HJ 25.3-2019_English: PDF (HJ25.3-2019)
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Technical guidelines for risk assessment of soil contamination of land for construction
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HJ 25.3-2019
HJ 25.3-2014 | English | RFQ |
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Technical Guidelines for Risk Assessment of Contaminated Sites
| Obsolete |
HJ 25.3-2014
Standard ID | HJ 25.3-2019 (HJ25.3-2019) | Description (Translated English) | Technical guidelines for risk assessment of soil contamination of land for construction | Sector / Industry | Environmental Protection Industry Standard | Word Count Estimation | 54,584 | Date of Issue | 2019-12-05 | Date of Implementation | 2019-12-05 | Standard ID | HJ 25.3-2014 (HJ25.3-2014) | Description (Translated English) | Technical Guidelines for Risk Assessment of Contaminated Sites | Sector / Industry | Environmental Protection Industry Standard | Word Count Estimation | 58,541 | Date of Issue | 2014/2/19 | Date of Implementation | 2014/7/1 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | HJ/T 25-1999 | Regulation (derived from) | Ministry of Environmental Protection Notice No. 14 of 2014 |
6.4.2 Route of skin contact with soil
In the second type of land use, people can be exposed to contaminated soil due to direct skin contact. For carcinogenic and
Non-carcinogenic effect, the recommended model for calculating the soil exposure corresponding to this pathway is shown in Appendix A formula (A.23) and formula
6.4.3 Inhalation of soil particulate matter
Under the second type of land use, people can be exposed to contaminated soil by inhaling airborne particulate matter from the soil. for
The carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects of pollutants. The recommended model for calculating the soil exposure corresponding to this pathway is shown in Appendix A (A.25).
And formula (A.26).
6.4.4 Inhalation of gaseous pollutants from surface soil in outdoor air
Under the second type of land use, people can be exposed to pollution due to inhalation of gaseous pollutants from surface soil in outdoor air.
Stain the soil. For the carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects of pollutants, the recommended model for calculating the soil exposure for this pathway is shown in the appendix
A formula (A.27) and formula (A.28).
6.4.5 Intake of gaseous pollutants from the lower soil in the outdoor air
Under the second type of land use, people can be exposed to pollutants by inhaling gaseous pollutants from the lower soil in the outdoor air.
Stain the soil. For the carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects of pollutants, the recommended model for calculating the soil exposure for this pathway is shown in the appendix
A formula (A.29) and formula (A.30).
6.4.6 Intake of gaseous pollutants from groundwater in outdoor air
Under the second type of land use, people can be exposed to pollution by inhaling gaseous pollutants from groundwater in outdoor air.
groundwater. For the carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects of pollutants, the recommended model for calculating the corresponding groundwater exposure for this pathway is attached
Record A formula (A.31) and formula (A.32).
6.4.7 Inhalation of gaseous pollutants from lower soil in indoor air
Under the second type of land use, people can be exposed to pollutants by inhaling gaseous pollutants from the lower soil in the indoor air.
Stain the soil. For the carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects of pollutants, the recommended model for calculating the soil exposure for this pathway is shown in the appendix
A formula (A.33) and formula (A.34).
6.4.8 Intake of gaseous pollutants from groundwater in indoor air
Under the second type of land use, people can be exposed to pollution by inhaling gaseous pollutants from groundwater in indoor air
groundwater. For the carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects of pollutants, the recommended model for calculating the corresponding groundwater exposure for this pathway is attached
Record the formula (A.35) and formula (A.36).
6.4.9 Drinking groundwater route
Under the second type of land use, people can be exposed to groundwater pollutants due to drinking groundwater. For single pollutants
Carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects, the recommended model for calculating the corresponding groundwater exposure of this pathway is shown in Appendix A formula (A.37) and
7 Technical requirements for toxicity assessment
7.1 Analysis of toxic effects of pollutants
Analyze the harmful effects of pollutants on human health through different pathways, including carcinogenic effects, non-carcinogenic effects, pollutants
The harm mechanism to human health and the dose-response relationship.
