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QC/T 691-2011 English PDF (QC/T 691-2002)

QC/T 691-2011_English: PDF (QC/T691-2011)
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QC/T 691-2011English85 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Technical specification of single-fuel natural gas vehicle engine Valid QC/T 691-2011
QC/T 691-2002English559 Add to Cart 4 days [Need to translate] (Natural gas vehicle fuel engine technology alone condition) Obsolete QC/T 691-2002

Standard ID QC/T 691-2011 (QC/T691-2011)
Description (Translated English) Technical specification of single-fuel natural gas vehicle engine
Sector / Industry Automobile & Vehicle Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard T47
Classification of International Standard 43.060
Word Count Estimation 21,299
Date of Issue 2011-05-18
Date of Implementation 2011-08-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) QC/T 691-2002
Quoted Standard GB/T 1147.1; GB/T 1859; GB 7258; GB 11340; GB 14023; GB 14097; GB 17691; GB/T 17692; GB/T 17895; GB 18047; GB 18285; GB/T 18297; GB 18352.3; GB/T 19055; GB/T 19204; GB/T 19240; GB/T 20734; GB 20890; GB/T 23335; HJ 438; QC/T 245; QC/T 526; QC/T 755; QC/T 901
Drafting Organization China First Automobile Group Corporation Technology Center
Administrative Organization National Automotive Standardization Technical Committee
Regulation (derived from) Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Bulletin No. 13 of 2011
Summary This standard specifies a single vehicle gas fueled engines (including compressed natural gas and liquefied without liquid injection gas engines) the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and signs, packaging, transportation, storage. This standard applies to compressed natural gas tank is not greater than the nominal working pressure 20MPa and liquefied natural gas storage cylinders nominal working pressure is less than 1. 6MPa vehicle with a single fuel engine.

Standard ID QC/T 691-2002 (QC/T691-2002)
Description (Translated English) (Natural gas vehicle fuel engine technology alone condition)
Sector / Industry Automobile & Vehicle Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard T11
Classification of International Standard 43.060
Word Count Estimation 14,192
Date of Issue 2002/12/31
Date of Implementation 2003/3/1
Regulation (derived from) Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Notice 2011 No. 13

