GB/T 4156-2020_English: PDF (GB/T4156-2020)
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GB/T 4156-2020 | English | 145 |
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Metallic materials -- Sheet and strip -- Erichsen cupping test
| Valid |
GB/T 4156-2020
GB/T 4156-2007 | English | 279 |
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3 days [Need to translate]
Metallic materials -- Sheet and strip -- Erichsen cupping test
| Obsolete |
GB/T 4156-2007
GB/T 4156-1984 | English | 199 |
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2 days [Need to translate]
Metals--Cupping testing method (thickness 0. 2-2mm)
| Obsolete |
GB/T 4156-1984
Standard ID | GB/T 4156-2020 (GB/T4156-2020) | Description (Translated English) | Metallic materials -- Sheet and strip -- Erichsen cupping test | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | H23 | Classification of International Standard | 77.040.10 | Word Count Estimation | 9,927 | Date of Issue | 2020-03-31 | Date of Implementation | 2020-10-01 | Drafting Organization | Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Special Equipment Research Institute, Shanghai Shenli Testing Machine Co., Ltd., Metallurgical Industry Information Standards Research Institute, Shenzhen Wanshi Testing Equipment Co., Ltd., Dongguan Advanced Institute of Materials Gene Science and Technology, Shanghai Customs Industrial Products and Raw material testing technology center | Administrative Organization | National Steel Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 183) | Proposing organization | China Iron and Steel Association | Issuing agency(ies) | State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration | Standard ID | GB/T 4156-2007 (GB/T4156-2007) | Description (Translated English) | Metallic materials. Sheet and strip. Erichsen cupping test | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | H23 | Classification of International Standard | 77.040.10 | Word Count Estimation | 7,738 | Date of Issue | 2007-08-14 | Date of Implementation | 2008-03-01 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | GB/T 4156-1984 | Quoted Standard | GB/T 3505 | Adopted Standard | ISO 20482-2003, IDT | Drafting Organization | Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. | Administrative Organization | National Steel Standardization Technical Committee | Regulation (derived from) | China National Standard Approval Announcement2007 No.8 (Total No.108) | Proposing organization | China Iron and Steel Association | Issuing agency(ies) | Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China | Summary | This standard specifies a method for determining the thickness of 0. 1 mm ~ 2. 0 mm, width equal to or greater than 90 mm metal sheet and strip in the test methods to withstand plastic deformation when drawing forming. For thicker or only take to narrow the sample sheet and strip, requires the use of specified dimensions of the mold, and the results are shown when using the subscript indicated in Table 1. | Standard ID | GB/T 4156-1984 (GB/T4156-1984) | Description (Translated English) | Metals--Cupping testing method (thickness 0. 2-2mm) | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | H26 | Classification of International Standard | 77.040.10 | Word Count Estimation | 4,441 | Date of Issue | 1984/2/24 | Date of Implementation | 1985/1/1 | Regulation (derived from) | China Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards 2007 No. 8 (No. 108 overall) | Proposing organization | Ministry of Metallurgical Industry of the People Republic of China | Issuing agency(ies) | National Bureau of Standards |
GB/T 4156-2020
ICS 77.040.10
H 23
GB/T 4156-2020 / ISO 20482:2013
Replacing GB/T 4156-2007
Metallic Materials - Sheet and Strip -
Erichsen Cupping Test
(ISO 20482:2013, IDT)
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative References ... 5
3 Terms and Definitions ... 5
4 Symbols and Instructions ... 5
5 Test Principle ... 7
6 Test Equipment ... 7
7 Specimen ... 8
8 Test Conditions ... 8
9 Test Procedures ... 8
10 Test Report ... 9
Appendix A (Informative) Recommended Composition of Graphite Grease .. 10
Bibliography ... 11
Metallic Materials - Sheet and Strip -
Erichsen Cupping Test
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the method for determining the ability of metal sheets and
strips to withstand plastic deformation during drawing forming by the Erichsen Cupping
This Standard is applicable to the determination of metal sheets and strips with a
thickness of 0.1mm~2.0mm and a width of no less than 90mm. For thicker sheets and
strips or those that only the narrower specimen may be taken, then use the mold with
specified size; and the subscript shall be used when indicating the results. See Table
2 Normative References
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the
dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this
document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the
amendments) are applicable to this document.
ISO 4287 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Surface Texture: Profile
Method - Terms, Definitions and Surface Texture Parameters
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
3.1 Through crack
The crack penetrates the entire thickness of the sample, and the width of the crack is
just enough to allow light to pass through the crack.
4 Symbols and Instructions
The symbols, instructions and units used in this Standard are given in Figure 1 and
5 Test Principle
A punch with a spherical end is pressed against a specimen clamped between the die
mold and the die cushion to form a dent until a through crack appears. The depth of
the dent measured based on the displacement of the punch is the test result.
6 Test Equipment
6.1 The test shall be carried out on a device equipped with a die mold, punch and die
cushion. The dimensions and tolerances of the die mold, punch and die cushion are
shown in Table 1.
6.2 The structure of the test equipment shall ensure that the outer surface of the
specimen may be observed during the test, and may determine the instant when the
through crack occurs.
NOTE: Usually when the crack occurs, the specimen’s ability to withstand the force decreases,
and sometimes it also emits a noticeable sound.
6.3 The equipment shall be equipped with a measuring tool for measuring the
movement of the punch with a resolution of at least 0.1mm.
