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QC/T 629-2021 English PDF (QC/T 629-2005, QC/T 629-1999)

QC/T 629-2021_English: PDF (QC/T629-2021)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
QC/T 629-2021English275 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Automobile sun shield Valid QC/T 629-2021
QC/T 629-2005English559 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Automobile sun shield Obsolete QC/T 629-2005
QC/T 629-1999English519 Add to Cart 4 days [Need to translate] (Car sun visor) Obsolete QC/T 629-1999

Standard ID QC/T 629-2021 (QC/T629-2021)
Description (Translated English) Automobile sun shield
Sector / Industry Automobile & Vehicle Industry Standard (Recommended)
Word Count Estimation 18,146
Date of Issue 2021-03-05
Date of Implementation 2021-07-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) QC/T 629-2005

Standard ID QC/T 629-2005 (QC/T629-2005)
Description (Translated English) Automobile sun shield
Sector / Industry Automobile & Vehicle Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard T26
Classification of International Standard 43.040.60
Word Count Estimation 14,198
Date of Issue 2005-11-28
Date of Implementation 2006-06-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) QC/T 629-1999
Adopted Standard ISO 105-B06-1998, MOD
Drafting Organization Yanfeng Visteon Automotive Trim Systems Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization National Automotive Standardization Technical Committee
Regulation (derived from) NDRC Notice No. 71 of 2005
Summary This standard specifies the technical requirements of the car sun visor, test methods and inspection rules and signs, packaging, transport and storage. This standard applies to car sun visor, excluding shutter type, tinted glass and other types.

Standard ID QC/T 629-1999 (QC/T629-1999)
Description (Translated English) (Car sun visor)
Sector / Industry Automobile & Vehicle Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard T26
Classification of International Standard 43.040.60
Word Count Estimation 13,180
Date of Issue 1999/11/28
Date of Implementation 2000/7/1
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) ZB T26001-1987; ZB T26002-1987
Regulation (derived from) State-Development-Reform Commission Notice 2005 No. 71

