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GB/T 8939-2018 English PDF (GB/T 8939-2008, GB 8939-1999)

GB/T 8939-2018_English: PDF (GB/T8939-2018)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
GB/T 8939-2018English145 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Sanitary absorbent pads (panty liner) Valid GB/T 8939-2018
GB/T 8939-2008English439 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Sanitary absorbent pads Obsolete GB/T 8939-2008
GB 8939-1999English399 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Sanitary absorbent pads Obsolete GB 8939-1999
GB 8939-1988EnglishRFQ ASK 3 days [Need to translate] Sanitary absorbent pads Obsolete GB 8939-1988

Standard ID GB/T 8939-2018 (GB/T8939-2018)
Description (Translated English) Sanitary absorbent pads (panty liner)
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard Y39
Classification of International Standard 85.080
Word Count Estimation 18,199
Date of Issue 2018-06-07
Date of Implementation 2019-07-01
Drafting Organization National Paper Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, Kimberly-Clark (China) Co., Ltd., Fujian Hengan Group Co., Ltd., You Nijia (China) Investment Co., Ltd., Kao (China) Investment Co., Ltd., Vinda International Holdings Co., Ltd., Oriental Jieyi Hygiene Products Co., Ltd., Little Nurse (Tianjin) Industrial Development Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Procter & Gamble Co., Ltd., China Pulp and Paper Research Institute
Administrative Organization National Paper Industry Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 141)
Proposing organization China Light Industry Federation
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration of Markets and China National Standardization Administration

Standard ID GB/T 8939-2008 (GB/T8939-2008)
Description (Translated English) Sanitary absorbent pads
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard Y39
Classification of International Standard 85.080
Word Count Estimation 11,116
Date of Issue 2008-01-04
Date of Implementation 2008-09-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB 8939-1999
Quoted Standard GB/T 462; GB/T 10739; GB 15979
Drafting Organization China Pulp and Paper Research Institute
Administrative Organization National Standardization Technical Committee Paper Industry
Regulation (derived from) National Standard Approval Announcement 2008 No.1 (Total No.114)
Proposing organization China Light Industry Federation
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This standard specifies the sanitary napkins (including sanitary pads) technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and signs, packaging, transport, storage requirements. This standard applies to the surface, absorbing layer, impermeable bottom film composition, molding machinery specialized for women after menstruation (sanitary napkins), topical non- menstrual sanitary products (sanitary pads) use.

Standard ID GB 8939-1999 (GB8939-1999)
Description (Translated English) Sanitary absorbent pads
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard Y39
Classification of International Standard 85.08
Word Count Estimation 10,117
Date of Issue 1999/6/22
Date of Implementation 2000/1/1
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB 8939-1988
Quoted Standard GB/T 462-1989; GB/T 2828-2987; GB/T 10739-1989; GB 15979-1995
Regulation (derived from) Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards No. 1, 2008 (No. 114 overall)
Proposing organization National Bureau of Light Industry
Issuing agency(ies) State Quality and Technical Supervision
Summary This Standard specifies sanitary napkins, sanitary pads technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and signs, packaging, transportation, storage and other requirements. This Standard is applicable to have a specially designed structure, that is, from the outer coating material within the absorbent layer impermeable bottom film composed by special packaging machine molding for women menstruation (sanitary napkins), non-menstrual (sanitary pads) Use of external physical health supplies.