7.2 Determination of pollutant-related parameters
7.2.1 Carcinogenicity toxicity parameters
Carcinogenicity toxicity parameters include respiratory inhalation unit carcinogenic factor (IUR), respiratory inhalation carcinogenic slope factor
(SFi), oral carcinogenic slope factor (SFo), and skin contact carcinogenic slope factor (SFd). Partial pollutant
The recommended values of toxicity parameters for carcinogenic effects are shown in Table B.1 of Appendix B.
Breathing inhalation carcinogenic slope factor (SFi) according to the respiratory inhalation unit carcinogenic factor (IUR) in Table B.1 of Appendix B
Derived; Carcinogenic slope coefficient (SFd) of skin contact according to Table B.1 of Appendix B
Extrapolated to obtain. The recommended models for extrapolating SFi and SFd are shown in Appendix B formula (B.1) and formula (B.3), respectively.
7.2.2 Non-carcinogenic effect toxicity parameters
Non-carcinogenic effect toxicity parameters include respiratory inhalation reference concentration (RfC), respiratory inhalation reference dose (RfDi),
Oral intake reference dose (RfDo) and skin contact reference dose (RfDd). Non-carcinogenic effects of some pollutants
Refer to Table B.1 for Appendix B for recommended values.
The respiratory inhalation reference dose (RfDi) is extrapolated from the respiratory inhalation reference concentration (RfC) in Table B.1. skin
The reference exposure dose (RfDd) was extrapolated from the oral intake reference dose (RfDo) in Table B.1. For extrapolation
The recommended models for RfDi and RfDd are shown in Appendix B formula (B.2) and formula (B.4), respectively.
7.2.3 Physicochemical parameters of pollutants
The physical and chemical properties of pollution required for risk assessment include dimensionless Henry constant (H) ยด, diffusion coefficient in air
(Da), water diffusion coefficient (Dw), soil-organic carbon partition coefficient (Koc), and water solubility (S). Partially soiled
The recommended values of the physical and chemical properties of the dyes are shown in Table B.2.
7.2.4 Other related parameters of pollutants
Other relevant parameters include digestive tract absorption factor (ABSgi), skin absorption factor (ABSd), and oral intake
Yield factor (ABSo). Recommendations for digestive tract absorption factor (ABSgi) and skin absorption factor (ABSd) of some pollutants
For parameter values, see Table B.1 in Appendix B. For recommended parameter values for oral absorption absorption factor (ABSo), see Table G.1 in Appendix G.
8 Technical requirements for risk characterization
8.2.3 Carcinogenic risk of single pollutant in groundwater
For a single pollutant, calculate the gaseous pollutants drawn from the groundwater drawn into the outdoor air, drawn into the indoor air
Recommended models for carcinogenic risk from groundwater gaseous pollutants and drinking groundwater exposure pathways are shown in Appendix C.
(C.15), (C.16), (C.17). Calculate the risk of carcinogenicity of a single pollutant in groundwater through the above three exposure routes
The recommended model is shown in Appendix C (C.18).
8.2.4 Hazard quotient of single pollutant in groundwater
For a single pollutant, calculate the gaseous pollutants drawn from the groundwater drawn into the outdoor air, drawn into the indoor air
Gaseous pollutants from groundwater and recommended models of hazards from exposure to drinking groundwater are listed in Appendix C.
(C.19), (C.20), and (C.21). Calculate the hazard index of a single pollutant in groundwater through the above three exposure routes
The recommended model is shown in Appendix C (C.22).
8.3 Uncertainty analysis
8.3.1 The main sources of uncertainty in the risk assessment results of the plot should be analyzed, including exposure scenario assumptions and assessment models
Applicability, model parameter values, etc.
8.3.2 Analysis of Contribution Rate of Exposure Risk
Recommended models for analysis of carcinogenic risk and hazard contribution rate of a single pollutant through different exposure routes, see Appendix D, respectively
Formula (D.1) and formula (D.2). The greater the percentage calculated from the above formula, the more specific the route of exposure
The higher the contribution rate to total risk.
