GB/T 37820.1-2024_English: PDF (GB/T37820.1-2024)
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GB/T 37820.1-2024 | English | 514 |
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Ships and marine technology - Design, location and use of shipboard safety signs, fire control plan signs, safety notices and safety markings - Part 1: Design principles
| Valid |
GB/T 37820.1-2024
GB/T 37820.1-2019 | English | 1039 |
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Ships and marine technology -- Design, location and use of shipboard safety signs, safety-related signs, safety notices and safety markings -- Part 1: Design principles
| Obsolete |
GB/T 37820.1-2019
Standard ID | GB/T 37820.1-2024 (GB/T37820.1-2024) | Description (Translated English) | Ships and marine technology - Design, location and use of shipboard safety signs, fire control plan signs, safety notices and safety markings - Part 1: Design principles | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | U04 | Classification of International Standard | 47.020.01 | Word Count Estimation | 26,262 | Date of Issue | 2024-04-25 | Date of Implementation | 2024-08-01 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | GB/T 37820.1-2019 | Drafting Organization | China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation Comprehensive Technology and Economic Research Institute, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, Jiangsu New Era Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Huazhong University of Science and Technology | Administrative Organization | National Technical Committee for Standardization of Marine Vessels (SAC/TC 12) | Proposing organization | National Technical Committee for Standardization of Marine Vessels (SAC/TC 12) | Issuing agency(ies) | State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration | Standard ID | GB/T 37820.1-2019 (GB/T37820.1-2019) | Description (Translated English) | Ships and marine technology -- Design, location and use of shipboard safety signs, safety-related signs, safety notices and safety markings -- Part 1: Design principles | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | U04 | Classification of International Standard | 47.020.01 | Word Count Estimation | 26,217 | Date of Issue | 2019-08-30 | Date of Implementation | 2020-03-01 | Drafting Organization | China Shipbuilding Industry Research Institute of Comprehensive Technology and Economics, China Merchants Heavy Industry (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. | Administrative Organization | National Marine Ship Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 12) | Proposing organization | National Marine Ship Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 12) | Issuing agency(ies) | State Administration for Market Regulation, China National Standardization Administration |
GB/T 37820:1-2024: Ships and marine technology - Design, location and use of ship safety signs, fire control plan signs, safety tips and safety markings - Part 1: Design principles
ICS 47:020:01
National Standards of People's Republic of China
Replaces GB/T 37820:1-2019
Ships and marine technology Ship safety signs,
Fire control diagram signs, safety tips and
Design, location and use of safety signs
Part 1: Design principles
Safety markings-Part 1: Design principles
(ISO 24409-1:2020,IDT)
Published on April 25, 2024, implemented on August 1, 2024
State Administration for Market Regulation
The National Standardization Administration issued
Table of Contents
Preface III
Introduction IV
1 Range 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and Definitions 2
4 Types and uses of signs, markings and notices 2
4:1 General Principles 2
4:2 Safety Signs 3
4:2:1 MES (Merge Escape Sign) --- Escape route instructions 3
4:2:2 Emergency Equipment Sign (EES) - Use and location of first aid facilities and portable safety equipment 3
4:2:3 Life-saving systems and equipment marking (LSS) --- the use and location of life-saving systems and equipment 3
4:2:4 Fire Equipment Sign (FES) --- Use and location of fire equipment 3
4:2:5 Prohibition Signs (PSS) --- Prohibited Behavior 3
4:2:6 Warning Sign (WSS)---Hazard Prompt 3
4:2:7 Mandatory Action Signs (MSS) - Mandatory reminders and instructions 3
4:3 Fire control plan signs 3
5 Design of safety signs on board ships 3
5:1 General requirements 3
5:2 Safety Information 4
5:3 Meaning, function and icon content 4
5:4 Color and Geometry 4
5:5 Graphical symbols 6
5:6 Combination of graphic symbols or graphic elements 6
5:7 Element 6
5:8 Prohibition 7
5:9 Boundary 7
5:10 Arrow 7
6 Supplementary and combined signs 7
6:1 General requirements 7
6:2 Combination signs 7
6:3 Supplementary logo colors 8
6:4 Supplementary marking text 8
6:5 Supplementary marking format 8
7 Combination logo layout 11
7:1 General requirements 11
7:2 Boundary 11
7:3 Layout 11
8 Multiple Signs 12
9 Use of Arrows13
10 Fire control diagram signs 15
