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JB/T 6539-1992 English PDF

JB/T 6539-1992_English: PDF (JB/T6539-1992)
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JB/T 6539-1992English145 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Steel pressure vessel for micro-air compressor Obsolete JB/T 6539-1992

Standard ID JB/T 6539-1992 (JB/T6539-1992)
Description (Translated English) Steel pressure vessel for micro-air compressor
Sector / Industry Mechanical & Machinery Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard J72
Classification of International Standard 23.14
Word Count Estimation 18,172
Date of Issue 1992/12/25
Date of Implementation 1993/7/1
Quoted Standard GB 150; GB 699; GB 700; GB 713; GB 912; GB 985; GB 986; GB 3077; GB 3274; GB 3323; GB 5681; GB 6479; GB 6653; GB 6654; GB 8163; JB 1152; JB 2536; JB 4708; JB/T 4709; JB/T 6441
Drafting Organization Machinery and electronics industry Hefei General Machinery Research Institute
Administrative Organization Machinery and electronics industry Hefei General Machinery Research Institute
Summary This standard specifies the basic requirements for the design, manufacture, inspection and acceptance of the miniature air compressor with steel pressure vessel. This standard applies to the design pressure of less than 1. 6 MPa, nominal volume greater than or equal to 25 L, and less than 450 L mini air compressor with a pressure vessel. Pressure vessel operating temperature range of 0 ~ 200 ��. Design pressure and nominal volume corresponds to the provisions of other compressor pressure vessels, execution may refer to this standard.

