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GB/T 38216.3-2023 English PDF

GB/T 38216.3-2023_English: PDF (GB/T38216.3-2023)
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GB/T 38216.3-2023English289 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Steel slag -- Determination of f-CaO -- EDTA titration and thermogravimetric analysis Valid GB/T 38216.3-2023

Standard ID GB/T 38216.3-2023 (GB/T38216.3-2023)
Description (Translated English) Steel slag -- Determination of f-CaO -- EDTA titration and thermogravimetric analysis
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard H34
Classification of International Standard 77.140.99
Word Count Estimation 14,129
Date of Issue 2023-12-28
Date of Implementation 2024-07-01
Drafting Organization MCC Construction Research Institute Co., Ltd., MCC Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Co., Ltd., Ningxia Jianlong Special Steel Co., Ltd., Metallurgical Industry Information Standards Research Institute, Shougang Co., Ltd. Qian'an Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., China National Testing and Testing Holding Group Co., Ltd. Zhanjiang MCC Environmental Protection Operation Management Co., Ltd., Chengdu Advanced Metal Materials Industry Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd., Shandong Institute of Metallurgical Sciences Co., Ltd., MCC Testing and Certification Co., Ltd., Shougang Group Co., Ltd., Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Steel Alliance (Qian'an ) Collaborative Innovation Research Institute Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization National Steel Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 183)
Proposing organization China Iron and Steel Industry Association
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration

