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NB/T 47003.1-2022 English PDF (NBT47003.1-2009)

NB/T 47003.1-2022_English: PDF (NB/T47003.1-2022)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
NB/T 47003.1-2022English2389 Add to Cart 10 days [Need to translate] Atmospheric pressure vessels - Part 1: Steel welded atmospheric pressure vessels Valid NB/T 47003.1-2022
NB/T 47003.1-2009English305 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Steel welded atmospheric pressure vessels Obsolete NB/T 47003.1-2009

Standard ID NB/T 47003.1-2022 (NB/T47003.1-2022)
Description (Translated English) (Atmospheric pressure vessels - Part 1: Welded steel atmospheric pressure vessels)
Sector / Industry Energy Industry Standard (Recommended)
Word Count Estimation 118,125
Date of Issue 2022-11-04
Date of Implementation 2023-05-04

Standard ID NB/T 47003.1-2009 (NB/T47003.1-2009)
Description (Translated English) Steel welded atmospheric pressure vessels [Quasi-Official / Academic version - scanned PDF, translated by Standard Committee / Research Institute in China]
Sector / Industry Energy Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard J74
Classification of International Standard 23.020.10
Word Count Estimation 177,153
Date of Issue 2009-12-01
Date of Implementation 2010-05-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) JB/T 4735-1997
Quoted Standard GB 150-1998; GB/T 699-1999; GB/T 700-2006; GB/T 711-2008; GB/T 712-2000; GB 713-2008; GB 912-2008; GB/T 983-1995; GB/T 985.1-2008; GB/T 985.2-2008; GB/T 1220-2007; GB/T 1591-2008; GB/T 1804-2000; GB/T 3077-1999; GB 3087-2008; GB/T 3091-2008; GB/T 3098.1-2000; GB/T 3098.2-2000; GB/T 3274-2007; GB/T 3280-2007; GB/T 4237-2007; GB/T 4334-2008; GB/T 5117 -1995; GB/T 5118-1995; GB/T 5293-1999; GB/T 5779.1-2000; GB/T 5779.2-2000; GB 6479-2000; GB/T 8162-2008; GB/T 8163-2008; GB/T 8165-2008; GB/T 9019-2001; GB/T 12470-2003; GB 13296-2007; GB/T 14957-1994; GB/T 14976-2002; GB 50009-2001; GB 50011-2001; GB 50017-2003; GB 50236-1998; JB/T 4701; JB/T 4702; JB/T 4703; JB 4708; JB/T 4709; JB/T 4710; JB/T 4711; JB/T 4712.1; JB/T 4712.2; JB/T 4712.3; JB/T 4712.4
Drafting Organization Gansu Lanke Petrochemical Co., Ltd. High-tech equipment
Administrative Organization National Standardization Technical Committee Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Regulation (derived from) ?National Energy Board Announcement 2009 No.2
Summary This standard specifies the welded steel pressure vessel (hereinafter referred to as container) design, manufacturing, inspection and acceptance requirements. Horizontal pressure vessel design calculation according to JB/T 4731 with the relevant provisions "steel horizontal container", the allowable stress values ??can be selected in this section 4. 6. This section applies to container ranges: a) cylindrical containers: design pressure greater than-0. 02MPa, less than 0. 1Mpa, the design temperature range allowed by the steel temperature is determined, b) rectangular containers