8.3.3 Model parameter sensitivity analysis Principles for determining sensitive parameters
The parameter (P) selected for sensitivity analysis should generally be a parameter that has a greater impact on the risk calculation results, such as human
Group-related parameters (weight, exposure period, frequency of exposure, etc.), parameters related to the route of exposure (daily soil intake,
Soil surface soil adhesion coefficient, daily inhaled air volume, indoor space volume and steam infiltration area ratio, etc.).
When the risk contribution rate of a single exposure pathway exceeds 20%, a sensitivity analysis of the population and parameters related to that pathway should be performed. Sensitivity analysis method
The sensitivity of model parameters can be expressed by the sensitivity ratio, that is, the change of model parameter values (from P1 to P2) and
The ratio of changes in carcinogenic risk or harm quotient (from X1 to X2). The recommended model for calculating the sensitivity ratio is attached
Record the D formula (D.3).
The greater the sensitivity ratio, the greater the impact of this parameter on risk. Perform model parameter sensitivity analysis
Taking into account the actual value range of the parameter, the change range of the parameter value is determined.
9 Technical requirements for calculating risk control values
9.1 Acceptable Carcinogenic Risk and Harm Quotient
When calculating the risk control value of soil and groundwater based on carcinogenic effects, this standard adopts a single pollutant
The cancer risk is 10-6; the single pollutant used in calculating soil and groundwater risk control values based on non-carcinogenic effects ...
HJ 25.3-2014
Technical Guidelines for Risk Assessment of Contaminated Sites
People's Republic of China National Environmental Protection Standards
Replacing HJ/T 25-1999
Issued on.2014-02-19
2014-07-01 implementation
Issued by the Ministry of Environmental Protection
Table of Contents
1. Scope ..1
2 Normative references ..1
3 Terms and Definitions .1
4 procedures and content ..2
5 Hazard Identification Requirements .2
Exposure assessment 6 Technical Requirements .3
7 Toxicity Assessment Technical Requirements .6
8 risk characterization Technical Requirements .6
9 technical computing the value of risk control requirements 7
Appendix A (normative) Recommended Exposure Assessment Model 9
Appendix B (normative) nature pollutant parameters recommended values and extrapolation model 19
Annex C (normative) calculation of cancer risk and hazards's recommended model 33
Uncertainty Analysis Annex D (informative) Recommended model ..39
Appendix E (normative) Calculation of soil and groundwater risk control values recommended model 40
Annex F (normative) Recommended migration of pollutant dispersion model .46
Annex G (informative) Risk assessment model parameters recommended values .53
To implement the "People's Republic of China Environmental Protection Law", to protect the ecological environment, safeguarding human health, strengthen the ring of contaminated sites
Environmental protection supervision and management, regulate human health risk assessment of contaminated sites, the development of this standard.
This standard and contaminated sites belong to the following standard series of environmental standards.
"Technical Guidelines for Environmental Site Investigation" (HJ 25.1-2014)
"Site Environmental Monitoring Technical Guidelines" (HJ 25.2-2014)
"Contaminated site soil remediation technology Guidelines" (HJ 25.4-2014)
From the date of implementation of the above standards, "Soil Environmental Quality Industrial Risk Evaluation Criteria" (HJ/T 25-1999) abolished.
This standard specifies the contaminated sites risk assessment principles, contents, procedures, methods and technical requirements.
This standard is developed by the Ministry of Environmental Protection Science, Technology organization.
This standard is mainly drafted by. Environmental Protection Department of the Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences, Ministry of Environmental Protection Standards Institute,
Environmental Protection Research Institute of Light Industry, Shanghai Academy of Environmental Sciences, Shenyang Academy of Environmental Sciences.
This standard is approved by the Ministry of Environmental Protection February 19, 2014.
This standard from July 1, 2014 implementation.
The standard explanation by the Ministry of Environmental Protection.
