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GB/T 5526-2024 English PDF (GB/T 5526-1985)

GB/T 5526-2024_English: PDF (GB/T5526-2024)
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GB/T 5526-2024English279 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of relative density Valid GB/T 5526-2024
GB/T 5526-1985English105 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Inspection of vegetable oils. Methods for determination of specific gravity GB/T 5526-1985

Standard ID GB/T 5526-2024 (GB/T5526-2024)
Description (Translated English) Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of relative density
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard X14
Classification of International Standard 67.200.10
Word Count Estimation 14,168
Date of Issue 2024-10-26
Date of Implementation 2025-05-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 5526-1985
Drafting Organization Anhui Provincial Grain and Oil Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Station, National Grain and Material Reserve Administration Standards and Quality Center, Tianjin Food Safety Inspection Technology Research Institute, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Grain and Oil Quality Inspection Center, Hefei Food and Drug Inspection Center, Liaoning Provincial Grain and Material Reserve Affairs Service Center, Jiangsu Provincial Cereal and Oil Quality Monitoring Center, Shandong Provincial Cereal and Oil Inspection Center, Hubei Provincial Cereal, Oil and Food Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, Kunming Cereal, Oil and Feed Product Quality Inspection Center, Shaanxi Provincial Grain Quality and Safety Center, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Cereal and Oil Product Quality Inspection Center, Sinograin Zhenjiang Quality Inspection Center Co., Ltd., COFCO Cereals and Oils Industry (Chaohu) Co., Ltd., Yihai Kerry Golden Arowana Cereals, Oils and Food Co., Ltd., Shanghai Kemao Cereals, Oils and Foods Quality Inspection Co., Ltd., Anhui Provincial Public Inspection Institute Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization National Technical Committee for Standardization of Grain and Oil (SAC/TC 270)
Proposing organization State Administration of Grain and Material Reserves
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration

Standard ID GB/T 5526-1985 (GB/T5526-1985)
Description (Translated English) Inspection of vegetable oils. Methods for determination of specific gravity
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard X10
Classification of International Standard 67.200.10
Word Count Estimation 3,372
Date of Issue 1985/11/2
Date of Implementation 1986/7/1
Drafting Organization Department of Commerce, Bureau of Grain Storage
Proposing organization Ministry of Commerce of the People Republic of China
Issuing agency(ies) National Bureau of Standards
Summary This standard applies to the determination of the proportion of goods of vegetable oils.