GB/T 38216:3-2023: Determination of free calcium oxide content in steel slag by EDTA titration and thermogravimetric analysis ICS 77:140:99 CCSH34 National Standards of People's Republic of China Determination of free calcium oxide content in steel slag EDTA titration and thermogravimetric analysis Steelslag-Determinationoff-CaO- Published on 2023-12-28 2024-07-01 Implementation State Administration for Market Regulation Released by the National Standardization Administration Committee Preface This document complies with the provisions of GB/T 1:1-2020 "Standardization Work Guidelines Part 1: Structure and Drafting Rules of Standardization Documents" Drafting: This document is Part 3 of GB/T 38216 "Steel Slag": GB/T 38216 has released the following parts: ---GB/T 38216:1 Determination of chromium oxide content in steel slag diphenylcarbazide spectrophotometry; ---GB/T 38216:2 Determination of fluorine and chlorine content in steel slag by ion chromatography; ---GB/T 38216:3 Determination of free calcium oxide content in steel slag EDTA titration and thermogravimetric analysis: Please note that some content in this document may be subject to patents: The publisher of this document assumes no responsibility for identifying patents: This document is proposed by the China Iron and Steel Industry Association: This document is under the jurisdiction of the National Steel Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC183): This document was drafted by: MCC Construction Research Institute Co:, Ltd:, MCC Energy Saving and Environmental Protection Co:, Ltd:, Ningxia Jianlong Special Steel Co:, Ltd: Department, Metallurgical Industry Information Standards Research Institute, Shougang Co:, Ltd: Qian'an Iron and Steel Co:, Ltd:, China National Testing and Testing Holding Group Co:, Ltd:, Zhanjiang MCC Environmental Protection Operations Management Co:, Ltd:, Chengdu Advanced Metal Materials Industry Technology Research Institute Co:, Ltd:, Shandong Institute of Metallurgical Sciences Co:, Ltd:, MCC Testing and Certification Co:, Ltd:, Shougang Group Co:, Ltd:, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Iron and Steel Alliance (Qian'an) Collaborative Innovation Research Institute Co:, Ltd: company: The main drafters of this document: Zhang Liangliang, Lu Wen, Lu Zhongfei, Xia Chun, Qiu Jinhui, Peng D, Zhu Xiaohua, Xu Dan, Zhang Fangbin, Wang Jiangwei, Gao Haiquan, Bai Hongjuan, Sun Hongjing, Liu Yusong, Wu Chaoyun, Xing Xiujun, Zhang Ruopeng, Liu Zhenghua, Tian Xiaolin, Li Jianjun, Niu Huxia, Wang Guan, Yan Yakun, Wu Lijuan, Chen Jian, Wu Yuedong, Liu Jia, Pan Na, Yao Jie, Wang Shifeng, Wu Zhaohui, Wang Bin, Meng Lili, Wang Lijie, Zhao Jingjing, Guo Dalong: introduction Steel slag is a by-product produced during the steelmaking process and contains total iron, calcium oxide, magnesium oxide, sulfur trioxide, total carbon, silicon dioxide, trioxide, It contains aluminum oxide, phosphorus pentoxide, zinc oxide, chromium oxide and other ingredients, and also contains anions such as fluorine and chlorine: After steel slag treatment, some steel slag can be returned The steel industry serves as raw material; stabilized steel slag is a good green material and can replace some natural materials: Solid waste in metallurgy In the comprehensive utilization standard system of steel slag, the determination method of chemical composition of steel slag is a very important part and plays an important role in ensuring the quality of steel slag products: To work: GB/T 38216 "Steel Slag" serves the handling, processing, trade and application of steel slag, and provides technology for the high-quality green development of the steel industry: The technical support is planned to be composed of five parts: ---GB/T 38216:1 Determination of chromium oxide content in steel slag diphenylcarbazide spectrophotometry: The purpose is to standardize steel Determination of chromium oxide content in slag, accurate determination of chromium content in steel slag, harmless treatment and resource reuse of steel slag, especially In particular, the demand for green manufacturing is of great significance: ---GB/T 38216:2 Determination of fluorine and chlorine content in steel slag by ion chromatography: The purpose is to accurately measure the fluorine content in steel slag, The chlorine content can better meet the application of upstream and downstream industries: ---GB/T 38216:3 Determination of free calcium oxide content in steel slag EDTA titration and thermogravimetric analysis: The purpose is to regulate Determination of free calcium oxide content in steel slag: Steel slag is used as a substitute for raw materials in building materials, roads, construction and other industries: Calcium oxide content has been strictly limited, and accurate determination of free calcium oxide content is beneficial to the resource utilization of steel slag: ---GB/T 38216:4 Determination of total iron content in steel slag titanium trichloride-potassium dichromate titration method: The purpose is to accurately measure steel The full iron content in the slag ensures the quality and stability of the steel slag, promotes the application of steel slag in steel, building materials, roads and other industries, and improves the smelting The utilization of gold slag promotes the reuse of secondary resources: ---GB/T 38216:5 Determination of manganese oxide content in steel slag by flame atomic absorption spectrometry: The purpose is to standardize the oxygen content in steel slag The determination of manganese oxide and the manganese oxide content in steel slag play an important role in the performance evaluation and post-processing utilization of steel slag: Determination of free calcium oxide content in steel slag EDTA titration and thermogravimetric analysis Warning: Personnel using this document should have formal laboratory work experience: This document does not identify all possible security issues: make Users are responsible for taking appropriate safety and health measures and ensuring compliance with the conditions stipulated in relevant national regulations: 1 Scope This document describes the principles, reagents and materials, instruments and equipment, sampling and sample preparation, analysis steps for the determination of free calcium oxide content in steel slag: Precision and test reports: This document is applicable to the determination of free calcium oxide content in steel slag: Free calcium oxide content (mass fraction) measurement range: 0:01%~ 20:00%: 2 Normative reference documents The contents of the following documents constitute essential provisions of this document through normative references in the text: Among them, the dated quotations For undated referenced documents, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this document; for undated referenced documents, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document: GB/T 2007:1 General rules for sampling and preparation of bulk mineral products, manual sampling methods GB/T 2007:2 General principles for sampling and preparation of bulk mineral products, manual sample preparation methods GB/T 6379:1 Accuracy of measurement methods and results (correctness and precision) Part 1: General principles and definitions GB/T 6379:2 Accuracy of measurement methods and results (correctness and precision) Part 2: Determination of repeatability of standard measurement methods Basic methods of sex and reproducibility GB/T 6682 Specifications and test methods for water used in analytical laboratories GB/T 8170 Numerical rounding rules and expression and determination of limit values GB/T 12805 Laboratory glass instrument burettes GB/T 12806 Laboratory glassware single-marked volumetric flasks GB/T 12807 Graduated pipettes for laboratory glass instruments GB/T 12808 Single-marked pipette for laboratory glass instruments 3 Terms and definitions There are no terms or definitions to be defined in this document: 4 Principles The total amount of free calcium oxide and calcium hydroxide in steel slag was determined by chemical analysis, and the calcium hydroxide content was determined by thermogravimetry: The difference is the content of free calcium oxide in the steel slag: The chemical analysis method uses ethylene glycol-EDTA chemical titration method, and thermogravimetric analysis method is used to measure hydrogen: ......

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