GB/T 41251-2022_English: PDF (GB/T41251-2022)
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Production process quality control - Life cyclemanagement of production equipment
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GB/T 41251-2022
Standard ID | GB/T 41251-2022 (GB/T41251-2022) | Description (Translated English) | Production process quality control - Life cyclemanagement of production equipment | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | N19 | Classification of International Standard | 25.040 | Word Count Estimation | 14,180 | Date of Issue | 2022-03-09 | Date of Implementation | 2022-10-01 | Drafting Organization | Mianyang Weibo Electronics Co., Ltd., Mechanical Industry Instrumentation Comprehensive Technology and Economic Research Institute, Power Department of China Academy of Engineering Physics, Dongfeng Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Chongqing Chuanyi Automation Co., Ltd., Wuxi Vocational Technology College, Shandong Provincial Computing Center (National Supercomputing Jinan Center), CITIC Dicastal Co., Ltd. | Administrative Organization | National Technical Committee on Standardization of Industrial Process Measurement Control and Automation (SAC/TC 124) | Proposing organization | China Machinery Industry Federation | Issuing agency(ies) | State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration |
GB/T 41251-2022
ICS 25.040
CCS N 19
Production Process Quality Control –
Life Cycle Management of Production Equipment
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative References ... 4
3 Terms, Definitions and Abbreviations ... 4
3.1 Terms and Definitions ... 4
3.2 Abbreviations ... 6
4 Full Life Cycle Stages ... 6
5 Full Life Cycle Management Model ... 7
6 Full Life Cycle Management Tasks ... 8
7 Full Life Cycle Management Requirements ... 9
7.1 Planning management ... 9
7.2 Design and manufacturing management ... 10
7.3 Installation and commissioning management ... 12
7.4 Operation and maintenance management ... 12
7.5 Rejection management ... 18
8 Full Life Cycle Management Informatization ... 20
8.1 Overview ... 20
8.2 Content ... 20
8.3 Tasks ... 21
Production Process Quality Control –
Life Cycle Management of Production Equipment
1 Scope
This Document specifies the full life cycle stages, full life cycle management model, full life
cycle management tasks, full life cycle management requirements and information
management of production equipment based on the production process quality control
This Document is applicable to the full life cycle management of production equipment related
to the industrial production process; and provides a basis for industrial enterprises to carry out
the full life cycle management of production equipment.
2 Normative References
The provisions in following documents become the essential provisions of this Document
through reference in this Document. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates
indicated are applicable to this Document; for the undated documents, only the latest version
(including all the amendments) is applicable to this Document.
GB/T 37393-2019 Digital Factory - General Technical Requirements
GB/T 41272-2022 Production Process Quality Control - General Interface for Quality Data
3 Terms, Definitions and Abbreviations
3.1 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this Document, the following terms and definitions apply. Equipment
The general term for the equipment, equipment systems and their supporting technical
equipment, etc., which are used to implement and guarantee production and operation activities.
NOTE: In some specific scenarios, equipment can also be directly referred to as device.
3.1.2 Equipment full cycle
The full life cycle time for the equipment from planning studies, through design and
manufacture to use and disposal.
NOTE 1: It usually includes the whole process of planning and demonstration, design and manufacture,
bidding and procurement, installation and commissioning, operation and maintenance, repair and
transformation, and disposal until rejection.
NOTE 2: The equipment life cycle can also be called the equipment life cycle [Translator Note: it is the
same in English].
NOTE 3: According to the occurrence sequence of management tasks, the management of equipment life
cycle can be divided into three stages: preliminary management, operation and maintenance, and update
and rejection.
3.1.3 Equipment maintenance
In order to prevent the deterioration of equipment performance or reduce the probability of
equipment failure, the technical management measures that are carried out according to the pre-
specified plan or the provisions of the corresponding technical conditions.
NOTE: Equipment maintenance can also be understood as "equipment caring". The core work of
equipment maintenance (caring) is cleaning, such as: blowing, vacuuming, wiping, washing, descaling
or replacing. Use the opportunity of maintenance (caring) to conduct: lubrication, adjustment (for
temperature, position, pressure, speed, flow, tightness, clearance, etc.), tightening, anti-corrosion,
inspection, elimination and replacement (consumables or wearing parts).
3.1.4 Organization
An organization that operates production equipment to complete production and manufacturing
activities and is responsible for the management of the equipment life cycle.
