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JJF 1075-2015 English PDF (JJF1075-2001)

JJF 1075-2015_English: PDF (JJF1075-2015)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
JJF 1075-2015English559 Add to Cart 4 days [Need to translate] Calibration Specification for Clamp Ammeters Valid JJF 1075-2015
JJF 1075-2001English559 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Calibration Specification of Clamp Ammeters Obsolete JJF 1075-2001

Standard ID JJF 1075-2015 (JJF1075-2015)
Description (Translated English) Calibration Specification for Clamp Ammeters
Sector / Industry Metrology & Measurement Industry Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard A55
Word Count Estimation 24,275
Date of Issue 2015-12-07
Date of Implementation 2016-06-07
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) JJF 1075-2001
Quoted Standard JJG 124-2005; JB/T 9285-1999
Drafting Organization Tianjin Metrology Supervision and Inspection Institute
Administrative Organization National Electromagnetic Measurement Technology Committee
Regulation (derived from) ?AQSIQ 2015 Nian (No.148)
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine
Summary This standard is applicable to the calibration of a Clamp ammeter with a line voltage of not more than 650 V, a DC or AC frequency of (45 to 400) Hz, and a current of 0.1 to 2 000. It is also suitable for the calibration of the multifunction clamp current function. Not suitable for calibration of clamp-type leakage ammeter.

Standard ID JJF 1075-2001 (JJF1075-2001)
Description (Translated English) Calibration Specification of Clamp Ammeters
Sector / Industry Metrology & Measurement Industry Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard A55
Word Count Estimation 14,163
Date of Issue 2001-12-04
Date of Implementation 2002-03-01
Quoted Standard GB/T 7676-1998; JB/T 9285-1999; JB/T 9281-1999; JJF 1001-1998; JJF 1059-1999
Drafting Organization Tianjin Institute of Measurement Technology
Administrative Organization National Technical Committee of the AC power measurement
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine
Summary This standard applies to the line voltage not exceeding 650V, operating frequency of 45 ~ 65Hz clamp meter calibration. This specification also applies to multi-purpose clamp meter calibration of the current.

JJF 1075-2015 Calibration Specification for Clamp Ammeters National Metrological Technical Code of the People's Republic of China Clamp ammeter calibration specification 2015-12-07 released 2016-06-07 implementation State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine issued Clamp ammeter calibration specification Replacing JJF 1075-2001 Unit. National Electromagnetic Metrology Technical Committee The main drafting unit. Tianjin Institute of measurement supervision and inspection Participate in the drafting unit. Changsha Tianheng Measurement & Control Technology Co., Ltd This specification entrusts the National Electromagnetic Metrology Technical Committee to explain The main drafters of this specification. Ma Lianhui (Tianjin Metrology Supervision and Research Institute of Science and Technology) Liu Yong (Tianjin Metrology Supervision and Research Institute of Science and Technology) Sun Bing (Tianjin Institute of Metrology and Supervision Science and Technology) Participate in the drafters. Zhou Xinhua (Changsha Tianheng Measurement & Control Technology Co., Ltd.) table of Contents Introduction (II) 1 range (1) 2 References (1) 3 Overview (1) 4 Metering characteristics (1) 5 Calibration conditions (1) 5.1 Environmental conditions (1) 5.2 Measurement standards and other equipment (2) 6 Calibration items and calibration methods (3) 6.1 Calibration items (3) 6.2 Calibration method (3) 7 Calibration Results Expression (6) 8 re-school time interval (7) Appendix A Clamp Ammeter Current Measurement Uncertainty Evaluation Example (8) Appendix B Introduction and Calibration of Clamp Ammeter (11) Appendix C Clamp Ammeter Current Maximum Allowable Error Representation (15) Appendix D Clamp Ammeter Calibration Original Recording Format (16) Appendix E Clamp Ammeter Calibration Certificate Inside Page Format (18) introduction This specification is based on JJF 1071-2010 "National Metrological Calibration Rules", JJF 1059.1-2012 "Measurement Uncertainty Assessment and Representation", JJF 1001-2011 "Generic Metrological Terms and Definitions". This specification is a revision of the JJF 1075-2001 "Clamp Ammeter Calibration Specification". Compared with JJF 1075-2001, the main amendments are. - the preparation of the format in line with JJF 1071-2010 "national measurement calibration rules to prepare the rules" requirements; --- The scope of application has been adjusted. The operating frequency range of the clamp ammeter is adjusted to DC or (45 ~ 400) Hz; --- to expand the current measurement range, from the original (0.1 ~ 1000) A expanded to (0.1 ~.2000) A; --- to calibrate the accuracy of the school level to 0.2; - for the expansion of the uncertainty of the k value of the re-provision, provides k = 2; - The calibration method is re-divided into four methods. 1) standard current source method; 2) standard table ratio More law; 3) standard transformer method; 4) standard resistance method; - Appendix A adds an example of the uncertainty of the current measurement of the clamp ammeter; --- Appendix B to increase the clamp ammeter calibration methods introduced and error analysis; - Appendix C increases the maximum allowable error representation of the clamp ammeter current; --- Appendix D, E Added Clamp Ammeter Calibration Original Record/Calibration Certificate Inside Page Format. The previous release of this specification is. --- JJF 1075-2001. Clamp ammeter calibration specification 1 Scope This specification applies to line voltage not exceeding 650V, DC or AC frequency is (45 ~ 400) Hz, current (0.1 ~.2000) A clamp ammeter calibration, but also for multi-function clamp meter current function calibration. Not applicable Calibration of the clamp leakage ammeter. 2 reference file This specification refers to the following documents. Current Meter, Voltmeter, Power Meter and Resistance Meter JB/T 9285-1999 Clamp ammeter For dated references, only the dated edition applies to this specification; references that are not dated , The latest version (including all modifications) applies to this specification. 3 Overview Clamp ammeter (including digital, pointer) is a way to open and close the magnetic circuit in the current conductor to measure its electrical Flow of the instrument. It is characterized by no need to disconnect the loop, you can measure the current measured circuit. In accordance with the principle of measurement clamp Ammeter can be divided into transformer, Hall effect and magnetic balance and so on. The principle of the transformer clamp ammeter can only measure the AC current, Hall effect principle and the principle of magnetic balance of the clamp Flow meter can measure AC and DC current. 4 measurement characteristics Current. Measuring range. (0.1 ~.2000) A; Operating frequency. DC or AC frequency (45 ~ 400) Hz; The maximum allowable error is shown in Table 1, where the error of the digital clamp ammeter is expressed by relative error, the pointer clamp The ammeter error is expressed as a reference error. The error representation is given in Appendix C. Table 1 clamp ammeter maximum allowable error Accuracy class 0.2 grade 0.5 grade 1.0 grade 2.0 grade 5.0 Maximum permissible error ± 0.2% ± 0.5% ± 1.0% ± 2.0% ± 5.0% Note. The above indicators are not used for qualifying, for reference only. 5 calibration conditions 5.1 Environmental conditions Ambient temperature. (20 ± 5) ℃; ......

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