JJF 1012-2007_English: PDF (JJF1012-2007)
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JJF 1012-2007 | English | 339 |
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Humidity and Moisture Metrological Terms and Their Definitions
| Valid |
JJF 1012-2007
JJF 1012-1987 | English | 239 |
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General Terms for Humidity Measurement
| Obsolete |
JJF 1012-1987
Standard ID | JJF 1012-2007 (JJF1012-2007) | Description (Translated English) | Humidity and Moisture Metrological Terms and Their Definitions | Sector / Industry | Metrology & Measurement Industry Standard | Classification of Chinese Standard | A61 | Classification of International Standard | 17.020 | Word Count Estimation | 13,152 | Date of Issue | 2007-11-21 | Date of Implementation | 2008-05-21 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | JJF 1012-1987 | Quoted Standard | AQSIQ Announcement No. 188 of 2007 | Drafting Organization | China Institute of Metrology | Administrative Organization | National Technical Committee of Physics stoichiometric measurement | Regulation (derived from) | AQSIQ Announcement No. 188 of 2007 | Issuing agency(ies) | State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine | Summary | This standard specifies the humidity and moisture measurement on common terminology and definitions. | Standard ID | JJF 1012-1987 (JJF1012-1987) | Description (Translated English) | General Terms for Humidity Measurement | Sector / Industry | Metrology & Measurement Industry Standard | Classification of Chinese Standard | A61 | Word Count Estimation | 6,691 | Date of Issue | 1987/1/1 | Date of Implementation | 1988/4/1 | Regulation (derived from) | National AQSIQ Notice 2007 No. 188 |
JJF 1012-2007
Humidity and Moisture Metrological Terms and Their Definitions
People's Republic of China National Metrology Technical Specifications
Humidity and moisture measurement terminology and definitions
Posted 2007-11-21
2008-05-21 implementation
The State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine released
Humidity and moisture measurement
Terminology and Definitions
Replacing JJF 1012-1987
This specification by the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine approved on November 21, 2007, and from
From May 21, 2008 into effect.
Focal point. the National Technical Committee stoichiometric physical
The main drafting units. China Institute of Metrology
Participated in the drafting unit. Shanghai Institute of Measurement and Testing
This specification by the responsible National Technical Committee stoichiometric physical interpretation
The main drafters of this specification.
Zhan Yuan (China Institute of Metrology)
Drafters participate.
Ren Changqing (China Institute of Metrology)
Yi Hong (China Institute of Metrology)
Zhang Wendong (Shanghai Institute of Measurement and Testing)
table of Contents
1 Scope (1)
2 humidity measurement terms and definitions (1)
3 Moisture measurement terms and definitions (6)
Appendix A humidity and moisture measurement terminology commonly used symbols and units (8)
Humidity and moisture measurement terminology and definitions
1 Scope
This specification defines a common terminology and definitions related to humidity and moisture measurement.
2 humidity measurement terms and definitions
2.1 steam watervapour
Also known as water vapor. Water, gas, gasification or sublimation of water ice is made.
2.2 dry gas drygas
Without water vapor gas.
NOTE. absolutely free dry gas is water vapor does not exist, so-called dry gas is only relative.
2.3 moisture wetgas
Dry gas and steam mixture composed.
2.4 dry air dryair
Air-free steam.
2.5 wet air wetair
Dry air and water vapor mixture composed.
2.6 saturated saturation
Water vapor or ice to reach dynamic equilibrium state.
2.7 saturation moisture saturatedgas
Achieve dynamic equilibrium moisture at a given temperature.
NOTE. Saturated moisture certain temperature, equal to the dew point temperature.
2.8 water vapor absorption absorptionofwatervapour
Water molecules penetrate into the interior of the object principle.
Water vapor adsorption adsorptionofwatervapour 2.9
Water molecules attached to the surface of the object.
2.10 vapor desorption desorptionofwatervapour
Water molecules from the surface or inside the object, contrary absorption or adsorption processes and the role of water vapor.
2.11 humidity humidity
Gas water vapor content.
2.12 mass mixing ratio mixingratio
Than the moisture vapor quality and mass of dry gas, also known as the mixing ratio r.
Note. The reference humidity hygrometer --- gravimetric method is based on the quality of the definition of the mixing ratio established.
r = mvma
Where. mv --- mass of water vapor, kg;