Contaminated Sites Risk Assessment Guidelines
1 Scope
This standard specifies the conduct of contaminated site human health risk assessment principles, contents, procedures, methods and technical requirements.
This standard applies to determine the human health risk assessment of contaminated sites and contaminated soil and groundwater risk control values venue.
This standard does not apply to risk assessment of lead, radioactive substances, pathogenic biological pollution and soil pollution of agricultural land.
2 Normative references
The standard content of the following documents cited in the articles. Undated references, the valid version applies to this standard
GB 50137 urban land use classification and land use planning and construction standards
GB/T 14848 groundwater quality standards
HJ 25.1 Environmental Site Investigation Technical Guidelines
HJ 25.2 Site Environmental Monitoring Technical Guidelines
HJ 25.4 contaminated site soil remediation guidelines
3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this standard.
3.1 site site
Soil within a range of land, groundwater, surface water and land within the sum of all structures, facilities and biological.
3.2 potentially contaminated sites potential contaminated site
For engaging in production, management, processing and storage of toxic and hazardous substances, piling or potentially hazardous waste treatment and disposal, as well as from
What mining activities cause pollution and ecological environment on human health or pose a potential risk venues.
3.3 contaminated sites contaminated site
After potentially contaminated sites for investigation and risk assessment, confirm the pollution hazard to human health or ecological environment than acceptable
Risk level venue, also known contaminated land.
3.4 soil soil
Loose layer consists of minerals, organic matter, water, air and living organisms consisting of the Earth's land surface.
3.5 Follow pollutant contaminant of concern
According to the views of stakeholders contaminated sites and site characteristics of interest to determine the need for investigation and risk assessment of pollutants.
3.6 routes of exposure exposure pathway
Exposure to pollutants from sources arrive receptors route via various routes.
3.7 Route of Exposure exposure route
Site soil and shallow groundwater contaminant migration arrival and exposure to human ways, such as oral ingestion, skin contact,
Respiratory inhalation.
3.8 contaminated sites health risk assessment health risk assessment for contaminated site
On the basis of environmental site investigation, analysis of soil and groundwater contaminated sites pollutants on populations major routes of exposure,
Assess the level of pollutant cancer risk or harm to human health.
3.9 cancer risk carcinogenic risk
People are exposed to carcinogenic effects of pollutants, the probability of carcinogenicity induced illness or injury.
3.10 hazard quotient hazard quotient
Pollutants daily intake dose and the reference dose ratio, used to characterize the human body via a single route of exposure to non-carcinogenic pollutants
Subject to the level of hazard.
3.11 Risk Index hazard index
Crowd by a variety of routes of exposure to a single provider of pollutants and hazards, for the characterization of human exposure to non-carcinogenic pollutants by
To the level of hazard.
3.12 acceptable risk level acceptable risk level
Exposed populations will not have the level of risk of adverse or harmful health effects, including cancer-causing carcinogens acceptable risk water
Peace and non-carcinogenic hazard quotient acceptable. This standard acceptable cancer risk level of a single pollutant 10-6, single pollution
It was acceptable hazard quotient is 1.
3.13 value of soil and groundwater risk control risk control values for soil and groundwater
According to the land of the present standard, the exposure scenarios and the acceptable level of risk, the use of this standard risk assessment
The method of site investigation and obtain relevant data, calculate the concentration of contaminants in the soil obtained content limits and groundwater pollutant
Degree limit.
4 procedures and content
Contaminated sites risk assessment including hazard identification, exposure assessment, toxicity assessment, risk characterization, and soil
And groundwater risk control value calculations. Health risk assessment of contaminated sites program shown in Figure 4.1.
4.1 Hazard Identification
Collect environmental site investigation phase to obtain relevant information and data, master site soil and groundwater contamination concerns
Concentration distribution, a clear plan of land use patterns, analyze potentially sensitive receptors, such as children, adults, groundwater and the like.
