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JJF 1030-2023 English PDF (JJF1030-2010, JJF1030-1998)

JJF 1030-2023_English: PDF (JJF1030-2023)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
JJF 1030-2023English449 Add to Cart 4 days [Need to translate] Measurement and Test Norm of Metrological Characteristics of Thermostatic Baths for Temperature Calibration Valid JJF 1030-2023
JJF 1030-2010English479 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Measurement and Test Norm of Thermostatic Baths Metrological Characteristics Obsolete JJF 1030-2010
JJF 1030-1998English359 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Measurement and Test Norm of Thermostatic BathTechnological Characteristic Obsolete JJF 1030-1998
JJF 1030-1991EnglishRFQ ASK 3 days [Need to translate] (Chinese Industry Standard) Obsolete JJF 1030-1991

Standard ID JJF 1030-2023 (JJF1030-2023)
Description (Translated English) Measurement and Test Norm of Metrological Characteristics of Thermostatic Baths for Temperature Calibration
Sector / Industry Metrology & Measurement Industry Standard
Word Count Estimation 22,271
Date of Issue 2023-10-12
Date of Implementation 2024-04-12
Drafting Organization Beijing Institute of Metrology and Testing Sciences
Administrative Organization National Thermometry Technical Committee
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration for Market Regulation

Standard ID JJF 1030-2010 (JJF1030-2010)
Description (Translated English) Measurement and Test Norm of Thermostatic Baths Metrological Characteristics
Sector / Industry Metrology & Measurement Industry Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard A54
Classification of International Standard 17.200
Word Count Estimation 12,119
Date of Issue 2010-09-06
Date of Implementation 2011-03-06
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) JJF 1030-1998
Drafting Organization Beijing Institute of measuring and testing
Administrative Organization National Temperature Measurement Technical Committee
Regulation (derived from) AQSIQ Announcement No. 100 of 2010
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine
Summary This standard applies to verification or calibration liquid bath temperature stability and uniformity of the test.

Standard ID JJF 1030-1998 (JJF1030-1998)
Description (Translated English) Measurement and Test Norm of Thermostatic BathTechnological Characteristic
Sector / Industry Metrology & Measurement Industry Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard A54
Word Count Estimation 9,935
Date of Issue 1998/1/1
Date of Implementation 1998/10/1
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) JJG 1030-1991
Regulation (derived from) National AQSIQ Notice 2010 No. 100

JJF 1030-2023: Technical Performance Test Specification for Thermostat Bath for Temperature Calibration National Metrology Technical Specifications of the People's Republic of China Thermostatic bath for temperature calibration Technical Performance Test Specifications Released on 2023-10-12 Implemented on 2024-04-12 Released by the State Administration for Market Regulation Thermostatic bath for temperature calibration Technical Performance Test Specifications Replace JJF 1030-2010 Responsible unit: National Thermometry Technical Committee Main drafting unit: Beijing Institute of Metrology and Testing Sciences Unit participating in the drafting: Dalian Institute of Metrology, Inspection and Testing Co:, Ltd: China Jiliang University Jinan Changfeng Zhiyuan Instrument Technology Co:, Ltd: Dalian Bokong Technology Co:, Ltd: Huzhou Weili Instrument Factory The National Thermometry Technical Committee is entrusted with the interpretation of this specification: The main drafters of this specification: Zhang Ke (Beijing Institute of Metrology and Testing Sciences) Participating drafters: Li Ying (Dalian Institute of Metrology, Inspection and Testing Co:, Ltd:) Sun Bin(China Jiliang University) Zhang Jiong (Jinan Changfeng Zhiyuan Instrument Technology Co:, Ltd:) Yao Min (Beijing Institute of Metrology and Testing Sciences) Zeng Yongchun (Dalian Bokong Technology Co:, Ltd:) Chen Jian (Huzhou Weili Instrument Factory) Table of contents Introduction(Ⅱ) 1 range(1) 2 Cited documents(1) 3 terms(1) 4 Overview(2) 5 Technical performance(2) 6 Test conditions(3) 6:1 Environmental conditions(3) 6:2 Standard instruments and supporting equipment for measurement (3) 7 Test items and test methods (3) 7:1 Test items (3) 7:2 Test method(3) 8 Expression of test results(8) 9 Retest time(8) Appendix A Thermostatic bath test certificate inner page format (9) Appendix B Uncertainty evaluation of horizontal temperature difference measurement of constant temperature bath (10) Appendix C Uncertainty Evaluation Example of Vertical Temperature Difference Measurement in Constant Temperature Bath 1 (12) Appendix D Uncertainty Evaluation Example 2 of Vertical Temperature Difference Measurement of Constant Temperature Bath (14) introduction JJF 1071-2010 "Rules for Writing National Measurement Calibration Specifications", JJF 1059:1-2012 "Measurement Uncertainty Assessment and Expression" together constitute the basic series of standards that support the formulation and revision of this standard: This specification replaces JJF 1030-2010 "Technical Performance Test Specification for Constant Temperature Baths": Compared with JJF 1030-2010, in addition to editorial modifications, the main technical changes in this specification are as follows: ---According to the current temperature measurement regulations and specification requirements, add -80℃~300℃ to the range; ---According to the current temperature measurement regulations and specification requirements, increase the technical performance indicators of the constant temperature bath; ---Add the term "immersion depth"; ---Based on the technical index requirements of the constant temperature bath, it is clear that the minimum immersion depth of the standard platinum resistance thermometer is 100mm; ---Add test items for temperature rise and cooling rate deviation of constant temperature bath: The previous releases of this specification are as follows: ---JJF 1030-2010; ---JJF 1030-1998: Thermostatic bath for temperature calibration Technical Performance Test Specifications 1 Scope This specification applies to the temperature uniformity, Test of temperature fluctuation and heating (cooling) rate: 2 cited documents This specification references the following documents: JJG130-2011 Working glass liquid thermometer JJG229-2010 Industrial platinum and copper thermal resistance JJG310-2002 pressure thermometer JJF 1379-2012 Calibration specifications for thermistor thermometers JJF 1632-2017 Temperature switch temperature parameter calibration specifications For dated references, only the dated version applies to this specification; for undated references, only the dated edition applies: The latest version (including all modification orders) shall be applicable to this specification: 3 terms An area that can ensure the temperature uniformity and fluctuation of the thermostatic bath: The difference between the maximum temperature and the minimum temperature in the working area of the thermostatic bath under stable conditions: When the constant temperature bath is in a stable state, the maximum temperature change in the working area within a certain time interval: The horizontal plane at the highest point of the thermostatic bath working area: The horizontal plane at the lowest point of the thermostatic bath working area: 3:6 fixedthermometer fixedthermometer A thermometer fixed in the working area of the constant temperature bath and used to measure the temperature of the constant temperature bath: 3:7 movedthermometer Thermometers placed at multiple predetermined positions within the working area of the constant temperature bath for measuring the temperature of the constant temperature bath: 3:8 immersion depth immersiondepth The thermometer is inserted vertically into the thermostatic bath, the length of which it is immersed in the liquid: ......

