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GB/T 9127-2017 English PDF (GB/T 9127-2007, GB/T 9127-1988)

GB/T 9127-2017_English: PDF (GB/T9127-2017)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
GB/T 9127-2017English179 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Tussah silk fabrics Valid GB/T 9127-2017
GB/T 9127-2007English359 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Tussah silk fabrics Obsolete GB/T 9127-2007
GB/T 9127-1988English519 Add to Cart 4 days [Need to translate] Tussah silk fabrics Obsolete GB/T 9127-1988

Standard ID GB/T 9127-2017 (GB/T9127-2017)
Description (Translated English) Tussah silk fabrics
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard W43
Classification of International Standard 59.080.30
Word Count Estimation 9,918
Date of Issue 2017-05-12
Date of Implementation 2017-12-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 9127-2007
Quoted Standard GB/T 250; GB/T 3917.2; GB/T 3920; GB/T 3921-2008; GB/T 3922; GB/T 3923.1; GB/T 4666; GB/T 4668; GB/T 4669-2008; GB/T 5713; GB/T 6152; GB/T 8170; GB/T 8427-2008; GB/T 8628; GB/T 8629-2001; GB/T 8630; GB/T 14801; GB/T 15552; GB 18401; GB/T 29862; GB/T 30557
Proposing organization China Textile Industry Federation
Issuing agency(ies) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, China National Standardization Administration Committee
Summary This standard specifies the terms and definitions, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packaging and marking of tussah silk fabrics. This standard applies to the assessment of all kinds of practice of white, dyeing, printing and yarn-dyed tussah silk fabrics and silk to tussah silk as the main raw material and other yarn interwoven silk quality. This standard does not apply to assess the quality of tussah silk fabrics with special technology tussah silk.

Standard ID GB/T 9127-2007 (GB/T9127-2007)
Description (Translated English) Tussah silk fabrics
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard W43
Classification of International Standard 59.080.30
Word Count Estimation 9,928
Date of Issue 2007-09-05
Date of Implementation 2008-02-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 9127-1988
Quoted Standard GB 250; GB 5296.4; GB/T 8170; GB/T 15552; ??GB 18401
Drafting Organization Liaoning silk and Inspection
Administrative Organization National Standardization Technical Committee silk textile branch
Regulation (derived from) China National Standard Approval Announcement2007 No.10 (Total No.110)
Proposing organization China Textile Industry Association
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This standard specifies the requirements for tussah fabrics, test methods, inspection rules, packaging and logo. This standard applies to all types of assessment practice taking white, dyeing, printed and dyed fabrics and tussah silk, tussah silk warp to the main raw materials and other yarns interwoven quality silk fabrics. This standard does not apply to special processes used to assess the quality of raw materials for tussah tussah silk fabric.

Standard ID GB/T 9127-1988 (GB/T9127-1988)
Description (Translated English) Tussah silk fabrics
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard W43
Classification of International Standard 59.080.30
Word Count Estimation 13,141
Date of Issue 1988/6/15
Date of Implementation 1989/1/1
Regulation (derived from) China Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards No. 10 of 2007 (No. 110 overall)
Proposing organization Ministry of Textile Industry Silk Authority
Issuing agency(ies) National Bureau of Standards

GB/T 9127-2017 Tussah silk fabrics ICS 59.080.30 W43 National Standards of People's Republic of China Replacing GB/T 9127-2007 Tussah silk fabric 2017-05-12 released 2017-12-01 implementation General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China China National Standardization Management Committee released Preface This standard is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. This standard replaces GB/T 9127-2007 "tussah silk fabric". This standard compared with GB/T 9127-2007, the main technical changes as follows. - the third class was removed from the categorization (see 4.3; 4.3 of.2007); --- increase the tear strength test items, and determine the index value (see Table 4.1 in.1994, Table 1 in.2007 edition of Table 1); --- adjust the density deviation rate, the quality of the deviation rate, washing the size of the rate of change in the index value, and distinguish the size of the water washing rate of training for the white The rate of change in the size of the water wash and the rate of change in the size of the washed fabric, as shown in Table 1, Table 1); - the appearance of the defect score by the general limited cumulative score method to a four-point limited cumulative score method (see 4.5.1,4.5.2;,, of the.2007 edition); --- The package and logo are changed to FZ/T 40007 (see Chapter 7; chapters 7 and 8 of the.2007 edition). This standard is proposed by China Textile Industry Federation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Silk Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC401). The drafting of this standard. Zhejiang Silk Technology Co., Ltd., Liaoning Tussah Silk Science Research Institute Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Huajia Silk Co., Ltd., Guangdong Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Liaoning Feiyi Silk Products Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Zhongtianfang Detection Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Dunrui Union Industrial Co., Ltd., Haining Keyuan Warp Knitting Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Province, China Textile Technology Research Institute. The drafters of this standard. Tang Zhiyuan, Guan Shiying, Ren Zhonghai, Yu Jinjian, Tian Chi, Shen Guokang, Yu Cong, Wu Ling, talk about agriculture, Shen Yijun, Sun Qiujuan. This standard replaced the previous version of the standard release. GB/T 9127-1988, GB/T 9127-2007. Tussah silk fabric 1 Scope This standard specifies the terms and definitions, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packaging and marking of tussah silk fabrics. This standard applies to the assessment of all kinds of training white, dyeing, printing and yarn-dyed tussah silk fabrics and silk to tussah silk as the main raw material and The quality of other yarn interlaced silk fabrics. This standard does not apply to assess the quality of tussah silk fabrics with special technology tussah silk. 2 normative reference documents The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the dated edition applies to this article Pieces. For undated references, the latest edition (including all modifications) applies to this document. GB/T 250 Textiles - Tests for color fastness - Assessment of discoloration with gray cards GB/T 2910 (all parts) Quantitative chemical analysis of textiles GB/T 3917.2 Textiles - Tearing properties of fabrics - Part 2. Determination of tear strength of pants - shaped specimens (single slits) GB/T 3920 Textiles - Tests for color fastness - Color fastness to rubbing Textiles - Tests for color fastness - Color fastness to soaping GB/T 3921-2008 GB/T 3922 Textiles - Tests for color fastness - Color fastness to perspiration GB/T 3923.1 Tensile properties of textile fabrics - Part 1. Determination of breaking strength and elongation at break (strip method) GB/T 4666 Textiles - Determination of length and width of fabrics GB/T 4668 Determination of woven fabric density Textiles - Determination of unit length and mass per unit area of woven fabrics Textiles - Tests for color fastness - Color fastness to water GB/T 6152 Textiles - Tests for color fastness - Color fastness to heat and pressure Representation and Judgment of Numerical Correction Rule and Limit Value of GB/T 8170 Textiles - Tests for color fastness - Color fastness to artificial light. Xenon arcs GB/T 8427-2008 GB/T 8628 Preparation, marking and measurement of fabric samples and garments for testing of dimensional changes in textiles Household washing and drying procedures for textile testing GB/T 8629-2001 GB/T 8630 Textiles - Determination of dimensional change after washing and drying Test method for weft and bow - weft test of woven and knitted fabrics GB/T 14801 Test methods and inspection rules for silk fabrics GB/T 15552 Technical specification for basic safety of national textile products GB 18401 GB/T 29862 Identification of textile fiber content Silk woven fabrics - Defect terminology GB/T Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis of four - component fiber mixtures FZ/T 01026 FZ/T 01057 (all parts) Textile fiber identification test method FZ/T 40007 silk fabric packaging and logo 3 terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this document. ......

