GB/T 5313-2023_English: PDF (GB/T5313-2023)
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GB/T 5313-2023 | English | 165 |
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Steel plate with through-thickness properties
| Valid |
GB/T 5313-2023
GB/T 5313-2010 | English | 70 |
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Steel plate with through-thickness characteristics
| Obsolete |
GB/T 5313-2010
GB/T 5313-1985 | English | 239 |
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Steel plate with through-thickness characteristics
| Obsolete |
GB/T 5313-1985
Standard ID | GB/T 5313-2023 (GB/T5313-2023) | Description (Translated English) | Steel plate with through-thickness properties | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | H46 | Classification of International Standard | 77.140.50 | Word Count Estimation | 10,166 | Date of Issue | 2023-09-07 | Date of Implementation | 2024-04-01 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | GB/T 5313-2010 | Drafting Organization | Wuyang Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Metallurgical Industry Information Standards Research Institute, Nanyang Hanye Special Steel Co., Ltd., Xinyu Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Hunan Valin Xiangtan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Fujian Sansteel Minguang Co., Ltd., Hebei Puyang Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. | Administrative Organization | National Steel Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 183) | Proposing organization | China Iron and Steel Industry Association | Issuing agency(ies) | State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration | Standard ID | GB/T 5313-2010 (GB/T5313-2010) | Description (Translated English) | Steel plate with through-thickness characteristics | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | H46 | Classification of International Standard | 77.140.50 | Word Count Estimation | 10,150 | Date of Issue | 2010-12-23 | Date of Implementation | 2011-09-01 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | GB/T 5313-1985 | Quoted Standard | GB/T 228.1; GB/T 17505 | Drafting Organization | Hebei Iron and Steel Group Wuyang Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. | Administrative Organization | National Steel Standardization Technical Committee | Regulation (derived from) | National Standard Approval Announcement 2010 No.10 (Total No.165) | Proposing organization | China Iron and Steel Association | Issuing agency(ies) | Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China | Summary | This standard specifies the thickness direction of the performance level of steel, test methods and inspection rules. Thickness is a measure of the level of performance capability lamellar tearing resistant steel provided the thickness direction of the thickness direction of the tensile fracture performance using tests to assess the incorporation rate. This standard applies to a thickness of 15 mm-400 mm of killed steel plate. | Standard ID | GB/T 5313-1985 (GB/T5313-1985) | Description (Translated English) | Steel plate with through-thickness characteristics | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | H46 | Classification of International Standard | 77.140.50 | Word Count Estimation | 6,645 | Date of Issue | 1985/8/24 | Date of Implementation | 1986/7/1 | Regulation (derived from) | Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards 2010 No. 10 (No. 165 overall) | Proposing organization | Ministry of Metallurgical Industry of the People Republic of China | Issuing agency(ies) | National Bureau of Standards |
GB/T 5313-2023
ICS 77.140.50
CCS H 46
Replacing GB/T 5313-2010
Steel plate with through-thickness properties
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative references ... 5
3 Terms and definitions ... 5
4 Grade expression method ... 5
5 Technical requirements ... 6
6 Sample and specimen preparation ... 7
7 Test methods ... 10
8 Inspection rules ... 10
Steel plate with through-thickness properties
1 Scope
This document specifies the grade expression method, technical requirements, sample
and specimen preparation, test methods, and inspection rules for steel plates with
through-thickness properties.
This document applies to killed steel plates with a thickness of 15 mm~400 mm.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain the provisions which, through normative reference in
this document, constitute the essential provisions of this document. For the dated
referenced documents, only the versions with the indicated dates are applicable to this
document; for the undated referenced documents, only the latest version (including all
the amendments) is applicable to this document.
GB/T 228.1 Metallic materials - Tensile testing - Part 1: Method of test at room
GB/T 2970 Method for ultrasonic testing of thicker steel plates
GB/T 17505 Steel and steel products - General technical delivery requirements
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
3.1 through-thickness properties
The deformation performance that is perpendicular to the surface of the steel plate and
reflects the ability of the steel plate to resist lamellar tearing.
