QB/T 2882-2023_English: PDF (QB/T2882-2023)
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QB/T 2882-2023 | English | 245 |
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Footwear - Test methods for uppers,linings and insocks - Colour fastness to rubbing and bleeding
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QB/T 2882-2023
QB/T 2882-2007 | English | 105 |
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Footwear. Test methods for uppers, linings and insocks. Colour fastness to rubbing
| Valid |
QB/T 2882-2007
Standard ID | QB/T 2882-2023 (QB/T2882-2023) | Description (Translated English) | (Footwear - Test methods for uppers, linings and insoles - Color fastness to rubbing and bleeding) | Sector / Industry | Light Industry Industry Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | Y78 | Classification of International Standard | 61.060 | Word Count Estimation | 15,141 | Date of Issue | 2023-07-28 | Date of Implementation | 2024-02-01 | Issuing agency(ies) | Ministry of Industry and Information Technology | Summary | This standard specifies three test methods (Method A, Method B and Method C) to evaluate the surface color migration of materials in dry and wet rubbing, as well as a method to determine the potential for color bleeding (Method D). This standard is applicable to the determination of the color fastness to friction and bleeding of footwear uppers, linings and insoles made of various materials. Method D is also applicable to the determination of the color fastness to friction and bleeding of sutures and laces. The methods are as follows: - Method A: Color fastness to square head reciprocating rubbing; - Method B | Standard ID | QB/T 2882-2007 (QB/T2882-2007) | Description (Translated English) | Footwear. Test methods for uppers, linings and insocks. Colour fastness to rubbing | Sector / Industry | Light Industry Industry Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | Y78 | Classification of International Standard | 61.060 | Word Count Estimation | 13,180 | Date of Issue | 2007-10-08 | Date of Implementation | 2008-03-01 | Quoted Standard | GB 250-1995; GB 251-1995; GB/T 6151-1997; GB/T 6682-1992; ISO 105-F10; ISO 18454 | Adopted Standard | ISO 17700-2004, IDT | Drafting Organization | China Leather and Footwear Industry Research Institute | Administrative Organization | National shoe Standardization Center | Regulation (derived from) | ?National Development & Reform Commission Announcement 2007 No.66 | Summary | This standard specifies two measuring methods (methods A and B). For assessing the material in the dry, wet friction of resistance to damage (scratch resistance) and surface color migration. This test method is applicable to a variety of footwear uppers material, lining and pads, aims to assess its suitability for end use. This standard also specifies the method of C, can be determined by the action of water and artificial sweat, materials and components, such as sewing thread and lace color measurement method possibilities. The purpose is to assess its suitability for end use. |
QB/T 2882-2023
ICS 61.060
CCS Y 78
Replacing QB/T 2882-2007
Footwear - Test methods for uppers, linings and insocks -
Color fastness to rubbing and bleeding
(ISO 17700:2019, Footwear - Test methods for upper components and insocks - Color
fastness to rubbing and bleeding, MDO)
ISSUED ON: JULY 28, 2023
Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of PRC
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 6
2 Normative references ... 6
3 Terms and definitions ... 7
4 Test equipment and materials ... 7
5 Sampling and environmental conditioning ... 12
6 Test method ... 13
7 Test report ... 21
Appendix A (Informative) General test conditions for Method B ... 23
This document was drafted in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 1.1-2020
"Directives for standardization - Part 1: Rules for the structure and drafting of
standardizing documents".