4.2 Exposure Assessment
In the hazard identification, based on the analysis concerns the venue and transport of pollutants endanger sensitive receptors possibility to determine the venue
Soil and groundwater contaminants main exposure pathways and exposure assessment model to determine the model parameters to assess the value, calculated sensitive people
Group of pollutants in soil and groundwater exposure.
4.3 Toxicity Assessment
On the basis of hazard identification, hazard analysis focuses on the effect of pollutants on human health, including the carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects
Effect, determine the relevant parameters and concern contaminants, including the reference dose, the reference concentration, carcinogenic slope factor and Inhalation
Unit carcinogenic factor.
4.4 Risk Characterization
On the basis of exposure assessment and toxicity assessment, using risk assessment model to calculate soil and groundwater contamination by a single
Cancer risk and hazard quotient single way to calculate a single pollutant total cancer risk and hazard index, were uncertain points
Calculation of soil and groundwater risk control value of 4.5
On the basis of the risk characterization, risk judgment value calculated exceeds the acceptable level of risk. Contaminated sites such as wind
Risk assessment does not exceed the acceptable level of risk, then the end of the risk assessment; such as contaminated sites risk assessment exceeds
Acceptable level of risk, the calculation of soil, groundwater focus on risk control values of pollutants; such as survey results show that the soil
Follow contaminants may migrate into groundwater, soil risk control value is calculated groundwater protection; according to the results presented
Soil and groundwater contamination risk control concern value.
5 technical requirements for hazard identification
5.1 collect relevant information
According to HJ 25.1 and HJ 25.2 of the site investigation and environmental pollution to identify, obtain the following information.
1) more detailed information and historical sites related information;
2) concentration data site soil and groundwater contamination in the sample;
3) Physical and chemical properties of soil at the site of analysis data;
4) Site (location) climate, hydrology, geology feature information and data;
5) venues and surrounding land land use patterns, sensitive people and buildings and other related information.
Start Risk Assessment
Non-carcinogenic effects
Calculation of soil and groundwater contamination in a single overall cancer risk and hazard index
Route of Exposure
Risks are acceptable
Proposed soil and groundwater risk control values
Calculation of groundwater protection
Soil risk control values
Calculation of soil at the site
Risk control value
Calculation site groundwater
Risk control value
Pollutants Info Land Use
Follow pollutants spatial distribution of population exposed
Site environmental survey data
Analysis to determine the health effects of exposure scenarios
Models carcinogenic effects of exposure parameters
Calculation to determine contaminant exposure parameters
Uncertainty Analysis
Calculation of soil contaminants via a single route in a single carcinogenic risks and hazards Suppliers
Calculation of groundwater contamination via a single route in a single carcinogenic risks and hazards Suppliers
Figure 4.1 contaminated sites risk assessment procedures and content
5.2 determine the pollutants concerned
The need for risk assessment based on site surveys and environmental monitoring results, and other sensitive receptors will crowd the potential risks
Pollutants, identified as concerned about contaminants.
Exposure assessment 6 Technical Requirements
6.1 Analysis of exposure scenarios
6.1.1 exposure scenario refers to a particular land use patterns, site migration of contaminants through the crowd and reach the receptors in different routes of exposure
Case. According to the population under different land use patterns in the active mode, this standard specifies the category 2 storm typical land use patterns under
Lu scenario, that of residential land as the representative of sensitive sites (referred to as "sensitive sites") and industrial land as the representative of the non-sensitized
A sense of land (referred to as "non-sensitive land") exposure scenario.
6.1.2 sensitive land use patterns, children and adults are likely to be prolonged exposure to health hazards arising from contaminated sites. For the cause
Cancer effect, considering lifetime exposure to harm people, generally based on exposure in childhood and adulthood to assess the lifetime of organic pollutants
Cancer risk; for non-carcinogenic effects, Children's lighter weight, higher exposure, generally based on the exposure of children to evaluate contamination
Non-carcinogenic hazardous effects.
Sensitive land use patterns, including urban construction land specified in GB 50137 residential land (R), cultural facilities, land (A2),
Primary and Secondary School land (A33), social welfare facilities, land (A6) in the orphanages.
