GB/T 4985-2021_English: PDF (GB/T4985-2021)
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GB/T 4985-2021 | English | 175 |
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Standard test method for needle penetration of petroleum waxes
| Valid |
GB/T 4985-2021
GB/T 4985-2010 | English | 319 |
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3 days [Need to translate]
Standard test method for needle penetration of petroleum waxes
| Obsolete |
GB/T 4985-2010
GB/T 4985-1998 | English | 319 |
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3 days [Need to translate]
Determination of needle penetration of petroleum waxes
| Obsolete |
GB/T 4985-1998
GB/T 4985-1985 | English | 199 |
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2 days [Need to translate]
Determination of needle penetration of petroleum waxes
| Obsolete |
GB/T 4985-1985
Standard ID | GB/T 4985-2021 (GB/T4985-2021) | Description (Translated English) | Standard test method for needle penetration of petroleum waxes | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | E42 | Classification of International Standard | 75.140 | Word Count Estimation | 9,922 | Date of Issue | 2021-10-11 | Date of Implementation | 2022-05-01 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | GB/T 4985-2010 | Drafting Organization | China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Dalian Research Institute of Petroleum and Chemical Industry, China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Jingmen Branch, China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Maoming Branch, China National Petroleum Corporation Dalian Petrochemical Company, China National Petroleum Corporation Fushun Petrochemical Branch, Liaoning Provincial Inspection, Testing and Certification Center | Administrative Organization | National Petroleum Products and Lubricants Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 280) | Regulation (derived from) | National Standard Announcement No. 12 of 2021 | Proposing organization | National Petroleum Products and Lubricants Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 280) | Issuing agency(ies) | State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration | Standard ID | GB/T 4985-2010 (GB/T4985-2010) | Description (Translated English) | Standard test method for needle penetration of petroleum waxes | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | E42 | Classification of International Standard | 75.140 | Word Count Estimation | 8,858 | Date of Issue | 2010-09-02 | Date of Implementation | 2010-12-01 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | GB/T 4985-1998 | Quoted Standard | GB/T 514; GB/T 2539; SH/T 0132 | Adopted Standard | ASTM D1321-2004, MOD | Drafting Organization | China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation FRIPP | Administrative Organization | National Petroleum Products and Lubricants Standardization Technical Committee petroleum wax products Technical Committee | Regulation (derived from) | National Standard Approval Announcement 2010 No.4 (Total No.159) | Proposing organization | National Standard Committee on Petroleum Products and Lubricants | Issuing agency(ies) | General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, China National Standardization Administration Committee | Summary | This standard specifies the method of evaluation of petroleum wax hardness. This standard applies to penetration value of not more than 250 petroleum wax. This standard adopts the International System of Units. | Standard ID | GB/T 4985-1998 (GB/T4985-1998) | Description (Translated English) | Determination of needle penetration of petroleum waxes | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | E42 | Classification of International Standard | 75.14 | Word Count Estimation | 8,822 | Date of Issue | 1998/6/17 | Date of Implementation | 1998/12/1 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | GB/T 4985-1985 | Quoted Standard | SH/T 0132 | Adopted Standard | ASTM D1321-1995, IDT | Regulation (derived from) | Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards 2010 No. 4 (No. 159 overall) | Proposing organization | China Petrochemical Corporation | Issuing agency(ies) | State Quality and Technical Supervision |
GB/T 4985-2021
ICS 75.140
CCS E 42
Replacing GB/T 4985-2010
Standard test method for needle penetration of petroleum
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative references ... 5
3 Terms and definitions ... 5
4 Principle ... 6
5 Instruments and reagents ... 6
6 Specimen preparation ... 9
7 Test steps ... 9
8 Results report ... 10
9 Quality control ... 10
10 Precision and deviation ... 11
Bibliography ... 13
Standard test method for needle penetration of petroleum
WARNING -- Personnel using this document shall have practical experience in
formal laboratory work. The use of this document may involve certain hazardous
materials, equipment and operations, but it does not provide recommendations for
all safety issues related to this. Before using this document, the user is responsible
for formulating appropriate safety and protection measures and determining the
applicability of relevant regulatory restrictions.
