust treatment. All parts made of steel material in the assembly shall take the anti-rust treatment. According to the provisions of GB/T 10125-2012, passing the neutral salt spray test for 100h is considered qualified. 4.3 Appearance 4.3.1 The visual inspection of the assembly and filter element is performed by visual examination, unless otherwise specified. 4.3.2 The outer surface of the assembly shall be smooth and flat, and no defects such as wrinkles, bumps, sharp corners, burrs, etc. are allowed. 4.3.3 The plating and coating on the surface of the assembly shall be uniform and smooth; and no defects such as dirt, sagging, exposed bottom, peeling, etc. are allowed. 5 Inspection Rules 5.1 Pass the inspection Each product shall pass the inspection of the quality inspection department and be attached with a product certificate before leaving the factory. 5.2 Exit-factory inspection 5.2.1 The inspection items are 4.2.1 and 4.3. 5.2.2 When the ordering organization conducts random inspection of products, it shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 2828. The sampling plan and the qualified quality level AQL value shall be agreed between the supplier and the purchaser. 5.3 Type inspection 5.3.1 Selection of type inspection. Type inspection should be carried out in one of the following cases: a) When finalizing and identifying the new products; b) When the major changes in structure, materials and processes may affect the performance, after the normal production; c) When in normal production, inspection shall be carried out every 2 years; d) When there is a big difference between the exit-factory inspection result and the latest type inspection result; e) When a national quality supervision agency requests a type inspection. 5.3.2 The items for type inspection are all items specified in Clause 4. The vibration fatigue test of the assembly is an optional test item. 5.3.3 The sampling plan shall be agreed between the supplier and the purchaser, but shall be no less than 3 pieces. ......

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