3.1.5 Preventive maintenance
Scheduled activities that are planned to eliminate the causes of equipment failures and
unplanned production interruptions (periodic inspection and maintenance based on equipment
operating hours).
3.1.6 Predictive maintenance
A method or set of techniques for analyzing and evaluating the condition of in-service
equipment through periodic or continuous monitoring of equipment condition.
NOTE: Time that is used to predict when the next failure shall occur and the specific time for
3.1.7 Periodic overhaul
carried out for equipment that has reached its service life, has frequent failures, and
affects the quality of the production process.
7 Full Life Cycle Management Requirements
7.1 Planning management
7.1.1 Planning and selection
When organization conducts the equipment planning, it shall proceed from business strategy
and objectives, and consider the needs of production and market demand, new product
development, safety and environmental protection, life cycle costs, etc.:
--- The equipment user organization, equipment management organization, quality
management organization, public engineering organization and IT management
organization shall participate in the equipment planning and selection demonstration;
--- The evaluation elements for equipment selection decision-making shall be clarified, and
the multi-index weighted comprehensive evaluation and ranking shall be carried out on
the candidate equipment and suppliers;
--- According to the technological requirements and market supply conditions, a variety of
optional schemes shall be proposed, and the required equipment shall be selected and
purchased from the optimal products in accordance with the principles of advanced
technology, economical rationality, applicable production, safety and reliability, and
promotion of technological progress of the enterprise;
--- After the demonstration, the planning and selection records and final conclusions shall
be formed.
NOTE 1: The indicators of equipment economic evaluation include the full life cycle cost, etc.
NOTE 2: The technical evaluation indicators usually need to evaluate the following factors of the
equipment, such as safety, environmental hazard, process adaptability, performance or parameter
comparison, reliability, operability, maintainability, repairability, general interchangeability, energy
saving and consumption reduction, recyclability, easy installation, equipment service life, spare parts
supply, after-sales service, regulatory compliance, energy conservation, user credibility, as well as the
main things to pay attention to when using the same type of equipment.
7.1.2 Bidding and procurement
The organization shall specify the following applicable equipment bidding and procurement
--- According to the results of equipment planning and model selection demonstration,
clarify the procurement method of equipment;
--- In the bidding or procurement documents, specify the technical requirements, delivery
requirements, arrival acceptance, post-commissioning acceptance requirements,
technical training, technical data, abnormal handling, after-sales service, responsibilities
of both parties and other requirements for the equipment, as well as the qualification
requirements for supplier.
NOTE 1: The organization can adopt the procurement method combining bidding procurement and
directional procurement, that is, on the basis of fully understanding its performance and price ratio
through bidding and procurement method, determine a brand; fix the procurement channel; conduct fixed
procurement during the procurement period when the company is expanded or production is expanded,
as well as the product upgrade.
NOTE 2: Equipment technical requirements refer to the name, specification, model and quantity of the
equipment, functional requirements of the equipment, equipment reliability, operability, maintainability,
repairability, technical parameters, adoption standards, process and materials requirements for the main
components of the equipment, random spare parts tools, equipment safety protection device requirements,
main technical requirements, life requirements, equipment energy requirements, environmental
requirements, etc. When applicable, the applicable international, national or industry standards may be
cited as equipment technical requirements.
NOTE 3: Technical training refers to the technical training requirements for the use, maintenance,
checking, lubrication and repair of equipment.
NOTE 4: After-sales service, such as: initial operation supporting production service requirements,
warranty period requirements, technical support requirements and equipment program software upgrades,
7.2 Design and manufacturing management
7.2.1 Supervision and management
The organization shall meet the following requirements in terms of supervision and
--- For larger equipment or equipment systems requiring design improvements or changes
by the equipment manufacturer, follow the organization's relevant outsourcing
--- When applicable, the organization should refer to the national standards and industry
standards related to equipment supervision to standardize the management requirements
for equipment supervision, and clarify the following applicable requirements:
● The scope of equipment supervision and its corresponding equipment manufacturing
quality supervision methods;
NOTE: The work content of the arrival acceptance usually includes the participants, the acceptance
location, the acceptance time, the acceptance content, the acceptance method, the acceptance standard,
the acceptance record, and the handling method when the acceptance does not meet the requirements.
Among them, "acceptance content" usually refers to the items specified in the contract and packing list.
