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NY/T 3252.3-2018 English PDF

NY/T 3252.3-2018_English: PDF (NY/T3252.3-2018)
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NY/T 3252.3-2018English95 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Industrial hemp seed -- Part 3: Technical code of practice for the production of conventional variety seed Valid NY/T 3252.3-2018

Standard ID NY/T 3252.3-2018 (NY/T3252.3-2018)
Description (Translated English) Industrial hemp seed -- Part 3: Technical code of practice for the production of conventional variety seed
Sector / Industry Agriculture Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard B30
Word Count Estimation 5,591
Date of Issue 2018-07-27
Date of Implementation 2018-12-01
Regulation (derived from) Announcement No.50 of 2018 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs

NY/T 3252.3-2018 NY AGRICULTURE INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 65.020.01 B 30 Industrial Hemp Seed - Part 3: Technical Code of Practice for the Production of Conventional Variety Seed ISSUED ON: JULY 27, 2018 IMPLEMENTED ON: DECEMBER 01, 2018 Issued by: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of PRC Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 4 2 Normative References ... 4 3 Terms and Definitions ... 4 4 Basic Requirements ... 5 5 Seed Production ... 5 6 Harvesting, Post-Harvesting Treatment and File Establishment ... 8 7 Packaging, Labeling and Storage ... 8 Industrial Hemp Seed – Part 3: Technical Code of Practice for the Production of Conventional Variety Seed 1 Scope This Part specifies the terms and definitions, basic requirements, seed production, harvesting, post-harvesting treatment and file establishment, packaging, labeling and storage for the breeding of the conventional industrial hemp seeds. This Part is applicable to the breeding and production for the basic seeds and qualified seeds of the conventional industrial hemp seeds. 2 Normative References The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) is applicable to this document. NY/T 3252.1 Industrial Hemp Seed - Part 1: Definition of Industrial Hemp Variety NY/T 3252.2 Industrial Hemp Seed - Part 2: Seed Quality 3 Terms and Definitions For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 Basic seed Seeds that are produced with the pre-original seed according to the technical regulations for the production of the original seed, have the typical traits of the variety, and is genetically stable. 3.2 Qualified seed The first generation of industrial hemp seeds that are bred from the original seeds for field production. b) The previous crop of the plot shall be other crops or industrial hemp of the same variety, the same level and above. 5.3 Cultivation management 5.3.1 Site preparation Before planting, deep plowing, fine raking and leveling the breeding land. 5.3.2 Base fertilizer Fertilization shall be based on the soil fertility status. For medium fertility soil, apply 12kg~14kg of urea, 20kg~22kg of superphosphate, 7kg~9kg of potassium sulfate or compound fertilizer with the same content per 667m2. In areas where conditions permit, apply additional 800kg~1000kg of farmyard manure per 667m2. 5.3.3 Sowing Sowing period From the first-ten days of February to the first-ten days of June, sow when it is suitable for seed germination according to the climate and soil conditions in the north and south. In areas with relatively dry soil, sow at 2d ~ 15d before the rainy season; or sow after the rain soaked into the soil and keep the soil moisture. Sowing method Use mechanical dibbling or artificial pond (hole) sowing, the sowing depth is 3cm~5cm. Planting density Early-maturing varieties should have 4000~6500 effective plants per 667m2; while the late-maturing varieties should have 2500~3000 plants. The lower limit should be taken when the plot fertility is good; and the upper limit should be taken when the plot fertility is normal. 5.4 Field management 5.4.1 Thinning According to the emergence of the seedlings, thinning is carried out in the third pair of true leaf stage; and the thinning is carried out in the principle of "pulling the strong, removing the weak and retaining the middle", so that remove the too strong seedlings, the weak seedlings that are damaged by pests and diseases, deformed seedlings and miscellaneous plants. Set seedlings from 3~4 plants for each pond (hole). For the small seedlings that are damaged by pests and diseases and miscellaneous plants, they ......

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