NOTE: The through-thickness properties are usually evaluated by the reduction of area obtained from
the tensile test in the thickness direction.
4 Grade expression method
The grade of steel plate with through-thickness properties consists of the original grade
of the product and the level of through-thickness properties (Z15, Z25, or Z35).
6 Sample and specimen preparation
6.1 Sampling
The sample shall be cut in the middle (at 1/2 of the width) of one end along the main
rolling direction (longitudinal direction) of the steel plate. For steel plates made from
steel ingots, it shall be ensured that it is taken at the head end of the corresponding steel
ingot. This sample shall be enough to prepare 6 specimens, 3 of which are spare. It shall
be ensured that any heat-affected or work-hardened zones accompanying the machining
of the final specimen are removed.
6.2 Specimen preparation
According to the following steps, specimens with or without extensions shall be
prepared from the sample thar is cut according to the requirements of 6.1. The axis of
the specimens shall be perpendicular to the surface of the steel plate. Specimens with
extensions are specified as follows:
a) For 15 mm≤t≤20 mm, there shall be an extension, t is the thickness of the steel
b) For 20 mm< t≤80 mm, the extension is optional, t is the thickness of the steel
c) For 80 mm< t≤400 mm, there shall be no extensions, t is the thickness of the
steel plate. If the test capability is limited, the extension can be welded at the
specimen clamping section.
6.3 Specimens with extensions
The preparation and type of specimens with extensions are shown in Figure 1.
Before welding, all rust, oxide scale, grease, and other debris on the surface of the
specimen shall be removed.
Weld the extension to both surfaces of the specimen by using friction welding or other
suitable methods to ensure that the heat-affected zone is minimized.
The specimen diameter (d0) is as follows:
a) For 15 mm≤t≤25 mm, t is the thickness of the steel plate, d0=6 mm or d0=10
b) For 25 mm< t≤80 mm, t is the thickness of the steel plate, d0=10 mm.
The parallel length (Lc) of the specimen shall be at least 1.5d0 and not exceed 80 mm,
GB/T 5313-2010
ICS 77.140.50
H 44
Replacing GB/T 5313-1985
Steel plate with through-thickness
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the People's Republic of China;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Expression method of designation ... 4
4 Technical requirements ... 4
5 Coupon and sample preparation ... 5
6 Test methods ... 6
7 Inspection rules ... 7
Annex A ... 9
Annex B... 10
Bibliography ... 12
This Standard was drafted according to the rules specified in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This Standard is a revision to "Steel Plate with Through-thickness Characteristics" by
reference to "Steel Products with Improved Deformation Properties Perpendicular to
the Surface of the Product” (EN 10164. 20) and based on the production and
application of steel plate with through-thickness characteristics in China.
This Standard replaces "Steel Plate with Through-thickness Characteristics" (GB/T
5313-1985); compared with GB/T 5313-1985, the main changes are as follows.
- CANCEL the yield strength grade of applicable steel plate;
- INCREASE the maximum thickness of steel plate from 150 mm to 400 mm;
- MODIFY the requirements for the preparation and inspection of sample.
The Annex A and Annex B of this Standard are normative.
This Standard was proposed by China Iron & Steel Association.
This Standard is under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee on Iron and
Steel of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 183).
Drafting organizations of this Standard. Hebei Iron & Steel Group Wuyang Iron &
Steel Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Shagang Group Co., Ltd., Hunan Valin Xiangtan Iron & Steel
Co., Ltd., Tianjin Iron & Steel Group Co., Ltd., Xinyu Iron & Steel Group Co., Ltd.,
China Metallurgical Information and Standardization Institute, Anyang Iron & Steel Inc.
and Shougang Corporation.
Main drafters of this Standard. Zhao Wenzhong, Zhang Huahong, Xie Liangfa, Chang
Yuefeng, Li Xiaobo, Li Xiaoli, Zeng Xiaoping, Zhang Junsheng, Wang Xiaohu, Li Zilin,
Shi Li, Wang Yongran and Lv Ruiguo.
