Q/BQB 263-2023_English: PDF (Q/BQB263-2023)
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Q/BQB 263-2023 | English | 419 |
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Cost-effective tubing and casing for CO2-containing or CO2 & H2S-containing environment
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Q/BQB 263-2023
Q/BQB 263-2020 | English | 225 |
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Cost-effective tubing and casing for CO2-containing or CO2 and H2S-containing environment
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Q/BQB 263-2020
Q/BQB 263-2018 | English | 280 |
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Cost-effective tubing and casing for CO2-containing or CO2 and H2S-containing environment
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Q/BQB 263-2018
Standard ID | Q/BQB 263-2023 (Q/BQB263-2023) | Description (Translated English) | Cost-effective tubing and casing for CO2-containing or CO2 & H2S-containing environment | Sector / Industry | Chinese Industry Standard | Classification of Chinese Standard | QBQ | Word Count Estimation | 12,117 | Date of Issue | 2023-04-09 | Date of Implementation | 2023-07-01 | Standard ID | Q/BQB 263-2020 (Q/BQB263-2020) | Description (Translated English) | Cost-effective tubing and casing for CO2-containing or CO2 & H2S-containing environment | Sector / Industry | Chinese Industry Standard | Classification of Chinese Standard | QBQ | Word Count Estimation | 12,148 | Standard ID | Q/BQB 263-2018 (Q/BQB263-2018) | Description (Translated English) | Cost-effective tubing and casing for CO2-containing or CO2 & H2S-containing environment | Sector / Industry | Chinese Industry Standard | Classification of Chinese Standard | QBQ | Word Count Estimation | 12,127 |
Q/BQB 263-2020
Replacing Q/BQB 263-2018
Cost-Effective Tubing and Casing for
CO2-Containing or CO2 & H2S-Containing Environment
ISSUED ON: JUNE 09, 2020
Issued by: Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
Introduction ... 4
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative References ... 5
3 General ... 5
4 Expression of Designation, Terms, Definitions, Symbols and Abbreviations . 6
5 Information Required to be Provided by the Purchaser ... 7
6 Manufacturing Method ... 7
7 Material Requirements ... 7
8 Dimensions, Weights, Tolerances, Tube Ends and Defects ... 10
9 Coupling ... 10
10 Inspection and Testing ... 11
11 Marking ... 13
12 Coating and Protection ... 14
13 Files ... 14
Appendix A (Informative) Recommended Test Conditions for CO2 Corrosion
Test of Autoclave ... 15
Cost-Effective Tubing and Casing for
CO2-Containing or CO2 & H2S-Containing Environment
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the delivery technical conditions for Baoshan Iron and Steel
Co., Ltd.'s cost-effective CO2 and CO2+H2S corrosive resistant tubing and casing.
This Standard is applicable to cost-effective seamless tubing and casing (hereinafter
referred to as tubing and casing) used in the medium or mild CO2 corrosive
environment or CO2+H2S compound corrosive environment in oil and gas exploitation
of the petroleum and natural gas industry.
The steel grades of tubing and casing in this Standard include: BG80-3Cr, BG90-3Cr,
BG95-3Cr and BG110-3Cr, which are suitable for CO2 corrosive environments;
BG80S-3Cr, BG90S-3Cr and BG95S-3Cr, which are suitable for CO2+H2S compound
corrosive environment.
The tubing and casing specified in this Standard include three product specification
levels (PSL1, PSL2, PSL3).
2 Normative References
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the
dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this
document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the
amendments) is applicable to this document.
API SPEC 5CT:2018 Specification for Casing and Tubing
NACE TM0177-2016 Laboratory Testing of Metals for Resistance to Sulfide Stress
Cracking and Stress Corrosion Cracking in H2S Environments
3 General
Unless otherwise specified in this Standard, this Standard adopts the corresponding
provisions of steel grades of API SPEC 5CT:2018 standard given in Table 1. In general,
the products shall be supplied according to the requirements of Level PSL1 of the
5 Information Required to be Provided by the
When ordering tubing and casing manufactured in accordance with this Standard, the
purchaser shall specify this standard number "Q/BQB 263-2020" and steel grade on
the order. For other information that the purchaser needs to provide, please refer to
the provisions of Subclauses 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 of API SPEC 5CT:2018 (if applicable).
