GB/T 5137.2-2020_English: PDF (GB/T5137.2-2020)
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GB/T 5137.2-2020 | English | 245 |
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Test methods of safety glazing materials used on road vehicles -- Part 2: Optical properties tests
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GB/T 5137.2-2020
GB/T 5137.2-2002 | English | 85 |
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Test methods of safety glazing materials used on road vehicles -- Part 2: optical properties tests
| Obsolete |
GB/T 5137.2-2002
GB/T 5137.2-1996 | English | 559 |
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4 days [Need to translate]
Road vehicles--Safety glazing materials--Test methods for optical properties
| Obsolete |
GB/T 5137.2-1996
GB 5137.2-1987 | English | 239 |
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Road vehicles--Safety glasses--Test methods for optical properties
| Obsolete |
GB 5137.2-1987
Standard ID | GB/T 5137.2-2020 (GB/T5137.2-2020) | Description (Translated English) | Test methods of safety glazing materials used on road vehicles -- Part 2: Optical properties tests | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | T34 | Classification of International Standard | 43.040.60 | Word Count Estimation | 18,173 | Date of Issue | 2020-03-31 | Date of Implementation | 2021-02-01 | Drafting Organization | China National Building Materials Inspection and Certification Group Co., Ltd., Fuyao Glass Industry Group Co., Ltd., Nanjing Anda Glass Technology Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Tiemao Glass Co., Ltd., Xinyi Auto Parts (Wuhu) Co., Ltd., Asahi Glass Auto Glass (China) Co., Ltd. , Xinyi Energy Saving Glass (Sichuan) Co., Ltd., Xinyi Auto Glass (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., National Safety Glass and Quartz Glass Quality Supervision and Inspection Center | Administrative Organization | National Automotive Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 114) | Proposing organization | Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China | Issuing agency(ies) | State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration | Standard ID | GB/T 5137.2-2002 (GB/T5137.2-2002) | Description (Translated English) | Test methods of safety glazing materials used on road vehicles - Part 2: optical properties tests | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | Q34 | Classification of International Standard | 81.040.30 | Word Count Estimation | 15,135 | Date of Issue | 2002-12-20 | Date of Implementation | 2003-05-01 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | GB/T 5137.2-1996 | Adopted Standard | ISO 3538-1997; MOD | Drafting Organization | China Building Materials Academy, Institute of Science and specialty glass fiber glass | Administrative Organization | National Automotive Standardization Technical Committee Technical Committee safety glass | Proposing organization | Former State Building Materials Industry Bureau | Issuing agency(ies) | General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People Republic of China | Summary | This standard specifies the: automotive safety glass Test methods for optical properties. This standard applies to: automotive safety glass (hereinafter referred to as safety glass). This includes all types of safety glass glass processed into or a combination of glass and other materials into glass products. | Standard ID | GB/T 5137.2-1996 (GB/T5137.2-1996) | Description (Translated English) | Road vehicles--Safety glazing materials--Test methods for optical properties | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | Q30 | Classification of International Standard | 81.040.30 | Word Count Estimation | 14,163 | Date of Issue | 1996/3/26 | Date of Implementation | 1996/10/1 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | GB 5137.2-1987 | Adopted Standard | ISO 3538/DIS-1992, MOD |
GB/T 5137.2-2020
ICS 43.040.60
T 34
Replacing GB/T 5137.2-2002
Test methods of safety glazing materials used on road
vehicles - Part 2: Optical properties tests
(ISO 3538:1997, Road vehicles - Safety glazing materials -
Test methods for optical properties, MOD)
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 6
2 Normative references ... 6
3 Terms and definitions ... 6
4 Test conditions ... 6
5 Visible light transmittance test ... 6
6 Secondary image separation test ... 8
7 Optical distortion test ... 14
8 Visible light reflectance test ... 19
Annex A (Informative) Structural changes of this Part compared with ISO
3538:1997 ... 21
Annex B (Informative) Technical differences between this Part and ISO
3538:1997 and their causes ... 24
Annex C (Informative) S(λ)V(λ) values ... 27
Test methods of safety glazing materials used on road
vehicles - Part 2: Optical properties tests
1 Scope
This Part of GB/T 5137 specifies the methods for visible light transmittance test,
secondary image separation test, optical distortion test, and visible light
reflectance test of safety glazing materials used on road vehicles.