1 Scope
This document describes a method for evaluating wax hardness by measuring the depth
of penetration of a standard needle into a wax specimen.
This document is applicable to petroleum wax with a needle penetration value not
greater than 250 1/10 mm. It can also be used to determine Fischer-Tropsch wax,
synthetic wax and bio-wax, etc. However, this document does not give the precision of
determining synthetic wax and bio-wax, etc.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this
document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 514-2005, Specification for liquid-in-glass thermometers for testing of
petroleum products
GB/T 2539, Determination of melting point of petroleum wax - Cooling curve
NB/SH/T 0843, Evaluation of test systems for the petrochemical industry Statistical
SH/T 0132, Determination method for petroleum wax congealing point
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
3.1 penetration of petroleum wax
The depth to which a standard needle vertically penetrates into a wax specimen under
specified conditions, expressed in 1/10 mm.
NOTE: For example, a reading of 85 on the penetrometer dial indicates a penetration value of 85
1/10 mm and a penetration depth of 8.5 mm.
3.2 penetrometer
An instrument (or device) for determining the consistency or hardness of a solid or
semisolid sample by measuring the depth to which a needle or cone of a specified
weight penetrates into the sample under a specified gravity.
4 Principle
Heat the specimen to at least 17°C above the expected freezing point or melting point,
melt it, and pour it into the molding machine. Cool it in the air under specified
conditions. Then control the temperature of the molded specimen at the test temperature
in a water bath. Use the standard needle of the penetrometer to penetrate the sample for
5 s under a load of 100 g. Measure its penetration. The test temperature can be selected
from any temperature in the range of 25°C~55°C. Commonly used are 25°C, 35°C,
40°C, 45°C or 55°C.
5 Instruments and reagents
5.1 Penetrometer
5.1.1 Penetrometer: The schematic diagram is shown in Figure 1. In this document, a
standard needle is used to measure the hardness of wax specimens. The total load
includes the standard needle, the slide bar and the 50 g weight, a total of 100 g.
5.1.2 Manual penetrometer: It is used to make the standard needle contact the specimen
surface and measure the penetration depth of the standard needle into the specimen
when the test is completed. When the indicator of the manual penetrometer reads "zero",
the needle tip shall be accurately placed on the surface of the wax specimen through the
adjustment device. One type of adjustment device is an adjustable test table. The other
type is an adjustable needle assembly. Either one is selected. The instrument is equipped
with a horizontal adjustment screw and a level to ensure that the slide shaft is in a
vertical position. When releasing the loaded standard needle, the standard needle shall
fall off without obvious resistance. The scale of the indicator shall be calibrated to 1/10
mm. The scale range shall be not less than 250 1/10 mm.
5.1.3 Automatic penetrometer: used to make the standard needle contact the surface of
the specimen. The penetration time is controlled by an automatic timing device when
5.7 Thermometer
It is a precision thermometer for measuring water bath temperature. It is a full
immersion type. The scale range is 25℃~55℃. It meets the requirements of GB-71
thermometer specified in GB/T 514-2005.
5.8 Brass plate
The specifications are 63.5 mm ± 1.6 mm in length, 38.0 mm ± 1.6 mm in width, and
6.4 mm ± 1.6 mm in thickness. It is used to support the sample when it is prepared for
molding. The plate is placed on an insulating material such as a cork or rubber stopper
during the cooling of the sample.
5.9 Reagent
Glycerol aqueous solution (50% by volume).