GB/T 8939-2018 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 85.080 Y 39 Replacing GB/T 8939-2008 Sanitary absorbent pads (panty liner) ISSUED ON: JUNE 07, 2018 IMPLEMENTED ON: JULY 01, 2019 Issued by: State Market Regulatory Administration; Standardization Administration of PRC. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 5  2 Normative references ... 5  3 Requirements ... 6  4 Test methods ... 7  5 Inspection rules ... 9  6 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage ... 10  Appendix A (Normative) Determination of absorption speed ... 12  Appendix B (Normative) Formula of standard synthetic test solution ... 15  Appendix C (Normative) Determination of pH ... 16  Appendix D (Normative) Determination of migratory fluorescent substances 18  Appendix E (Normative) Determination of peel strength of back adhesive ... 20  Sanitary absorbent pads (panty liner) 1 Scope This standard specifies the requirements, test methods, inspection rules, markings, packaging, transportation, storage of sanitary absorbent pads (panty liner). This standard is applicable to sanitary absorbent pads and panty liners which are composed of surface layer, inner absorption layer (containing fluff pulp and/or superabsorbent resin), anti-seepage base film, etc., and are specially machined and formed for women use. 2 Normative references The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) are applicable to this standard. GB/T 462 Paper, board and pulp - Determination of moisture content of analytical sample GB/T 6682 Water for analytical laboratory use - Specification and test methods GB/T 10739 Paper, board and pulps - Standard atmosphere for conditioning and testing of samples GB 15979 Hygienic standard for disposable sanitary products GB/T 21331 Fluff pulp GB/T 22875 Superabsorbent polymer for sanitary towel GB/T 24292 Sanitary product - Air-laid paper GB/T 27731 Release paper for sanitary products GB/T 30133 The specification of cover stock for sanitary absorbent pads GB/T 34448-2017 Tissue paper and disposable products - Determination of formaldehyde The products shall be clean, free from dirt and damage, contain no foreign objects. Raw materials used for sanitary absorbent pads (panty liner): The fluff pulp shall meet the requirements of GB/T 21331; the high-absorbent resins shall meet the requirements of GB/T 22875; the release paper shall meet the requirements of GB/T 27731; the absorbent liners shall meet the requirements of QB/T 4508; the air-laid paper shall meet the requirements of GB/T 24292; the surface layer material shall meet the requirements of GB/T 30133. 3.5 Sanitary absorbent pads (panty liner) shall be packed in separate pieces. The materials used for direct contact with the product shall not use the recycled raw materials. 3.6 The both ends of sanitary absorbent pads (panty liner) shall be firmly sealed. They shall not break during use. 3.7 Sanitary absorbent pads (panty liner) shall not be displaced during normal use. They shall not damage the underwear when peeled off. It shall not have obvious residue. 3.8 The release paper of sanitary absorbent pads shall not fall off on its own and can be naturally and completely removed. 4 Test methods 4.1 Specimen processing and test conditions When determining the deviation of total-length, deviation of strip mass, water absorption rate, absorption speed, peel strength of back adhesive, the specimen shall be conditioned for at least 4 hours under the standard atmospheric conditions as specified in GB/T 10739, then tested under these conditions. 4.2 Deviation of total-length Use a ruler to measure the total-length of the specimen (measured from the longest part of the specimen), accurate to 1 mm. For each sample of same specifications, measure 6 specimens, which are from at least two sales packages, at least 2 specimens from each package. Take average value of the 6 specimens. Use the formula (1) to calculate the deviation of total length. The result is rounded off to an integer position. Deviation of total-length = (average value - nominal value) / nominal value x 100% ...(1) Note: If the sales package contains a single piece, take 6 packages for testing. 4.3 Deviation of strip mass sample. Remove the back adhesive, bottom film, release paper. From the middle position of the two specimens, respectively take 2 g of sample material. Cut the sample into blocks. Mix it uniformly. Divide it into two groups of specimens for parallel test. The absolute error between the two determined values shall not exceed 1.0%. Take the arithmetic mean value as the determination result, which is rounded off to one decimal place. Note: Try to shorten the sampling time, which is usually not more than 2 min. If the mass of a single specimen is less than 2 g, it may be sampled from multiple pieces. 4.8 Formaldehyde content The formaldehyde content is determined by acetylacetone-visible spectrophotometry according to GB/T 34448-2017. When sampling, remove the outer packaging and release paper of the single-piece sanitary absorbent pads (panty liner). From the both ends and middle position, cut the specimen, which shall contain each layer of materials. 4.9 Migratory fluorescent substance The migratory fluorescent substance is determined in accordance with Appendix D. 4.10 Peel strength of back adhesive The peel strength of the back adhesive is determined according to Appendix E. 4.11 Hygienic indicators The hygienic indicators are determined according to GB 15979. 5 Inspection rules 5.1 Requirements for inspection lot Take one delivery as a batch. The unit of the inspection sample is box. Each batch contains not more than 5000 boxes 5.2 Sampling method From a batch of products, randomly take 3 boxes. From each box, take 5 packages of samples, wherein 3 packages are used for microbiological testing, 6 packages for microbiological retests, 3 packages for retention, 3 packages (based on 10 pieces per package) for other performance tests. 