QC/T 629-2021 QC AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 43.040.60 CCS T 26 Replacing QC/T 629-2005 Automobile sun visor ISSUED ON: MARCH 05, 2021 IMPLEMENTED ON: JULY 01, 2021 Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of PRC Table of Contents Foreword ... 5 1 Scope ... 7 2 Normative references ... 7 3 Terms and definitions ... 8 4 Technical requirements ... 9 5 Test method ... 12 6 Inspection rules ... 20 7 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage ... 22 Appendix A (Normative) Method for determining equivalent moment of sun visor ... 24 Automobile sun visor 1 Scope This document specifies the terms and definitions, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation, storage of automobile sun visors. This document applies to automobile sun visors (not including roller blinds, tinted glass and other types of sun visors). 2 Normative references The contents of the following documents constitute the indispensable clauses of this document through normative references in the text. Among them, for dated reference documents, only the version corresponding to that date is applicable to this document; for undated reference documents, the latest version (including all amendments) is applicable to this document. GB/T 250-2008 Textiles - Tests for color fastness - Grey scale for assessing change in color GB 8410 Flammability of automotive interior materials GB 11551 The protection of the occupants in the event of a frontal collision for motor vehicle GB 11552 The interior fittings of passenger car GB 11562-2014 Motor vehicles forward visibility for drivers - Requirements and measurement methods GB/T 16422.2-2014 Plastics - Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources - Part 2: Xenon-arc sources GB 38262 Flammability of interior materials for buses QC/T 484 Automotive paint coating QC/T 625 Metallic coatings and conversion coatings for automobiles 3.7 The spring back angle The included angle of the sun visor body, from the rebound starting point to the rebound end point. 3.8 Working area The area, which is covered by the sun visor body, when is flipped from the rebound starting point to the foremost position, that is, the actual use range of the sun visor body. 4 Technical requirements 4.1 General requirements 4.1.1 The sun visor shall conform to the product drawings and design documents, which are approved by the prescribed procedures. 4.1.2 The sun visor is installed on the upper beam of the automobile windshield frame, the upper end of the front windshield, or the A-pillar and other parts, which have certain strength. When the sun visor body rotates around the X axis, to the lowest position of its lower edge, THEN, for the category M1 vehicle, the lower edge of the sun visor may be within the range 0° ~ 2° of the pitch angle, which is determined by the V1 point specified in GB 11562-2014. For the other categories of vehicles, the lower edge of the sun visor may be located within the range 0° ~ 4° of the pitch angle, which is determined by the V1 point specified in GB 11562-2014. when the sun visor is not in use, it shall not reduce the driver’s front vision. 4.1.3 The body of the sun visor shall be made of energy-absorbing and shock- absorbing materials OR the surface covered with flexible materials OR designed as an energy-absorbing and shock-absorbing structure. The sun visor shall not have sharp corners. The sun visor of category M1 vehicles shall meet the requirements of GB 11552. 4.1.4 The sun visor shall be adjusted flexibly, smoothly, without abnormal noise. It can be stopped at any position, in the work area; it shall not change position with the vibration of the vehicle body. 4.1.5 For vehicles, which are equipped with airbags on the front passenger side, the sun visor's label shall meet the requirements of GB 11551. 4.2 Appearance requirements 4.2.1 The color and pattern of the sun visor shall be consistent with the color plate or sample, which is approved by the specified procedures. 4.2.2 If heat-sealed seams are used around the sun visor, the height of the heat- sealed seams shall not be greater than 0.5 mm. 4.2.3 The sun visor body and accessories shall have a smooth appearance, without warping. 4.2.4 The skin of the sun visor shall be free from defects, such as wrinkles, bumps, ripples, slack, cracks, stains, peeling off of warning labels. 4.2.5 The surface of plastic parts shall be smooth and free of defects, such as burrs, warpage, obvious parting lines. 4.2.6 The metal installation parts must be corrosion-resistant; the surface shall be smooth AND free from cracks or rust. The metal plating layer and chemical treatment layer shall meet the relevant requirements of QC/T 625. The paint coating shall meet the relevant requirements of QC/T 484. 4.2.7 After the sun visor is assembled according to the actual assembly position in the vehicle, the cantilever end of the body shall fit the mounting surface; the body shall not sag. 4.3 Performance requirements 4.3.1 Operating torque Operating torque of sun visor rotating around X axis (referred to as vertical operating torque): At any position during the turning process, for the category N vehicles, the minimum operating torque of the sun visor shall be greater than the equivalent torque, when the vibration acceleration of the sun visor is 50 m/s2 (calculation method as shown in Appendix A); for the vehicles of other categories, the minimum operating torque of sun visor shall be greater than the equivalent torque, when the vibration acceleration of the sun visor is 35 m/s2 (calculation method as shown in Appendix A); the maximum operating torque shall be less than 4 N • m (when the minimum operating torque is not less than 4 N • m, the operating torque can be determined, through negotiation, between the supplier and the buyer). The operating torque of the sun visor rotating around the Y axis (referred to as the horizontal operating torque): At any position, the minimum operating torque shall be greater than 0.4 N • m; the maximum operating torque shall be less than 4 N • m. This requirement does not apply to non-rollover type sun visor. After testing in accordance with the provisions of 5.13, the sun visor shall be free from warpage, deformation, discoloration, cracks, loose connections, or other abnormal changes. 4.3.11 Resistance to low temperature After testing in accordance with the provisions of 5.14, the sun visor shall meet the provisions of 4.3.1 and; the body shall have no abnormal noise, during the turning process. 4.3.12 Lightfastness After testing in accordance with the provisions of 5.15, there shall be no abnormal changes in the appearance of the sun visor, such as deformation, chalking, or cracking; the gray-scale color fastness level shall be greater than or equal to level 4, in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 250-2008. 4.3.13 Combustion characteristics The combustion characteristics of passenger car's sun visors shall meet the requirements of GB 38262. The combustion characteristics of the sun visors of other vehicles shall meet the requirements of GB 8410. 5 Test method 5.1 Test conditions The test shall be carried out in an indoor environment: The test temperature shall be 23°C ± 5°C' the relative humidity of the test shall be 65% ± 20%. 5.2 Visual inspection The visual inspection of the sun visor shall be carried out according to the requirements of 4.2. The corrosion resistance of the electroplating layer and chemical treatment layer of metal parts shall be checked, according to the relevant requirements of QC/T 625. The paint coating shall be tested, according to the relevant requirements of QC/T 484. 5.3 Operating torque 5.3.1 Vertical operating torque Fix the sun visor on the bench, that simulates the assembly position of the whole vehicle. Turn the sun visor around the X axis, for 5 times. Place the dynamometer in the middle of the outer edge (see Figure 1), perpendicular to the surface of the body. At any position, measure the data at the beginning of the rotation. The operating torque is calculated by formula (1): ......

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