The previous editions of the standards replaced by this Standard are as follows.
- GB/T 5313-1985.
Steel plate with through-thickness characteristics
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the through-thickness characteristic grades, test methods and
inspection rules of steel plates. The through-thickness characteristic grade is a
measurement for the lamellar-tearing resistance of steel plates, and the
through-thickness characteristics may be assessed according to the reduction of area
in through-thickness tensile test.
This Standard is applicable to killed steel plates with a thickness of 15 mm ~ 400 mm.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For
dated references, only the dated editions are applicable to this document. For
undated references, the latest editions (including all the amendments) are applicable
to this document.
GB/T 228.1 Metallic Materials - Tensile Testing - Part 1. Method of Test at Room
Temperature (GB/T 228.1-2010, ISO 6892-1.2009, MOD)
GD/T I7505 Steel and Steel Products. General Technical Delivery Requirements
3 Expression method of designation
The designation of steel plate with through-thickness characteristics which is ordered
according to this Standard, is composed of the original designation of products and
the required through-thickness characteristic grade.
For example. Q345GJDZ25
Q345GJD - The original designation in GB/T 19879;
Z25 - The required through-thickness characteristic grade in this Standard.
4 Technical requirements
Samples with or without extension shall be prepared through the coupon cut
according to the following steps; the axes of samples shall be vertical to the surface of
steel plate. The samples with extension are specified as follows.
1) For 15 mm≤t≤20 mm, there shall be extension and t refers to the thickness of
2) For t>20 mm, it may select extension and t refers to the thickness of products.
5.3 Sample with extension (see Figure B.1)
Before welding, all rust, scale, grease and other foreign bodies shall be removed from
the sample surface.
1) Friction welding or other appropriate methods shall be adopted to minimize the
heat affected zone and weld the extension to the two surfaces of samples.
2) The sample diameter d0 is as follows.
For 15 mm≤t≤25 mm, t refers to the thickness of products, d0=6 mm or 10 mm;
For t>25 mm, t refers to the thickness of products, d0=10 mm.
3) The parallel length LC of samples shall be greater than or equal to 1.5d0 and
shall not exceed 80 mm; the heat-affected zone shall be beyond LC.
5.4 Sample without extension (see Figure B.2 and B.3)
1) The sample diameter d0 is as follows.
For 20 mm≤t≤40 mm, t refers to the thickness of products, d0=6 mm or 10 mm;
For 40 mm< t≤400 mm, t refers to the thickness of products, d0=10 mm.
2) The parallel length LC of samples shall be greater than or equal to 1.5d0 and
shall not exceed 80 mm.
3) For products with t≤80 mm, the total length Lt of samples shall be equal to the
full thickness t of products.
5.5 For products with 80 mm< t≤400 mm, the total length Lt of samples shall ensure LC
covers 1/4 of the product thickness.
6 Test methods
The through-thickness tensile test shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T 228.1
1) The average value of 6 samples shall be greater than or equal to the specified
minimum average value.
2) Among the 6 samples, the single values of two samples at most are allowed to
be less than the specified minimum average value.
3) Among the 6 samples, the single value of one sample at most is allowed to be
less than the specified minimum value of individual sample.
If it fails to meet the above conditions, the products represented by the coupon will be
7.3 Re-inspection
7.3.1 Where Z15 steel plate is inspected by batch, the re-inspection shall meet the
requirements of sequential test in GB/T 7505.
7.3.2 As for unqualified steel plate in re-inspection, the supplier may carry out another
test after heat treatment or re-heat treatment so as to judge whether it is qualified or
7.4 Retest
In case of inappropriate processing or poor welding, the relevant samples shall be
abandoned. If the sample rupture is located at weld, heat-affected zone or extension,
the samples shall be invalid. On this occasion, samples may be cut from the same
coupon for retest.
Annex A
Supplementary Requirements
The following supplementary requirements can only be adopted where both supplier
and purchaser agree and such requirements are noted in the contract.
A.1 The requirements of tensile strength during through-thickness test.
A.2 The requirements of other sampling positions.