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JJG 1107-2015 English PDF

JJG 1107-2015_English: PDF (JJG1107-2015)
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JJG 1107-2015English150 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Automatic Standard Pressure Generators Valid JJG 1107-2015

Standard ID JJG 1107-2015 (JJG1107-2015)
Description (Translated English) Automatic Standard Pressure Generators
Sector / Industry Metrology & Measurement Industry Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard A53
Classification of International Standard 17.100
Word Count Estimation 20,254
Date of Issue 2015-02-09
Date of Implementation 2015-05-09
Quoted Standard JJG 875-2005; JJF 1001-2011; JJF 1008-2008
Drafting Organization Beijing Great Wall Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology
Administrative Organization National Technical Committee of pressure measurement
Regulation (derived from) State Quality Inspection Administration Announcement 2015 No. 26
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine
Summary This Standard applies to (-0.1 ~ 250) MPa automatic standard pressure generator initial verification, subsequent verification and the use of checks.

JJG 1107-2015 JJG National Metrological Verification Regulation of the People’s Republic of China Automatic Standard Pressure Generators ISSUED ON. FEBRUARY 9, 2015 IMPLEMENTED ON. MAY 9, 2015 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 5  1 Scope ... 6  2 Normative references ... 6  3 Terms and units of measurement ... 6  3.1 Terms ... 6  3.2 Unit of measurement ... 7  4 Overview ... 7  5 Requirements of metrological performance ... 7  5.1 Accuracy class ... 7  5.2 Measurement function ... 7  5.3 Control function ... 8  6 General technical requirements ... 9  6.1 Appearance ... 9  6.2 Insulation resistance ... 9  6.3 Insulating strength ... 9  6.4 Tightness ... 9  7 Control of metrological instruments ... 10  7.1 Verification conditions ... 10  7.2 Verification items ... 11  7.3 Verification method ... 12  7.4 Processing of verification results ... 17  7.5 Verification cycle ... 18  Appendix A ... 19  Appendix B ... 20  Appendix C ... 21  Appendix D ... 22  Appendix E ... 23  Verification Regulation of Automatic Standard Pressure Generators 1 Scope This Regulation applies to the initial verification, subsequent verification, and in-service inspection of -0.1 ~ 250MPa automatic standard pressure generators (hereinafter referred to as “pressure generators”). 2 Normative references This Regulation references the following documents. JJG 875-2005 Verification Regulation of Digital Pressure Gauges JJF 1001-2011 General Terms in Metrology and Their Definitions JJF 1008-2008 Pressure Metrological Terms and Their Definitions For dated references, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this Regulation. For undated references, the latest versions (including all the amendments) are applicable to this Regulation. 3 Terms and units of measurement 3.1 Terms 3.1.1 Automatic standard pressure generator It refers to the digital pressure gauge that can realize automatic control and display output target pressure. 3.1.2 Control stability It refers to the ability of pressure generators whose output pressure can maintain within the limited boundary within a certain time limit. 3.1.3 Overshoot of pressure control It refers to the maximum level for the pressure generators to exceed the target pressure value in the process of controlling the pressure-increase. 3.1.4 Undershoot of pressure control It refers to the maximum level for the pressure generators to be lower than the target pressure value in the process of controlling the pressure-decrease. 3.1.5 Stable duration of target pressure It refers to the time for the pressure generators to maintain the stable output target 7 Control of metrological instruments The control of metrological instruments includes initial verification, subsequent verification, and in-service inspection. 7.1 Verification conditions 7.1.1 Standard pressure gauge Selection of the standard pressure gauges with measurement function SELECT the standard pressure gauge with measurement function for verifying the pressure generators from the following instruments. a) Piston gauges (including single and double piston type pressure vacuum gauges, and gas piston gauges); b) Float-type manometers; c) Liquid manometers; d) Automatic standard pressure generators; e) Digital pressure gauges. The measuring range of the selected standard pressure gauge shall be greater than or equal to that of the pressure generators. The absolute value of the maximum permissible error of standard gauges shall be less than 1/3 of the absolute value of the maximum permissible error of the indicating values of the under-verification pressure generators. For those pressure generators with above class-0.05 (including 0.05), when the piston gauge is selected to be standard gauge, the absolute value of the maximum permissible error of standard gauges shall be less than 1/2 of the absolute value of the maximum permissible error of the indicating values of pressure generators. Selection of the standard gauges with control function Respectively SELECT the standard pressure gauge with control function and the test system with control function (hereinafter referred to as “test system”) for verifying the pressure generators from the following instruments and systems. a) Digital pressure gauges with high resolution; b) The system composed of measuring transducer, acquisition system, and display. The measuring range of the selected test system shall be greater than or equal to that of the pressure generators. The absolute value of the maximum permissible error of test systems shall not be greater than that of the indicating values of pressure generators, while the resolution shall be greater than 1/10 of the absolute value of the maximum permissible error of the indicating values of the under-verification pressure generators. For those above class-0.01, the sampling frequency of the test system shall not be lower than 10Hz. For those below class-0.02 (including 0.02), the sampling frequency of the test system shall not be lower than 20Hz. 7.1.2 Auxiliary equipment Insulation resistance tester. DC 100V, DC 500V, 10 levels. Withstand voltage tester. The output voltage shall be AC 0~1.5kV. The frequency is 45~55Hz. The output power shall not be lower than 0.25kW. Pressure source. cylinders, manual pressure (vacuum) pumps, air compressors, vacuum pumps, booster pumps, etc. Other equipment. stopwatch, etc. 7.1.3 Conditions of verification environment Ambient temperature. For the pressure generators with above class-0.1 (including 0.1). (20 ± 2) °C; For the pressure generators with below class-0.2 (including 0.2). (20 ± 5) °C. Relative humidity. not greater than 85%. No obvious mechanical vibration or external magnetic field (excluding the geomagnetic field) shall exist near the standard gauges and the under-verification pressure generators. 7.2 Verification items See Table 4 for the verification items of pressure generators. Table 4 Table for Verification Items Verification Items Initial Verificatio Subsequent Verification In-service Verification 6.1 Appearance + + + 6.2 Insulation resistance + + - 6.3 Insulating strength + - - 6.4 Tightness + - - 5.2.1 Indication error + + + 5.2.2 Return error + + + 5.2.3 Zero drift + + - 5.2.4 Periodic stability - + - 5.3.1 Control stability + + + 5.3.2 Overshoot (Undershoot) of pressure control + + - 5.3.3 Stable duration of target pressure + + - 5.3.4 Response time of control + + - on the same horizontal plane. When the two reference positions are not on the same horizontal plane, the absolute value of the additional error of verification caused by the altitude difference of reference positions shall not be greater than 1/10 of the absolute value of the maximum permissible error of the indicating values of pressure generators. Otherwise, i... ......

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