6.1.3 Non-sensitive land use patterns, adult long exposure, exposure to high frequency, generally based on the exposure of adults to assess pollution
Cancer risk and non-carcinogenic effects thereof.
Non-sensitive land, including urban construction land GB 50137 provisions of industrial land (M), logistics and warehouse space (W
), Commercial and service facilities, land (B), utilities Land (U) and the like.
6.1.4 In addition to urban construction land 6.1.2 and 6.1.3 of this standard beyond the provisions of GB 50137, analyze site-specific crowd violence
Possibility of dew, the frequency of exposure and exposure cycle, etc., referring to the sensitive and non-sensitive land or land use scenarios to assess Construction
Suitable for site-specific risk assessment of exposure scenarios.
6.2 determine the route of exposure
6.2.1 For non-sensitive and sensitive land sites, this standard specifies nine major routes of exposure and exposure assessment models, including by
Oral ingestion of soil, soil skin contact, inhalation of soil particles, inhalation of gaseous pollutants in outdoor air from the surface of the soil,
Inhalation of gaseous pollutants in the outdoor air from below the soil, indoor air sucked total gaseous pollutants from subsoil
Six kinds of soil contaminants exposure pathways and outdoor air sucked gaseous contaminants from the groundwater, indoor air sucked from the ground
Gaseous pollutants into the water, a total of three kinds of drinking groundwater groundwater contamination exposure pathways.
6.2.2 The main exposure route under a specific land use patterns should be analyzed to determine the actual situation, exposure assessment model parameters should be possible
The field surveys. When the site and the surrounding area groundwater contamination, groundwater-related violence should be considered in risk assessment
Lu way.
6.3 Calculation sensitive land soil and groundwater exposure
6.3.1 oral ingestion pathway soil
Under sensitive land use patterns, population may be due to oral ingestion of soil and exposed to the contaminated soil. For single pollutants and carcinogens
Non-carcinogenic effects, the recommended model calculation of the amount of soil exposure pathway corresponds to Appendix A of the formula (A.1) and Equation (A.2).
6.3.2 Skin contact with the soil pathway
Under sensitive land use patterns, population may be due to skin contact with soil and exposure to contaminated soil. For single pollutants and carcinogens
Non-carcinogenic effects, the recommended model calculation of the amount of soil exposure pathways corresponding to the formula in Annex A (A.3), equation (A.4), public
Formula (A.5) and Equation (A.6).
6.3.3 Inhalation of soil particles Way
Under sensitive land use patterns, population may be due to inhalation of airborne particles from the soil and exposed to the contaminated soil. For a single
Carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects of pollutants, recommended model calculation of the amount of soil exposure pathways corresponding to the formula in Appendix A (A.7) and
Equation (A.8).
6.3.4 Inhalation of gaseous pollutants in the outdoor air route from the topsoil
Under sensitive land use patterns, population may be due to inhalation of gaseous pollutants in outdoor air from the surface of the soil is exposed to soil contamination
Soil. For carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects of single pollutants, the calculation corresponding to the pathway model soil exposure recommended in Appendix A
Equation (A.9) and Equation (A.10).
6.3.5 Inhalation of gaseous pollutants in the outdoor air route from the subsoil
Under sensitive land use patterns, population may be due to inhalation of gaseous pollutants in outdoor air from below the soil exposed to contaminated soil
Soil. For carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects of single pollutants, the calculation corresponding to the pathway model soil exposure recommended in Appendix A
Equation (A.11) and Equation (A.12).
6.3.6 sucked outdoor air route gaseous pollutants from groundwater
Under sensitive land use patterns, population may be due to inhalation of gaseous pollutants from outdoor air and groundwater exposure to contaminated ground
Water. For carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects of single pollutants, the calculation corresponding to the pathway model Mitsuke recommended exposure of groundwater
Appendix A formula (A.13) and Equation (A.14).