This Part applies to the tests of safety glazing materials used on road vehicles.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document.
For the dated references, only the editions with the dates indicated are
applicable to this document. For the undated references, the latest edition
(including all the amendments) are applicable to this document.
QC/T 1119 Road vehicles - Glazing materials - Terminology (QC/T 1119-
2019, ISO 3536:2016, MOD)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in QC/T 1119
4 Test conditions
Unless otherwise specified, the tests shall be carried out under the following
ambient conditions:
a) Ambient temperature: 20 °C±5 °C;
b) Atmospheric pressure: 8.60×104 Pa~1.06×105 Pa;
c) Relative humidity: 40%~80%.
5 Visible light transmittance test
5.1 Test purpose
Determine whether the safety glazing material has a certain regular
5.2 Sample
It shall use the product or test piece. The test piece can be cut from the
corresponding test area on the product. Before the test, the sample shall be
clean and free of dirt and condensation.
5.3 Test apparatus
5.3.1 Light source: Tungsten lamp. Its filament is in a parallel hexahedron of 1.5
mm×1.5 mm×3 mm; or a defining diaphragm is added. The spectral distribution
of the light source shall conform to the relative spectral power distribution of
CIE standard illuminant A. The voltage applied to the two ends of the filament
shall make the color temperature 2856 K±50 K. The voltage shall be stable
within ±0.1%.
5.3.2 Optical system: The schematic diagram of its test principle is shown in
Figure 1. It consists of two lenses L1 and L2 with focal length f not less than 500
mm and corrected for chromatic aberration. The relative aperture of the lens
does not exceed f/20. The distance between the lens L1 and the light source
shall be adjustable, to obtain a substantially parallel beam. On the side away
from the light source at a distance of 100 mm±50 mm from the lens L1, install a
diaphragm A1. LIMIT the diameter of the beam to 7 mm±1 mm. The second
diaphragm A2 shall be placed in front of the lens L2 with the same performance
as L1. The image of the light source shall be located in the center of the receiver.
The third diaphragm A3, whose diameter is slightly larger than the cross-section
of the maximum size of the light source image. It shall be placed in front of the
receiver, to avoid the scattered light generated by the sample falling on the
receiver. The measuring point shall be at the center of the beam.
2 - Lens L1; 6 - Lens L2;
3 - Diaphragm A1; 7 - Diaphragm A3;
4 - Sample; 8 - Receiver.
Figure 1 -- Schematic diagram of test principle of optical system
5.3.3 Measuring device: The relative spectral sensitivity of the receiver shall be
consistent with the CIE 1931 spectral luminous efficiency. The sensitive surface
of the receiver shall be covered with a scattering medium; and shall be at least
twice the cross-section of the largest size of the light source image. If an
integrating sphere is used, the diameter of the sphere's entrance port shall be
at least twice the cross-section of the largest size of the light source image.
The linearity of the receiver and the supporting indicator shall not be greater
than ±2% of full scale or ±10% of the reading value. Choose a small value.
5.4 Test procedure
5.4.1 TURN on the power of the instrument. Before putting the sample into the
light path, adjust the display value of the receiver to 100. BLOCK the light path;
adjust the receiver display value to 0.
5.4.2 PUT the sample between the diaphragms A1 and A2. Adjust the orientation
of the sample, so that the incident angle of the beam and the glass surface is
5.4.3 Determine the visible light transmittance of the sample; READ the receiver
display value n. The result retains 1 decimal place. The visible light
transmittance τr is equal to n/100.
6 Secondary image separation test
6.1 Test purpose
Determine the angular separation between the primary and secondary images.
6.2 Sample
USE the product as a sample.
6.3 Test methods
Two test methods can be used:
a) Target test;
3 - Center of field of view.
