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HJ 497-2009 English PDF

HJ 497-2009_English: PDF (HJ497-2009)
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HJ 497-2009English599 Add to Cart 4 days [Need to translate] Technical specifications for pollution treatment projects of livestock and poultry farms Valid HJ 497-2009

Standard ID HJ 497-2009 (HJ497-2009)
Description (Translated English) Technical specifications for pollution treatment projects of livestock and poultry farms
Sector / Industry Environmental Protection Industry Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard Z05
Classification of International Standard 13.020
Word Count Estimation 23,271
Date of Issue 2009-09-30
Date of Implementation 2009-12-01
Quoted Standard GB 5084; GB 7959; GB 8958; GB 18596-2001; GB 18877; GB 50014-2006; GB 50046; GB 50052; GB 50054; GB 50069; GB 50334; GB/T 18883; GBJ 16; GBZ 1; CJ/T 3059; CJJ 60-1994; CJJ 64-1995; CJJ/T 30; CJJ/T 54; CJJ/T 86; DB11/T 272-2005; HJ/T 81-2001; HJ/T 353; HJ/T 354; HJ/T 355; NY 525; NY/T 1167; NY/T 1168-2006; NY/T 1222-2006; NY/T 1220.3; NY/T 1221-2006
Drafting Organization China Environmental Protection Industry Association (Water Pollution Control Committee)
Administrative Organization Ministry of Environmental Protection
Regulation (derived from) Department of Environmental Protection Notice 2009 No. 50
Summary This standard specifies the intensive livestock farms (area) pollution control engineering design, construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the technical requirements. This standard applies to intensive livestock farms (area) of new construction, renovation and expansion of pollution control projects from design, construction, inspection, operation of the whole process of management and pollution control projects have been built the operation and management, can be used as environmental impact assessment, design, construction, environmental protection, inspection and operation and management after the completion of the technical basis.

HJ 497-2009 Technical specifications for pollution treatment projects of livestock and poultry farms HJ National Environmental Protection Standard of the People's Republic Technical specification for pollution control engineering of livestock and poultry breeding industry Technical specifications for pollution treatment projects of livestock And poultry farms Released on.2009-09-30 2009-12-01 Implementation Ministry of Environmental Protection released Ministry of Environmental Protection announcement No. 50 of.2009 To implement the "Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China", "Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China" The Law on Pollution Prevention and Control, which regulates the construction and operation of pollution control projects for livestock and poultry breeding, and now approves the Technical Specifications for Pollution Control Engineering of Livestock and Poultry Industry. It is a national environmental protection standard and is released. The standard name and number are as follows. The above standards have been implemented since December 1,.2009 and published by the China Environmental Science Press. The standard content can be found on the website of the Ministry of Environmental Protection. Special announcement. September 28,.2009 Content Foreword..iv 1 Scope..1 2 Normative references..1 3 Terms and Definitions. 2 4 Contaminants and pollution loads.3 5 overall design..3 6 process selection..4 7 Wastewater treatment..6 8 Solid manure treatment 9 9 sick and dead poultry carcass treatment and disposal..10 10 malodor control.10 11 Labor Safety and Occupational Health..10 12 Construction and acceptance 11 13 Operation and Maintenance 11 Appendix A (informative appendix) Water quality and manure production from livestock and poultry farming 15 Appendix B (normative appendix) Composting test method..16 Appendix C (normative appendix) Method for detecting maturity.18 Foreword To implement the "Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China", "Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China" Pollution Prevention and Control Law, regulate the construction and operation of pollution control projects in livestock and poultry breeding, control waste and odor pollution in livestock and poultry breeding, improve the ring The quality of the environment, the development of this standard. This standard is based on China's current pollutant discharge standards and pollution control technologies, and stipulates the design of pollution control projects for livestock and poultry breeding. Technical requirements for metering, construction, acceptance and operation and maintenance. This standard is the first release. This standard was formulated by the Science and Technology Standards Department of the Ministry of Environmental Protection. This standard is mainly drafted by. China Environmental Protection Industry Association (Water Pollution Control Committee), Tianjin Environmental Protection Science Research Institute, Beijing Environmental Protection Science Research Institute, Zhejiang Biogas Solar Energy Research Institute. This standard was approved by the Ministry of Environmental Protection on September 30,.2009. This standard has been