GB/T 5526-2024 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of relative density Determination of relative density of animal and vegetable fats and oils ICS 67.200.10 CCS X 14 National Standard of the People's Republic of China Replace GB/T 5526-1985 Released on 2024-10-26 2025-05-01 Implementation State Administration for Market Regulation The National Standardization Administration issued Table of Contents Preface ... Ⅲ 1 Scope ... 1 2 Normative references ... 1 3 Terms and Definitions ... 1 4 Digital density meter method (first method) ... 1 4.1 Principle 1 4.2 Instruments 1 4.3 Step 1 4.4 Calculation 1 4.5 Precision 2 5 Relative density meter (density meter) method (second method) ... 2 5.1 Principle 2 5.2 Instruments 2 5.3 Step 2 5.4 Calculation ... 2 5.5 Precision 3 6 Density bottle method (third method) ... 3 6.1 Principle ... 3 6.2 Instruments ... 3 6.3 Step 3 6.4 Calculation ... 3 6.5 Precision ... 4 7 Density meter method (method 4) ... 4 7.1 Principle ... 4 7.2 Instruments ... 4 7.3 Step 4 7.4 Calculation ... 4 7.5 Precision ... 5 Appendix A (Informative) Density of pure water ... 6 Preface This document is in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 1.1-2020 "Guidelines for standardization work Part 1.Structure and drafting rules for standardization documents" Drafting is required. This document replaces GB/T 5526-1985 “Test method for specific gravity of vegetable oils and fats”. In addition to structural adjustments and editorial changes, the main technical changes are as follows. The scope of application of the document has been changed (see Chapter 1, Chapter 1 of the 1985 edition); - Added digital density meter method as the first method (see Chapter 4) and density meter method as the fourth method (see Chapter 7); - Added principles (see 5.1 and 6.1); - "Reagents" has been deleted (see 1.2 and 2.2 of the 1985 edition); - Some operating procedures have been modified (see 5.3 and 6.3, 1.3 and 2.3 of the 1985 edition); - The calculation method and formula have been changed (see 5.4 and 6.4, 1.4 and 2.4 of the 1985 edition); - The allowable difference between the double test results of the liquid specific gravity balance method (see 1.4 of the 1985 edition) has been deleted; - Added the precision requirements for relative density meter (density meter) method and density bottle method (see 5.5 and 6.5). - Please note that some of the contents of this document may involve patents. The issuing organization of this document does not assume the responsibility for identifying patents. This document was proposed by the State Administration of Grain and Material Reserves. This document is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee on Standardization of Cereals and Oils (SAC/TC 270). This document was drafted by. Anhui Provincial Grain and Oil Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Station, National Grain and Material Reserves Administration Standard Quality Center, Tianjin Municipal Food Safety Testing Technology Research Institute, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Grain and Oil Quality Inspection Center, Hefei Food and Drug Inspection Center, Liaoning Provincial Grain and Material Reserve Affairs Service Center, Jiangsu Grain and Oil Quality Monitoring Center, Shandong Grain and Oil Testing Center, Hubei Grain, Oil and Food Quality Supervision Center Testing Center, Kunming Grain, Oil and Feed Product Quality Inspection Center, Shaanxi Grain Quality and Safety Center, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Grain and Oil Product Quality Inspection Center Quality Inspection Center, COFCO Zhenjiang Quality Inspection Center Co., Ltd., COFCO Grain and Oil Industry (Chaohu) Co., Ltd., Yihai Kerry Golden Dragon Fish Grain and Oil Food Co., Ltd., Shanghai Kemao Grain and Oil Food Quality Inspection Co., Ltd., Anhui Public Inspection Institute Co., Ltd., COFCO Huanghai Grain Oil Industry (Shandong) Co., Ltd., Chuzhou Grain and Oil Quality Inspection Service Center. The main drafters of this document are. Hu Bin, Xu Guangchao, Li Xu, Li Yongfa, Zhang Lili, Mei Han, Wu Xianshao, Qin Shaogang, Fan Yifan, Huang Wei, Mao Yongrong, Ren Lingyun, Wang Ruijie, Ni Shanshan, Liu Li, Zhang Jiguang, Xia Hui, Zhang Li, Zhang Liuping, Pan Kun, Zhao Shifeng, Yu Haifei, Xu Yanhui, Lu Weidong, and Liu Shutong. The previous versions of this document and the documents it replaces are as follows. First published in 1985 as GB/T 5526-1985; This is the first revision. - Determination of relative density of animal and vegetable fats and oils 1 Scope This document describes the relative density determination of animal and vegetable fats and oils using the digital densimeter method, the relative densimeter (density meter) method, the density bottle method and the density Meter method. This document is applicable to the determination of relative density of animal and vegetable fats and oils. Among them, the first method is applicable to the relative density of liquid and semi-solid animal and vegetable fats and oils. The second, third and fourth methods are applicable to the determination of relative density of liquid animal and vegetable fats and oils. 2 Normative references This document has no normative references. 3 Terms and definitions There are no terms or definitions that require definition in this document. 4 Digital density meter method (first method) 4.1 Principle The U-shaped tube oscillation method is used to introduce the sample into a U-shaped tube with one end fixed, and the excitation device is used to make the U-shaped tube vibrate at a certain characteristic frequency. The square of the oscillation frequency is linearly related to the density or relative density of the sample in the U-shaped tube. 4.2 Instruments The digital density meter should have automatic viscosity correction and temperature thermal balance functions, and the accuracy should meet the following requirements. Temperature. (0±0.05)℃~(100±0.05)℃; - Relative density. (0 ± 0.000 1) ~ (3 ± 0.000 1). - If an automatic sample injector is used, the viscosity of the sample shall not exceed 35 Pa·s within the detection temperature range. 4.3 Steps 4.3.1 Before testing, calibrate the instrument according to the requirements of the instrument manual. d2020 4.3.2 Determination of relative density of liquid grease. Set the temperature of the U-tube to 20°C, inject the sample evenly into the clean and dry The temperature of the U-shaped tube is balanced and stable at (20±0.05)℃. The bubble detection function or the observation window confirms that there are no bubbles in the U-shaped tube. When the instrument stably displays the relative density value, record the value. dt20 4.3.3 Determination of relative density of semi-solid grease. According to the relative density test temperature requirement t (°C) specified in the product standard of the sample, set U-tube temperature. Preheat the sample to melt it into liquid state according to its melting point. The temperature should not be higher than 5℃ above the melting point. After the sample is melted, inject it into the The sample is evenly injected into the clean and dry U-shaped tube and the temperature is stabilized at (t±0.05)℃. Check the window to make sure there are no bubbles in the U-shaped tube. When the instrument stably displays the relative density value, record the value. 4.4 Calculation The relative density was calculated according to formula (1). ......

