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HJ 513-2009 English PDF

HJ 513-2009_English: PDF (HJ513-2009)
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HJ 513-2009English239 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Cleaner production standard. Lead electrorefining industry Valid HJ 513-2009

Standard ID HJ 513-2009 (HJ513-2009)
Description (Translated English) Cleaner production standard. Lead electrorefining industry
Sector / Industry Environmental Protection Industry Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard Z61
Classification of International Standard 13.100
Word Count Estimation 9,97
Date of Issue 2009-11-13
Date of Implementation 2010-02-01
Quoted Standard GB/T 469; GB/T 16157-1996; GB/T 24001; HJ/T 425
Drafting Organization Changsha Research Institute of Nonferrous Metallurgy Design
Regulation (derived from) Department of Environmental Protection Notice No. 59 of 2009
Summary This standard specifies the lead electrolysis industry, the general requirements for cleaner production. This standard will lead electrolysis industry cleaner production indicators are divided into five categories, namely, the production technology and equipment requirements, resource and energy utilization index, product index, pollutant indicator (prior to the end of treatment) and environmental management requirements. This standard applies to lead electrolysis cleaner production audit, clean production potential and opportunities for judgment and performance assessment of cleaner production and cleaner production performance disclosure system for environmental impact assessment, permit and other environmental management system.

HJ 513-2009 Cleaner production standard.Lead electrorefining industry HJ National Environmental Protection Standard of the People's Republic Clean production standard lead electrolysis industry Cleaner production standard --Lead electrorefining industry Released on.2009-11-13 2010-02-01 Implementation Ministry of Environmental Protection released Ministry of Environmental Protection announcement No. 59 of.2009 To protect the environment and improve enterprises in order to implement the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China and the Law of the People's Republic of China on Cleaner Production Promotion. The level of clean production in the industry is now approved by the “Clean Production Standards, Crude Lead Smelting Industry” and other two standards as national environmental protection standards. cloth. The standard name and number are as follows. I. Clean production standard crude lead smelting industry (HJ 512-2009) The above standards have been implemented since February 1,.2010 and published by the China Environmental Science Press. The standard content can be found on the website of the Ministry of Environmental Protection. Special announcement. November 13,.2009 Content Foreword..iv 1 Scope..1 2 Normative references..1 3 Terms and Definitions.1 4 Normative technical requirements..1 5 Data acquisition and calculation method 3 6 Standard implementation. 4 Foreword To protect the environment and lead electricity for the implementation of the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China and the Cleaner Production Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China Decommissioning enterprises provide technical support and guidance for clean production, and develop this standard. This standard stipulates that on the basis of meeting national and local pollutant discharge standards, according to current industry technology, equipment level and management water Ping, lead electrolysis industry, the general requirements for cleaner production. This standard is divided into three levels, one level represents the international advanced level of cleaner production, the second generation Table shows the advanced level of domestic clean production, and the third level represents the basic level of domestic clean production. With the continuous advancement and development of technology, this standard will be suitable Revised. This standard is the first release. This standard was formulated by the Science and Technology Standards Department of the Ministry of Environmental Protection. This standard was drafted. Changsha Nonferrous Metallurgy Design and Research Institute, China Academy of Environmental Sciences. This standard was approved by the Ministry of Environmental Protection on November 13,.2009. This standard has been implemented since February 1,.2010. This standard is interpreted by the Ministry of Environmental Protection. Iv Clean production standard lead electrolysis industry 1 Scope of application This standard specifies the general requirements for cleaner production in lead electrolysis enterprises. This standard divides the clean production indicators of lead electrolysis enterprises into five categories, namely Production process and equipment requirements, resource and energy utilization indicators, product indicators, pollutant production indicators (before end treatment) and environmental management requirements. This standard applies to the clean production audit of lead electrolysis enterprises, the judgment of clean production potential and opportunities, and the evaluation of clean production performance. The system for setting and reporting clean production performance is also applicable to environmental management systems such as environmental impact assessment and pollutant discharge permits. 