implemented since December 1,.2009. This standard is explained by the Ministry of Environmental Protection. Iv Technical specification for pollution control engineering of livestock and poultry breeding industry 1 Scope of application This standard specifies the technical requirements for the design, construction, acceptance, operation and maintenance of intensive livestock and poultry farms (districts). This standard applies to the construction, construction and acceptance of pollution control projects for the construction, reconstruction and expansion of intensive livestock and poultry farms (districts). The whole process management of the bank and the operation management of the established pollution control project can be used as environmental impact assessment, design, construction, environmental protection acceptance and The technical basis for operation and management after completion. 2 Normative references The contents of this standard refer to the terms in the following documents. For undated references, the valid version applies to this standard. GB 5084 Farmland Irrigation Water Quality Standard GB 7959 fecal harmless hygiene standard GB 8958 Safety Regulations for Hazardous Oxygen Operation GB 18596-2001 Pollutant discharge standards for livestock and poultry farming GB 18877 organic-inorganic compound fertilizer GB 50014-2006 Outdoor Drainage Design Code GB 50046 industrial building anti-corrosion design specification GB 50052 design specification for power distribution system GB 50054 Low Voltage Distribution Design Specification GB 50069 Water supply and drainage engineering structure design specification GB 50334 Urban Wastewater Treatment Plant Engineering Quality Acceptance Specification GB/T 18883 indoor air quality standard GB J 16 Building Design Fire Code GBZ 1 industrial enterprise design hygiene standard CJ/T 3059 Technical Evaluation Index for Municipal Domestic Waste Composting Plant CJJ 60-1994 Technical regulations for operation, maintenance and safety of urban sewage treatment plants CJJ 64-1995 Urban Manure Treatment Plant (Field) Design Specification CJJ/T 30 Urban Manure Treatment Plant Operation, Maintenance and Safety Technical Regulations CJJ/T 54 Design Code for Sewage Stabilization Pond CJJ/T 86 Urban Domestic Waste Composting Plant Operation, Maintenance and Safety Technical Regulations DB11/T 272-2005 Operational Management Specification for Domestic Waste Composting Plant HJ/T 81-2001 Technical Specifications for Pollution Prevention and Control of Livestock and Poultry Breeding HJ/T 353 Water Pollution Source Online Monitoring System Installation Technical Specification (Trial) HJ/T 354 Water Pollution Source Online Monitoring System Acceptance Technical Specification (Trial) Technical Specifications for Operation and Assessment of HJ/T 355 Water Pollution Source Online Monitoring System (Trial) NY 525 Organic Fertilizer NY/T 1167 Livestock and Poultry Farm Environmental Quality and Sanitation Control Code NY/T 1168-2006 Technical Specification for Harmless Treatment of Livestock and Poultry Manure NY/T 1222-2006 Large-scale livestock and poultry farm biogas engineering design specification NY/T 1220.3 Technical Specifications for Biogas Engineering - Part 3. Construction and Acceptance NY/T 1221-2006 Large-scale livestock and poultry farm biogas project operation, maintenance and safety technical regulations Technical Specifications for the Treatment of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Epidemic Situation (Trial) (Nongzheng Fa [2004] No. 1) “Measures for Completion and Acceptance of Construction Projects (Engineering)” (Project Construction [1990] No. 1215) Measures for the Administration of Environmental Protection Acceptance for Completion of Construction Projects (Order No. 13 of the State Environmental Protection Administration) 3 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 3.1 Intensive livestock and poultry farms Refers to the production of more production materials and labor in smaller sites, the use of new processes and technical measures, carefully managed livestock and poultry Farm. (GB 18596-2001) This standard refers to pig farms with more than 300 stocks, dairy farms with more than 50 heads, beef farms with more than 100 heads, and more than 4,000 feathers. Chicken farms, duck farms over 2,000 pigeons or goose farms. 3.2 Intensive livestock and poultry park (including intensive farming community) Refers to a certain distance from the residential area, and the area where the individual livestock and poultry breeding individual is determined by the administrative division. (GB 18596-2001) 3.3 Fecal residue and waste water Refers to the general term for wastewater and solid manure produced by livestock and poultry farms. 3.4 Waste water for livestock and poultry farming Refers to the urine produced by livestock and poultry farms, all feces or residual feces and feed residues, flushing water and workers' lives, and the production process The general term for raw wastewater, in which flushing water accounts for the majority. 