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NB/T 47013.4-2015 English PDF

NB/T 47013.4-2015_English: PDF (NB/T47013.4-2015)
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NB/T 47013.4-2015English125 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Nondestructive testing of pressure equipments - Part 4: Magnetic particle testing Valid NB/T 47013.4-2015

Standard ID NB/T 47013.4-2015 (NB/T47013.4-2015)
Description (Translated English) Nondestructive testing of pressure equipments - Part 4: Magnetic particle testing
Sector / Industry Energy Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard H26
Word Count Estimation 22,268
Date of Issue 2015-04-02
Date of Implementation 2015-09-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) JB/T 4730.4-2005
Regulation (derived from) ?Energy Bureau Announcement 2015 No. 3

NB/T 47013.4-2015 NB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 77.040.20 H 26 Replacing JB/T 4730.4-2005 Nondestructive testing of pressure equipment – Part 4. Magnetic particle testing ISSUED ON. APRIL 02, 2015 IMPLEMENTED ON. SEPTEMBER 01, 2015 Issued by. National Energy Administration Table of contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 6  2 Normative references ... 6  3 Terms and definitions ... 7  4 General requirements ... 8  5 Testing method ... 24  6 Magnetic marks indication classification, observation and recording ... 26  7 Retesting ... 28  8 Demagnetization ... 28  9 Quality grading ... 29  10 Magnetic particle testing of in-service pressure equipment ... 30  11 Testing records and reports ... 30  Appendix A (Informative) Waveforms of various magnetization currents, ammeter indication and conversion ... 32  Appendix B (Informative) A typical magnetization method for various types of welded joints ... 34  Foreword The standard NB/T 47013 “Nondestructive testing of pressure equipment” is divided into the following 13 parts. - Part 1. General requirements; - Part 2. Radiographic testing; - Part 3. Ultrasonic testing; - Part 4. Magnetic particle testing; - Part 5. Penetrant testing; - Part 6. Eddy current testing; - Part 7. Visual examination; - Part 8. Leak testing; - Part 9. Acoustic emission testing; - Part 10. Ultrasonic time of flight diffraction technique; - Part 11. Standard practice for X-ray digital radiography; - Part 12. Magnetic flux leakage testing; - Part 13. Pulsed eddy current testing. This part is part 4 of NB/T 47013. Magnetic particle testing. This part was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009 “Directives for standardization - Part 1. Structure and drafting of standards”. This part replaces JB/T 4730.4-2005 “Nondestructive testing of pressure equipment - Part 4. Magnetic particle testing”. As compared with JB/T 4730.4-2005, the main technical changes of this part are as follows. - MOVE the terms and definitions on magnetic particle testing in the original JB/T 4730.1-2005 into this part; - ADD the testing process specifications; SPECIFY the relevant factors on the process specifications; - ADD the relevant contents on the use of standard test piece and cross-yoke testing method; - ADD the relevant provisions on standard test piece verification after determining the magnetization current through empirical formula; - In accordance with GB/T 12604.5-2008, CHANGE the bias mandrel method into eccentric conductor method; - ADJUST the effective width and overlap range of the magnetic yoke method testing; - ADJUST the relevant contents on the non-conductive coating magnetic particle testing; WIDEN the testing restrictions; - ADJUST the effective magnetization region of the coil method magnetization; - In accordance with the safety technical specifications and product standards of the pressure equipment in China AND combining such foreign standards as ASME and ISO, etc., ADJUST the quality grading requirements of the welding joints, machined parts under pressure, and materials; - ADJUST the relevant provisions on record indication; ADD the record indication method; - ADD the contents on magnetic particle testing safety; - ADJUST the relevant contents on the magnetic particle testing of the pressure equipment in service; IMPROVE the sensitivity requirements for the magnetic particle testing of the inner wall of the pressure equipment in service. This part was proposed by AND shall be under the jurisdiction of the National Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 262). The drafting organizations of this part. Hefei General Machinery Research Institute, China Special Equipment Testing Research Institute, Zhejiang Special Equipment Inspection Research Institute, China Guangdong Nuclear Engineering Co., Ltd., Shanghai Boiler Factory Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this part. Chen Wenhu, Zhou Yufeng, Guo Weican, Zhu Congbin, Wang Xiaomei, Cheng Huayun, Zhang Peiming. Nondestructive testing of pressure equipment – Part 4. Magnetic particle testing 1 Scope 1.1 This part of NB/T 47013 specifies the magnetic particle testing methods and quality grading requirements for the pressure equipment weld and its raw materials as well as the machined parts. 