GB/T 44131-2024_English: PDF (GB/T44131-2024)
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Post-crash safety requirement for fuel cell electric vehicle
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GB/T 44131-2024
Standard ID | GB/T 44131-2024 (GB/T44131-2024) | Description (Translated English) | Post-crash safety requirement for fuel cell electric vehicle | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | T09 | Word Count Estimation | 18,179 | Date of Issue | 2024-05-28 | Date of Implementation | 2024-05-28 | Administrative Organization | Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China | Proposing organization | Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China | Issuing agency(ies) | State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration |
ICS 43.020
CCS T 09
GB/T 44131-2024
Post-crash safety requirement for fuel cell electric vehicle
ISSUED ON. MAY 28, 2024
Issued by. State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword... 3
1 Scope... 4
2 Normative references... 4
3 Terms and definitions... 5
4 Measurement parameters, units, accuracy and resolution... 6
5 Safety requirements... 6
6 Test procedures... 9
7 Test methods... 10
Annex A (informative) Verification procedure of pressure and temperature sensors.. 19
Bibliography... 21
Post-crash safety requirement for fuel cell electric vehicle
1 Scope
This document specifies the special post-crash safety requirements for fuel cell electric
vehicles and describes the corresponding test methods.
This document applies to M and N fuel cell electric vehicles that use compressed
gaseous hydrogen and the nominal working pressure of the on-board hydrogen system
does not exceed 70 MPa.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this
document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 11551 The protection of the occupants in the event of a frontal collision for motor
GB/T 15089 Classification of power-driven vehicles and trailers
GB 17578 Requirements and test methods of strength for the superstructure of bus
GB/T 18385 Battery electric vehicles - Power performance - Test method
GB/T 19596 Terminology of electric vehicles
GB 20071 The protection of the occupants in the event of a lateral collision
GB 20072 The requirements of fuel system safety in the event of rear-end collision
for passenger car
GB/T 24548 Fuel cell electric vehicles - Terminology
GB/T 24549-2020 Fuel cell electric vehicles - Safety requirements
GB 26512-2021 The protection of the occupants of the cab of commercial vehicles
GB/T 26990 Fuel cell electric vehicles - Onboard hydrogen system technical
GB/T 31498-2021 Post crash safety requirement for electric vehicle
GB 38032-2020 Electric buses safety requirements
ISO 6487.2015 Road vehicles - Measurement techniques in impact tests -
3 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this document, the terms and definitions defined in GB/T 19596,
GB/T 24548, GB/T 24549-2020, GB/T 26990, GB/T 15089 and the following apply to
this document.
main shut-off valve
A valve used to shut off the supply of hydrogen from the hydrogen storage cylinder to
the downstream.
[Source. GB/T 24549-2020, 3.1, modified]
enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces
Spaces in the vehicle that may be exposed to hydrogen storage cylinders and
environmental spaces and areas where hydrogen may accumulate.
NOTE. The passenger compartment, luggage compartment, cargo compartment, or space under the
front hatch are all enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces.
[Source. GB/T 24549-2020, 3.4, modified]
nominal working pressure; NWP
At the reference temperature (15 °C), the limit filling pressure when the gas pressure in
the hydrogen storage cylinder reaches full stability.
[Source. GB/T 24549-2020, 3.5, modified]
compressed hydrogen storage system; CHSS
A device for storing hydrogen in a fuel cell vehicle, consisting of a hydrogen storage
cylinder (set), a safety pressure relief device, and a closing device for isolating the
stored hydrogen from the rest of the fuel system and its environment.
NOTE. See the thick solid line in Figure 1. The installation requirements for CHSS of M2, M3, N2 and N3 vehicles are as
a) The main shut-off valve of CHSS is located behind the vertical plane 420 mm
backward from the frontmost end of the vehicle, and the hydrogen storage
cylinder shall not be located at the outermost part of the vehicle.
b) The main shut-off valve of CHSS is located between the vertical planes 200 mm
inward from the outermost end of the vehicle body on both sides, and the
hydrogen storage cylinder shall not be located at the outermost part of the vehicle.
If the position of the CHSS does not meet this requirement, a side impact test
shall be conducted in accordance with 6.2.5, and the vehicle shall meet the
requirements of 5.2.1 and 5.2.3 after the test.
c) The main shut-off valve of CHSS is located in front of the vertical plane 300 mm
forward from the rearmost end of the vehicle, and the hydrogen storage cylinder
shall not be located at the outermost part of the vehicle. If the position of the
CHSS does not meet this requirement, a rear-end collision test shall be conducted
in accordance with 6.2.5, and the vehicle shall meet the requirements of 5.2.1 and
5.2.3 after the test.