11 Safety Marking 15
12 Lighting and brightness of safety signs, safety-related signs and safety instructions 15
13 Durability and brightness of the marking 16
14 Logo Mark 16
Reference 17
This document is in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 1:1-2020 "Guidelines for standardization work Part 1: Structure and drafting rules for standardization documents"
This document is GB/T 37820 Ships and marine technology Ship safety signs, fire control plan signs, safety tips and safety markings
Design, location and use of Part 1: GB/T 37820 has published the following parts:
--- Part 1: Design principles;
--- Part 2: Classification;
--- Part 3: Principles of use:
This document replaces GB/T 37820:1-2019 Ships and marine technology Ship safety signs, safety-related signs, safety tips and safety
Compared with GB/T 37820:1-2019, in addition to structural adjustments and editing,
In addition to the changes in performance, the main technical changes are as follows:
a) Added the term "fire control plan sign" (see 3:2);
b) The terms “simulated sign” and “safety-related sign” have been deleted (see 3:3 and 3:8 of the:2019 edition);
c) Added "fire control diagram sign" (see 4:3);
d) The reference to the figures in ISO 7010 has been changed (see Chapter 5, Chapter 5 of the:2019 edition);
e) Changed the reference to the figures in ISO 24409-2 (see Chapter 5, Chapter 5 of the:2019 edition);
f) The symbols for releasing lifeboats and lifebuoys with ropes have been changed (see 5:4:1, 5:4:1 of the:2019 edition);
g) The instructions for use in the fire equipment signs have been deleted [(see 5:2e of the:2019 edition)];
h) The form of the supplementary mark has been changed (see 6:5, 6:5 of the:2019 edition);
i) The “Fire Control Plan Signs” has been changed (see Chapter 10, Chapter 10 of the:2019 Edition):
This document is equivalent to ISO 24409-1:2020 "Ships and marine technology - Ship safety signs, fire control plan signs, safety tips"
Design, location and use of safety and security markings - Part 1: Design principles:
Please note that some of the contents of this document may involve patents: The issuing organization of this document does not assume the responsibility for identifying patents:
This document was proposed and coordinated by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Marine Vessels (SAC/TC12):
This document was drafted by: China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation Comprehensive Technical and Economic Research Institute, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, Jiangsu Xinshi
Dai Shipbuilding Co:, Ltd:, Huazhong University of Science and Technology:
The main drafters of this document are: Cheng Nan, Zhu Jiashuai, Liu Wei, Zhang Zhonglin, Song Mengran, Xiang Xianbo, Sun Quan, Zeng Hongli, Liu Jiayin, and Xiang Gong:
This document was first published in:2019 and this is the first revision:
GB/T 37820 Ships and marine technology Design and location of ship safety signs, fire control plan signs, safety tips and safety markings
The "Placement and Use" stipulates the general design of ship safety signs, fire control plan signs, safety tips and safety markings provided to ship personnel
and guidelines for use, is intended to consist of three parts:
--- Part 1: Design principles: The purpose is to provide ship safety signs, fire control plan signs, safety tips and safety markings
Universal design principles:
--- Part 2: Classification: The purpose is to provide standard signs and safety tips for special use on board ships and to convey safety information based on the safety information conveyed:
Categorize and index:
--- Part 3: Principles of use: The purpose is to provide the principles for the use of safety signs on board ships and to explain their location, size, graphic symbols and
Provide guidance on the correct use of supplementary text:
Ships and marine technology Ship safety signs,
Fire control diagram signs, safety tips and
Design, location and use of safety signs
Part 1: Design principles
Warning: The colors in this electronic version of the document are not intended to be displayed on screen nor printed out as a physical object:
ISO 3864-4 is used as a reference for colorimetric and photometric properties, and for color sequence systems:
1 Scope
This document specifies the general design of ship safety signs, fire control plan signs, safety tips and safety markings to be provided to shipboard personnel
in principle:
2 Normative references
The contents of the following documents constitute the essential clauses of this document through normative references in this document:
For referenced documents without a date, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this document; for referenced documents without a date, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to
This document:
ISO 3864-1 Graphical symbols - Safety colours and safety signs - Part 1: Design principles for safety signs and safety markings