6 Specimen preparation
Heat the wax specimen to melt at least 17℃ above its expected freezing point
(determined by the method in SH/T0132) or melting point (determined by the method
in GB/T2539). Prevent local overheating. Ensure that the wax specimen is uniform and
free of bubbles. In a test room or test box (5.5) at 24.0℃ ± 2.0℃, place the brass plate
(5.8) on a stable support such as a rubber stopper or cork stopper. Then wet the upper
surface of the brass plate with the reagent (5.9). Place the specimen former (5.4) on the
brass plate. Then pour the molten wax specimen into the specimen former to form a
convex meniscus. Cool it at 24.0℃ ± 2.0℃ for 1 h. Scrape off the excess wax specimen
on the top of the specimen former. Remove the brass plate. Place the wax specimen
surface in contact with the brass plate facing up. Place it on a porous specimen holder.
Place in a water bath (5.6) at the test temperature ± 0.1 °C for 60 min. Very hard wax
may sometimes separate from the specimen former due to shrinkage. In this case, it is
permissible to use a wedge to plug the wax specimen in the former tightly.
7 Test steps
7.1 Manual penetrometer
7.1.1 Place the head of the manual penetrometer on the edge of the water bath (5.6) and
over the porous specimen holder that supports the specimen. A weight may be placed
on the base of the penetrometer to balance the head. Adjust the penetrometer and the
porous specimen holder in the water bath to a level position.
7.1.2 Ensure that the specimen former and porous specimen holder do not shake during
the test. Adjust the water bath surface to at least 25 mm above the upper surface of the
specimen. Maintain the test temperature (within ± 0.1°C). Before measuring each
sample, measure the temperature of the water bath using the thermometer specified in
7.1.3 Add a 50 g weight to the standard needle so that the total mass of the standard
needle and its accessories is 100 g ± 0.15 g. Check whether the release device is stuck.
The indicator shall be at the "zero" position. Adjust the needle assembly or the test
bench according to the different types of adjustment devices. Adjust until the tip of the
standard needle almost touches the surface of the specimen. The needle tip is located
on a circle at least 3.2 mm from the edge of the specimen former and the four test
positions are approximately equally spaced (separated by not less than 12.7 mm).
Securely lock the movable components in this position.
7.1.4 Fine-tune the standard needle tip to make it just touch the surface of the wax
specimen. Observing the projection of the standard needle tip will help to make accurate
adjustments. After confirming that the water bath temperature is within the specified
range, release the slide bar and keep it for 5 s±0.1 s. Use an automatic timing device or
a stopwatch with an accuracy of 0.1 s to time. Gently press down the indicator rod until
it is supported by the slide bar. Read the needle penetration value from the indicator
7.1.5 Carry out the measurement of the remaining three test positions according to the
requirements of 7.1.3 and 7.1.4. Before each measurement, wipe carefully along the
needle tip with a clean dry cloth to remove all attached wax samples.
7.2 Automatic penetrometer
7.2.1 Place the adjustable needle assembly of the automatic penetrometer above the
water bath (5.6) and above the porous specimen holder supporting the specimen.
Proceed as in 7.1.2.
7.2.2 Set up the penetrometer according to the instrument manual and test the
penetration value according to the requirements in 7.1.3 ~ 7.1.5.
8 Results report
Record the measured values of the four test positions of the specimen. Calculate the
average value as the test result. Round to an integer. Also report the test temperature,
e.g., 85 1/10 mm (35°C).
9 Quality control
9.1 Use uniform, stable, sufficient and representative relevant samples as quality control
samples. The reliability of the analytical test process is determined by analyzing the
quality control samples.
GB/T 4985-2010
Standard test method for welding penetration of petroleum waxes
ICS 75.140
National Standards of People's Republic of China
Replace GB/T 4985-1998
Determination of petroleum wax penetration
2010-09-02 release
2010-12-01 implementation
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China
China National Standardization Management Committee released
This standard is modified by the American Society for Testing and Materials Standard ASTM D1321-04 "Determination of the penetration rate of petroleum wax" (English version).
This standard is redrafted according to ASTM D1321-04 "Petroleum wax penetration test".
