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HJ/T 397-2007 English PDF

HJ/T 397-2007_English: PDF (HJ/T397-2007)
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Standard ID HJ/T 397-2007 (HJ/T397-2007)
Description (Translated English) Technical specifications for emission monitoring of stationary source
Sector / Industry Environmental Protection Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard Z60
Classification of International Standard 13.030.01
Word Count Estimation 30,393
Date of Issue 2007-12-07
Date of Implementation 2008-03-01
Quoted Standard GB/T 16157; HJ/T 47; HJ/T 48; ISO 12141
Drafting Organization China Environmental Monitoring Station
Administrative Organization ?State Environmental Protection Administration
Regulation (derived from) SEPA Notice No. 81 of 2007
Summary This standard specifies the flue, chimney and exhaust emissions from stationary sources such as, the particulate matter and gaseous pollutants monitoring and measurement techniques of manual sampling methods, and portable instrumentation monitoring methods. Stationary source emission monitoring for the preparation, the determination of the emission parameters, exhaust particulate and gaseous pollutants sampling and measurement methods, monitoring and quality assurance makes provision. This standard applies to all levels of environmental monitoring stations, industry, professional bodies corporate environmental monitoring and environmental science departments to carry out monitoring of exhaust emissions stationary sources, monitoring of environmental acceptance of completed construction projects, monitoring of treatment effect of pollution control facilities, flue gas emissions monitoring system verification monitoring, cleaner production processes and pollution prevention technology research monitoring.

