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GB/T 6730.64-2022 English PDF (GB/T 6730.64-2007)

GB/T 6730.64-2022_English: PDF (GB/T6730.64-2022)
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GB/T 6730.64-2022English230 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Iron ores -- Determination of water soluble chloride content -- Ion-selective electrode method Valid GB/T 6730.64-2022
GB/T 6730.64-2007English519 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Iron ores -- Determination of water soluble chloride content -- Ion-selective electrode method Obsolete GB/T 6730.64-2007

Standard ID GB/T 6730.64-2022 (GB/T6730.64-2022)
Description (Translated English) Iron ores -- Determination of water soluble chloride content -- Ion-selective electrode method
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard D31
Classification of International Standard 73.060.10
Word Count Estimation 14,121
Date of Issue 2022-10-14
Date of Implementation 2022-10-12
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 6730.64-2007
Drafting Organization Ningbo Institute of Inspection and Quarantine Science and Technology, Qingdao Yuancheng Zongheng Technology Co., Ltd., Metallurgical Industry Information Standards Institute
Administrative Organization National Iron Ore and Direct Reduced Iron Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 317)
Proposing organization China Iron and Steel Association
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Management Committee

Standard ID GB/T 6730.64-2007 (GB/T6730.64-2007)
Description (Translated English) Iron ores. Determination of water soluble chloride content. Ion-selective electrode method
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard D31
Classification of International Standard 73.060.10
Word Count Estimation 12,151
Date of Issue 2007-08-14
Date of Implementation 2008-03-01
Adopted Standard ISO 9517-1989, MOD
Drafting Organization Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization Metallurgical Industry Information Standards Institute
Regulation (derived from) China National Standard Approval Announcement2007 No.8 (Total No.108)
Proposing organization China Iron and Steel Association
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This standard specifies the ion selective electrode method for the determination of water soluble chloride content of iron ore. This section applies to natural iron ore, iron ore, determination of water soluble chloride content of pellets and sinter. Measuring range (mass fraction, chlorine meter): 0. 005% to 0. 1 %. Note: The water soluble chloride refers to the nearly neutral conditions using aqueous leaching, filter, obtained by extraction of iron chloride content portion.

GB/T 6730.64-2022 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 73.060.10 CCS D 31 Replacing GB/T 6730.64-2007 Iron Ores - Determination of Water Soluble Chloride Content - Ion-selective Electrode Method (ISO 9517:2007, Iron Ores - Determination of Water-soluble Chloride - Ion-selective Electrode Method, MOD) ISSUED ON: OCTOBER 12, 2022 IMPLEMENTED ON: OCTOBER 12, 2022 Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 Introduction ... 5 1 Scope ... 6 2 Normative References ... 6 3 Terms and Definitions ... 7 4 Principle ... 7 5 Reagents and Materials ... 7 6 Instruments ... 9 7 Sampling and Sample Preparation ... 9 8 Analytical Procedures ... 10 9 Result Calculation and Expression ... 13 10 Test Report ... 15 Appendix A (informative) Constituent Documents of GB/T 6730 ... 16 Appendix B (normative) Acceptance Procedures for Specimen Analysis Results ... 21 Appendix C (informative) Specimens Used for Precision ... 22 Iron Ores - Determination of Water Soluble Chloride Content - Ion-selective Electrode Method WARNING---the personnel adopting this document shall have practical experience in regular laboratory work. This document does not point out all possible safety issues. The user is responsible for taking appropriate safety and health measures and ensuring compliance with the conditions stipulated in relevant national regulations. 1 Scope This document specifies the method for the determination of water soluble chloride content in iron ores using ion-selective electrodes. This document is applicable to the determination of water soluble chloride content in natural iron ores, iron ore concentrates, sinters and pellets. The determination range (mass fraction) is: 0.007% ~ 0.1%. NOTE: the water soluble chloride content in iron ores refers to the chlorine obtained by leaching iron ores with aqueous solution under near-neutral conditions. 