GB/T 38106-2019_English: PDF (GB/T38106-2019)
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Aluminum and aluminum alloy plates and sheets for pressure vessel
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GB/T 38106-2019
Standard ID | GB/T 38106-2019 (GB/T38106-2019) | Description (Translated English) | Aluminum and aluminum alloy plates and sheets for pressure vessel | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | H61 | Classification of International Standard | 77.150.10 | Word Count Estimation | 14,150 | Date of Issue | 2019-10-18 | Date of Implementation | 2020-09-01 | Drafting Organization | Northeast Light Alloy Co., Ltd., Nonferrous Metal Technology and Economic Research Institute, Tianjin Zhongwang Aluminum Co., Ltd., Guangdong Analysis and Testing Center, Southwest Aluminum (Group) Co., Ltd., Shandong Nanshan Aluminum Co., Ltd., Youyan Engineering Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd., Kunming Metallurgical Research Institute, Ruimin Aluminum Strip Co., Ltd., China Aluminum Group Co., Ltd., Shandong Yankuang Light Alloy Co., Ltd. | Administrative Organization | National Nonferrous Metals Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 243) | Proposing organization | China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association | Issuing agency(ies) | State Administration for Market Regulation, China National Standardization Administration |
GB/T 38106-2019
ICS 77.150.10
H 61
Aluminum and aluminum alloy plates and sheets for
pressure vessel
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Requirements ... 5
4 Test method ... 9
5 Inspection rules ... 10
6 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage and quality certificate ... 13
7 Order form (or contract) contents ... 14
Appendix A (Informative) Allowable stress, thermal expansion coefficient and
modulus of elasticity of the plates and sheets ... 15
Aluminum and aluminum alloy plates and sheets for
pressure vessel
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the requirements, test methods, inspection rules and
marking, packaging, transportation, storage, quality certificate and order form
(or contract) contents of aluminum and aluminum alloy plates and sheets for
pressure vessel.
This Standard applies to aluminum and aluminum alloy plates and sheets for
pressure vessel (hereinafter referred to as “plates and sheets”).
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document.
For dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For
undated references, the latest edition (including all amendments) applies to this
GB/T 229, Metallic materials - Charpy pendulum impact test method
GB/T 232, Metallic materials - Bend test
GB/T 3190, Wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy - Chemical composition
GB/T 3199, Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy products - Packing,
marking, transporting and storing
GB/T 3246.1, Inspection method for structure of wrought aluminum and
aluminum alloy products - Part 1: Inspection method for microstructure
GB/T 3246.1, Inspection method for structure of wrought aluminum and
aluminum alloy products - Part 2: Inspection method for macrostructure
GB/T 3880.3-2012, Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy plates, sheets
and strips for general engineering - Part 3: Tolerances on forms and
GB/T 6519-2013, Ultrasonic inspection of wrought aluminium and
magnesium alloy products
GB/T 7999, Optical emission spectrometric analysis method of aluminum
and aluminum alloys
Example: the plate, of which the designation is 5083; the state is O; the
thickness is 30.00 mm; the width is 2 000 mm; the length is 6 000
mm, is marked as:
Plate GB/T 38106-5083O-30.00 × 2000 × 6000
3.2 Chemical composition
The chemical composition of the plates and sheets shall comply with the
provisions of GB/T 3190.
3.3 Dimension deviation
3.3.1 Thickness
The thickness deviation of the plates and sheets shall comply with the
provisions of the ordinary grade of GB/T 3880.3-2012.
3.3.2 Width
The width deviation of the cold-rolled plates and sheets shall comply with the
provisions of Table 6 in GB/T 3880.3-2012. The width deviation of the hot-rolled
plates and sheets shall comply with the provisions for the trimming-supplied
hot-rolled plates and sheets as shown in Table 7 of GB/T 3880.3-2012.
3.3.3 Length
The length deviation of the cold-rolled plates and sheets shall comply with the
provisions of Table 10 in GB/T 3880.3-2012. The length deviation of the hot-
rolled plates and sheets shall comply with the provisions for the trimming-
supplied hot-rolled plates and sheets as shown in Table 11 of GB/T 3880.3-
3.3.4 Unevenness
The unevenness deviation of the plates and sheets shall comply with the
provisions for ordinary grade of unevenness in GB/T 3880.3-2012.
3.3.5 side curvature
The side curvature deviation of the plates and sheets shall comply with the
provisions for high-precision grade of side curvature of the plates and sheets in
GB/T 3880.3-2012.