This document replaces QB/T 2882-2007 "Footwear - Test methods for uppers, linings
and insocks - Color fastness to rubbing". Compared with QB/T 2882-2007, in addition
to structural adjustments and editorial changes, the main technical changes are as
a) CHANGE the scope of application of the document (see Chapter 1; Chapter 1 of
the 2007 edition);
b) ADD a new test method C, changing the original method C to method D (see 4.3,
5.3, 6.1.2, 6.2.3, 7.2);
c) CHANGE the requirements for the moving distance of the metal platform in
method A (see; of the 2007 edition);
d) CHANGE the requirements for the felt block in method A (see 4.1.2; 4.1.2 of the
2007 edition);
e) CHANGE the requirements for preparing alkaline sweat in method A and method
B (see 4.1.6, 4.2.9; 4.1.6 and 4.2.9 of the 2007 edition);
f) CHANGE the thickness requirement of felt block in Method B (see 4.2.2; 4.2.2 of
the 2007 edition);
g) CHANGE the size requirement of multi-fiber standard lining fabric, alkaline
sweat preparing requirement, acid sweat preparing requirement in Method D (see
4.4.3, 4.4.9, 4.4.10; 4.3.3, 4.3.9, 4.3.10 of the 2007 edition);
h) ADD the water absorption requirement of wet rubbing felt block and the liquid
absorption requirement of alkaline sweat rubbing felt block in Method A [see a) and c)];
i) ADD the requirements for removing excessive water from felt block in the alkaline
sweat rubbing test in Method A and Method B [see b) and b)];
j) ADD the requirements for the control felt block of method A [see a)];
k) CHANGE the requirements for the water absorption of the felt block in wet
rubbing test of method B, as well as the temperature requirements for the dry felt
block and the specimen [see d), f); d) and f) of the
2007 edition];
Footwear - Test methods for uppers, linings and insocks -
Color fastness to rubbing and bleeding
1 Scope
This document describes three methods for evaluating the surface color migration of
materials in dry and wet rubbing (methods A, B, C), as well as a method for determining
the possibility of color bleeding (method D).
This document is applicable to the determination of color fastness to rubbing and
bleeding uppers, linings and insoles of footwear made of various materials. Method D
is also applicable to the determination of color fastness of color bleeding of stitches and
The methods are as follows:
- Method A: Square head reciprocating rubbing color fastness;
- Method B: Rotating rubbing color fastness;
- Method C: Round head reciprocating rubbing color fastness;
- Method D: Bleeding color fastness.
2 Normative references
The contents of the following documents constitute the essential clauses of this
document through normative references in the text. Among them, for dated references,
only the version corresponding to that date is applicable to this document; for undated
references, the latest version (including all amendments) is applicable to this document.
GB/T 250 Textiles - Tests for color fastness - Grey scale for assessing change in
color (GB/T 250-2008, ISO 105-A02:1993, IDT)
GB/T 251 Textiles - Tests for color fastness - Grey scale for assessing staining (GB/T
251-2008, ISO 105-A03:1993, IDT)
GB/T 6151 Textiles - Tests for color fastness - General principles of testing (GB/T
6151-2016, ISO 105-A01:2010, MOD)
GB/T 6682-2008 Water for analytical laboratory use - Specification and test
methods (GB/T 6682-2008, ISO 3696:1987, MOD)
the pH before use and adjust it as needed. If solid precipitate appears, discard the
5 Sampling and environmental conditioning
5.1 Method A
5.1.1 The rectangular specimen is required to be large enough to be firmly clamped on
the test platform ( The specimen can be taken in any direction of the material.
In general, the minimum size of the specimen shall be 100 mm × 25 mm. If it is a tensile
material, it should take sample from the direction with less elasticity.
When using a test machine with a test platform width of 25 mm, the specimens are
grouped according to the number of rubbings or test conditions.
For test machines with a wider test platform, the rubbing head ( can be adjusted
and installed at different positions of the platform width; wider specimens can be used
so that separate rubbing tracks can be used side by side.
5.1.2 Before the test, place the specimen in the standard environment specified in GB/T
22049 for at least 24 hours.
Note: Samples can be taken from shoe materials, molded uppers or finished shoes.
5.2 Method B
5.2.1 The specimen size shall be large enough to be firmly fixed on the test platform
( In general, the specimen shall be a 60 mm × 60 mm square, or a 60 mm
diameter circle; or a 60 mm wide strip specimen can be used for multiple tests.
For raw materials, samples are taken from a series of positions throughout the available
width and length of the sheet. For materials with a woven structure, either of these two
specimens should not have the same warp or weft.
For the upper surface, avoid sampling at seams, perforations, and other locations where
flat specimens cannot be taken.