Figure 6 -- Example of observation by collimation telescope test
6.5.3 Test procedure
In order to easily see the existence of secondary image, set the instrument in a
dark room or dark place. USE the collimation telescope to measure the most
severe area of the sample under the real vehicle installation angle, to determine
the maximum value of secondary image separation. It is also possible to use
the target-type illuminant control instrument to check the safety glazing material
with a simple and fast scanning method, to determine in which areas the most
severe secondary image appears.
7 Optical distortion test
7.1 Test purpose
Determine the optical distortion of safety glazing material.
7.2 Sample
USE the product as a sample.
7.3 Test apparatus
The test apparatus shall consist of the following parts:
a) Slide projector: SELECT a suitable light source. The focal length shall not
be less than 90 mm. The relative aperture shall be about 1/2.5. The light
path is shown in Figure 7. A diaphragm with a diameter of 8 mm is placed
about 10 mm in front of the lens.
b) Slide: The projected image is a bright circular array on a dark background.
The quality and contrast of the slide shall meet the test requirements, in
order to control the measurement error within 5%. When the sample is not
placed in the light path, the slide shall get the image shown in Figure 8 on
the screen.
Δα - Optical distortion, in minutes of arc (');
Δd - Maximum deformation, in millimeters (mm);
R2 - The distance from the sample to the screen, in meters (m).
8 Visible light reflectance test
8.1 Test purpose
Determine the visible light reflectance of safety glazing material under standard
illuminant A conditions.
8.2 Sample
It shall use the product or test piece. The test piece can be cut from the
corresponding test area on the product. Before the test, the sample shall be
clean and free of dirt and condensation.
8.3 Test apparatus
8.3.1 Test apparatus can be divided into spectrophotometer and photoelectric
integrating photometer. The maximum allowable error shall not be greater than
8.3.2 From the measured spectral reflectance value ρ(λ), the
spectrophotometer shall be able to use the relative spectral power distribution
function SA(λ) of the standard illuminant A and the CIE spectral luminous
efficiency V(λ) to calculate the visible light reflectance for standard illuminant A.
8.3.3 The relative spectral power distribution of the light source of the
photoelectric integrating photometer shall conform to the CIE standard
illuminant A. The relative spectral response of the detector shall conform to the
CIE spectral luminous efficiency V(λ); and directly generate the visible light
reflectance of the standard illuminant A.
8.3.4 The geometric (optical) conditions of the test apparatus shall be one of
the following:
a) Diffuse/vertical (d : 0°): The sample is diffusely illuminated by an
integrating sphere. The angle between the normal of the sample and the
axis of the measuring beam shall not exceed 10°. The angle between any
one of the beams of at least one end of the receiving beam and its own
optical axis does not exceed 5°.
b) Vertical/diffuse (8° : d): The sample is illuminated by a beam of light. The
angle between the axis of the beam and the normal of the sample shall
not exceed 8°. USE an integrating sphere to collect the reflected luminous
flux. The angle between any one of the beams of at least one end of the
illuminating beam and its own optical axis does not exceed 5°.
8.3.5 The diameter of the integrating sphere of the test apparatus shall not be
less than 100 mm. The total area of the opening shall not be greater than 10%
of the surface area of the sphere. The inner surface of the sphere is uniformly
coated with a highly diffuse reflective material, which is almost non-selective for
the spectrum.
8.3.6 The light absorbing trap of the test apparatus shall be a device, which can
reduce the reflection caused by transmitted light to 1% or less of the measured
visible light reflectance. It can also block spurious transmitted light from the
opposite side of the sample.
8.4 Test procedure
8.4.1 CLEAN the sample.
8.4.2 For the spectrophotometer, the visible light reflectance is calculated
according to formula (5). The result is accurate to 0.1%.
ρA - Visible light reflectance under standard illuminant A conditions;
ρ(λ) - Spectral reflectance measured by a spectrophotometer;
S(λ)V(λ) - The relative value of the product of the relative spectral power
distribution function of the standard illuminant A and the CIE spectral luminous
efficiency. See Annex C.