6 Manufacturing Method
Steel shall be smelted in an electric furnace or converter; and methods such as
secondary refining shall be used to control the content of harmful substances in the
steel and the shape and size of inclusions. The steel shall be processed for grain
refinement. The steel contains at least one or more grain refinement elements, such
as a certain amount of aluminum, niobium, vanadium or titanium, to refine the austenite
grains of the steel.
The tubing and casing shall be hot-rolled seamless steel tubes.
The tubing and casing shall be delivered in quenched and tempered state.
7 Material Requirements
7.1 Chemical compositions
The product brand (steel grade) and chemical compositions (smelting analysis and
finished product analysis) shall comply with the provisions of Table 2.
Table 2
7.2 Tensile performance
The room temperature tensile properties of the product shall comply with the provisions
of Table 3. The elongation after break shall meet the requirements of the corresponding
8 Dimensions, Weights, Tolerances, Tube Ends and
8.1 Dimensions
Available specifications for tubing and casing indicate the outer diameter of
60.32mm~177.80mm (2-3/8″~7″), wall thickness of 4.83mm~15.88mm
(0.190″~0.625″). After negotiation between the supplier and the purchaser and
indicated in the contract, other specifications can also be supplied.
8.2 Tube end
Unless otherwise specified in the contract, the tubing and casing shall use the threads
specified in API SPEC 5CT:2018. According to the requirements of the purchaser, after
negotiation between the supplier and the purchaser and indicated in the contract, other
special threads can also be used. The specific requirements are stipulated by the
agreement between the supplier and the purchaser.
8.3 Others
Codes and specifications, weight, length, straightness, size and weight allowable
deviation, diameter requirements, defects, etc. shall comply with the provisions of the
corresponding steel grade specified in API SPEC 5CT:2018 (see Table 1).
9 Coupling
Tests on items such as finished product analysis, tensile test, impact test, full wall
thickness hardness test and sulfide stress corrosion cracking test of the coupling are
carried out on the coupling blank; and shall comply with the provisions of Clauses 7
and 10. The steel grades of the tube body and the matching coupling shall comply with
a The specimen size shall be selected as large as possible.
b When small-sized specimens are used, the acceptance criteria shall be negotiated and determined by the purchaser and the manufacturer.
The general practice is: the acceptance value of the K1SSC average value and single value of the small-sized specimen is 15% (when
B=6.35mm) or 20% (when B=4.76mm) lower than the acceptance value of the standard-sized specimen. This general practice shall be used
when the agreement does not specify the acceptance value.
Q/BQB 263-2018
Replacing Q/BQB 263-2014
Cost-effective Tubing and Casing for CO2-containing
or CO2 & H2S-containing Environment
Issued by. Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
Introduction ... 4
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative References ... 5
3 General Rules ... 5
4 Designation Method, Terms, Definitions, Symbols and Abbreviations ... 6
5 Information Needs to be Provided by Purchaser... 6
6 Manufacturing Method ... 7
7 Material Requirements ... 7
8 Dimension, Weight, Tolerance, Tube End and Defect ... 10
9 Coupling ... 11
10 Inspection and Test ... 11
11 Designation ... 13
12 Coating and Protection ... 14
13 Documents ... 14
Appendix A (Informative) Recommended Test Conditions of Autoclave CO2-
containing Corrosion Test ... 15
This Standard is drafted in accordance with the requirements and format of GB/T 1.1-
2009 Directives for Standardization - Part 1. Structure and Drafting of Standards.
This Standard is drafted in accordance with the characteristics of products and
techniques of this enterprise.
Please be noted that certain content in this Standard might involve patents. The issuing
institution of this Standard does not undertake the responsibility of identifying these
This Standard serves as a replacement of Q/BQB 263-2014. In comparison with
Q/BQB 263-2014, there are several main changes as follows.
