GB/T 40146-2021_English: PDF (GB/T40146-2021)
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Determination of plastic microbead in cosmetics
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GB/T 40146-2021
Standard ID | GB/T 40146-2021 (GB/T40146-2021) | Description (Translated English) | Determination of plastic microbead in cosmetics | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | Y42 | Classification of International Standard | 71.100.70 | Word Count Estimation | 18,151 | Date of Issue | 2021-05-21 | Date of Implementation | 2021-09-01 | Drafting Organization | Shenzhen Institute of Metrology and Quality Inspection, CCIC Warner (Beijing) Quality Technology Center Co., Ltd., Warner Pass (Beijing) Certification Co., Ltd., Pengshi (Huizhou) Industrial Development Co., Ltd., Yujiahui Co., Ltd., Wanhua Chemical Group Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Keneng Cosmetics Scientific Research Co., Ltd., Nice Zhejiang Technology Co., Ltd., Perfect (Guangdong) Commodity Co., Ltd., Guangdong Bayway Biotechnology Co., Ltd., China Inspection Union (Beijing) Quality Inspection Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd. the company | Administrative Organization | National Standardization Technical Committee of Inspection Methods for Key Products of Quality Supervision (SAC/TC 374) | Regulation (derived from) | National Standard Announcement No. 7 of 2021 | Proposing organization | National Standardization Technical Committee of Inspection Methods for Key Products of Quality Supervision (SAC/TC 374) | Issuing agency(ies) | State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration |
GB/T 40146-2021
ICS 71.100.70
CCS Y 42
Determination of plastic microbead in cosmetics
ISSUED ON: MAY 21, 2021
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 4
4 Principle ... 4
5 Reagents and materials ... 5
6 Instruments and equipment... 5
7 Specimen processing ... 6
8 Spectral tests ... 8
9 Spectral analysis ... 10
10 Result report ... 10
Annex A (informative) Infrared spectrogram and absorption characteristic table
of some plastics ... 11
Determination of plastic microbead in cosmetics
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the principle, reagents and materials, instruments and
equipment, specimen processing, spectrum testing, spectrum analysis and
result reporting for Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Fourier transform
micro-infrared spectroscopy that are used to determine the plastic microbead
in cosmetics.
This Standard is applicable to the determination of plastic microbead in
cosmetics. Toothpaste, soap, laundry detergent and other daily chemical
products can refer to it as reference.
This Standard is inapplicable to the determination of plastic microbead in make-
up cosmetics.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of
this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
GB/T 1914, Chemical analytical filter paper
GB/T 6003.1, Test sieves - Technical requirements and testing - Part 1: Test
sieves of metal wire cloth
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
3.1 plastic microbead
Solid plastic particles less than or equal to 5mm in size and insoluble in water.
4 Principle
Use an appropriate solvent to disperse the sample. Filter it through a stainless-
steel test sieve with a mesh size of 5mm. The filtrate is filtered through filter
6.5 Agate mortar.
6.6 Suction filtration device.
7 Specimen processing
7.1 General
7.1.1 Selection of sample processing method
Weigh about 5g representative sample into a 250mL beaker. Add 100mL of hot
water and stir. Observe the dispersion state of the sample in water. In the case
of complete dispersion, process according to 7.2.1. When dispersing in the
case of flocculation in water, process according to 7.2.2. When dispersing in
the case of water producing a lot of foam, process according to 7.2.3. If it is not
dispersed in water, process in accordance with 7.2.4.
7.1.2 Auxiliary processing method
Due to the complexity of the cosmetic matrix, in order to take into account, the
sample processing effect and efficiency, the following auxiliary processing
methods can be used:
- If the sample contains wax, colloid and it is difficult to filter, it can be
dissolved in three times with no less than 150mL of solvent. Directly
discard liquids containing wax or colloids by standing or centrifuging.
Collect the solids and proceed to sample processing;
- If there are bubbles during suction filtration, add a small amount of
isopropanol (5.3) to defoam;
- If it is obvious that there are no solid particles larger than 5mm by visual
inspection, the step of filtration by the stainless-steel test sieve can be
- If the obtained solid particles have matrix (such as wax, colloid) that
interferes with infrared qualitative analysis, it can use an appropriate
amount of ethanol aqueous solution (5.6) and n-hexane (5.2) to wash the
solid particles in sequence. Conduct suction drying. Collect solid particles
to be tested.