2 Normative References The contents of the following documents constitute indispensable clauses of this document through the normative references in the text. In terms of references with a specified date, only versions with a specified date are applicable to this document. In terms of references without a specified date, the latest version (including all the modifications) is applicable to this document. GB/T 6682 Water for Analytical Laboratory Use - Specification and Test Methods (GB/T 6682- 2008, ISO 3696:1987, MOD) GB/T 6730.1 Iron Ores - Preparation of Predried Test Samples for Chemical Analysis (GB/T 6730.1-2016, ISO 7764:2006, MOD) GB/T 8170 Rules of Rounding off for Numerical Values & Expression and Judgement of Limiting Values GB/T 10322.1 Iron Ores - Sampling and Sample Preparation Procedures (GB/T 10322.1-2014, ISO 3082:2009, IDT) GB/T 12805 Laboratory Glassware - Burettes (GB/T 12805-2011, ISO 385:2005, NEQ) GB/T 12806 Laboratory Glassware - One-mark Volumetric Flasks (GB/T 12806-2011, ISO 1042:1998, NEQ) GB/T 12808 Laboratory Glassware - One-mark Pipettes 3 Terms and Definitions This document does not have terms or definitions that need to be defined. 4 Principle The specimen is leached with potassium sulfate aqueous solution, and the obtained suspension is transferred to a volumetric flask, diluted to the scale, and dry-filtered. Take part of the filtrate, add potassium persulfate solution, neutral buffer solution and ionic strength adjustment solution; use a chloride ion-selective electrode and a double-joint reference electrode to determine the concentration of chloride ions in the test solution. 5 Reagents and Materials Unless otherwise stated, only approved analytically pure reagents and distilled water of Grade- 2 or above that complies with the stipulations of GB/T 6682 or water of equivalent purity are used in the analysis. The preparation of reagents and calibration solutions, as well as all operations specified in Chapter 6 ~ Chapter 8, shall be effectively isolated from the place where hydrochloric acid is used. 5.1 Potassium sulfate (K2SO4) solution, 2 g/L. 5.2 Potassium persulfate (K2S2O8) solution, 15 g/L. Prepare it right before use. 5.3 Sodium nitrate (NaNO3) solution, 5 mol/L. Dissolve 42.5 g of sodium nitrate in about 60 mL of water, transfer it to a 100 mL volumetric flask, use water to dilute to the scale, and mix it well. 5.4 Phosphate buffer solution. Dissolve 2.72 g of potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4) and 2.84 g of disodium hydrogen phosphate (Na2HPO4) in about 40 mL of water, transfer it to a 100 mL volumetric flask. Use water to dilute to the scale and mix it well. 5.5 Cleaning fluid. Under constant stirring, carefully and slowly add 150 mL of phosphoric acid (ρ 1.84 g/mL) and 150 mL of phosphoric acid (ρ 1.7 g/mL) to 700 mL of water, and mix it well. 5.6 Chlorine standard solution A, 1.00 mg/mL. Weigh-take 0.8240 g of sodium chloride reference material, dissolve it in about 50 mL of water, then, transfer it to a 500 mL volumetric flask; use water to dilute to the scale and mix it well. Sodium chloride is pre-burned at 500 C ~ 600 C to a constant weight, then, cooled to room temperature. 5.7 Chlorine standard solution B, 100 g/mL. Take 50.00 mL of chlorine standard solution A Chlorine calibration solutions containing 1.0 g/mL ~ 10.0 g/mL shall be prepared on the same day. 6 Instruments 6.1 Burettes, one-mark volumetric flasks and one-mark pipettes: shall respectively comply with the stipulations of GB/T 12805, GB/T 12806 and GB/T 12808. 6.2 Magnetic stirrer. 6.3 Electric heating magnetic stirrer: or water bath with ultrasonic wave. Set the heating power to maintain 35 mL of water at 90 C ~ 95 C. 6.4 Electric hot plate: set the heating power to rise 50 mL of water to at least 90 C (under non- boiling conditions) in 25 min. 6.5 Plastic stirring rod: coated with PTFE or polyethylene, length: 25 mm ~ 30 mm. Before use, the stirring rod shall be cleaned in the cleaning liquid (see 5.5) for 30 min, then, washed with water for 30 min, to avoid possible chlorine contamination caused by iron ore powder adhesion or other reasons. The cleaned stirring rod shall be picked up with clean tweezers. Or plastic magnetic stirrers coated with PTFE or polyethylene can also be used, and the cleaning method is the same. 6.6 Suction filtration device: diameter 25 mm ~ 50 mm, equipped with glass or polycarbonate plastic microporous filter membrane with a pore size less than 1 m. The microporous filter membrane shall only be handled with clean tweezers. 6.7 Ion-selective potentiometer: or high-sensitive pH meter, or high-impedance millivolt meter, with a reading accuracy of 0.1 mV. 6.8 Chloride ion-selective electrode and independent double salt bridge reference electrode: both electrodes shall be maintained and used in accordance with the instructions provided by the manufacturer. The solution in the outer chamber of the reference electrode shall be replaced as specified and filled when necessary. The flow rate along the nitrate / test solution interface shall be adjusted, so that the liquid level in the outer chamber maintains a falling speed of approximately 4 mm/d ~ 5 mm/d. Chloride ion-selective electrodes are sensitive to light and shall not be used in direct sunlight or under strong light. 