7.3 Installation and commissioning management
7.3.1 Installation and Commissioning
The organization shall meet the following requirements in terms of installation and
--- Ensure that all the preparatory work before installation is in place, do the basic
construction according to the technical data such as the equipment process layout plan;
and accurately position the equipment installation;
--- Ensure that the installation process is carried out in accordance with the construction
--- After installation, carry out equipment verification through trial operation (including:
idling test, load test, accuracy test, etc.).
7.3.2 Equipment acceptance
The organization shall meet the following requirements in terms of equipment acceptance:
--- After equipment commissioning and verification are qualified, carry out the final
acceptance of the equipment installation project; and go through the equipment handover
procedures after the acceptance is passed;
--- Designate relevant posts to participate in the installation and acceptance of the equipment
to ensure compliance with the requirements of the contract and technical agreement
(focusing on: checking the compliance of the main technical parameters of the equipment
and the quality requirements of the production process);
--- When the acceptance is passed and the equipment is handover, the installation acceptance
record shall be kept;
--- After the equipment is checked and accepted, establish the equipment management card
and the fixed asset equipment ledger; and ensure that the corresponding acceptance data
and records of the equipment are stored in the equipment file.
7.4 Operation and maintenance management
7.4.1 Equipment operation
The operation and maintenance management of equipment shall meet the requirements of 10.6
in GB/T 37393-2019. In addition, the organization shall meet the following requirements.
--- Establish equipment safety operation procedures or standardized operation videos, as
necessary. The operating procedures are easy for equipment users to understand and are
operable to ensure that a valid version of the procedures can be obtained at the posts that
need to use.
--- For the new equipment of the enterprise, the technical personnel of the equipment
manufacturer shall train the equipment operation and maintenance personnel before the
equipment is put into operation. The content includes equipment principle, structure,
operation method, safety precautions, maintenance knowledge, common problems and
disposal, etc.
--- The operators have been trained and qualified to take up their posts. The training content
includes the identification and training of equipment technical performance, principle-
overview, operation method, abnormal situation and emergency failure handling ability.
--- The operator shall operate according to the equipment operating procedures and the
technical performance and requirements of the equipment.
--- Equipment users and related personnel, if they are unable to deal with problems such as
abnormalities and defects found in the use of equipment, they shall timely notify relevant
personnel to deal with them according to the procedures, methods and requirements
specified by the enterprise; and record the problem information and handling conditions
according to the provisions of the enterprise. The information is usually recorded in the
equipment operation record sheet, checking record, shift record, working log or
information system.
--- Standby equipment shall be switched or jiggered according to the cycle specified by the
--- The equipment with interlocking self-start and stop ensures normal function.
--- If there are qualification requirements for equipment operation, the operator shall meet
the relevant requirements.
--- When the equipment operates in a multi-shift system, the equipment user shall specify
the management requirements for equipment shift handover; and if there is a problem
with the equipment, it shall be recorded in the shift handover record truthfully and in a
standardized manner.
--- If there are regulations for the enterprise to record the use or operation of equipment, the
equipment users shall record it truthfully and on time.
--- In order to ensure that equipment users can operate the equipment in a standardized
manner and record as required, the equipment user department shall do a good job for
--- Ensure that spare or decommissioning equipment is well maintained and ready to be
--- When the organization outsources equipment maintenance, the organization reviews the
outsourcing process, implements it after approval; and supervises and evaluates the
equipment maintenance service provider;
--- The personnel in equipment use and equipment management shall supervise and inspect
the implementation of equipment maintenance and make assessments as necessary to
ensure the effectiveness of equipment maintenance and management.
NOTE 1: Equipment maintenance outsourcing can be both parties under the same legal person
organization, or both parties of different legal entities, who stipulate the responsibilities to be performed
by both parties through contracts or agreements; and determine the requirements for scope,
responsibilities, personnel, profession, technology, quality, safety, environment, cost and other indicators
of the outsourcing.
NOTE 2: Equipment maintenance procedures, usually covering (but not limited to): equipment name,
division of labor, cycle or timing, location, content, standards, methods, means and tools, maintenance
acceptance, etc.
NOTE 3: The annual equipment maintenance schedule includes serial number, equipment number,
equipment name, maintenance (and or) overhaul location, main maintenance/overhaul content, cycle,
responsible post, planned maintenance month, tabulator and date, reviewer and date, the cell color
distinction between plan and implementation (plan = yellow, executed = green), table number and version
identification number, etc.