ICS 43.060 T 47 INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Replacing QC/T 691-2002 Technical Specification of Single-Fuel Natural Gas Vehicle Engine ISSUED ON. MAY 18, 2011 IMPLEMENTED ON. AUGUST 01, 2011 Issued by. Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China QC 3. No action is required - Full-copy of this standard will be automatically & immediately delivered to your EMAIL address in 0~60 minutes. Announcement of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China GONG GAO [2011] No. 13 Ministry of Industry and Information Technology approved 625 professional standards (standard number, name, main content and implementation date are detailed in Appendix 1) such as "HV Rectifier Transformer for Electrostatic Precipitator" and one professional standard amendment for textile (detailed in Appendix 2). Therein. 285 mechanical industry standards, 22 automotive industry standards, 6 pharmaceutical equipment industry standards, 46 textile industry standards, 16 light industry standards, 19 chemical industry standard, 2 metallurgical industry standards, 34 petrochemical industry standards, 4 ship industry standards, 1 gold industry standard and 190 communication industry standards are now announced. The above-mentioned mechanical industry standards were published by China Machine Press, automotive, pharmaceutical equipment and chemical industry standards were published by China Planning Press, textile and gold industry standards were published by China Standards Press, light industry standards were published by China Light Industry Press, metallurgical industry standards were published by Metallurgical Industry Press, petrochemical industry standards were published by China Petrochemical Press, ship industry standards were organized and published by China Technology Research & Economy Development Institute and communication industry standards were published by Post & Telecommunication Press. Attachment. Numbers, Names and Implementation Date of 22 Professional Standards for Automobiles Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China May 18, 2011 Attachment. Serial Number, Name and Implementation Date of 22 Professional Standards for Automobiles No. Serial number of the standard Name Standard superseded Implementation date 286 QC/T 696-2011 The Centralized Lubrication System of Automotive Chassis QC/T 696-2002 2011-08-01 287 QC/T 843-2011 General Specifications for Limousine 2011-08-01 288 QC/T 844-2011 Technical Specification of Recliner for Passenger Car Seats 2011-08-01 289 QC/T 585-2011 Mechanical Jacks of Passenger Cars QC/T 585-1999 2011-08-01 290 QC/T 845-2011 Passenger Car - Technique Specification of Lock for Seat 2011-08-01 291 QC/T 241-2011 Air Leakage Test Methods of Automobile Wheels for Tubeless Tires QC/T 241-1997 2011-08-01 292 QC/T 259-2011 Performance Requirements and Test Methods of Joint between Rim and Disc QC/T 259-1998 2011-08-01 293 QC/T 846-2011 Generic Specifications for Heavy-duty Flat Transporter 2011-08-01 294 QC/T 847-2011 Sewer Dredge Vehicle 2011-08-01 295 QC/T 848-2011 Hook Loader Container Handling Device 2011-08-01 296 QC/T 849-2011 Mobile Stage Vehicle 2011-08-01 297 QC/T 319-2011 Power - Take-Off for Special Purpose Vehicles QC/T 319-1999 2011-08-01 298 QC/T 693-2011 Technical Specification of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Engine QC/T 693-2002 2011-08-01 299 QC/T 691-2011 Technical Specification of Single-Fuel Natural Gas Vehicle Engine QC/T 691-2002 2011-08-01 300 QC/T 692-2011 Technical Specification of Gasoline/NG Bi-fuel Engine QC/T 692-2002 2011-08-01 QC/T 29063.1-2011 Technical Specification for Auto Manual Transmission Assembly - Part 1. Mini-vehicle QC/T 29063-1992 2011-08-01 302 QC/T 568.1-2011 Rig Testing Method for Auto Manual Transmission QC/T 568-1999 2011-08-01 Assembly - Part 1. Mini-vehicle 303 QC/T 474-2011 Buses-Ride Comfort-Evaluation Value and Limits QC/T 474-1999 2011-08-01 304 QC/T 850-2011 Polyurethane Foam for Seating of Passenger Car 2011-08-01 305 QC/T 80-2011 Road Vehicles - Polyamide (PA) Tubing for Air Braking Systems QC/T 80-1993 2011-08-01 306 QC/T 851-2011 Reinforcement Adhesive Sheet for Automobile 2011-08-01 307 QC/T 852-2011 Hemming Adhesive for Automobile 2011-08-01 Contents Foreword ... I 1 Scope ... 1 2 Normative References ... 1 3 Terms and Definitions ... 2 4 Technical Requirements ... 2 5 Test Methods ... 4 6 Inspection Rules ... 5 7 Marking, Packaging, Transportation and Storage... 5 Appendix A (Normative) Main Parameters for Single-Fuel Natural Gas Vehicle Engine ... 7 Appendix B (Normative) Vehicle Natural Gas Quality Requirements ... 12 Foreword This standard supersedes QC/T 691-2002 Technical specification of Single-fuel Natural Gas Vehicle Engine The normative references in the former standard have been superseded by other references; therefore, this revision focuses on the changes of the references. The revision is concentrated on the drainage requirement and test methods of engine and technical requirements for special natural gas device and its installation. The revision for this standard covers the liquefied natural gas engine. This standard is proposed by and under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee on Road Vehicles of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 114). Chief drafting organization of this standard. China FAW Group Corporation R & D Center. Chief drafting staff of this standard. Dou Huili, Yan Tao, Wang Yu, Yu Guifang. PROFESSIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Technical Specification of Single-Fuel Natural Gas Vehicle Engine 1 Scope This standard specifies single-fuel natural gas vehicle engine (including compressed natural gas engine and liquid spray free liquefied natural gas engine) in terms of technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging, transport and storage. This standard is applicable to single-fuel vehicle engine for the following. nominal working pressure of compressed natural gas cylinder is less than or equal to 20MPa and for which nominal working pressure of liquefied natural gas cylinder is less than or equal to 1.6MPa. 2 Normative References The following documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated reference, only the dated edition applies. For undated documents, the latest edition of the normative document (including all the amendments) referred to applies. GB/T 1147.1 Small and Medium Power Internal Combustion Engines - Part 1. General Requirements GB/T 1859 Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines - Measurement of Emitted Airborne Noise - Engineering Method and Survey Method GB 7258 Safety Specifications for Power-driven Vehicles Operating on Roads GB 11340 Limits and Measurement Methods for Crankcase Pollutants from Heavy-Duty Vehicles Equipped with P.I Engines GB 14023 Vehicles Boats and Internal Combustion Engine Driven Devices - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and Methods of Measurement GB 14097 Noise Limits for Small and Medium Power Diesel Engines GB 17691 Limits and Measurement Methods for Exhaust Pollutants from Compression Ignition and Gas Fuelled Positive Ignition Engines of Vehicles (III, IV, V) GB/T 17692 Measurement Methods of Net Power for Automotive Engines GB/T 17895 Natural Gas Vehicle and Liquefied Petroleum Gas Vehicle - Vocabulary GB 18047 Compressed Natural Gas as Vehicle Fuel GB 18285 Limits and Measurement Methods for Exhaust Pollutants from Vehicles Equipped Ignition Engine under Two-Speed Idle Conditions and Simple Driving Mode Conditions GB/T 18297 Performance Test Code for Road Vehicle Engines GB 18352.3 Limits and Measurement Methods for Emissions from Light-duty Vehicles (III, IV) GB/T 19055 Reliability Test Methods for Motor Vehicle Engines GB/T 19204 General Characteristics of Liquefied Natural Gas GB/T 19240 Mounting Requirements of Special Equipment for Compressed Natural Vehicles GB/T 20734 Mounting Requirements for Liquefied Natural Gas Vehicle Special Equipment GB 20890 Test Procedures and Requirements of Durability of Emission Control Systems for Heavy-Duty Vehicles GB/T 23335 Natural Gas Vehicles - Engineering Approval Evaluation Program HJ 438 Durability of Emission Control Systems of Compression Ignition and Gas Fuelled Positive Ignition Engines of Vehicles QC/T 245 Technical Specifications for Isolated Plant of Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle QC/T 526 Automobile Engine - Engineerin... ......

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