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GY/T 220.2-2006 English PDF

GY/T 220.2-2006_English: PDF (GY/T220.2-2006)
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GY/T 220.2-2006English150 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting - Part 2: Multiplexing Valid GY/T 220.2-2006

Standard ID GY/T 220.2-2006 (GY/T220.2-2006)
Description (Translated English) Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting - Part 2: Multiplexing
Sector / Industry Radio, Film & TV Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard M60
Classification of International Standard 33.160
Word Count Estimation 34,344
Date of Issue 2006-11-29
Date of Implementation 2006-12-01
Quoted Standard GB/T 15273.1-1994; GB/T 2659-2000; GB/T 4880.2-2000; GY/T 220.1-2006; GY/Z 174-2001,
Drafting Organization State Administration of Radio Film and Television Academy of Broadcasting Science
Administrative Organization National Radio and Television Standardization Technical Committee
Regulation (derived from) Communication Standards and Quality Information Network
Summary This standard specifies the mobile multimedia broadcasting system of video, audio, data and control information multiplexing frame structure. This section applies to via satellite and/or terrestrial wireless transmission of video, audio, data and other multimedia signals broadcast systems.

GY/T 220.2-2006 GY Radio, Film & Television Industry Standard of the People’s Republic of China Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting - Part 2. Multiplexing ISSUED ON. NOVEMBER 29, 2006 IMPLEMENTED ON. DECEMBER 01, 2006 Issued by. State Administration of Radio, Film & Television Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  Introduction ... 4  1 Scope ... 5  2 Normative references ... 5  3 Terms, Definitions, Abbreviations and Defaults ... 5  3.1 Terms and Definitions ... 5  3.2 Abbreviations ... 7  3.3 Defaults ... 9  4 Overview ... 9  5 Structure of Multiplex Frame ... 10  5.1 Multiplex Frame Header ... 11  5.2 Multiplex Frame Payload ... 15  6 Control Information Table ... 16  6.1 Overview ... 16  6.2 Network Information Table ... 17  6.3 Continual service / Sort time service Multiplex Configuration Table ... 20  6.4 Continual service / Sort time service Multiplex Configuration Table ... 23  7 Multiplex Sub-frame ... 25  7.1 Sub-frame header ... 27  7.2 Video section ... 33  7.3 Audio section ... 36  7.4 Data section ... 37  Appendix A ... 40  Appendix B ... 42  Foreword GY/T 220 Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting is in series standards. - Part 1. Framing Structure Channel Coding and Modulation for Broadcasting Channel. This Part is part 2 of GY/T 220. Appendix A and Appendix B are normative. This Standard shall be centralized by National Television Broadcast Standardization Technical Committee. Drafting organization of this Standard. Academy of Broadcasting Science of State Administration of Radio, Film & TV; ZTE Corporation; and Beijing Taimei Century Technology Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this Standard. Xie Wei, Guo Xiaoqiang, Yang Qinghua, Wang Biao, Shen Can, Yan Xiangbiao, Zhu Xiaoguang, and Tao Tao. Introduction The issuing organization of this Standard draws attention to the following facts that when a user [Translator note. i.e. the product to be marketed] claims that he/she complies with this Standard, it may use the relevant patents-authorization involved in the related contents in this Standard, and patents under application. The issuing organization of this Standard has no opinion on the patents’ scope, validity and validating evidence. The patents-holders have guaranteed to the issuing organization of this Standard that they will grant licenses of their patents to any applicants who want to implement this Standard, on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms. The patents-holder’s statements have been submitted to the issuing organization of this Standard. The table below shows the information of patents-holders. Patents-holders Address Contacts Zip code Telephone E-mail ZTE Corporation A-5F, ZTE building, Science and Technology Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China Wang Haibo 518057 075526770044 wanghaibo@zte. com.cn Beijing Taimei Century Technology Co., Ltd. 11F, Bldg #2, No.2 LanDianChang Eastern Road, HaiDian District, Beijing, China Ye Ruirui 100097 010-88865631 Ruirui.ye@timitech.com Please be noted that some contents in this Standard may involve other patents, except the patents identified in patent-statements for this Standard. The issuing organization of this Standard does not undertake the responsibility to identify these patents. Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting – Part 2. Multiplexing 1 Scope This Standard specifies the video, audio, data and control information multiplex frame structure in mobile multimedia broadcast system. This Standard applies to multimedia signal broadcast systems to transmit video, audio and data information via satellite and/or terrestrial wireless stations. 2 Normative references The provisions in following documents become the provisions of this Standard through reference in this Standard. For dated references, the subsequent amendments (excluding corrections) or revisions do not apply to this Standard, however, parties who reach an agreement based on this Standard are encouraged to study if the latest versions of these documents are applicable. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies. GB/T 2659-2000 Codes for the representation of names of countries and regions GB/T 4880.2-2000 Codes for the representation of names of languages - Part 2. Alpha-3 code GB/T 15273.1-1994 Information processing 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 1. Latin alphabet No.1 GY/Z 174-2001 Specification of conditional access system for digital television broadcasting GY/T 220.1-2006 Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting – Part 1. Framing structure, Channel Coding and Modulation for Broadcast Channel 3 Terms, Definitions, Abbreviations and Defaults 3.1 Terms and Definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this Standard. 3.1.1 CMMB (China Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting) CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) CSCT (Continual Service Configuration Table) ES (Elementary Stream) ESG (Electronic Service Guide) LDPC (Low Density Parity Check) LSB (Least Significant Bit) MF_ID (Multiplex Frame Identifier) MFS (Multiplex Frame Structure) MJD (Modified Julian Date) MSF (Multiplex Sub Frame) MSF_ID (Multiplex Sub Frame Identifier) MSB (Most Significant Bit) MUX (Multiplex) NIT (Network Information Table) PPS (Picture Parameter Sets) QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) QPSK (Quadrature Phase Shift Keying) Service ID (Service Identifier) SMCT (Short time service Multiplex Configuration Table) SSCT (Short time Service Configuration Table) UTC (Universal Time, Co-ordinated) bslbf (bit string, left bit first) uimsbf (unsigned integer, most significant bit first) 3.3 Defaults The following defaults apply to this Standard. 3.3.1 Version number It is use to identify the version of this Standard, so as to support the system’s compatibility identification. The current version number is 1. The subsequent version number will be increased progressively. 3.3.2 Reserved Unless otherwise specified, all reserved bit defined in this Standard shall be set as ‘1’. 3.3.3 Relational operators < Less than > More than == Equal to != Not equal to 4 Overview Multiplexing is used for the encapsulation and sequence arrangement of audio, video, data and control information such that they are adaptive to mobile multimedia broadcast channel for transmission, see Figure 1. The audio stream, video stream and data stream that belong to the same service will be placed in the same multiplex sub-frame. Auxiliary information such as ESG, subscriber management will be placed in different multiplex sub-frames. The system control information will be placed in a special multiplex frame. configuration table. When there is a change in information described in short time service multiplex configuration table, the sequence number of short time service multiplex configuration table needs to be changed; the value shall be cyclically taken from the range 0~15, adding 1 for each update. Sequence number for short time service configuration table update 4-bit field, indicating the sequence number of short time service configuration table. When there is a change in information described in short time service configuration table, the sequence number of short time service configuration table needs to be changed; the value shall be cyclically taken from the range 0~15, adding 1 for each update. Sequence number for ESG update 4-bit field, reserved for ESG. Quantity of multiplex sub-frame 4-bit field, quantity of multiplex sub-frames that are included in multiplex frame. Length of Multiplex Sub-frame 1 24-bit length, the length of the first multiplex sub-frame in multiplex frame, unit is byte. Length of multiplex sub-frame 24-bit length, the length of the multiplex sub-frames other than the first sub-frame in multiplex frame, unit is byte. Next frame parameter 40-bit field, the critical parameter of the next multiplex frame (same a... ......

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