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NY 1428-2010 English PDF (NY1428-2007)

NY 1428-2010_English: PDF (NY1428-2010)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
NY 1428-2010English239 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Water-soluble fertilizers containing micronutrients Valid NY 1428-2010
NY 1428-2007English839 Add to Cart 6 days [Need to translate] Water-soluble fertilizers containing mcronutrients Obsolete NY 1428-2007

Standard ID NY 1428-2010 (NY1428-2010)
Description (Translated English) Water-soluble fertilizers containing micronutrients
Sector / Industry Agriculture Industry Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard G21
Classification of International Standard 65.080
Word Count Estimation 9,968
Date of Issue 2010-12-23
Date of Implementation 2011-02-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) NY 1428-2007
Quoted Standard GB 190; GB 191; GB/T 6679; GB/T 6680; GB/T 8170; GB 8569; GB/T 8576; NY/T 887; NY/T 1108; NY 1110; NY/T 1115; NY/T 1117; NY/T 1972; NY/T 1974; NY/T 1978; NY 1979; " arbitration inspection of product quality and product quality appraisal management approach"; " prepackaged goods metrological supervision and management approach"
Drafting Organization National Fertilizer Quality Supervision and Inspection Center (Beijing)
Administrative Organization Ministry of Agriculture
Regulation (derived from) Ministry of Agriculture Bulletin No. 1515
Summary This standard specifies the technical requirements of trace elements in water-soluble fertilizer, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage. This standard applies to the production and sale of the PRC, made of copper, iron, manganese, zinc, boron, molybdenum and trace elements in the desired proportion of trace elements made of or made of a single liquid or solid water-soluble fertilizer. This standard does not apply to existing mandatory national or industry standard fertilizers (such as copper sulfate, zinc sulfate) and integration of state fertilizer (such as EDDHA-Fe).

Standard ID NY 1428-2007 (NY1428-2007)
Description (Translated English) Water-soluble fertilizers containing mcronutrients
Sector / Industry Agriculture Industry Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard G21
Classification of International Standard 65.080
Word Count Estimation 21,249
Date of Issue 2007-09-14
Date of Implementation 2007-12-01
Quoted Standard GB 190; GB 191; GB/T 1250; GB/T 6679; GB/T 6680; GB 8569; GB/T 8576; GB/T 14540; GB 18382; HG/T 2843; NY/T 887; NY/T 1108; NY 1110; NY/T 1115; " product quality and product qualification testing arbitration management approach"; " prepackaged goods metrological supervision and management approach"
Regulation (derived from) ?Ministry of Agriculture Announcement 1515
Summary This standard specifies the technical requirements of trace elements in water-soluble fertilizer, test methods, inspection rules, identity, packaging, transport and storage. This standard applies to domestic production and sales of the People's Republic of copper, iron, manganese, zinc, boron, molybdenum trace elements required for plant growth eucalyptus suitable liquid or solid made ??of the proportion of water-soluble fertilizers.

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