JJF 1030-2010 Measurement and Test Norm of Thermostatic Bath "s Metrological Characteristics People's Republic of China National Metrology Technical Specifications Bath technical performance test specification Issued on. 2010-09-06 2011-03-06 implementation The State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine released Bath technical performance test specification Bath'sMetrolog Replacing JJF 1030-1998 This specification by the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine approved on September 6, 2010, and from From March 6, 2011 into effect. Focal point. the National Technical Committee of temperature measurement Main drafting unit. Beijing Institute of Metrology detection Participated in the drafting unit. China Institute of Metrology Guangdong Provincial Institute of Metrology Shanghai Measurement and Testing Technology Research Institute Const Beijing Instrument Technology Co., Ltd. This specification temperature measured by the National Technical Committee is responsible for interpretation The main drafters of this specification. Zhang Ke (Beijing Institute of Metrology detection) Chang (China Institute of Metrology) Drafters participate. Yao Min (Beijing Institute of Metrology detection) Liang was there (the Guangdong Provincial Institute of Metrology) Wu Jianying (Shanghai Institute of Measurement and Testing) Liu Baoqi (Beijing Const Instrument Technology Co., Ltd.) Zhang Yi farmers (Beijing Institute of Metrology detection) table of Contents 1 Scope (1) 2 Terms (1) 3 Overview (1) Test Condition 4 (2) 4.1 environmental conditions (2) 4.2 measurement standard equipment and ancillary equipment (2) 5 test items and test methods (2) 5.1 Test Project (2) 5.2 Test Method (2) Appendix A bath temperature uniformity measurements Uncertainty Evaluation (5) Appendix B bath temperature fluctuation measurements Uncertainty Evaluation (7) Bath technical performance test specification 1 Scope This instruction applies to verification or calibration liquid bath temperature stability and uniformity testing. 2 Terms 2.1 bath work area thermostaticbathsworkingspace That the bath temperature uniformity and stability of the region. 2.2 bath temperature fluctuation thermostaticbathstemperaturevolatility It refers to the scope of the bath working area within a certain time interval, the temperature change. 2.3 bath temperature uniformity thermostaticbathstemperatureuniformity Refers to the difference in the working area of the bath temperature and the minimum temperature is the highest. 2.4 work area level thetophorizontalplaneofworkingspace It refers to the level of the bath working area at the top. 2.5 work area level thebottomhorizontalplaneofworkingspace It means the lowest level of the bath at the work area. 2.6 Fixed thermometer fixedstandardsforplatinumresistancethermometer The oven operates within a fixed area for measuring the bath temperature thermometer. 2.7 Mobile thermometer movingstandardsforplatinumresistancethermometer In the bath working area is moved to measure the bath temperature thermometer. 3 Overview The bath is liquid as a heat transfer medium through the temperature control system and the role of stirring or jet device, to Set temperature and maintaining the temperature inside the working area stable uniform, mainly used for verification and calibration of various types of thermometers or Other measuring instruments required temperature equipment. Heat ducts can also refer to this test specification. Bath work area Is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 a schematic view of the working area of the bath ......

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