HJ/T 397-2007 HJ INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Technical specifications for emission monitoring of stationary source ISSUED ON. DECEMBER 7, 2007 IMPLEMENTED ON. MARCH 1, 2008 Issued by. State Environmental Protection Administration State Environmental Protection Administration Announcement [2007 No.81] In order to carry out the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, protect the environment, ensure human health, improve the level of environmental management, and standardize the environmental monitoring work, hereby approve and publish the Technical Specifications of the Fixed Source Pollutant Emission Monitoring and other three standards as the state environmental protection standards. Standard names and standard number are as follows. I. Technical Specifications for Emission Monitoring of Stationary Source (HJ/T 397-2007) II. Emissions from Stationary Pollution Source Determination of Flue Gas Blackness Ringelmann Flue Gas Blackness Diagram Method (HJ/T 398-2007) III. Water Quality-Determination of the Chemical Oxygen Demand Fast Digestion Spectrophotometric Method (HJ/T 399-2007) IV. Determination of Interior Volatile Organic Compounds and Carbonyl Compounds in Cabin of Vehicles (HJ/T 400-2007) Above standards are directive standards. They shall be implemented from March 1, 2008, and published by the China Environmental Science Press. The content of the standards are available at the website of It is hereby to announce. December 7, 2007 Table of Contents Foreword ... 4 1 Scope ... 5 2 Normative references ... 5 3 Terms and definitions ... 5 4 Preparations for testing ... 6 5 Sampling location and sampling point ... 8 6 Determination of exhaust parameters ... 12 7 Determination of particulates ... 22 8 Sampling of gaseous pollutants ... 26 10 Sampling frequency and sampling time ... 35 11 Monitoring and analyzing methods ... 35 12 Indications and calculations of monitoring results ... 36 13 Quality assurance and quality control ... 40 Annex A (Informative) The monitoring analysis method for some exhausts pollutants of stationary source ... 47 Foreword This Standard is established to carry out the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, and Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution, prevent and control atmospheric pollution, and improve environmental quality. This Standard specifies the manual sampling and determination of particulate and gaseous pollutants monitoring methods in smoke flue, chimney, vent emission funnel and other fixed pollutant sources; and the monitoring methods of the portable instruments. It formulated corresponding provisions on the preparation for emission monitoring of stationary source, determination of exhaust emission parameter, sampling and determination method of particulates and gaseous pollutant in exhaust, and the quality assurance of monitoring, etc. Annex A of this Standard is Informative Annex. This Standard is first-time released. This Standard was proposed by the scientific and technical standard department of State Environmental Protection Administration. This Standard was mainly drafted by organizations. China National Environmental Monitoring Center, and Shenyang Municipal Environmental Monitoring Center. This Standard was approved by State Environmental Protection Administration on December 7, 2007. This Standard shall be Implemented from March 1, 2008. This Standard shall be interpreted by State Environmental Protection Administration. Technical specifications for emission monitoring of stationary source 1 Scope This Standard specifies the manual sampling and determination of particulate and gaseous pollutants monitoring methods in smoke flue, chimney, vent emission funnel and other fixed pollutant sources; and monitoring methods of the portable instruments. It formulated corresponding provisions on the preparation for emission monitoring of stationary source, determination of exhaust emission parameter, sampling and determination method of particulates and gaseous pollutant in exhaust, and the quality assurance of monitoring etc. This Standard applies to the environmental monitor stations at all levels, industry and enterprise professional organizations, and environmental scientific research institutes, to carry out the emission monitoring of exhaust pollutants of stationary source; environmental protection acceptance monitoring upon the completion of construction project; monitoring on the control effect of pollution treatment facilities; verification monitoring on continuous emission monitoring system; and the technical research monitoring of clean production process and pollution prevention. 2 Normative references The articles contained in the following documents become part of this Standard when they are quoted herein. For the undated documents so quoted, all the modifications or revisions made thereafter shall be applicable to this Standard. GB/T 16157 The determination of particulates and sampling methods of gaseous pollutants emitted from exhaust gas of stationary source HJ/T 47 Technical conditions of sampler for stack gas HJ/T 48 Technical conditions of sampler for stack dust ISO 12140 Agricultural machinery - Agricultural trailers and trailed equipment - Drawbar jacks 3 Terms and definitions For the purpose of this Standard, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 Pollution source The facilities or building constructions (such as workshops) that emit atmospheric pollutants. 3.2 Stationary source The pollution source that generates exhaust gases from the boiler and industrial furnace of coal, fuel oil and fuel gas; and from the production process of petrochemical engineering, metallurgy and building materials; which is emitted into the air via exhaust funnel. 3.3 Particulates The solid and liquid granular material suspended in the exhaust gases and generated from the combustion, composition, decomposition of fuel and other materials, and the mechanical treatment of various materials. 3.4 Gaseous pollutants All kinds of pollutants dispersed in exhaust gases in the state of gas. 3.5 Operational condition The state of production operation of devices and facilities. 3.6 Isokinetic sampling It refers to keep the plane of sampling nozzle onto airflow of exhaust gas, so as the flow speed of entering the sampling nozzle is equal to exhaust flow speed at the measurement point. 3.7 Dry flue gas of standard conditions The exhaust gas excluding moisture under conditions of temperature of 273.15 K and pressure of 101 325 Pa. 3.8 Excess air coefficient The ratio of the actual air supply amount AND the theoretical air requisite amount when fuel is burning. 4 Preparations for testing Formulation of monitoring scheme 4.1.1 Collect related technical data, and understand the technological process of production and the performance of production facilities that generated exhaust gas, the category of the principal pollutant emitted and the general scope of emission concentration, to determine the monitoring items and monitoring methods. 4.1.2 Survey purification principle, process engineering, major technical indicators and others of process engineering facilities of pollution source to determine the monitoring content. 4.1.3 Survey operational condition of production facilities, emissions methods and rules of pollutants to current is in direct proportion to the mole number of the oxygen atom involved in the reaction, the current generated from discharging is transferred into voltage via load, and the volume fraction of oxygen can be obtained by measuring the voltage on the load. b) Instruments. 1) Oxygen meter, consisted of air pump, flow control devices, control circuit and display screen. 2) Sampling pipe and the sample gas preprocessor. c) Determination steps. Connect the gas circuit according to the requirements of instrument’s instruction manual, and perform leak test on the gas circuit system; start the instrument air pump; after the self-inspection of instrument is finished and indicates that it operates normally, insert the sampling pipe into the center or position nearby of the tested flue to sample flue gas for determination, and read the data when the reading of oxygen content is stable. 6.3.4 Determination of O2 by the thermo-magnetic oxygen meter a) Principle. The paramagnetism of oxygen attracted by magnetic field is mu... ......

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