JB/T 6539-92 JB J 72 Machinery Industry Standard of the People’s Republic of China Steel pressure vessels for miniature air compressors ISSUED ON. DECEMBER 25, 1992 IMPLEMENTED ON. JULY 1, 1993 Issued by. Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People’s Republic of China. Table of Contents 1 Subject content and application scope ... 3  2 Reference standard ... 3  3 Terms ... 4  4 General provisions ... 6  5 Forms and basic parameters ... 9  6 Materials ... 10  7 Cylinders and heads ... 13  8 Openings and connecting tubes ... 16  9 Support and plates ... 21  10 Manufacturing, inspection and acceptance ... 22  11 Accessories ... 30  Additional information... 32  Steel pressure vessels for miniature air compressors 1 Subject content and application scope This Standard specifies the basic requirements for the design, manufacturing, inspection and acceptance of steel pressure vessels for miniature air compressors (hereinafter referred to as “pressure vessels”). This Standard applies to the pressure vessels for miniature air compressors whose design pressure is less than 1.6MPa, nominal volume is greater than or equal to 25L, and less than 450L. The operating temperature of pressure vessels is within the range of 0°C ~ 200°C. The pressure vessels for other compressors whose design pressure and nominal volume are equivalent to the above-mentioned provisions may refer to this Standard. 2 Reference standard GB 150 Steel pressure vessels GB 699 Quality carbon structure steel – Technical requirements GB 700 Carbon structural steels GB 713 Plates of carbon steels and low alloy structural steels for boilers GB 912 Hot-rolled sheets and strips of carbon structural steels and high strength low alloy structural steels GB 985 Basic forms and sizes of weld grooves for gas welding, manual arc welding, and gas-shielded arc welding GB 986 Basic forms and sizes of weld grooves for submerged arc welding GB 3077 Alloy structure steel – Technical requirements GB 3274 Hot-rolled plates and strips of carbon structural steels and high strength low alloy structural steels GB 3323 Methods for radiographic inspection and classification of radiographs for fusion welded butt joints in steel GB 5681 Hot-rolled steel strips for pressure vessels GB 6479 Seamless steel tubes for high-pressure for chemical fertilizer equipment GB 6653 Steel plates for welded gas cylinders GB 6654 Carbon and low alloy steel plates for pressure vessels GB 8163 Seamless steel tubes for liquid service JB 1152 Ultrasonic inspection for butt welds of boilers and steel pressure vessels JB 2536 Painting, packaging and transportation of pressure vessels JB 4708 Welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels JB/T 4709 Welding specification for steel pressure vessels JB/T 6441 Safety valves for compressors 3 Terms 3.1 Working pressure It refers to the gauge pressure in the pressure vessels under normal operating conditions. 3.2 Rated working pressure It refers to the pressure specified by the pressure vessel model, whose value is equal to that of the rated exhaust pressure of compressors. 3.3 Maximum working pressure It refers to the maximum gauge pressure that might achieve in the pressure vessels under normal operating conditions. 3.4 Design pressure It refers to the pressure used for determining the wall thickness of pressure vessels, which is 1.05 to 1.1 times the value of the rated working pressure. However, the design pressure shall not be lower than the maximum working according to the manufacturing process and actual steel thickness, so as to ensure that the actual thickness of each part of the pressure vessel is not less than the design thickness. 4 General provisions The pressure vessels shall be manufactured according to the provisions of this Standard, the drawings and technical documents or agreements approved by prescribed procedures. 4.1 Designated Scope The scope of pressure vessels designated in this Standard is as follows. 4.1.1 The first flange sealing surface of the connecting tube. 4.1.2 The first screwed connection of the connecting tube. 4.1.3 The first circumferential weld of the connecting tube. 4.1.4 The pressure control and safety relief devices and meters directly installed on the pressure vessels shall conform to the relevant provisions of this Standard. 4.2 Allowable stress Each intensity data of steels and bolts is respectively divided by the safety factors, given in Tables 1 and 2. TAKE the smaller value. Table 1 Intensity Performance Minimum Tensile Strength at Room Temperature σb Yield Point at Room Temperature or Design Temperature σs or σts Carbon Steel & Low Alloy Steel Safety Factor n ≥ 3.0 ns ≥ 1.6 Table 2 Steel Bolt Diameter mm Heat Treatment Conditions Safety Factor of Yield Point at Design Temperature ns Carbon Steel ≤ M22 Hot Rolling & Normalizing 2.7 M22~M48 2.5 Low Alloy Steel & Alloy Steel ≤ M22 Normalizing & Hardening and Tempering 3.5 M22~M48 3.0 5.2 Pressure parameters The rated working pressure of pressure vessels shall be selected according to Table 3. Table 3 MPa 0.25 0.4 0.5 0.7 1.0 1.25 1.4 5.3 Cylinder diameter 5.3.1 When using steel plates to rolling cylinders, the nominal diameter shall be selected according to Table 4. At this moment, the nominal diameter of cylinders refers to the inner diameter of cylinders. Table 4 mm 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 5.3.2 When using steel pipes as cylinders, the nominal diameter of cylinders shall be selected according to GB 8163. At this moment, the nominal diameter of cylinders refers to the outer diameter of steel pipes. 6 Materials 6.1 General requirements 6.1.1 The steel plates and pipes used for manufacturing the pressure vessels shall have material certificates (or copies). The manufacturing organizations shall perform acceptance according to the certificates. 6.1.2 The steels for pressure parts of pressure vessels shall conform to the provisions specified in this Chapter. For other materials, if their performance is not worse than the material performance specified in this Chapter, it is allowable to be used for substitute. 6.1.3 The steels and corresponding welding materials listed in this Chapter shall also meet the requirements of corresponding standards. 6.2 Steel plates 6.2.1 When using the boiling carbon steel plates and killed carbon steel plates for manufacturing pressure vessels, the scope shall conform to the provisions specified in Table 5. Table 7 Steel designation Steel Pipe Standard Thickness mm Strength Index at Room Temperature Allowable Stress at the Following Temperatures (°C) MPa σb MPa σs MPa ≤ 20 100 150 200 Carbon Steel Tubes 10 GB 8163 ≤ 10 335 205 112 108 101 20 GB 8163 ≤ 10 390 245 130 123 Low Alloy Steel Tubes 16Mn GB 6479 ≤ 16 490 320 163 159 6.3.2 For the tubes of carbon steels and low alloy steels applied to the pressure vessel cylinders, the pressure vessel manufacturing organizations shall extract one tube from each batch for rechecking the mechanical properties. 6.4 Bolts The steel designation and allowable stress of bolts shall conform to the provisions specified in Table 8. Table 8 Steel designation Steel Plate Standard Using Status Bolt Specifications mm Strength Index at Room Temperature Allowable Stress at the Following Temperatures (°C) MPa σb MPa σs MPa ≤ 20 100 150 200 Carbon Steel Bolts Q235-A (A3, AY3) GB 700 Hot Rolling < M24 370 235 87 78 74 69 35 GB 699 Normalizing < M24 530 315 117 105 98 91 Low Alloy Steel Bolts 30CrMoA GB 3077 Hardening & Tempering < M24 805 685 196 176 171 167 6.5 Welding materials 6.5.1 The recommended welding materials for pressure vessels are given in Table 9. 6.5.2 If using the materials of different steel designations for welding, the welding materials shall be determined by test, or shall conform to the provisions of relevant welding procedure regulations and standards. Table 9 Steel Designation Arc Welding Submerged Arc Welding Steel Designation of Welding Wires for Carbon Dioxide Gas-shielded Arc Welding Steel designation of Welding Wires for Argon Arc Welding Welding Rod Model Corresponding Trademark Example Steel Designation of Welding Wires Welding Flux Model Corresponding Trademark Example Q-235-A, F (A3F) E4303 J422 H08 H08Mn HJ401-H08A HJ431 H08Mn2Si - Q-235-A (A3) Q-235-B, Q-235-C, 20g, 20R, 20HP E4316 J426 H08A H08MnA HJ401-H08A HJ431 H08Mn2Si - E4315 J427 16MnR E5016 J506 H10MnS H10Mn2 HJ402-H10Mn2 HJ350 H08Mn2SiA H10Mn2 16Mn E5003 J502 HJ401-H08A HJ431 7 Cylinders and heads 7.1 Symbol instructions Di – Inner diameter of cylinders or... ......

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