7.2 Sample processing
7.2.1 Method 1
Weigh about 5g of sample into a 250mL beaker. Add 5mL of water. Use a glass
rod to keep stirring, so as to break and disperse suspended particles. Then add
the substrate is rinsed clean. Then use 30mL of hot absolute ethanol (5.1) to
rinse the insoluble matter in sessions. Conduct suction filtration. If there are no
solid particles on the medium-speed qualitative filter paper, the filtrate shall be
filtered with the slow qualitative filter paper (5.9). Use not less than 100mL of
hot 95% ethanol (5.5), not less than 100mL of hot water and 30mL of hot
absolute ethanol (5.1) to rinse sequentially. After the suction filtration, place the
filter paper and insoluble matter in the original beaker. Dry in an oven (6.4) at
60°C. Place in a desiccator to room temperature. Collect the solid particles to
be tested.
7.2.4 Method 4
Weigh about 5g of the specimen (in the case of matrix interference in the
sample, such as wax, colloid, the weighing amount can be appropriately
reduced, but not less than 1g) in a 250mL beaker. Add 5mL of n-hexane (5.2).
Use a glass rod to keep stirring to break and disperse the suspended particles.
Then add 95mL of n-hexane (5.2). Stir well. Use the stainless-steel test sieve
(5.7) to filter. Collect the filtrate in a beaker. After standing still, use the decant
method to suction and filter through the medium-speed qualitative filter paper
(5.8). Drain the clear liquid as much as possible. Try to keep the insoluble matter
in the beaker. Use not less than 100mL of n-hexane (5.2) in sessions to repeat
the pouring method to rinse the insoluble matter in the beaker. Conduct suction
filtration. Then put the beaker in a 60°C water bath to heat and evaporate. Then
add 100mLof water. Place it in a 60°C water bath and heat to disperse. Stand
still. Conduct suction filtration while it is hot. Use no less than 100mL of hot
water in sessions to rinse the insoluble matter until the substrate is rinsed clean.
Then use 30mL of hot absolute ethanol (5.1) in sessions to rinse the insoluble
matter. Conduct suction filtration. If there are no solid particles on the medium-
speed qualitative filter paper, the n-hexane filtrate and water filtrate shall be
filtered with the slow qualitative filter paper (5.9) in sequence. Use not less than
100mL of n-hexane (5.2), not less than 100mL of hot water and 30mL of hot
absolute ethanol (5.1) to rinse in sequence. After the suction filtration, place the
filter paper and insoluble matter in the original beaker. Dry in an oven (6.4) at
60°C. Place in a desiccator to room temperature. Collect the solid particles to
be tested.
8 Spectral tests
8.1 Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
8.1.1 Sample preparation Potassium bromide tablet method
Take 1mg~2mg of solid particles and about 100mg of potassium bromide (5.4)
Due to the small sampling amount of micro-infrared test samples and a single
test is not representative, different particles shall be selected for multiple tests
according to the actual situation of the sample.
9 Spectral analysis
9.1 Computer search
Use Fourier transform infrared spectrometer computer retrieval system for
spectrogram retrieval and analysis. According to the search results, use the
computer retrieval system to compare the spectra with the collected spectra for
qualitative analysis. It shall be noted that the search results are affected by the
purity of the sample, the structure of the compound, and the spectral library.
9.2 Reference spectrum analysis
Use the test conditions same with the sample to determine based on the known
plastics OR obtain the reference spectrum by consulting the data. Compare the
infrared spectrum of the sample with the reference spectrum. Conduct
qualitative analysis based on the position, number, relative intensity and shape
of its characteristic absorption peaks. Annex A shows the infrared spectrum and
absorption characteristics of some plastics.
10 Result report
According to sample processing and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
or Fourier transform micro-infrared spectroscopy analysis, report the results:
- When the presence of plastic is confirmed according to the spectral analysis
in Chapter 9, report the color and type of plastic microbeads;
- When solid particles are not collected according to Chapter 7 sample
processing, or although solid particles are collected but plastics are not
detected according to Chapter 9 spectrum analysis, report it as "not