2 Normative references The contents of this standard refer to the terms in the following documents. For undated references, the valid version applies to this standard. GB/T 469 lead ingot GB/T 16157-1996 Determination of particulate matter in fixed pollution source exhaust gas and sampling method of gaseous pollutants GB/T 24001 Environmental Management System Requirements and User Guide HJ/T 425 Technical Guidelines for the Development of Cleaner Production Standards Interim Measures for Clean Production Audit (National Development and Reform Commission, State Environmental Protection Administration Order No. 16) 3 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 3.1 cleaner production cleaner production Refers to continuous improvement of design, use of clean energy and raw materials, adoption of advanced process technology and equipment, improvement of management, and comprehensive utilization And other measures to reduce pollution from the source, improve resource utilization efficiency, reduce or avoid the production of pollutants in production, service and product use. Health and emissions to mitigate or eliminate harm to human health and the environment. 3.2 Cleaner production standard cleaner production standard Refers to the principle of life cycle analysis, from production process and equipment, resource and energy utilization, products, pollutant generation, waste recycling And six aspects of environmental management, giving staged indicators to the clean production level of the industry, guiding the company's clean production and pollution Process control. Note. Quoted from HJ/T 425 Technical Guidelines for Cleaner Production Standards. 3.3 pollutant generation indicators (before end treatment) pollutants generation indicators (before end-of-pipe treatment) That is, the coefficient of pollution generation refers to the amount of pollutants produced before the production (or processing) of a unit product (before end treatment). Refers to lead product Dust production index. 3.4 lead electrolysis lead electrolysis The process of producing lead metal by wet electrolysis using crude lead as raw material. 3.5 Residual anodic residual rate The percentage of the weight of the residual portion of the lead anode plate after electrolysis to the weight of the anode plate loaded before electrolysis. 4 Normative technical requirements 4.1 Indicator classification This standard gives three levels of technical indicators for the clean production level of the production process of lead electrolysis enterprises. Level 1. International advanced level of cleaner production; Level 2. advanced level of domestic clean production; Level 3. The basic level of domestic cleaner production. 4.2 Indicator requirements See Table 1 for the technical requirements for clean production of lead electrolysis enterprises. Table 1 Technical requirements for clean production of lead electrolysis industry Clean production index level First, the production process and equipment requirements 1. The process adopts large plate process (single anode plate ≥300 kg) Single anode plate ≥90 kg 2.1 Fire refining process Smelting and producing crude lead does not require ingot casting, direct liquid into the pot, melting lead pot pot surface fixed smelting production of crude lead ingots after cold state into the pot 2.2 Melting lead pan/t ≥ 100 ≥ 75 ≥ 60 2. Equipment 2.3 Mechanization and automation Level The whole process is highly automated. The molten lead pot is fixed, Automatic dosing, residual pole continuous mechanical joining, continuous Mechanical fishing copper scum; automatic casting of cathode and anode, The anode and cathode are automatically arranged and placed in the electrolytic cell at the same time; Electric lead pan machine slag; waste generated in the production process Gas has effective collection and treatment measures The level of automation is higher. Yin and anode Automatic casting, automatic discharge of anode and cathode Distance; electric lead pan machine slag; production The exhaust gas produced by the process is effective Collection and treatment The level of automation is average. yin and yang Extremely automatic casting, automatic spacing; Exhaust gas produced during the production process Prepare effective collection and treatment measures Second, resource and energy utilization indicators 1. Lead recovery rate /% ≥99 ≥98 2. Unit product DC power consumption / (kW·h/t) ≤120 3. Residual rate /% ≤38 ≤40 ≤45 4. Unit product silicic acid consumption/(kg/t) ≤ 2.5 ≤ 3.5 ≤ 4.0 Third, product indicators The quality requirements of electric lead meet the quality requirements of lead No. 1 in GB/T 469 and meet the quality requirements of corresponding grade lead in GB/T 469. Fourth, the pollutant production index (before the end treatment) Lead dust production per unit of product (with Pb Meter)/(kg/t) ≤ 8 ≤ 12 ≤ 20 V. Environmental management requirements 1. Environmental laws, regulations and standards comply with national and local environmental laws and regulations, and pollutant discharge meets national and local emission standards, total amount control and discharge permit management requirements. 2. The organization has a sound environmental management agency and professional environmental management personnel. Have a dedicated environmental management agency and Professional environmental management staff Have a basic environmental management agency And full-time environmental managers 3. Environmental audit Completed in accordance with the Interim Measures for Clean Production Audit Clean production audit, perfect cleaning production Management organization, and continue to carry out cleaner production; Establish and operate the environment according to GB/T 24001 Management system, environmental management manual, program file And working documents are available Reviewed in accordance with the Interim Measures for Clean Production Audit; Environmental Management The system is sound, the original records and statistics are complete and effective. 