GB/T 9127-2007 Tussah silk fabrics ICS 59.080.30 W43 National Standards of People's Republic of China Replacing GB/T 9127-1988 Tussah Posted 2007-09-05 2008-02-01 implementation Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China released Foreword This standard replaces GB/T 9127-1988 "tussah." This standard compared with GB/T 9127-1988, the main changes are as follows. --- Increased tussah shall comply with the relevant national standards related to textiles mandatory requirements (edition 4.4); --- Increase the fiber content deviation assessment project (edition 4.5); --- Adds color assessment project (edition 4.6); --- Improve color fastness level indicators, increasing the color fastness Indicators Project (1988 version 4.2, this edition 4.5); --- Changed the breaking strength indicators adopted for setting the absolute value of the Act (1988 version 4.1, this version 4.5); --- The washing shrinkage dimensional change rate of change (1988 version 4.1, this version 4.5); --- Appearance defect was assessed using scoring system, in coordination with the relevant standards; --- Provisions of the bales before actual regain piece of silk. Appendix A of this standard is the data appendix. The standard proposed by China Textile Industry Association. This standard by the National Standardization Technical Committee silk textile branch. This standard was drafted. Liaoning silk Control, Liaoning CIQ. The main drafters of this standard. Liu Mingyi, Zhang Decong, Jiang Shuang Guo Yalin, Choi Yong. This standard replaces the standards previously issued as follows. --- GB/T 9127-1988. Tussah 1 Scope This standard specifies the tussah requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packaging and identification. This standard applies to all types of assessment practice taking white, dyed, printed and dyed fabrics of tussah silk, tussah silk and warps in the main raw material and Other yarns interwoven quality silk fabrics. This standard does not apply to the special process used to assess the quality of tussah silk as raw materials tussah fabric. 2 Normative references The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this standard and become the standard terms. For dated references, subsequent Amendments (not including errata content) or revisions do not apply to this standard, however, encourage the parties to the agreement are based on research Whether the latest versions of these documents. For undated reference documents, the latest versions apply to this standard. GB 250 assessing change in color like the gray card (GB 250-1995, idt ISO 105-A02.1993) GB 5296.4 consumer use of textiles and apparel GB/T 8170 numerical rounding rules GB/T 15552 silk fabric test methods and inspection rules GB 18401 National Safety Technical Code for Textile Products 3 Terms and Definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 3.1 Special Process tussah Or prepared by the oak cocoon spun tussah Wanshou made a special style of coarse denier tussah. 3.2 Tussah silk knots When reeling artificially in the twisted yarn into the irregular thickness of the strip or pimple Tussah. 4 Requirements 4.1 tussah requirements include density deviation rate, quality rate deviation, breaking strength, fiber content bias, washing dimensional change rate, color fastness Inherent quality and appearance quality color (comparison with standard), width deviation rate, the appearance of defects and other degree. 4.2 tussah rating to match the units. Quality deviation rate, breaking strength, fiber content bias, washing dimensional change rate, color fastness press Criticism. Density rate of deviation, appearance quality rating by horses. Quality 4.3 tussah by the technical indicators in the lowest rating, divided into superior products, first-class product, second product, third-class products, less than three And other goods for foreign goods. 4.4 tussah comply with the relevant requirements for textile mandatory standards. 4.5 tussah intrinsic quality grading provisions are shown in Table 1. ......

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