---The content of standard notification (2017-202) is included. the requirement of
carbon content of the chemical composition (smelting analysis and finished
product analysis) of designations BG80-3Cr, BG90-3Cr, BG95-3Cr and BG110-
3Cr in Table 2 is modified from ≤ 0.30% into ≤ 0.35%;
---Normative references adopt API SPEC 5CT.2011; NACE TM0177 adopts the
newest Version 2016;
---In the designation part, the implemented standard is modified from “Q/BQB 263-
2014” into “Q/BQB 263-2018”.
Appendix A in this Standard is informative.
This Standard was proposed by the Manufacturing Management Department of
Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.
This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of the Manufacturing Management
Department of Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.
This Standard was drafted by the Manufacturing Management Department of Baoshan
Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.
The main drafters of this Standard. Xuqing.
The release of previous versions of the standard replaced by this Standard is as follows.
---Q/BQB 263-2010, Q/BQB 263-2014.
Cost-effective Tubing and Casing for CO2-containing
or CO2 & H2S-containing Environment
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the technical delivery conditions of cost-effective tubing and
casing for CO2-containing or CO2 + H2S-containing environment for Baoshan Iron and
Steel Co., Ltd.
This Standard is applicable to cost-effective seamless tubing and casing (hereinafter
referred to as tubing and casing) that is applied under medium or mild CO2-containing
corrosive environment or CO2 + H2S-containing compound corrosive environment in oil
and gas exploitation in the petroleum and natural gas industry.
In this Standard, steel grades of tubing and casing are. BG80-3Cr, BG90-3Cr, BG95-
3Cr and BG110-3Cr, which are applicable to CO2-containing corrosive environment;
BG80S-3Cr, BG90S-3Cr and BG95S-3Cr, which are applicable to CO2 + H2S-
containing compound corrosive environment.
Tubing and casing that are stipulated in this Standard include three product
specification levels (PSL1, PSL2 and PSL3).
2 Normative References
The following documents are indispensable to the application of this Standard. In terms
of references with a specified date, only versions with a specified date are applicable
to this Standard. The latest version (including all the modifications) of references
without a specified date is also applicable to this Standard.
API SPEC 5CT.2011. Specification for Casing and Tubing
NACE TM0177-2016. Laboratory Testing of Metals for Resistance to Sulfide
Stress Cracking and Stress Corrosion Cracking in H2S Environments
3 General Rules
Unless it is otherwise stipulated in this Standard, this Standard adopts corresponding
stipulations of API SPEC 5CT.2011 standard steel grade provided in Table 1. Generally
speaking, delivery shall comply with the requirements of PSL1 steel level in API SPEC
5CT.2011 in Table 1. When it is indicated in the contract that product specification level
is PSL2 or PSL3, products can also be delivered in accordance with PSL2 or PSL3 in
API SPEC 5CT.2011 in Table 1. However, the demand side and the supply side shall
a The sampling dimension shall be as large as possible. When it is insufficient to take 1/2 dimension of
sample, impact test shall be unnecessary.
b The sampling orientation, the sequence of dimension and the evaluation of test result shall comply with
the stipulation in API SPEC 5CT.2011.
7.5 Sulfide Stress Corrosion Cracking Test Requirements
Products manufactured with the designations BG80S-3Cr, BG90S-3Cr and BG95S-
3Cr shall receive sulfide stress corrosion cracking test. This test shall adopt Method A
or Method D in NACE TM0177-2016 and Solution B. When Method A is adopted,
products shall satisfy the stipulation in Table 5. When Method D is adopted, at least
the average value K1SSC of three valid samples and the unit value K1SSC of all the valid
samples shall satisfy the stipulation in Table 6.
If the supplier can guarantee that products are qualified in this test, this test shall be
7.6 CO2-containing Anti-Corrosion Performance
When users request, and it shall be indicated in the contract, the supplier shall select
appropriate methods to conduct autoclave test to test CO2-containing anti-corrosion
performance. The acceptance criteria shall be negotiated by the demand side and the
supply side. Appendix A (informative) lists out recommended test conditions.