6.3.7 indoor air is sucked in gaseous pollutants from the subsoil of the way
Under sensitive land use patterns, population may be due to inhalation of gaseous pollutants in indoor air from below the soil exposed to contaminated soil
Soil. For carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects of pollutants, the calculation corresponding to the pathway model soil exposure recommended in Appendix A of the formula
(A.15) and Equation (A.16).
6.3.8 indoor air is sucked in gaseous pollutants from the groundwater pathway
Sensitive land under way, the crowd sucked indoor air gaseous pollutants from groundwater exposed to contaminated groundwater.
For carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects of pollutants, groundwater model recommended exposure calculation corresponds to the way the formula in Appendix A
(A.17) and Equation (A.18).
6.3.9 drinking groundwater pathway
Under sensitive land use patterns, may be due to people drinking groundwater exposed to site groundwater contamination. For a single contaminant
Carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects, recommended model calculations of the groundwater exposure pathway corresponds to Appendix A formula (A.19) and public
Formula (A.20).
6.4 Calculation of non-sensitive land soil and groundwater exposure
6.4.1 oral ingestion pathway soil
Non-sensitive land use patterns, population may be due to oral ingestion of soil and exposed to the contaminated soil. For non-carcinogenic pollutants
Carcinogenic effects, the recommended model calculation of the amount of soil exposure pathway corresponds to Appendix A of the formula (A.21) and Equation (A.22).
6.4.2 Skin contact with the soil pathway
Non-sensitive land use patterns, population may be due to direct skin contact and exposure to contaminated soil. For non-carcinogenic pollutants
Carcinogenic effects, the recommended model calculation of the amount of soil exposure pathway corresponds to Appendix A of the formula (A.23) and Equation (A.24).
6.4.3 Inhalation of soil particles Way
Non-sensitive land use patterns, population may be due to inhalation of airborne particles from the soil and exposed to the contaminated soil. For sewage
Carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects of pollutants, the recommended model calculation of soil exposure pathways corresponding to the formula in Appendix A (A.25) and public
Formula (A.26).
6.4.4 Inhalation of gaseous pollutants in the outdoor air route from the topsoil
Non-sensitive land use patterns, population may be due to inhalation of gaseous pollutants in outdoor air from the surface of the soil and exposed to the pollution
soil. For carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects of pollutants, the calculation corresponding to the pathway model soil exposure recommended in Appendix A of the formula
(A.27) and Equation (A.28).
6.4.5 Inhalation of gaseous pollutants in the outdoor air route from the subsoil
Non-sensitive land use patterns, population may be due to inhalation of gaseous pollutants in outdoor air from below the soil exposed to pollution
soil. For carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects of pollutants, the calculation corresponding to the pathway model soil exposure recommended in Appendix A of the formula
(A.29) and Equation (A.30).
6.4.6 sucked outdoor air route gaseous pollutants from groundwater
Non-sensitive land use patterns, population may be due to inhalation of gaseous pollutants from outdoor air and groundwater exposure to contaminated
Water. For carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects of pollutants, groundwater model recommended exposure calculation corresponds to the way in Appendix A
Equation (A.31) and Equation (A.32).
6.4.7 indoor air is sucked in gaseous pollutants from the subsoil of the way
Non-sensitive land use patterns, population may be due to inhalation of gaseous pollutants in indoor air from below the soil exposed to pollution
soil. For carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects of pollutants, the calculation corresponding to the pathway model soil exposure recommended in Appendix A of the formula
(A.33) and Equation (A.34).
6.4.8 indoor air is sucked in gaseous pollutants from the groundwater pathway
Non-sensitive land use patterns, population may be due to inhalation of gaseous pollutants from indoor air and groundwater exposure to contaminated
Water. For carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects of pollutants, groundwater model recommended exposure calculation corresponds to the way in Appendix A
Equation (A.35) and Equation (A.36).
6.4.9 drinking groundwater pathway
Non-sensitive land use patterns, may be due to people drinking groundwater exposed to groundwater contamination. For a single organic pollut......