8.4.3 For the photoelectric integrating photometer, directly measure the sample.
The value obtained is the visible light reflectance. The result is accurate to
8.4.4 RECORD the type of sample, the instrument used, and the visible light
reflectance of the sample.
GB/T 5137.2-2002
ICS 81.040.30
Q 34
Replacing GB/T 5137.2-1996
Test Methods of Safety Glazing Materials Used
on Road Vehicles –
Part 2. Optical Properties Test
(ISO 3538.1997, Road vehicles - Safety glazing materials - Test methods for
optical properties, MOD)
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection
and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China (AQSIQ)
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1. Scope ... 5
2. Test Conditions ... 5
3. Test Application Conditions ... 5
4. Visible Light Luminous Transmittance Test ... 5
5. Secondary Image Deviation Test ... 7
6. Optical Distortion Test ... 11
7. After-fracture Visibility Test ... 15
8. Color Identification Test ... 16
9. Visible Light Luminous Reflectance Test ... 17
Annex A ... 21
GB/T 5137 “Test Methods of Safety Glazing Materials Used on Road Vehicles” is
divided into four parts.
-- Part 1. Mechanical Properties Test;
-- Part 2. Optical Properties Test;
-- Part 3. Radiation, High Temperature, Humidity, Fire and Simulated Weathering
Resistance Tests;
-- Part 4. Method for the Determination of Solar Transmittance.
This is Part 2 of GB/T 5237.
This Part of GB/T 5137 modifies and adopts ISO 3537.1997 “Road Vehicles - Safety
Glazing Materials - Test Methods for Mechanical Properties” (English Version).
The main differences between this Part and the international standard include.
-- the “Definitions” in the international standard is deleted.
-- The impact position and schematic diagram of the "visibility test after fracture"
are changed in accordance with that stated in GB 9656-2003.
This Part replaces GB/T 5137.2-1996 “Road Vehicles - Safety Glazing Materials - Test
Methods for Mechanical Properties”.
Compared with GB/T 5137.2-1996, the main changes of this Part are as follows.
-- The "4. Luminous Transmittance Test" is changed into "4. Visible Light Luminous
Transmittance Test".
-- 4.1 Test objectives of the visible light luminous transmittance is changed into. "to
determine whether the safety glass has a certain visible light luminous
-- 5.1 Test objectives of the secondary image deviation is changed into. "to
determine the corner deviation between the primary image and the secondary
-- “7. Test objectives of the visibility-after-fracture test” is changed into "7. Test
objectives of the visibility-after-fracture test" [Translator note. In English, both
words are the same].
-- The position and schematic diagram of the impact points are maintained to be
Test Methods of Safety Glazing Materials Used on
Road Vehicles –
Part 2. Optical Properties Test
1. Scope
This Part of GB/T 5137 specifies the test method for the optical properties of
safety glass used for road vehicles.
This Part is applicable for the road vehicle safety glass (hereinafter referred to
as safety glass). The safety glass includes glass products processed from all
kinds of glass OR the combination of the glass and other materials.
2. Test Conditions
Unless otherwise specified, the test shall be carried out under the following
a) Environmental Temperature. 20°C±5°C;
b) Air Pressure. 8.60×104Pa ~ 1.06×105Pa;
c) Relative Humidity. 40% ~ 80%.
3. Test Application Conditions
For some kind of safety glass, if the test result can be predicted based on the
known properties, then all experiments specified by this Standard are not
necessary to be carried out [Translator note. All experiments might be
4. Visible Light Luminous Transmittance Test
4.1 Test Objectives
This test is to determine whether the safety glass has a certain visible light
luminous transmittance.
4.2 Specimens
The linearity of the receiver and the supporting display instrument shall be
equal to within ±2% of the full-scale, or within ±10% of the reading
measurement range; the smaller value prevails.
4.4 Test Procedures
4.4.1 Before the specimen is placed in front of the light path, the indicated
value of the receiver display instrument shall be adjusted to 100 scale-division.