7.7 CO2 + H2S-containing Anti-Corrosion Performance
When users have requirements towards CO2 + H2S-containing anti-corrosion
performance and can provide the practical working conditions, simulated working
condition evaluation test can be conducted in accordance with users’ practical working
conditions. This shall be negotiated by the demand side and the supply side and
indicated in the contract.
7.8 Special Requirements
In accordance with the demand side’s requirements, and the negotiation between the
demand side and the supply side, tests on hardenability, surface hardness, hardness
variation, grain size or other items can be conducted. The specific requirements shall
be stipulated through the negotiation between the demand side and the supply side.
Table 5
Designation (steel
grade) Sample Specification
Diameter a
Lowest SSC
Threshold Value
Loading Time
BG80S-3Cr Standard dimension 6.35 80%YSmin 720
9 Coupling
Finished product analysis, tensile test, impact test, full-wall thickness hardness test
and sulfide stress corrosion cracking test of coupling shall be conducted on the blank
of coupling and comply with the stipulation in Chapter 7 and Chapter 10. The tubing
body and the corresponding steel grade of coupling shall comply with the stipulation in
Table 7.
10 Inspection and Test
10.1 Definition of Mechanical Properties Test Batch
Each batch of products shall be constituted of steel pipes of the same steel grade, the
same furnace number, the same specification and the same thermal treatment system.
In terms of products whose specification (code 1) is not more than 4-1/2, the quantity
of each batch of tubing and casing products shall be not more than 200 PCS; the
quantity of each batch of coupling blanks shall be not more than 100 PCS. In terms of
products whose specification (code 1) is more than 4-1/2, the quantity of each batch
of tubing and casing products shall be not more than 100 PCS; the quantity of each
batch of coupling banks shall be not more than 50 PCS.
Table 7
10.2 Hydrostatic Test, Dimension Test and Appearance Inspection
Hydrostatic test, dimension test and appearance inspection shall comply with the
stipulation of corresponding steel grade (please refer to Table 1) in API SPEC
10.3 Nondestructive Inspection
Tubing, casing and coupling blank shall receive nondestructive inspection per PCS in
accordance with the inspection method and acceptance grade of corresponding PSL1
Tubing Body Designation (steel grade) Corresponding Coupling Designation (steel grade)
Table 10
No. Inspection Item a Sampling Quantity
1 Chemical Composition (smelting analysis) 1 PCS per furnace
2 Chemical Composition (finished product analysis) 2 PCS per furnace
3 Tensile Test 1 PCS per furnace
4 Impact Test 1 PCS per furnace
5 Sulfide Stress Corrosion Cracking Test 1 PCS per furnace
a Finished product analysis, tensile test, impact test and sulfide stress corrosion cracking test of
coupling shall be conducted on coupling blank.
10.6 Test Method, Sampling Location, Test Result Evaluation and Re-
inspection Rule
Unless it is otherwise stipulated in this Standard, test method, sampling location, test
result evaluation and re-inspection rule shall comply with the stipulation of
corresponding steel grade (please refer to Table 1) in API SPEC 5CT.2011.
11 Designation
11.1 Stamping and/or Painted Designation
Unless it is specially stipulated in a) ~ b) below, stamping and/or painted designation
shall comply with the designation rule of corresponding steel grade (please refer to
Table 1) in API SPEC 5CT.2011.
a) API logo shall not be indicated.
b) The implemented standard is “Q/BQB 263-2018”.
c) The code number of special thread type shall comply with the stipulation in the
agreement between the demand side and the supply side.
d) The code number of steel grade shall comply with the stipulation in Table 11.
11.2 Color Code
Unless it is otherwise stipulated in the contract, each steel tube shall mark the color
code of steel grade in the location stipulated in API SPEC 5CT.2011. Its color and
quantity shall comply with the stipulation in Table 12.