7 Sampling and Sample Preparation 7.1 Laboratory Specimens In accordance with GB/T 10322.1, take and prepare the specimens. Generally, the particle size of the specimens shall be less than 100 m. If the content of combined water or readily oxidizable substances in the specimens is high, the particle size shall be less than 160 m. The stipulations for high content of combined water and readily oxidizable substances shall comply with GB/T 6730.1. 7.2 Preparation of Pre-dried Specimens Thoroughly mix the laboratory specimens and adopt the sample reduction method for sampling. In accordance with the stipulations of GB/T 6730.1, at 105 C  2 C, dry the specimens, and cool them to room temperature in a desiccator for later use. 8 Analytical Procedures 8.1 Number of Determinations In accordance with Appendix B, the same dried specimen shall be independently determined at least twice. NOTE: “independent” means that the results of the second and any subsequent determinations are not affected by the previous one. In this document, this condition means repeated determinations conducted by the same operator at different times or by different operators, including the application of appropriate re-calibration. 8.2 Blank Test and Verification Test 8.2.1 Blank test Due to technical reasons, the conventional blank test does not apply to the ion-selective electrode method. This method uses the step of 8.3.2 to replace the blank test. 8.2.2 Verification test Along with each batch of test specimens, under the same conditions, analyze the same type of reference materials for verification test. The pre-drying of the reference materials shall be carried out in accordance with the stipulations of 7.2. If multiple specimens of the same type are simultaneously analyzed, the analysis value of reference material can be used. 8.3 Preparation before Test 8.3.1 Electrode inspection Before using the electrode for each test, the electrode performance shall be inspected in accordance with the following steps. a) Add 100 mL of water and 2 mL of sodium nitrate solution to a 150 mL or 250 mL beaker, and add a plastic stirring rod (see 6.5). Put the electrode into the solution, stir be left for enough time to make the temperature between the test solution and the calibration solution consistent. In accordance with the potential value determined in the first round, and the sequence from low to high concentration, re-arrange the calibration solution and the test solution, then, determine another set of potential value. Take the second set of data as the determined value. In accordance with the known chlorine mass concentration and corresponding determined potential value in the calibration, draw the lg [Cl]E calibration curve. When necessary, respectively draw the calibration curves for concentration segments that are not of the same order of magnitude. From the calibration curve, in accordance with the determined value of electrode potential of the test solution, calculate the corresponding chlorine mass concentration. NOTE: when the chlorine mass concentration is lower than 3 g/mL, the curve may bend to a certain extent. The extent of bending may vary due to differences in electrode performance. 9 Result Calculation and Expression 9.1 Calculation of Water Soluble Chloride Content In accordance with Formula (1), calculate the water soluble chloride content (mass fraction) wCl in the specimen, expressed in (%). Where, ρCl---the chlorine mass concentration in the test solution obtained from the calibration curve, expressed in (g/mL); m---the mass of specimen, expressed in (g). 9.2 General Processing of Analysis Results 9.2.1 Precision The functional relation of precision in this document is shown in Table 4. The specimen used for precision test is shown in Appendix C. Through the C value of the certified reference material (CRM) or reference material (RM) determined among multiple laboratories, calculate in accordance with Formula (3): Where, R---the inter-laboratory reproducibility limit; r---the intra-laboratory repeatability limit; n---the number of repeated determinations of the reference material; u---the uncertainty of the standard value of CRM or RM. 9.2.5 Calculation of final result The final result of the specimen is the arithmetic mean of the acceptable analysis values, or the value determined in accordance with the stipulations of Appendix B. The calculation is accurate to the fifth decimal place, and the report is accurate to the third decimal place. The values shall be rounded off in accordance with the stipulations of GB/T 8170. 10 Test Report The test report shall include the following information: a) Laboratory name and address; b) Release date of test report; c) Serial No. of this document; d) Detailed description necessary for specimen identification; e) Analysis results; f) Serial No. corresponding to the analysis results; g) Any abnormal characteristics during the determination and any operations not specified in this document that may affect the analysis results of the specimen or reference material. ......