Taking into account our national conditions, in the use of ASTMD1321-04, the standard made some changes. This standard is in line with ASTM D1321-04
The main difference.
--- the normative reference document of this standard adopts our corresponding national standard and industry standard;
- This standard removes Chapter 5, "Meaning and Use", of ASTM D1319-04;
--- This standard eliminates the "Keyword" chapter of ASTM D1319-04.
This standard replaces GB/T 4985-1998 "Determination of oil wax penetration", GB/T 4985-1998 is equivalent to the use of ASTM
D1321-95 "Determination of oil wax penetration test".
The main differences between this standard and GB/T 4985-1998.
--- this standard in the "normative reference" chapter to increase the melting point determination method;
--- this standard in the "terms and definitions" chapter to add some content;
--- This standard increases the allowable tolerances of some values;
--- This standard eliminates the "needles to contact the sample surface just 5min after the release of the slider" requirement;
--- This standard removed the Appendix A "small water bath thermostat" and related content;
--- This standard no longer lists the specific technical requirements of the water bath thermometer.
This standard is proposed by the National Standard Committee on Petroleum Products and Lubricants.
This standard by the National Petroleum Products and Lubricants Standardization Technical Committee of petroleum wax products sub-technical committee.
The drafting unit of this standard. China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Fushun Petrochemical Research Institute.
The main drafters of this standard. Zhao Bin, Qi Bangfeng.
This standard was first published in March 1985 and revised for the first time in June.1998. This is the second revision.
Determination of petroleum wax penetration
1 Scope
This standard specifies the method of evaluating the hardness of petroleum wax by measuring the penetration rate of the standard needle.
This standard applies to petroleum wax with a penetration value of not more than 250.
Note. This method is similar to the GB/T 4509 method for determining the penetration of asphalt. For the measurement of the penetration of grease and petroleum grease, see GB/T 269.
This standard adopts the international unit system.
This standard covers certain hazardous materials, operations and equipment, but it is not intended to advise on all safety issues related to this. because
In this case, the user should establish appropriate safety and protective measures before using this standard and determine the applicable management system.
2 normative reference documents
The terms of the following documents are hereby incorporated by reference into this standard. Whichever is the date of the reference file, which is followed by all
(Excluding corrigenda) or revisions do not apply to this standard, however, encourage the parties to reach an agreement under this standard
Whether you can use the latest version of these files. For undated references, the latest edition applies to this standard.
GB/T 514 Technical conditions for glass liquid thermometers for petroleum product testing
GB/T 2539 Determination of melting point of petroleum wax Cooling curve method (GB/T 2539-2008, ISO 3841. 1977, IDT)
Determination of Frozen Point of Petroleum Wax in SH/T 0132
3 terms and definitions
This standard uses the following terms and definitions.
The penetration rate of the oil wax
Under the specified conditions, the standard needle is pierced vertically to the depth of the wax sample
As a unit. For example, press the meter to count 85
Indicating that the penetration depth is 8.5mm.
Penetrate the meter
An instrument for the determination of the consistency or hardness of a solid or semi-solid feedstock, which measures the weight of a needle or cone under which the raw material is pierced by gravity
depth. In this standard, the hardness of the wax is measured with a standard needle (5.3), and the total load includes a standard needle, a slide bar and a total weight of 50 g.
4 Method summary
Heat the sample to its intended freezing point or above the melting point of at least 17 ° C, pour it into the former and place it under air under cooling conditions.
After the sample temperature is controlled in the water bath at the test temperature, with the penetration meter to measure its penetration, the needle into the standard needle in the 100g load
Under the test sample 5s.
5 instruments
5.1 Penometer. Used to bring the standard needle into contact with the specimen surface and measure the penetration depth when the test is finished. The penetration meter should be as follows
Construction. When the indicator reading is "zero", the needle tip should be accurately placed on the horizontal plane of the specimen. The device in Fig. 1 is of two adjustment modes