5.3 Judgment rules When the inspected product meets all the requirements of clause 3 of this standard test module A.2.2 Standard synthetic test solution: The formulation is as shown in Appendix B. A.2.3 Distilled water or deionized water. A.3 Sampling From each sample, take 5 specimens. The specimens taken shall be from at least two sales packages. A.4 Test procedure A.4.1 Place the absorption speed tester (A.2.1) in a horizontal position. Pour enough standard synthetic test solution (A.2.2) into the liquid storage tank. Turn on the instrument. Click the rinse button to rinse it twice. Follow the requirements of as specified in the instrument manual to calibrate the liquid- adding volume of the automatic liquid adding device. A.4.2 Remove the curved sample holder from the absorption speed tester. Place it on a horizontal bench. Take a piece of specimen. Remove the bottom release paper. Gently attach it to the curved test area of the curved sample holder. When attaching it, the front end of the specimen is on the left (L) side of the curved sample holder, the rear end is on the right (R) side of the curved sample holder, the center line of the wing (perpendicular to the pad) is aligned to the line corresponding to the liquid discharge port of the base. Attach the wings to both sides of the curved sample holder. Then put the curved sample holder to which the specimen is attached n a fixed position of the absorption speed tester. A.4.3 Enter the test interface of the absorption speed tester. Set the thickness of specimen, to ensure that the standard test module can fall freely onto the specimen’s surface. Click the test. The automatic liquid adding device adds (5.0 ± 0.1) mL of standard synthetic test solution to the standard test module. The timer automatically starts timekeeping, until the liquid level disappears at the lowest point of the absorption zone. Automatically stop timekeeping. A.4.4 After the test is completed, use a clean tissue paper to wipe the bottom of the standard test module clean. Remove the curved sample holder. Tear off the tested specimen. Prepare for the next test. A.4.5 From each sample, measure at least 5 valid data. A.4.6 After all tests have been completed, use distilled water or deionized water to clean the absorption speed tester and standard test module. A.5 Representation of results Appendix B (Normative) Formula of standard synthetic test solution B.1 Principle The standard synthetic test solution is formulated according to the main physical properties of human menstrual blood. It has similar fluidity and absorption characteristics. B.2 Formula The formula is as follows: a) Distilled water or deionized water: 860 mL; b) Sodium chloride: 10.00 g, chemically pure; c) Sodium carbonate: 40.00 g, chemically pure; d) Glycerol (glycerol): 140 mL, chemically pure; e) Sodium benzoate: 1.00 g, chemically pure; f) Color (food colorant): Moderate amount, chemically pure; g) Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose: About 5 g, chemically pure; h) Standard vehicle: 1% (by volume). B.3 Physical properties of standard synthetic test solutions At (23 ± 1) °C, the physical properties of the standard synthetic test solution shall meet the following requirements: a) Density: (1.05 ± 0.05) g/cm3; b) Viscosity: (11.9 ± 0.7) s (measured by the No.4 paint cup); c) Surface tension: (36 ± 4) mN/m. Appendix D (Normative) Determination of migratory fluorescent substances D.1 Reagents and materials Unless otherwise specified, it only uses the analytically pure reagents. D.1.1 Water: GB/T 6682, grade-3. D.1.2 Gauze: Pure cotton material, size is about 5 cm x 5 cm. D.1.3 Ammonia water: 0.1%. D.1.4 Hydrochloric acid solution: 10%. D.1.5 Extraction solution: Water which has a pH of 7.5 ~ 9.0 as adjusted by 0.1% ammonia water (D.1.3). D.1.6 Fluorescent standard sample: Fluorescence is uniform, the fluorescence brightness is 0.40% ~ 0.60%. Note: Except for the fluorescent standard sample, the reagents and materials used are not fluorescent under UV light. D.2 Instruments D.2.1 Balance: The sensitivity is 0.001 g. D.2.2 Conical flask: 250 mL. D.2.3 G1 glass core funnel. D.2.4 Glass watch glass. D.2.5 UV lamps: Wavelengths is 254 nm and 365 nm, with eye protective device. D.2.6 pH meter: Accuracy is 0.01. D.2.7 Constant-temperature water-bath: The temperature control accuracy is (40 ± 2) °C. D.3 Test procedure and determination of results D.3.1 From the sample, randomly take a specimen. Remove the outer packaging. Place the specimen (including the release paper) together with the Appendix E (Normative) Determination of peel strength of back adhesive E.1 Principle Attach the standard jersey to the back adhesive of the sanitary absorbent pads (panty liner). After being treated for a certain period of time under the specified conditions, carry out 180° peeling off against the sanitary absorbent pads (panty liner) from the standard jersey. Calculate the average peeling force within the specified peeling displacement. Use the average peeling force to indicate the peel strength of the back adhesive of the sanitary absorbent pads (panty liner). E.2 Instruments and equipment E.2.1 Tester of peel strength of back adhesive: The width of the chuck is (80 ± 1) mm. The range is 0 ~ 30 N. During the test, it may obtain at least 20 effective peel force values per second. E.2.2 Counterweight: The length is (80 ± 1) mm. The width is (62 ± 1) mm. the mass is (500 ± 5) g. It is made of stainless-steel or other materials. E.2.3 Oven: It may maintain the temperature at (37 ± 2) °C. E.2.4 Standard jersey: Unbleached dyed worsted, without post-treatment. It is quantitatively fixed at 120 g/m2 ~ 140 g/m2. The length is (120 ± 1) mm. The width is (65 ± 1) mm. The elongation at break along the length direction is less than or equal to 25.0%. E.2.5 Flat plate: It is glass or metal material, square-shaped; the size is selected according to the test sample and the size of the constant-temperature oven. E.3 Collection and pre-test treatment of specimen For each sample, take at least 5 sanitary absorbent pads (panty liner) from at least two sales packages. Before preparation of specimen, the sanitary absorbent pads and standard jersey to be tested shall be placed at a temperature of (23 ± 1) °C and a relative humidity of (50 ± 2)% for more than 4 h. E.4 Test procedures E.4.1 Take a piece of sanitary absorbent pad (panty liner). Tear off the outer packaging film. ......