GB/T 5526-1985 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA UDC 664.33.001.4 GB 5526-85 Inspection of vegetable oils - Methods for determination of specific gravity ISSUED ON: NOVEMBER 2, 1985 IMPLEMENTED ON: JULY 1, 1986 Issued by: Standardization Administration of PRC Table of Contents 1 Liquid specific gravity balance method ... 3 2 Pycnometer method ... 5 3 Density of water at a certain temperature ... 6 Additional information ... 7 Inspection of vegetable oils - Methods for determination of specific gravity This standard is applicable to the determination of the specific gravity of commercial vegetable oils. 1 Liquid specific gravity balance method 1.1 Instruments and utensils 1.1.1 Liquid specific gravity balance; 1.1.2 Beakers, pipettes, etc. 1.2 Reagents 1.2.1 Washing fluid; 1.2.2 Ethanol, ether; 1.2.3 Distilled water without carbon dioxide; 1.2.4 Absorbent cotton, filter paper, etc. 1.3 Operation method 1.3.1 Weigh the water: According to the instructions for the use of the instrument, first calibrate the instrument, hang No.1 weight on the hook, and inject distilled water into the measuring cylinder until the platinum wire on the buoy is immersed 1 cm in the water. Adjust the water to 20 °C, turn the screw on the balance base to balance the balance, and do not move it again. Pour out the water in the measuring cylinder, use ethanol first and then ether to remove the water on the buoy, measuring cylinder and thermometer, and then wipe dry with absorbent cotton. 1.3.2 Weigh the sample: Inject the sample into the measuring cylinder until the platinum wire on the buoy is immersed 1 cm into the sample. When the sample temperature reaches 20 °C, add weights to the groove of the balance to restore the balance to balance. How to use the weights: First move the No.1 weight on the hook to the groove "9", then add the No.2, No.3, and No.4 weights to the grooves to balance the balance. 1.4 Result calculation 2 Pycnometer method 2.1 Instruments and utensils 2.1.1 Pycnometer: 25 ml or 50 ml (the stopper with a thermometer); 2.1.2 Electric constant temperature water bath; 2.1.3 Pipette: 25 ml; 2.1.4 Beakers, reagent bottles, mortars, etc. 2.2 Reagents 2.2.1 Ethanol, ether; 2.2.2 Distilled water without carbon dioxide; 2.2.3 Filter paper, etc. 2.3 Operation method 2.3.1 Wash the bottle: Wash the pycnometer with washing liquid, water, ethanol, and water in sequence. 2.3.2 Determine the water weight: Use a pipette to pipette the distilled water and pour it into the pycnometer along the inner wall of the bottle mouth, insert the stopper with a thermometer (no bubbles shall exist in the bottle after the stopper is inserted), and place the pycnometer in a constant temperature water bath at 20 °C. When the water temperature in the bottle reaches (20±0.2) °C, take out the pycnometer, use filter paper to absorb the water overflowing from the drain pipe, cap the bottle, and wipe the outside of the bottle dry; weigh it after about 30 minutes. 2.3.3 Determine the weight of the bottle: Pour out the water in the bottle, wash with ethanol and ether to remove the water in the bottle, blow off the remaining ether in the bottle with dry air, and dry the inside and outside of the bottle; then, add the stopper and cap and weigh them (The weight of the bottle shall be reset by subtracting the air in the bottle. The weight of 1 cm3 of dry air under standard conditions is 0.001293 g≈0.0013 g). 2.3.4 Determine the weight of the sample: Pipette the clarified sample below 20 °C, and pour it into the bottle according to the water weight measurement method; plug the bottle, wipe the outside with filter paper dipped in ether, place it in a constant temperature water bath at 20 °C, and take it out after 30 minutes. Wipe the outside of the bottle to remove the sample that overflows from the drain pipe, cap the bottle, and weigh it. ......

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