NOTE. The frontmost and outermost parts do not contain external vision devices. The CHSS of M2, M3, N2 and N3 vehicles shall meet the requirements of 5.2.3
after completing the sled test in accordance with 6.2.4. M2 and M3 vehicles of which the lowest point of the rechargeable energy storage
system (REESS) is no more than 1 m above the ground when unloaded shall meet the
requirements of 5.3, 5.4.1 and 5.4.2 after the collision test in accordance with 5.5.1 of
GB 38032-2020. M2 and M3 vehicles that meet the scope of GB 17578 shall meet the
requirements of 5.3, 5.4.1 and 5.4.2 after the upper structure strength test in accordance
with 5.5.2 of GB 38032-2020.
5.2 Post-crash safety requirements for CHSS
5.2.1 Fuel leakage limit of CHSS
According to the test method specified in 7.1, within the leakage test time Δt, the sum
of the average hydrogen leakage rates of all hydrogen storage cylinders shall not exceed
118 L/min (standard state).
NOTE. Δt is a calculated value, which is calculated either according to formula (2) or formula (10),
depending on the medium filled in the hydrogen storage cylinder during the test.
5.2.2 Concentration limit in closed or semi-closed spaces
REESS shall meet the requirements of 4.4 of GB/T 31498-2021.
5.4.3 Special safety requirements for hydrogen system
Within the leakage test time, Δt, after the collision, the CHSS and fuel cell engine shall
not catch fire or explode.
6 Test procedures
6.1 Vehicle preparation before test
6.1.1 For externally rechargeable fuel cell electric vehicles, the REESS shall be fully
charged according to the method specified in GB/T 18385 and tested within 24 hours.
6.1.2 For non-externally rechargeable fuel cell electric vehicles, the REESS shall be
prepared for test in normal operating conditions.
6.1.3 The manufacturer shall install pressure and temperature measuring equipment that
meets the requirements of Table 1 on the CHSS and provide a metrological certificate.
Before the test, the testing agency may refer to Annex A for verification and prepare for
the post-crash fuel leakage test in accordance with 7.1.1.
6.1.4 The gas concentration test in closed or semi-closed spaces shall be prepared in
accordance with 7.2.
6.1.5 For frontal collision, lateral collision and rear-end collision tests, preparations
shall be made in accordance with the test methods specified in GB 11551, GB 20071
and GB 20072, respectively.
6.1.6 The sled test shall be prepared in accordance with 7.3.1 and 7.3.2.
6.2 Collision test
6.2.1 The form and test method for the frontal collision test of the vehicle shall be
carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB 11551.
6.2.2 The form and test method for the lateral collision test of the vehicle shall be carried
out in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB 20071.
6.2.3 The form and method for the rear-end collision test of the vehicle shall be carried
out in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB 20072.
6.2.4 The sled test shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of 7.3.
6.2.5 The lateral collision and rear-end collision tests of the vehicle shall be carried out
in accordance with the relevant provisions of 7.4.
VHe - the value of the average volume flow rate of helium in the time interval, in
liters per minute (L/min).
Use formula (18) to convert the average helium flow rate into the average hydrogen
flow rate.
7.1.4 Fuel leakage test when the pressure sensor is located outside the hydrogen
storage cylinder After the collision test, the following requirements shall be followed.
a) If the main shut-off valve of the hydrogen storage cylinder is not closed after the
collision, the fuel leakage rate during the hydrogen filling test shall be calculated
according to 7.1.2 or according to 7.1.3;
b) If the main shut-off valve of the hydrogen storage cylinder is closed within 5 s
after the collision, the hydrogen storage cylinder has no leakage, and the fuel
leakage rate of the hydrogen storage cylinder can be regarded as 0 L/min
(standard state);
c) If the main shut-off valve of the hydrogen storage cylinder is closed within 5 s
after the collision, and the hydrogen storage cylinder has leakage, the main shut-
off valve of the hydrogen storage cylinder shall be opened (if the pressure sensor
value drops significantly, the external pipeline shall be blocked before opening
the main shut-off valve of the hydrogen storage cylinder), and calculate the fuel
leakage rate during the hydrogen filling test according to 7.1.2 or the helium
filling test according to 7.1.3. The sum of the leakage rates of each hydrogen storage cylinder is the fuel
leakage rate of CHSS.
7.2 Gas concentration test in enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces after collision
7.2.1 Before collision, the windows, doors or hatches of the passenger compartment,
luggage compartment, cargo compartment and other enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces
where gas accumulation may occur shall be closed. The gas concentration sensor shall
be located in enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces, the specific location is as follows.
a) Within 250 mm below the center of the roof above the driver’s seat or the top of
the passenger compartment (as close to the roof as possible);
b) Within 250 mm above the floor in front of the rear seat (or close to the rear seat)
of the passenger compartment (as close to the floor as possible);
c) Within 100 mm below the top of the luggage compartment and cargo compartment
of the vehicle that are not directly affected by the collision impact (as close to the
top as possible);
d) For buses and trucks with multiple luggage compartments and cargo
compartments, a gas concentration sensor shall be installed in each compartment;
e) The specific layout of sensors in other enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces where
gas accumulation may occur shall be determined jointly by the testing agency and
the manufacturer.