3.5 dry and dung process Dry collection The manure discharged from livestock and poultry is collected or removed mechanically or manually, and urine, residual manure and flushing water are discharged from the sewage channel. The method of clearing the dung. 3.6 Manure cleaning by rinsing The manure, urine and sewage discharged from livestock and poultry are mixed into the manure ditch, and the water is flushed several times a day. The manure water flows into the manure main ditch and drains. Decontamination process. 3.7 Manure cleaning by water submerging Refers to the injection of a certain amount of water into the septic ditch in the livestock house, and discharges the manure, urine, rinsing and management water to the slatted floor. In the manure ditch, store for a certain period of time (usually 1 to 2 months). After the manure is filled, open the exit gate, and the manure in the ditch flows into the dung. The manure removal process after the main trunk of the manure. 3.8 Composting Refers to the centralized storage of organic solid waste such as livestock manure and biodegradation of organic matter under the action of microorganisms to form a similar rot The material process of the soil. (NY/T 1168-2006) 3.9 Aerobic composting Refers to the method of composting waste mainly by aerobic microorganisms under the condition of sufficient oxygen supply. (DB11/T 272-2005) 3.10 Maturity Refers to the process of mineralization and humification in the composting process to reach a stable degree, which reflects the stabilization process in the composting process. Indicator of degree. 3.11 Odor pollutants Refers to all gaseous substances that stimulate the olfactory organs, causing unpleasantness and damage to the living environment. (GB 18596-2001) 3.12 Non-hazardous treatment Refers to the process of killing pathogens, parasites and weed seeds in livestock manure using high temperature, aerobic or anaerobic processes. (NY/T 1168- 2006) 4 Contaminants and pollution loads 4.1 The design water quantity of the livestock and poultry aquaculture wastewater treatment project should be determined according to the actual amount of wastewater generated by the farm. The maximum allowable displacement design of livestock and poultry breeding in Article 3.1.2 of GB 18596-2001 can also be referred to similar projects or reference local similarities. The amount of farm wastewater generated is determined. 4.2 Design of livestock and poultry wastewater treatment project The influent water quality should be determined according to the actual discharge wastewater quality of the farm. There is no measured data. It should be determined according to similar engineering experience or reference to the wastewater quality of similar local farms. No reference data can be determined by referring to Appendix A. 4.3 The design and processing capacity of solid manure for livestock and poultry farming should be determined according to the actual production amount of the farm. If there is no measured data, it should be based on similar engineering. Experience or reference to the amount of manure produced by similar local farms can also be determined by reference to Appendix A. 5 overall design 5.1 General provisions 5.1.1 The environmental quality and sanitary control of livestock and poultry farms shall comply with the relevant requirements of NY/T 1167. 5.1.2 The design unit of the pollution control project of livestock and poultry breeding industry shall have the corresponding design qualification of the country. 5.1.3 In addition to complying with this standard, the design of pollution control engineering for livestock and poultry breeding should also comply with the relevant national mandatory standards. Provisions. 5.1.4 The pollution control of livestock and poultry breeding should be controlled from the source, strict implementation of rain and sewage separation, optimization of feed formula, improvement of feeding techniques, Management level, improvement of the structure of the barn and ventilation heating process, improvement of the defecation process and other measures to reduce environmental pollution in the farm. 5.1.5 The pollution control of livestock and poultry breeding industry should be based on the principle of resource utilization, reduction and harmlessness, and take comprehensive utilization as the starting point to improve resources. Utilization rate. 5.1.6 When the livestock and poultry manure is resourced, it should be harmlessly treated before it can be used for returning to the field. The harmless treatment should meet the following requirements. a) Liquid livestock and poultry manure should be treated harmlessly by anaerobic process; biogas slurry and biogas residue should not be used as feed for equivalent animals. Circulation between animals. b) Solid livestock manure is cheaply treated with aerobic composting technology for harmless treatment. c) Hygienic indicators after harmless treatment shall comply with the relevant provisions of GB 7959. 5.1.7 After the harmless treatment, the amount of manure can not exceed the nutrient content required for the growth of the crop in the same year. In determining When the optimum application rate of manure is used, the soil fertility and manure fertilizer efficiency should be tested and evaluated, and meet the requirements of local environmental capacity. At the same time More than double the land for fertilization, not long-term fertilization in the same land. 5.1.8 If there is insufficient land to absorb the farm using solid manure, an organic fertilizer plant or treatment should be established to treat the manure of livestock and poultry intensively. Set) facilities. The production of commercial organic fertilizers and compound fertilizers should meet the relevant requirements of NY 525 and GB 18877, respectively. 