ICS 23.020.10 PROFESSIONAL STANDARD NB OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA J74 NB/T 47003.1-2009 (JB/T 4735.1) Partially Replace JB/T 4735-1997 Steel Welded Atmospheric Pressure Vessels ISSUED ON. DECEMBER 1, 2009 IMPLEMENTED ON. MAY 1, 2010 Issued by National Energy Administration Contents 1 Scope ... 1 2 Normative References ... 1 3 Terms and Definitions ... 5 4 General Provisions ... 6 5 Materials ... 13 6 Basic Structural Components ... 24 7 Vertical Cylindrical Vessels ... 54 8 Rectangular Vessels ... 72 9 Manufacturing, Inspection and Acceptance ... 93 Appendix A (Informative) Steels Performances at Different Temperatures ... 106 Foreword NB/T 4 7003 consists of 2 parts. --Part 1. Steel Welded Atmospheric Pressure Vessels; --Pa11 2. Silos for Solid Materials . This part is Pa11 l ofNB/T 47003. There are significant differences between this Pait and JB/T 4 73 5-1997 as follows . --After the safety coefficients of carbon steel, low alloy steel and ferritic high alloy steel are revised, the safety coefficient of the lower limit value of the steel standard tensile strength is reduced from 2.5 to 2.4; --As for Chapter 4, definitions for the minimum thickness and calculated thickness are revised; pneumatic test is added into the pressure test (test pressure is changed from 1.15 time to 1.10 time); the stress check in the pressure test is revised; --As for Chapter 5, according to the changes of the steel standards, the steel grade, grade of steel for the stud and nut, allowable stress of the section steel and welding materials shall be increased correspondingly; -Chapter 5 of the previous standard "internal pressure cylinder", Chapter 6 "external pressure cylinder and external pressure sphere", Chapter 7 "head", Chapter 8 "flat cover", Chapter 9 "opening and opening reinforcement" and Chapter 10 "flange" are combined to form Chapter 6 of this Part "basic structural components"; --As for Chapter 6 "basic structural components", some formulae in "flat cover", "opening and opening reinforcement" and "flange" are revised; the scope and diameter of the opening are extended; --As for Chapter 7 "ve11ical cylindrical vessel", some formulae are revised; --As for Chapter 8 "rectangular vessel", some formulae are revised; --As for Chapter 9, rectangular vessel, pneumatic test and methods are added. The medium temperature in the pneumatic test shall be revised to "no less than 5 °C"; --The following contents of the previous standard are deleted including Chapter 12 "Vertical cylindrical tank", Chapter 14 "Cylindrical silos", Appendix A "Additional regulations for the materials'', Appendix C "Aseismic design of the vertical cylindrical tank", Appendix D "Design of the ribbed vault'', Appendix E "Basic requirements for the foundation design of the vertical cylindrical tank' ', Appendix F "Preparation and inspection of the storage tank tee joints and welded comer joints'', Appendix G "Detailed drawing of structural nodes" as well as Appendix H "Opening and opening reinforcement of flush cleaning openings". Appendix A of this Pa11 is informative. This Part is proposed and under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee on Steel Welded Atmospheric Pressure Vessels 1 Scope 1.1 This Part specifies the design, manufacture, inspection and acceptance requirements of steel welded atmospheric pressure vessels (hereinafter referred to as vessels). Atmospheric pressure horizontal vessel can be designed and calculated according to the relevant requirements of "Steel · Horizontal Vessels on Saddle Suppo11s" JB/T 4 731 and its allowable stress values may be adopted according to 4.6 of this Pa11. 1.2 Vessels applicable to this part. a) Cylindrical vessel . design pressure is between -0.02MPa and O. lMPa; design temperature shall be determined according to the allowable service temperature of the steels; b) Rectangular vessel. design pressure is zero; design temperature shall be dete1mined according to the allowable service temperature of the steels . 1.3 This standard is not applicable to the following various vessels. a) Directly-fired vessels; b) Nuclear-radiated vessels; c) Vessels storing extreme and high toxic medium; d) Directly-buried vessels; e) Liftable gasholder; f) Frequently-transported vessels; g) Silos; h) Ve11ical cylindrical vessel whose geometrical capacity is greater than 1000m3; i) Tower vessel whose height is greater than 1 Om and the slenderness ratio is greater than 5. 