When there is no light on the receiver, the indicated value is deemed as zero.
4.4.2 The specimen shall be placed between A1 and A2, and have its direction
adjusted so that the incident angle of the light beam is equal to 0°±5°.
4.4.3 The visible light luminous transmittance of the specimen shall be
measured. For each measuring point, the indicated value (n) on the display
instrument shall be read. The visible light luminous transmittance (τr) is equal
to n/100.
4.5 Result Expression
According to the above method, the visible light luminous transmittance (τr)
shall be expressed by the measured value of any point.
4.6 Substitution Method
As long as the provisions in 4.3.3 are met, other methods that can get the
same visible light luminous transmittance result can be adopted.
5. Secondary Image Deviation Test
5.1 Test Objectives
This test is to determine the angular deviation between the primary image and
the secondary image.
5.2 Specimens
Front windscreen glass product.
5.3 Application Scope
Two testing methods may be adopted.
-- target test;
-- collimation telescope test.
White, yellow, red, green, blue and amber color-plates.
8.4 Test Procedures
The color-plates shall be observed through the test area of the specimen.
8.5 Result Expression
Determine whether the color of the plates seen from the windscreen is the
primary color.
9. Visible Light Luminous Reflectance Test
9.1 Test Objectives
It is to determine the visible light luminous reflectance of the safety glass under
the standard illuminant A (see Annex A).
9.2 Instruments
9.2.1 First-class Instrument. lab photometer or spectrophotometer with a high
precision and integral sphere type, able to measure the specimen luminous
reflectance under the measurement standard illuminant A conditions.
The geometrical (optical) conditions of the first-class instrument shall be one of
the following.
a) Diffusion/vertical (d/0). the specimen is illuminated by the integral sphere
diffusion. The included angle between the normal and the axis of the
measuring light beams shall not exceed 10°.
b) Vertical/diffusion (8/d). the specimen is illuminated by a light beam. The
included angle between the light beam axis and the normal of the
specimen shall not exceed 8°. The integral sphere shall be adopted to
collect the reflected light flow.
The diameter of the integral sphere in the first-class instrument shall not be
less than 100mm. The total area of the opening of the integral sphere shall not
be greater than 10% of the sphere surface. The internal surface of the sphere
shall be evenly coated with the high-diffusion reflection materials (visible light
luminous reflectance greater than 95%) that is non-selective to the spectrum.
9.2.2 Second-class instrument. photometer having the precision lower than the
first-class instrument, portable, able to measure the luminous reflectance of
the safety glass of the standard illuminant A conditions, and able to calculate
the measured value through 9.3.5.
Connect the circuit. When the light source and the detector are stabilized,
the extinction trap is placed on the measurement hole of the reflection
specimen. Adjust the visible light luminous reflectance value to be zero.
Then, place the first-class standard specimen on the measurement hole.
Read the visible light luminous reflectance value from the instrument.
b) Calibration of Spectrophotometer
The calibration shall be made according to provisions of instrument.
9.4.2 Measurement of First-class Instrument
Indicate the second-class standard sample’s film-face and bending direction;
place it on the measurement hole of the specimens; measure the visible light
luminous reflectance.
9.4.3 Calibration of Second-class Instrument
Connect the circuit. When the light source and the detector are stabilized,
place the extinction trap on the measurement hole of the reflection specimen.
Adjust the visible light luminous reflectance value to be zero. Position the
second-class standard samples according to the specimen reflection location
indicated in Article Place the extinction trap behind the second-class
samples Adjust the value (Cb) of the second-class instrument to the visible
light luminous reflectance value (ρ0) of the first-class instrument as possible.
9.4.4 Measurement of Second-class Instrument
For the measurement on second-class instrument, it shall adjust the
specimens and extinction trap according to Article 9.4.3, so as to measure the
visible light luminous reflectance value (Ca) of the specimen.
The flattest area of the specimen shall be observed. At least three separate
measured values shall be read.
9.4.5 Calculation of Calibration Standard illuminant A Visible Light
Luminous Refl...