7.2.2 The gas concentration sensor shall be firmly installed and protected to prevent it
from being damaged by debris, airbag exhaust gas and projectiles during the collision
7.2.3 The full-scale measurement value of the gas concentration sensor shall be at least
25 % greater than the concentration limit, the total measurement error of the gas
concentration sensor shall be less than ±5 % at the concentration limit, and the T90
response time of the sensor shall be less than 15 s.
NOTE. T90 is the time consumed when the sensor indication changes from 0 to 90 % of the true
value of the measured gas concentration in the environment.
7.2.4 Data collection starts after the collision, the sampling frequency shall be not less
than 5 Hz, and the measurement time shall be Δt.
7.3 Sled test
7.3.1 Before the test, fill the hydrogen storage cylinder with nitrogen equivalent to the
mass of hydrogen at the rated pressure, or the mass of the hydrogen storage cylinder
plus the test load equivalent to the mass of hydrogen at the rated pressure can be used
7.3.2 During the test, according to the size structure of the whole vehicle body or part
of the vehicle body installed with CHSS (hereinafter referred to as the “test piece”) and
the actual installation method of the original vehicle, fix the test piece on the test
platform. The installation method shall not strengthen the fixation of CHSS.
7.3.3 The test is completed as follows.
a) The acceleration of the sled is measured according to the CFC 60 frequency level
characteristics in ISO 6487.2015; The CHSS shall be tested at the installation position on the vehicle, including
accessories, brackets and protective structures (if applicable). The CHSS shall be
installed on a complete vehicle or frame, and the vehicle or frame shall be fixed in the
manner specified in 5.4 of GB 26512-2021. The impactor shall comply with the requirements of 5.5.1 to 5.5.4 of GB 26512-
2021. The collision energy shall be 29.4 kJ. If the test is carried out at a higher collision
energy and the CHSS meets the requirements of 5.2.1 and 5.2.3, the test can be
considered to meet the requirements. The following requirements shall be followed for lateral collision and rear-end
collision tests.
- For lateral collision, the collision direction shall be perpendicular to the
longitudinal center plane of the vehicle, the impactor shall hit the most unfavorable
position on the front side of the CHSS position on the test vehicle, and the center
of gravity of the impactor shall correspond to the geometric center of the gas
- For rear-end collision, the collision direction shall be horizontal and parallel to the
longitudinal center plane of the vehicle, the impactor shall hit the most unfavorable
position on the rear of the CHSS position on the test vehicle, and the center of
gravity of the impactor shall correspond to the geometric center of the gas cylinder.
Annex A
Verification procedure of pressure and temperature sensors
A.1 Sample vehicle inspection
A.1.1 Inspect the measurement certificate of temperature and pressure sensors of the
A.1.2 Inspect and record the values of the temperature and pressure sensors of all
hydrogen storage cylinders in the current state of the vehicle, and the relevant data can
be read through the CAN bus.
A.2 Accuracy verification of temperature sensor
A.2.1 Stand at constant temperature for 24 hours or more.
A.2.2 After the standing is completed, record the temperature of each hydrogen storage
cylinder on the vehicle and the ambient temperature, record once every 5 minutes, and
record 5 times in total.
A.2.3 If the absolute value of the difference between the 5 recorded temperatures of the
hydrogen storage cylinder is less than 1 ℃, and the difference with the average ambient
temperature is less than 1.5 ℃, the temperature sensor meets the requirements.
A.3 Accuracy verification of temperature and pressure relationship
A.3.1 If the pressure of the hydrogen storage cylinder is less than 20 MPa, fill hydrogen
to 25 MPa or above.
A.3.2 Move the vehicle to the soaking room and record the temperature and pressure
values, T1 and p1, of each hydrogen storage cylinder on the vehicle.
A.3.3 Adjust the ambient temperature of the soaking room and set the difference
between the ambient temperature and T1 to be greater than 15 ℃.
A.3.4 Record the temperature and pressure display values of each hydrogen storage
cylinder on the vehicle once every 1 hour, and record 2 times, i.e., T2, p2, T3, p3.
A.3.5 Calculate the ratio of the pressure to the product of the temperature and the
hydrogen compression factor Z at the three temperature states according to formula
(A.1), formula (A.2) and formula (A.3) to obtain the ratio coefficients n1, n2 and n3.