2 Normative References The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For the dated normative references, only the dated editions are applicable to this document. For the undated references, the latest editions of the normative documents (including all the amendments) are applicable to this document. GB 150-1998 "Steel Pressure Vessels" GB/T 699-1999 "Quality Carbon Structural Steels" GB/T 700-2006 "Carbon Structural Steels" (GB/T 700-2006, ISO 630. 1995, NEQ) GB/T 4334-2008 "Corrosion of Metals and Alloys-test Methods for Intergranular Corrosion of Stainless Steels (GB/T 4334-2008, ISO 3651-1.1998, ISO 3651-2.1998, MOD) GB/T 511 7 - 1995 "Carbon Steel Covered Electrodes" (GB/T 5117 -1995, ANSI/ AWSA5.1.1991, EQV) GB/T 5118-1995 "Low Alloy Steel Covered Electrodes" (GB/T 5118-1995, ANSI/ AWSA5.5.1981 , NEQ) GB/T 5293 -1999 "Carbon Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding" (GB/T 5293-1999, ANSI I/AWSA5 .l 7. 1989, EQV) GB/T 5779 .1- 2000 "Fasteners- Surface Discontinuities-Bolts, Screws and Studs for General Requirements" (GB/T 5779.1-2000, ISO 6157-1.1988, IDT) GB/T 5779.2-2000 ''Fasters-Surface Discontinuities- Nuts" (GB/T 5779.2-2000, ISO 6157-2. 1995, IDT) GB 64 79 - 2000 "Seamless Steel Tubes for High-pressure for Chemical Fertilizer Equipments" [GB 6479-2000, ISO 9329-2. 1997(E), NEQ] GB/T 8162-2008 "Seamless Steel Tubes for Structural Purposes" (GB/T 8162-2008, EN 10297-1 .2003 , NEQ) GB/T 8163-2008 "Seamless Steel Tubes for Liquid Service" (GB/T 8163-2008, EN 10216-1 .2004, NEQ) GB/T 8165-2008 "Stainless Steel Clad Plates Sheets and Strips" GB/T 9019-2001 "Nominal Diameter of Pressure Vessels" GB/T 12470-2003 "Low Alloy Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding" GB 13296-2007 "Seamless Stainless Steel Tubes for Boiler and Heat Exchanger" (GB 13296-2007, ASMESA-213 /213M.2001 , NEQ) GB/T 14957-1994 "Steel Wires for Melt Welding" GB/T 14976-2002 "Stainless Steel Seamless Tubes for Fluid Transport" (GB/T 14976 -2002, ASTM A269.2000, NEQ) GB 50009-2001 "Load Code for the Design of Building Structures" GB 50011-2001 "Code for Seismic Design of Buildings" GB 50017- 2003 "Code for Design of Steel Structures" GB 50236-1998 "Code for Construction and Acceptance of Field Equipment, Industrial Pipe Welding Engineering" JB/T 4701 "A-type Socket-weld Flange" JB/T 4702 "B-type Socket-weld Flange" JB/T 4703 "Welding Neck Flange" \ JB 4708 "Welding Procedure Qualification for Steel Pressure Vessels" JB/T 4709 "Welding Specification for Steel Pressure Vessels" JB/T 4 710 "Steel Ve11ical Vessels Supported by Ski11" JB/T 4 711 "Coating and Packing for Pressure Vessels Transport" JB/T 4 712.1 "Vessel Supp011s-Pai1 1. Saddle Support" JB/T 4712 .2 "Vessel Suppo11s-Paii 2. Leg Support" JB/T 4712 .3 "Vessel Suppo1ts-Part 3. Lug Support" JB/T 4712.4 "Vessel Suppo11s-Part 4. Bracket Suppo1t" JB/T 4 726 "Carbon and Low-alloy Steel Forgings for Pressure Vessels" JB/T 4728 "Stainless Steel Forgings for Pressure Vessels" JB/T 4730.2 "Nondestructive Testing of Pressure Equipments-Part 2. Radiographic Testing" JB/T 4730.3 "Nondestructive Testing of Pressure Equipments-Part 3. Ultrasonic Testing" JB/T 4 73 1 " Steel Horizontal Vessels on Saddle Suppo11s" NB 4744 "Mechanical Prope1iy Tests of Product Welded Test Coupons for Steel Pressure Vessels" NB/T 4 746 "Formed Heads for Steel Pressure Vessels" NB/T 4747 "Technical Pennission of Steel Welding Rod Purchasing for Pressure Vessels" NB/T 4 7002.1 "Explosion Welded Clad Plate for Pressure Vessels-Part 1. Stainless Steel-steel Clad Plate" NB/T 47002 .2 "Explosion Welded Clad Plate for Pressure Vessels-Part 2. Nickel-steel Clad Plate" NB/T 47002.3 "Explosion Welded Clad Plate for Pressure Vessels-Part 3. titanium- steel clad Plate" NB/T 47002.4 "Explosion Welded Clad Plate for Pressure Vessels- Part 4. Copper-steel Clad Plate" SY 5036-1983 "Spiral Submerged Arc Arc-welded Steel Tubes for Pressure Fluid Service" SY/T 5037-2000 " Spiral Submerged Arc-welded Steel Pipe for Pipelines for Low Pressure Field Fluid Service" SY/T 5038-1992 " Spiral Ratio-frequency Welding Steel Tubes for Pipelines for Ordinary Fluid" 3.6 Design Temperature Design temperature is the set component metal temperature under the normal operating conditions . The des ign temperature must not be less than the maximum metal temperature of the component metal under operating conditions. As for the metal temperature below 0 °C , the design temperature must not be higher than the minimum temperature of the component metal. The vessel design temperature (namely the design temperature marked on the vessel nameplate) means the ... ......

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