GB/T 6730.64-2007 Iron ores. Determination of water soluble chloride content. Ion-selective electrode method ICS 73.060.10 D31 National Standards of People's Republic of China Determination of water soluble chloride content in iron ore Ion Selective Electrode (ISO 9517. 1989, MOD) Posted 2007-08-14 2008-03-01 implementation Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China released Foreword GB/T 6730 partial modification of the present international standard ISO 9517. 1989 "Determination of water soluble chloride content of iron ore from Sub-selective electrode. " This part of International Standard ISO 9517. 1989 Comparison major amended as follows. --- "2 Normative references" by our standards instead of the corresponding international standards; --- "4.6 chlorine standard solution" in this part of sodium chloride drying conditions by the ISO 9517. 1989 in "105 ℃ for 1 hour and dried Cool to room temperature "with" at 500 ℃ ~ 600 ℃ to constant burning "; --- This part of ISO 9517. 1989's "4.8 chlorine standard solution B, 50μg/mL" and "4.9 chlorine standard solution C, 20μg/mL" We merged and adopted the "4.7 chlorine standard solution B, 100μg/mL" formulated series of calibration solutions. Table 2 with calibration solution The concentration of the lowest point of the system by "2μg/mL" to "1.5μg/mL", equivalent to the chlorine content of the sample was 0.005%, and this section The lower limit is consistent measurement range; --- "5.2" the provisions of this section adds, "Note" allows the use of an ultrasonic water bath with ongoing water soluble chloride sample Leaching; --- This section "4.8 calibration solution", the potassium concentration of the solution used by the ISO 9517. 1989 in "4g/L" to "2g/L", Added the same amount. Cancel ISO 9517. 1989 in "4.2 potassium sulfate (K2SO4) solution, 4g/L"; --- This section "7.5 Sample volume" by the ISO 9517. 1989 in "2g" changed to "3.0g". Accordingly, the "test solution at 8.6.3 Reason "by the amount of test solution dispensation" 45mL "changed to" 25mL ";" 9.1 Calculation of water-soluble chloride content "in the calculation formula Also revised accordingly. Appendix A of this section is normative appendix, Appendix B and Appendix C are informative appendices. This part is proposed by the China Iron and Steel Association. This section is under the jurisdiction of Metallurgical Industry Information Standards Institute. This section is drafted. Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this section. Jihong Ling, Liu Xiaoping, Xu Yuan Cai, Wang Weimin. Determination of water soluble chloride content in iron ore Ion Selective Electrode Warning --- Use this section shall be a person experiences regular laboratory work. This section does not point out all possible security asked question. Users have the responsibility to take appropriate safety and health practices and to ensure compliance with matters relevant national regulations. 1 Scope GB/T 6730 This section specifies the determination of water-soluble chloride content in iron ore by ion selective electrode method. This section applies to natural iron ore, iron ore assay, pellets and sinter water-soluble chloride content. Measuring range (mass Score, chlorine basis). 0.005% to 0.1%. Note. Water-soluble chloride refers to the near-neutral conditions, with an aqueous leaching, filtration, iron ore extracted in part chlorine content. 2 Normative references The following documents contain provisions which, through reference to GB/T 6730 to the present, constitute provisions of this section. For dated reference documents Member, all subsequent amendments (not including errata content) or revisions do not apply to this section, however, encouraged to reach under this section Parties to research agreement to use the latest versions of these documents. For undated reference documents, the latest versions apply to this section. GB/T 6682 analytical laboratory use specifications and test methods (GB/T 6682-1992, neq ISO 3696. 1987) GB/T 6730.1 Methods for chemical analysis of iron pre-drying of the sample preparation (GB/T 6730.1-1986 use, eqv ISO 7764. 1985) GB/T 10322.1 mechanical ore sampling and sample preparation method (GB/T 10322.1-2000, idt ISO 3082.1998) GB/T 12805 Laboratory glassware burette (GB/T 12805-1991, neq ISO 385. 1984) GB/T 12806 Laboratory glassware Single Groove flask (GB/T 12806-1991, neq ISO 1042. 1983) GB/T 12808 Laboratory glassware Single Groove pipette (GB/T 12808-1991, neq ISO 648. 1977) Principle 3 Sample with potassium sulfate solution was stirred 1h at 90 ℃ ~ 95 ℃ water soluble chloride leaching. The suspension was transferred into a volumetric flask, and dilute Explanation to the mark. Dry filter, aliquot of the test solution, and potassium sulfate solution used after neutral buffer solution, sodium nitrate was added to adjust the ionic strength Solution, chlorine ion selective electrode and double-joint chloride ion concentration reference measuring electrode. 4 Reagents and materials Analysis Unless otherwise stated, use only reagents of recognized analytical grade and distilled water or equivalent purity of its water, in line with GB/T 6682 Provisions. Preparation of reagents and calibration solutions, and all actions in this section as specified in Chapter 6, 7 and using hydrochloric acid to be effective places isolation. 4.1 sulfate (of K2SO4) solution, 2g/L. 4.2 potassium persulfate (K2S2O8) solution, 15g/L. When using the existing service. 4.3 sodium nitrate (of NaNO3) solution of Ba (NaNO3) = 5mol/L. The 42.5g of sodium nitrite dissolved in about 60mL of water into the 100mL volumetric flask, dilute with water to volume, and mix. 4.4 phosphate buffer solution. ......

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