3.3.6 Diagonal
The diagonal deviation of the plates and sheets shall comply with the provisions
for high-precision grade of diagonal of the plates and sheets in GB/T 3880.3-
3.11.2 After welding of the plates and sheets, the performance and evaluation
of the welded joints are shown in ISO 15614-2: 2005.
4 Test method
4.1 Chemical composition
4.1.1 The analysis method of chemical composition of the plates and sheets
shall comply with requirements of GB/T 20975 or GB/T 7999; the arbitration
analysis shall adopt the methods which are specified in GB/T 20975. The
calculation of “Al” content shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 3190. When
the “Al” content is calculated, take the sum value of the analytical values of the
conventional analytical elements and the suspected excess unconventional
analytical elements as the “sum of elemental content”.
4.1.2 The determination of analysis value is based on the rounding comparison
method; the value rounding rules shall be carried out in accordance with the
relevant provisions of GB/T 8170; the rounding digit shall be consistent with the
limit digits which are specified in GB/T 3190.
4.2 Dimensional deviation
Perform the measurement method of dimensional deviation in accordance with
the provisions of GB/T 3880.3-2012.
4.3 Room-temperature tensile mechanical properties
Perform the test of room-temperature tensile mechanical properties in
accordance with provisions of GB/T 16865.
4.4 Bending performance
Perform the test of bending performance in accordance with the provisions of
GB/T 232.
4.5 Impact performance
Perform the test of impact performance in accordance with the provisions of
GB/T 229.
4.6 Ultrasonic flaw detection performance
The ultrasonic flaw detection performance test shall be performed in
accordance with GB/T 6519-2013.
4.7 Macro-structure
The macro-structure test shall be performed in accordance with GB/T 3246.2.
Take 2 pieces per batch; take 1 sample from
each piece. Take 2 samples from the batch of
a single piece
3.9 4.8
quality Inspect piece by piece 3.10 4.9
5.6 Determination of the test result
5.6.1 When the chemical composition of any sample is unqualified, if the melting
order of the product can be distinguished, judge the melting order that is
represented by the sample as unqualified; inspect other melting orders in turn,
and deliver the qualified ones. If the melting order cannot be distinguished,
judge the batch as unqualified.
5.6.2 When the dimensional deviation of any plate is unqualified, judge the
product as unqualified.
5.6.3 When the tensile mechanical properties at room temperature of any
sample are unqualified, take double the number of samples from the batch of
products to perform repeated tests; if the repeated test results are all qualified,
judge the batch of products to be qualified. If the result of sample properties is
still unsatisfactory in the repeated test, then, judge the batch of products to be
unqualified. If it is agreed by both the supplier and the buyer, the supplier is
allowed to inspect the products one by one and deliver those qualified ones.
The supplier is also allowed to perform a repeated heat treatment to re-sample
and test.
5.6.4 When the bending performance of any sample is unqualified, take double
the number of samples from the batch of products to perform repeated tests; if
the repeated test results are all qualified, judge the batch of products to be
qualified. If the result of sample properties is still unsatisfactory in the repeated
test, then, judge the batch of products to be unqualified. If it is agreed by both
the supplier and the buyer, the supplier is allowed to inspect the products one
by one and deliver those qualified ones. The supplier is also allowed to perform
a repeated heat treatment to re-sample and test.
5.6.5 When the impact performance of any sample is unqualified, judge the
batch as unqualified. The supplier is allowed to inspect one by one and deliver
those qualified ones.
5.6.6 When the ultrasonic flaw detection performance of any plate is
unsatisfactory, judge the piece to be unqualified.
5.6.7 When the macro-structure performance of any sample is unqualified,
judge the batch to be unqualified.
c) designation, state and specifications;
d) batch number;
e) net weight or box (piece), roll number;
f) code of this Standard;
g) inspection results of the analysis items and inspection stamp of the
technical supervision department;
h) date of packaging (or date of manufacture).
7 Order form (or contract) contents
The order form (or contract) that orders the products which are listed in this
Standard shall include the following:
a) product name;
b) designation;
c) state;
d) specifications;
e) weight (or number of pieces);
f) When there are requirements of room-temperature tensile mechanical
properties for plates and sheets whose thickness exceeds the stipulation,
it shall be negotiated between the supplier and the buyer, and the specific
index value shall be specified;
g) For products with bending performance inspection requirements, “bending
performance inspection” shall be indicated; for products that have both 90°
bending and 180° bending of mechanical property performance in Table
2, “90° bending or 180° bending” shall indicate; if it is not specified, the
supplier shall choose one;
h) For products with impact energy performance inspection requirements,
“impact energy performance inspection” shall be indicated;
i) Special requirements for packaging, if any, shall be noted;
j) other special requirements;
k) code of this Standard.