GB/T 8939-2008 Sanitary absorbent pads ICS 85.080 Y39 National Standards of People's Republic of China Replacing GB 8939-1999 Sanitary napkins (including sanitary pads) Posted 2008-01-04 2008-09-01 implementation Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China released Foreword This standard replaces GB 8939-1999 "sanitary napkins (including sanitary pads)" This standard is GB 8939-1999 amendments. This standard compared with GB 8939-1999 The main changes are as follows. --- By the provisions of this standard mandatory to recommended national standards, health requirements cited mandatory national standard GB 15979-2002 "Disposable sanitary products hygiene standards"; --- Increasing the surface layer material by product category and by product classification features two classification methods, and product type specifications define; --- Canceled the quality classification of sanitary napkins and sanitary pads and the effective length of the request; --- According to the actual situation of the company, changed the sampling methods and determine the rules; --- Cancel positive lateral expansion width seepage project; --- The technical requirements of the standard value in the test items have been adjusted; --- Increased each piece individually wrapped sanitary requirements; --- The amount of penetration, water absorption ratio, pH, adhesive bonding strength test method of partial adjustment; --- Adhesive bond strength from qualitative to quantitative assessment evaluation, but not as a basis for determining whether or not qualified; --- Water test method has been adjusted; --- For sale sign and packaging have been modified; --- Appendix D to the informative Annex normative appendix. The Standard Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C, Appendix D are normative appendix. The standard proposed by China National Light Industry Council. This standard by the National Standardization Technical Committee of the paper industry. This standard is drafted by. China Pulp and Paper Research Institute; participated in the drafting. Procter & Gamble Co., Ltd. Guangzhou, Hubei BONS limited stock The company, Fujian Hengan Group Co., Kimberly-Clark (China) Co., Ltd., Shandong Yimu women Goods Co., Shanghai Uni-Charm Co. Division of Johnson & Johnson (China) Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard. Bao-Rong Lu, Wang, Liu Junjie, Gao Jun. This standard by the National Standardization Technical Committee is responsible for interpreting the paper industry. This standard replaces the standards previously issued as follows. --- GB 8939-1999. Sanitary napkins (including sanitary pads) 1 Scope This standard specifies the sanitary napkins (including sanitary pads) technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and signs, packaging, transportation, storage, etc. Claim. This standard applies to the surface layer, the absorber layer, impermeable bottom film composed by molding machinery specialized for women menstruation (sanitary napkins), non-menstrual Topical physiological hygiene (sanitary pads) used. 2 Normative references The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this standard and become the standard terms. For dated references, subsequent Amendments (not including errata content) or revisions do not apply to this standard, however, encourage the parties to the agreement are based on research Whether the latest versions of these documents. For undated reference documents, the latest versions apply to this standard. GB/T 462 Paper and board Determination of moisture (GB/T 462-2003, ISO 287. 1985, MOD) GB/T 10739 paper, paperboard and pulp sample processing and testing standard atmospheric conditions (GB/T 10739-2002, eqv ISO 187. 1990) GB 15979 standard disposable sanitary products 3 Product Categories 3.1 divided by product surface material soft cotton, dry mesh and cotton categories. Soft cotton surface layer class that produced using various types of non-woven material Products; dry mesh class refers to the surface layer of perforated film using a variety of products made from raw materials; cotton products category refers to the surface layer is made of cotton material. 3.2 by product functions are divided into common type and functional. Normal refers to the addition of the sanitary napkin itself features no other functionality. Features Type means in order to achieve a certain function, beneficial to human health component was added products in the product. 3.3 divided by product performance sanitary napkins, sanitary pads and the like. 4. Technical Requirements 4.1 napkin technical indicators should comply with the requirements in Table 1, or as specified in the purchase contract. Table 1 Index name specified deviation/% Full-length ± 5 Full width ± 8 Article quality ± 12 Water absorption ratio/≥ 7.0 times The amount of infiltration/g ≥ 1.8 pH 4.0 ~ 9.0 Moisture /% ≤ 10.0 Adhesive bond strength of a/s ≥ 8 adhesive bond strength of a reference data, qualified or not as the basis for the determination. 4.2 sanitary pads technical specifications should be consistent with the requirements of Table 2, or as specified in the purchase contract. ......

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