6.4 The die mold, die cushion and punch shall have sufficient rigidity and shall not
deform during the test. The Vickers hardness of the working surface of the die mold,
die cushion and punch is at least 750HV30. And shall meet the following requirements:
a) The punch shall not rotate during the test;
b) The working surface of the punch shall be spherical and polished; and the
average roughness Ra defined by ISO 4287 shall be no greater than 0.4µm.
6.5 The distance of the die mold axis relative to the spherical center of the punch shall
be less than 0.1mm within the range of stamping stroke.
6.6 The contact surface BETWEEN the die cushion, die mold AND the specimen shall
be flat and perpendicular to the movement axis of the punch. The forming die mold
shall be able to self-adjust with respect to the die cushion (fixed).
6.7 The test equipment shall have a constant clamping force of about 10kN to ensure
that the specimen is clamped.
6.8 The test equipment shall be able to measure the displacement of the punch from
the beginning of contact with the surface of the specimen.
6.9 Hardened steel balls may also be used to replace the punches specified in 6.1, 6.4,
9.5 Pressing-in and molding smoothly. For standard tests, the rate shall be controlled
between 5mm/min~20mm/min. For specimens with width or diameter b< 90mm, the
rate shall be controlled between 5mm/min~10mm/min.
NOTE 1: For manually-operated test equipment, when the operation is near the end, the rate
shall be reduced to close to the lower limit; so as to be able to accurately determine the instant
of the occurrence of trough cracks.
NOTE 2: When using computer-controlled test equipment, because the test results are directly
given by the force-punch displacement diagram, so there is no need to reduce the rate later in
the test.
9.6 When a through crack occurs, the movement of the punch shall be stopped
NOTE: Generally, when a through crack occurs, there will be a force attenuation in the force-
punch displacement diagram. This force attenuation may be used as a basis for determining
the stop of the punch movement.
9.7 Measure the indentation depth of the punch, as shown, h, in Figure 1; accurate to
9.8 Unless otherwise specified in the product standard, at least three tests shall be
carried out; the Erichsen Cupping value IE shall be the average of all measured values
of h readings, in millimeters (mm).
10 Test Report
The test report shall include at least the following:
a) Number of this standard;
b) Identification of the specimen (sampling position);
c) The thickness of the specimen;
d) The type of used lubricant;
e) If required, provide the specimen morphology after rupture;
f) Erichsen Cupping Value IE (if required, provide a single measurement value).
GB/T 4156-2007
Metallic materials. Sheet and strip. Erichsen cupping test
ICS 77.040.10
National Standards of People's Republic of China
GB/T 4156-2007/ISO 20482.2003
Replacing GB/T 4156-1984
Metallic materials - Sheet and strip -
Erichsen cupping test
(ISO 20482.2003, IDT)
Posted 2007-08-14
2008-03-01 implementation
Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China
Standardization Administration of China released
This standard is equivalent to international standard ISO 20482.2003 "Metallic materials - Sheet and strip - Erichsen cupping test" (in English).
For ease of use, this standard made the following editorial changes.
a) "this International Standard" be replaced by "this standard";
b) use a decimal point instead of a decimal comma ",". ",";
c) Remove the preface to the international standards;
d) a reference to the file by pressing the corresponding national standards were changed.
/ T 4156-1984 "Metal Cupping test methods" This standard replaces GB
The revision of this standard GB/T 4156-1984 following major technical content has been modified.
--- Standard name in accordance with international standards do change;
--- Chapters were rearranged;
--- Increased thicker or narrower sheet test;
--- Die, die pad thickness and surface roughness are no longer prescribed;
--- Before the test, punch longer apply graphite grease;
--- Introduce the concept of computer-controlled test equipment.
Appendix A of this standard is an informative annex.
The standard proposed by China Iron and Steel Association.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Steel Standardization Technical Committee.
This standard was drafted. Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Wuhan Iron and Steel (Group) Corporation, Metallurgical Industry Information Standards Institute.
The main drafters of this standard. Xu Weicheng, Li Heping, Zhou Xing, IRON Dong Li.
This standard replaces the standards previously issued as follows.
GB/T 4156-1984.
GB/T 4156-2007/ISO 20482.2003
Metallic materials - Sheet and strip -
Erichsen cupping test
1 Scope
This standard specifies the method of determining the thickness of 0.1mm ~ 2.0mm, width equal to or greater than 90mm of metal sheet and strip in La
Test methods for plastic deformation capacity to withstand delay forming.
For thicker or narrower to only take a sample sheet and strip, requires the use of the specified size of the mold, and the subscript is represented in results
Noted in Table 1.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this standard and become the standard terms. For dated references, subsequent
Amendments (not including errata content) or revisions do not apply to this standard, however, encourage the parties to the agreement are based on research
Whether the latest versions of these documents. For undated reference documents, the latest versions apply to this standard.
GB/T 3505 product terms, definitions and surface texture parameters geometry specification structure surface contour method (GB/T
3505-2000, eqv ISO 4287.1997)
3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this standard.
Through crack refers to the entire thickness of the sample through the crack, and the width of the crack is just make light in part through the cracks.
4 Symbols and
The standard symbols used, description, and units are given in Figure 1 and Table 1 below.
1 Erichsen cupping values schematic diagram
GB/T 4156-2007/ISO 20482.2003