4. Solid waste management Properly dispose of general waste, and carry out hazardous waste such as lead scum, anode mud, lead oxide slag and alkali slag according to relevant requirements. Harmless disposal. Formulate and report to the local environmental administrative department of the local people's government at or above the county level for the record of hazardous waste management Plan (including measures to reduce the amount and hazard of hazardous waste generation and storage, utilization and disposal of hazardous waste) The environmental protection administrative department of the local people's government at or above the county level declares the type, amount and flow of hazardous waste. Relevant information such as storage and disposal. Formulate accidents for the generation, collection, storage, transportation, utilization and disposal of hazardous wastes Accident prevention measures and emergency plans, and file with the local environmental protection administrative department of the local people's government at or above the county level Continued Clean production index level Quality inspection system and elimination for all raw and auxiliary materials The consumption quota management system has a quality inspection system and a consumption quota management system for the main raw and auxiliary materials. All production processes have operating procedures, major positions There are operational instructions for all production processes, and there are operational instructions for key positions. Appraisal of energy consumption and water consumption of each process, production workers Graded assessment Test on energy consumption and water consumption of main processes Nuclear, production process can be graded and evaluated The environmental protection facilities are in normal operation, and there is no running, rushing, dripping or leaking. The equipment and waste generating parts that are likely to cause pollution should be alerted. Brand, clean production environment Lead-disined pots, electric lead pans, etc., which are required to be equipped with control and treatment devices The electrolytic cell should adopt acid mist suppression measures such as covering agent - Environmental management procedures during start-up and shutdown New, modified and expanded project management and acceptance procedures Have an environmental monitoring and management system, record operational data and establish environmental protection files; and formulate corporate environmental risk plans 5. Production process environmental management Establish a regular emergency drill system for major risk accidents and establish a major risk accident emergency warning system 6. Safety and environmental protection requirements in the process of packaging, transportation, loading and unloading of raw and auxiliary materials in the relevant environmental management service agreement 5 data acquisition and calculation methods 5.1 sampling The pollutant production index refers to the concentration or total amount of pollutants before the pollutant enters the terminal treatment facility, and the sampling point should be set at the end. Entrance to the facility. The sampling and monitoring of the particles of this standard shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T 16157-1996. 5.2 Calculation method 5.2.1 Lead recovery rate Refers to the ratio of the amount of lead in the final product entering the product to the total amount of lead in the raw material in the process of producing electrolytic lead from crude lead, according to formula (1). Calculation. Pb Pb Pb 100% PR = × (1) Where. RPb - lead recovery, %; PPb - the amount of metal lead that eventually enters the product, t/a; SPb--the amount of lead in raw lead, t/a. 5.2.2 DC power consumption per unit of product Refers to the DC power consumed by the production unit of lead, calculated according to formula (2). 310UZ N c = × × (2) Where. Z--DC power consumption, kW·h/t; U--slot voltage, V; N--current efficiency, %; C--lead electrification equivalent, 3.865 g/(A · h). 5.2.3 Silicon Fluoride Consumption per Product Refers to the amount of 100% sulphuric acid in the production unit of lead, calculated according to formula (3). MM = (3) Where. Mi--unit product electric lead silicon fluoric acid consumption, kg/t; M--A certain measurement time (more than one month, the same below), the total consumption of 100% sulphuric acid in enterprise lead production, kg; Q--In the same measurement time, the company's electricity lead production, t. 5.2.4 Lead dust production per unit of product Refers to the lead content in the exhaust gas produced by the lead production per unit of electricity in the process of producing electrolytic lead with crude lead as raw material, calculated according to formula (4). i 10 PP = × (4) Where. Pi--the amount of lead produced in the lead gas of unit electricity, kg/t; P--the total amount of lead in the exhaust gas of the enterprise within a certain measurement time, t; Q--In the same measurement time, the company's electricity lead production, t. 6 Standard implementation This standard is supervised and implemented by the environmental protection administrative department of the people's government at or above the county level. ......

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