5.2.2 Before the test, place the specimen in the standard environment specified in GB/T
22049 for at least 24 hours.
5.3 Method C
5.3.1 Two representative specimens, each with a size of not less than 140 mm × 50 mm.
One for dry rubbing and the other for wet rubbing. For tensile materials, the specimen
should be taken from the direction with less elasticity.
5.3.2 Before the test, place the specimen in the standard environment specified in GB/T
QB/T 2882-2007
ICS 61.060
Classification No.: Y78
Record No.: 22128-2007
Footwear – Test Methods for Uppers, Linings and
Insocks – Colour Fastness to Rubbing
(ISO 17700:2004, IDT)
Issued by: National Development and Reform Commission of PRC
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative References ... 4
3 Terms and Definitions ... 5
4 Apparatus and Material ... 5
5 Sampling and Conditioning ... 9
6 Test Method ... 10
7 Test Report ... 16
Annex A (Informative) Test Conditions Normally Used for Method B ... 18
Bibliography ... 19
This Standard equivalently adopted the international standard ISO 17700:2004
Footwear – Test Methods for Uppers, Linings and Insocks – Colour Fastness to
Rubbing (English Version).
The major differences between this Standard and ISO 17700:2004 are as follows:
In this standard, based on the geographical location of China, the original text "test in
the northern hemisphere, use daylight from the north. If test in the southern
hemisphere, use daylight from the south." is changed into "if daylight source is used,
use daylight from the north".
Convert the "rad/s" unit in the international standard to "r/min", which is a common
speed unit in China.
For ease of use, this Standard has also made the following editorial modifications:
a) Change the term "this European Standard" into "this Standard";
b) Use a decimal point "." to replace the comma "," that are used as the decimal
c) Delete the Foreword of the international standard;
d) Delete the Contents of the international standard.
Annex A of this Standard is an informative.
This Standard was proposed by China National Light Industry Council.
This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of National Footwear Standardization
Drafting organization of this Standard: China Leather and Footwear Industry Research
Chief drafting staffs of this Standard: Yan Huaidao, Qi Xiaoxia, Zhang Weijuan, and
Yan Hongwei.
This Standard was first-time published.
Footwear – Test Methods for Uppers, Linings and
Insocks – Colour Fastness to Rubbing
1 Scope
1.1 This Standard specifies two test methods (method A and method B) for assessing
the degree of damage (marring) and transfer of a material’s surface colour during the
dry or wet abrasion. The methods are applicable to all footwear uppers, linings and
insocks irrespective of the material, in order to assess suitability for end use.
1.2 This Standard also specifies a method (method C) for determining the likelihood of
colour bleeding from materials and components such as sewing threads and shoe
laces due to the action of water and artificial perspiration solutions, in order to assess
suitability for end use.
2 Normative References
The provisions in following documents become the provisions of this Standard through
reference in this Standard. For dated references, the subsequent amendments
(excluding corrigendum) or revisions do not apply to this Standard, however, parties
who reach an agreement based on this Standard are encouraged to study if the latest
versions of these documents are applicable. For undated references, the latest edition
of the referenced document applies.
GB 250-1995 Grey Scale for Assessing Change in colour (ISO 105-A02:1993,
Textiles – Tests for Colour Fastness – Part A02: Grey Scale for Assessing Change
in Colour, IDT)
GB 251-1995 Grey Scale for Assessing Staining (ISO 105-A03:1993, Textiles –
Tests for Colour Fastness – Part A03: Grey Scale for Assessing Staining, IDT)
GB/T 6151-1997 Textiles – Tests for Colour Fastness - General Principle of
Testing (ISO 105-A01:1994, Textiles – Tests for Colour Fastness – Part A01:
General Principles of Testing, EQV)
GB/T 6682-1992 Water for Laboratory Use - Specifications
ISO 105-F10 Textiles - Tests for Colour Fastness - Part F10: Specification for
Adjacent Fabric: Multifibre
ISO 18454 Footwear – Standard Atmospheres for Conditioning and Testing of