7.4.3 Equipment aging management
The organization shall establish, implement and maintain an equipment aging management
process to ensure the availability of equipment spare parts. The process includes the following
--- Establish a spare parts management mechanism (focusing on: classification, coding,
inventory model, planning, approval, procurement, acceptance, storage, in-out inventory,
localization, repairing old parts, remanufacturing, objection processing and economic
index data analysis and summary, etc. of the spare parts); and work shall be carried out
in accordance with the spare parts management system;
--- Pursue the need for equipment maintenance with the least spare parts funds and
reasonable inventory reserves; and continuously improve the reliability of equipment and
the economy of maintenance;
--- Using data analysis methods to optimize the spare parts inventory model, safety stock,
quantity of bulk purchases, etc., and control the amount of spare parts inventory;
--- Standardize the contract management of spare parts procurement;
--- Establish a spare parts quality objection handling mechanism;
--- Strengthen the management of spare parts warehouse (focusing on: warehouse area
layout strategy, storage location planning, selection of suitable storage facilities such as
shelves, spare parts location coding, maintenance of warehouse environmental
conditions, FIFO, spare parts account and material in-out inventory management, spare
parts storage and management, etc.);
--- Continuously improve the management, visualization and customization levels of spare
parts warehouse.
7. 4.4 Equipment check management
Organizations should meet the following requirements for equipment check.
--- Formulate management measures for equipment check; clarify management
requirements (focusing on: organizational structure, division of responsibilities,
professional check personnel training and check standard preparation, check plan
formulation, check work performance evaluation and incentives, etc.); establish a closed-
loop mechanism for continuous improvement.
--- According to the requirements of equipment performance, process and safety, etc.,
formulate check standards (crucially combine: equipment technical instruction data,
equipment maintenance technical standards, check work experience, failure historical
data, etc.); including ensuring that the newly-added and renovated equipment have
formulated or updated the effective check standard before the equipment is put into
--- Compile the check plan (compiling basis: check standards, lubrication operation
instructions, equipment status, check workload, etc.), to ensure the timeliness, accuracy
and effectiveness of the check plan, and to be effectively implemented of it.
--- Ensure that equipment abnormalities or hidden dangers found in the check can be dealt
with in a timely manner.
--- By recording, analyzing and summarizing the check data and check information, master
the equipment status and the trend of deterioration development. If necessary, adjust the
check items in a timely manner; and establish a database of equipment failure
information found by the check work.
--- Through the summary and analysis of the check work, the problems in the equipment
management and maintenance work are found and improved; and the level of preventive
requirements and the actual status and functional requirements of the equipment,
formulate equipment maintenance plans at all levels and various types; formulate on-site
maintenance plans; and coordinate maintenance resources;
--- According to the needs of maintenance management, formulate reasonable maintenance
work flow and management requirements to guide the orderly implementation of
maintenance work;
--- Based on different equipment specialties and conditions of use, formulate maintenance
procedures (maintenance technical standards), standardize maintenance work, and
improve maintenance quality and efficiency;
--- Before the maintenance of large-scale equipment and devices, according to the detection
and inspection of the technical status of the equipment, determine the maintenance
technical requirements and formulate a maintenance plan;
--- According to the organization's management regulations and procedures, select the
maintenance organization or assign maintenance personnel;
--- When applicable, outsourced maintenance projects such as overhaul of large-scale
equipment and devices shall be implemented in accordance with the bidding system;
--- Reasonably arrange maintenance time; improve maintenance guarantee level and
maintenance quality level;
--- Make preparations for equipment maintenance to ensure the effective management and
control of the maintenance process (focusing on: standardized work, safety management,
progress management, quality management, on-site management, etc.);
--- After the maintenance is completed, if necessary, organize a comprehensive inspection
(focusing on: equipment idling test, load test, quality and effect of production operation,
etc.); form acceptance opinions; go through acceptance procedures and turn to
7.5 Rejection management
7.5.1 Equipment transformation
The organization shall meet the following requirements in terms of equipment transformation:
--- According to the international and domestic advanced technology level, combined with
the industry benchmark and the internal technology level of the organization, regularly
carry out equipment technology assessment (focusing on equipment technology
capability and status);
--- Carry out equipment update and technical transformation =on the basis of scientific and
effective economic analysis;