1.2 This part applies to the testing of the surface or near surface defects of the ferromagnetic material sheet, composite sheet, pipe, fittings and forgings, as well as the surface or near surface defects of the ferromagnetic material butt joint, T-type welded joint and corner joint. It is not applicable to the testing of the non-ferromagnetic materials. 1.3 The relevant bearing parts and structural parts of pressure equipment may also be subjected to magnetic particle testing with reference to this part. 2 Normative references The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) are applicable to this document. GB/T 5097 Non-destructive testing - Penetrant testing and magnetic particle testing - Viewing conditions GB 11533 Standard for logarithmic visual acuity charts GB/T 12604.5 Non-destructive testing - Terminology - Terms used in magnetic particle testing GB/T 23906 Non-destructive testing - Rings for magnetic particle testing GB/T 23907 Non-destructive testing - Shims for magnetic particle testing JB/T 6063 Non-destructive testing - Materials for magnetic particle testing JB/T 8290 Non-destructive testing equipment - Magnetic particle flaw detector NB/T 47013.1 Non-destructive testing of pressure equipment - Part 1. General requirements 3 Terms and definitions The terms and definitions as defined in GB/T 12604.5 and NB/T 47013.1 as well as the following terms and definitions apply to this part. 3.1 Relevant indication It refers to the magnetic mark indication as formed due to the magnetic particle absorption by the leakage magnetic field which is due to the presence of flaw in the process of magnetic particle testing. 3.2 Non-related indication is non-relevant It refers to the magnetic mark indication as formed by the magnetic particle absorption by the leakage magnetic field due to the change of the cross section or material permeability in the process of magnetic particle testing. 3.3 False indication It refers to the magnetic mark indication which is not formed due to the magnetic particle absorption by the leakage magnetic field. 3.4 Combinatorial magnetization It refers to the magnetization method to produce a magnetic field the size and direction of which is in circular, oval or spiral changes with time in the workpiece. 3.5 Longitudinal/transverse flaw When the included angle between the long axis direction of the flaw magnetic mark and the workpiece (shaft or tube) axis or the busbar is b) Magnetization method; c) Testing instruments and equipment; d) Magnetization current type and its parameters; e) Surface state; f) Magnetic particle (type, color, supplier); g) Magnetic particle application method; h) Minimum light intensity; i) Nonconductive surface contrast enhancer (if used); j) Black light irradiance (if used). 4.3.3 It shall compile the operating instructions in accordance with the contents of the technical specifications and the testing requirements of the workpiece to be tested. The contents shall, in addition to complying with the requirements of NB/T 47013.1, include at least. a) Testing region and surface requirements; b) Testing environmental requirements; c) Testing technical requirements. sensitivity test piece indication, magnetization method, magnetization specification, and magnetization time, etc.; d) Application method of magnetic particle or magnetic suspension; e) Magnetic mark observation conditions; f) Demagnetization requirements. 4.3.4 The operating instruction shall, before the first use, be subjected to the process verification using the standard test piece, in order to confirm whether it can reach to the requirements as specified by the standard. 4.4 Safety requirements 4.4.1 Electric shock caused by a short circuit or the burn caused by a large current at a relatively low voltage. 4.4.2 When using fluorescent magnetic particle for testing, the adverse impact of the black light from the black light lamp onto the eyes and skin. The irradiance meter is used to measure the visible irradiance at the surface of the workpiece. 4.5.7 Demagnetization device The demagnetizing device shall be ... ......

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