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GM/T 0001.1-2012 English PDF

GM/T 0001.1-2012_English: PDF (GM/T0001.1-2012)
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GM/T 0001.1-2012English150 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery ZUC stream cipher algorithm--Part 1: Description of the algorithm Valid GM/T 0001.1-2012

Standard ID GM/T 0001.1-2012 (GM/T0001.1-2012)
Description (Translated English) ZUC stream cipher algorithm--Part 1: Description of the algorithm
Sector / Industry Chinese Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard L80
Word Count Estimation 17,158
Date of Issue 2012/3/21
Date of Implementation 2012/3/21

GM/T 0001.1-2012 GM CRYPTOGRAPHIC INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 35.040 L 80 RECORD NO.. 36822-2012 ZUC stream cipher algorithm - Part 1. Description of the algorithm ISSUED ON. MARCH 21, 2012 IMPLEMENTED ON. MARCH 21, 2012 Issued by. State Cryptography Administration of the People’s Republic of China 3. No action is required - Full-copy of this standard will be automatically & immediately delivered to your EMAIL address in 0~60 minutes. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope .. 4  2 Terms and conventions ... 4  3 Symbols and abbreviations ... 5  4 Description of algorithm ... 6  Annex A (Normative) S-box ... 11  Annex B (Informative) Implementation of modulo 231 - 1 multiplication and modulo 231 - 1 addition ... 13  Annex C (Informative) Algorithmic calculation examples ... 14  Bibliography ... 18  Foreword GM/T 0001, ZUC stream cipher algorithm, comprises three parts. -- Part 1. Description of algorithm; -- Part 2. The ZUC-based confidentiality algorithm; -- Part 3. The ZUC-based integrity algorithm. This Part is Part 1 of GM/T 0001. This Part of GM/T 0001 is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. This Part is maintained consistent with the 3GPP LTE confidentiality and integrity algorithms standard, ZUC specification (ETSI/SAGE TS 35.222). Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The issuer of this document shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Annex A to this Part is normative; and Annex B and Annex C are informative. This Part was proposed by and shall be under the jurisdiction of State Cryptography Administration. The drafting organizations of this Part. Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences, The Data Assurance and Communication Security Research Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences. The main drafters of this Part. Feng Dengguo, Lin Dongyue, Feng Xiutao, Zhou Chunfang. ZUC stream cipher algorithm - Part 1. Description of the algorithm 1 Scope This Part of GM/T 0001 describes ZUC stream cipher algorithm, which can be used as guidance for the development, testing and use of ZUC stream cipher algorithm related products. 2 Terms and conventions For the purposes of this Part, the following terms and conventions apply. 2.1 bit Binary characters 0 and 1 are called bits. 2.2 byte Bit string which comprises 8 bits, is called byte. 2.3 word Bit strings which comprise not less than 2 (including 2) bits, are called words. This Part mainly adopts 31-bit words and 32-bit words. 2.4 word representation The words of this Part are represented in decimal by default. When the words are represented in other systems, indicators are always added before or after word representations. For example. the prefix 0x indicates that the word is represented in the hexadecimal format; and the suffix subscript 2 indicates that the word is represented in the binary format. 2.5 bit ordering This Part specifies that the most significant bit is located on the leftmost of word representations; and that the least significant bit is located on the rightmost of word representations. 3 Symbols and abbreviations 3.1 Operation notations Arithmetic addition operation Integer complementation operation Bitwise exclusive-OR operation Modulo 232 addition algorithm Concatenation of strings Select the most significant 16 bits of words Select the least significant 16 bits of words Left-shift of 32-bit words by k bits Right-shift of 32-bit words by k bits Assignment of vector a to vector b, i.e. assignment according to components 3.2 Symbols The following symbols apply to this Part. sixteen 31-bit register element variables of linear feedback Four 32-bit words from the output of bit reconstruction Two 32-bit memory element variables of non-linear function F 32-bit words from the output of non-linear function F 32-bit key words from each beat of output of algorithm Initial seed key Initial vector String constant used for initialization of algorithm 3.3 Abbreviations The following abbreviations apply to this Part. ZUC ZUC stream cipher algorithm or ZUC algorithm LFSR Linear feedback shifting register BR Bit reconstruction F Non-linear function 4 Description of algorithm 4.1 Overall structure of algorithm ZUC algorithm is divided into three layers in logic, i.e. the lower, middle and upper layers. The upper layer is the 16-bit linear feedback shifting register (LFSR); the middle layer is the bit reconstruction (BR); and the lower layer is the non-linear function F. ......

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