5.1.9 Livestock and poultry breeding wastewater shall not be discharged into sensitive waters and waters with special functions, and the discharge shall comply with relevant national and local regulations. Emission water quality should meet the requirements of GB 18596-2001 or relevant local pollutant discharge standards; for treatment of farmland irrigation, effluent water The quality should meet the requirements of GB 5084. 5.1.10 The construction of pollution control project for livestock and poultry breeding industry should conform to the local overall plan, combine with the local objective reality, and properly handle the concentration. Relationship with dispersion, processing and utilization, and near-term and long-term. 5.1.11 The electrical design of the pollution control project of livestock and poultry breeding industry shall comply with the provisions of GB 50052 and GB 50054. 5.1.12 The livestock and poultry breeding pollution control project should adopt an automatic control system, and the automatic control system should be applicable, reliable, and meet the facilities. Safety and economic operation requirements. 5.1.13 The pollution control project of livestock and poultry breeding industry shall take measures to prevent secondary pollution, waste water, waste gas, waste residue, noise and other pollutants. Emissions should be in accordance with appropriate national or local emission standards. 5.1.14 Intensive livestock and poultry farms (districts) pollution control projects shall be installed in accordance with relevant regulations. 5.2 Project composition 5.2.1 The design objects of the pollution control project of livestock and poultry breeding industry mainly include the main body treatment structure and equipment, supporting engineering and operation management. Service Facilities. 5.2.2 Main treatment structures and equipment including wastewater treatment systems, solid manure treatment systems and odor treatment systems; If it is directly discharged into the environment, it shall set up a standardized sewage outlet according to relevant state regulations. 5.2.3 Supporting projects include general plan transportation, power supply and distribution, water supply and drainage, fire protection, communication, HVAC, monitoring and testing. 5.2.4 Operation management service facilities include office buildings and warehouses. 5.3 Site selection requirements 5.3.1 The pollution control project of livestock and poultry breeding industry should maintain a certain degree of sanitary protection distance from the production areas of farms, residential areas, etc. The production area and living area of the livestock and poultry farm dominate the downwind direction or the side wind direction of the wind direction. 5.3.2 The location of the pollution control project of livestock and poultry breeding industry should be conducive to emissions, resource utilization and transportation, and leave room for expansion, convenient Construction, operation and maintenance. 5.3.3 Other requirements for the site selection of pollution control projects in livestock and poultry breeding are referred to Chapter 2 of CJJ 64-1995 and Chapter 5 of GB 50014-2006. Relevant regulations are implemented. 5.4 General layout The layout should be based on sewage treatment system, solid manure treatment system, and odor centralized treatment system. Other facilities should be based on feces. The sewage treatment process is reasonably arranged to ensure that the relevant equipment fully functions, to ensure stable operation of the facility, convenient maintenance, economical and reasonable, and safe Health. 5.5 Greening It is advisable to plant tall and evergreen trees and set up green belts that can absorb odor and purify the air to reduce the odor to the environment. influences. 6 Process selection 6.1 Collection and storage of manure 6.1.1 Collection of manure Livestock and poultry farms newly built, rebuilt or expanded should adopt dry and dung process. The existing use of water flushing manure, blisters and manure cleaning process The farm should be gradually changed to dry and dung process. Livestock and poultry manure should be produced daily. Livestock and poultry farms shall establish drainage systems and implement rainwater and sewage diversion. 6.1.2 Storage of manure For the use of remediation after the decontamination of manure, the livestock and poultry manure treatment plant (station) shall be provided with a special storage tank. The location selection of the storage tank shall meet the requirements of Article 5.2 of HJ/T 81-2001. The total effective volume of the storage tank shall be determined according to the storage period. Farms that combine farming and breeding, the storage period of the storage pool shall not be lower than that of the local The maximum interval of fertilizer for crop production and the maximum freezing period in winter or rainy season are generally not less than 30 days. The structure of the storage tank shall comply with the relevant provisions of GB 50069, with anti-leakage function, and shall not pollute the groundwater. For parts that are easily eroded, appropriate anti-corrosion measures shall be taken in accordance with the provisions of GB 50046. The storage tank shall be equipped with measures to prevent the entry of rain (water). The storage tank should be equipped with a sewage pump. 6.2 Basic process mode of manure treatment 6.2.1 Process selection principle When using the manure treatment process, it should be based on the type of culture of the farm, the scale of the culture, the way of collecting the manure, and the natural land. Determine the process route and treatment objectives by factors such as environmental conditions and drainage direction, and should fully consider the particularity of livestock and poultry aquaculture wastewater. In the case of comprehensive utilization or compliance discharge, the treatment process with low operating cost is preferred; the physical and chemical treatment process should be carefully selected. The scale of the breeding in the inventory (in terms of pigs) 2 000 heads and below should be used as far as possible 6.2.2 Mode I or 6.2.3 Mode II treatment Arts; storage (in pigs) 10 000 heads and above, should use 6.2.4 Mode III treatment process. If the mode I or mode II treatment process is adopted, the farm should be located in a non-environmentally sensitive area, and the surrounding environment has a large capacity and is far away from the city. The city has energy demand and there is enough land around it to absorb all the biogas slurry and biogas residue. The farm of dry and dung process should not adopt the mode I treatment process, and the solid manure is cheaply carried out by aerobic composting and other techniques. Harmless treatment. When using the dry decontamination process, the proportion of decontamination should be controlled at 70%. 6.2.2 Mode I The basic process flow of mode I is shown in Figure 1. Biogas slurry utilization system manure water Biogas residue Grit chamber, anaerobic reaction tank, biogas storage tank, fertilization or other uses Biogas purification biogas utilization gas tank compost Grille Waste water, biogas slurry, biogas residue Barn Figure 1 Basic process of the mode I process The mode I process is mainly used for energy utilization and comprehensive utilization, and is suitable for local energy demand, and biogas can be completely Use, while there is enough land around to absorb biogas slurry, biogas residue, and more than one-time land rotation area, so that the entire farm (area) livestock Bird excreta is fully recycled in a small area. The excrement and urine together with the wastewater enter the anaerobic reactor; if the dry decontamination process is not adopted, the flushing water should be strictly controlled to improve the wastewater. Concentration, reducing the total amount of wastewater. 6.2.3 Mode II Mode II The basic process of the process is shown in Figure 2. Waste water Fecal manure Biogas liquid utilization system Biogas residue Grit chamber, anaerobic reaction tank, biogas storage tank, fertilization or other uses Biogas purification biogas utilization gas tank Grid solid-liquid separation equipment hydrolysis acidification tank barn compost Waste water, biogas slurry, biogas residue Figure 2 Mode II process basic process The mode II process is suitable for energy demand, mainly for the harmless treatment of pollutants, reducing the concentration of organic matter, and reducing the marsh The purpose of the liquid and biogas residue is to meet the required land area, and there is sufficient land area around the farm to absorb the low concentration of biogas slurry, and There is a certain amount of land rotation area. Before entering the anaerobic reactor, the wastewater should be separated by solid-liquid (dry and wet), and then the solid waste and waste water should be separately treated. Reason. 6.2.4 Mode III The basic process of the Mode III process is shown in Figure 3. The energy demand is not high and the biogas slurry and biogas residue cannot be used for land consumption. The wastewater must be discharged or reused after being treated. Process III is used. Before entering the anaerobic reactor, the wastewater should be separated by solid-liquid (dry and wet), and then the solid waste and waste water should be separately treated. Reason. Waste water Fecal manure residue Grit chamber anaerobic reaction tank Biogas purification biogas utilization gas tank Grid solid-liquid separation equipment hydrolysis acidification tank barn compost Aerobic treatment system Compliance with discharge or farmland irrigation Pool Natural processing system Waste water, biogas slurry, biogas residue disinfection Figure 3 Mode III process basic process 7 Wastewater treatment 7.1 Pretreatment 7.1.1 General provisions The pretreatment of the livestock and poultry farm wastewater should be strengthened before the treatment. The pretreatment includes grid, grit chamber, solid-liquid separation system, hydrolysis and acidification. Pool and so on. 7.1...... ......

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