safety markings
Note: GB/T 2893:1-2013 Graphical symbols, safety colors and safety signs Part 1: Design principles for safety signs and safety markings (ISO 3864-
ISO 3864-3:2012 Graphical symbols, safety colours and safety signs - Part 3: Principles for the design of graphic symbols for safety signs
Note: GB/T 2893:3-2010 Graphical symbols, safety colors and safety signs Part 3: Design principles for graphic symbols for safety signs (ISO 3864-3:
ISO 3864-4 Graphical symbols - Safety colours and safety signs - Part 4: Chromatic and photometric properties of safety sign materials
Note: GB/T 2893:4-2013 Graphical symbols, safety colors and safety signs Part 4: Chromaticity and photometric properties of safety sign materials
(ISO 3864-4:2011,MOD)
ISO 7010 Graphical symbols - Safety colours and safety signs Registered safety signs
Note: GB/T 20132-2006 Ships and marine technology Passenger ship low-level lighting arrangements (ISO 15370:2001, IDT)
GB/T 37820.1-2019
Ships and marine technology - Design, location and use of shipboard safety signs, safety-related signs, safety notices and safety markings - Part 1. Design principles
ICS 47.020.01
National Standards of People's Republic of China
Ship and marine technology ship safety signs, safety
Design of related signs, safety tips and safety signs,
Location and use Part 1. Design principles
Shipsandmarinetechnology-Design, locationanduseofshipboardsafetysigns,
Safety-relatedsigns,safetynoticesandsafetymarkings-Part 1.Designprinciples
(ISO 24409-1.2010, IDT)
Published on.2019-08-30
2020-03-01 implementation
State market supervision and administration
China National Standardization Administration issued
Foreword III
1 range 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and Definitions 2
4 Types and uses of signs, marks and tips 2
4.1 General 2
4.2 Safety signs 3
4.3 Safety related signs 3
5 Ship safety sign design 3
5.1 General 3
5.2 Safety Information 4
5.3 Meaning, function and icon content 4
5.4 Colors and Geometry 4
5.5 Graphic Symbol 6
5.6 Combination of graphic symbols or graphic elements 6
5.7 Element 6
5.8 Prohibition 7
5.9 Boundary 7
5.10 arrow 7
6 supplementary signs and combination signs 7
6.1 General 7
6.2 Combination Mark 8
6.3 Color of the supplementary mark 8
6.4 Supplementary sign text 8
6.5 form of supplementary mark 8
7 combination logo layout 11
7.1 General 11
7.2 Border 11
7.3 Arrangement 11
8 multi-flag 12
9 arrow use 13
10 Safety related signs and safety tips 15
11 security mark 15
12 Lighting and brightness of safety signs, safety related signs and safety reminders 16
13 Logo durability and optical performance 16
14 mark of the mark 16
Appendix A (informative) Typical Simulation Sign Example 17
Reference 20
GB/T 37820 "Design and location of ship and marine technology ship safety signs, safety related signs, safety instructions and safety signs
And use is divided into the following three parts.
--- Part 1. Design principles;
--- Part 2. Classification;
--- Part 3. Principles of use.
This part is the first part of GB/T 37820.
This part is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This part uses the translation method equivalent to ISO 24409-1.2010 "Ship and Marine Technology Ship Safety Signs, Safety Related Signs,
Design, location and use of safety tips and safety markings Part 1. Design principles.
The documents of our country that have a consistent correspondence with the international documents referenced in this part are as follows.
--- GB/T 2893.1-2013 Graphical symbols - Safety colours and safety signs - Part 1
Principles (ISO 3864-1.2011, MOD)
--- GB/T 2893.3-2010 Graphic symbols - Safety colours and safety signs - Part 3
Principle (ISO 3864-3.2006, MOD)
--- GB/T 2893.4-2013 Graphical symbols - Safety colours and safety signs - Part 4
And photometric properties (ISO 3864-4.2011, MOD)
---GB/T 20132-2006 Low-level lighting arrangement for ships and marine technology passenger ships (ISO 15370.2001, IDT)
--- GB/T 25895.1-2010 Waters Safety Signs and Beach Safety Flags Part 1. Waters for Workplaces and Public Areas
Safety signs (ISO 20712-1.2008, MOD)
---GB/T 26443-2010 Classification, performance and durability of safety colours and safety signs safety signs (ISO 17398.2004,
This part is proposed and managed by the National Marine Ship Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC12).
This section drafted by. China Shipbuilding Industry Comprehensive Technology and Economic Research Institute, China Merchants Heavy Industry (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.
The main drafters of this section. Cheng Nan, Zhu Jiashuai, He Li, Shi Jianxin, Liu Gangdong.
Ship and marine technology ship safety signs, safety
Design of related signs, safety tips and safety signs,
Location and use Part 1. Design principles
IMPORTANT -- The colors in this part of the ISO 24409 electronic version cannot be displayed either on the screen or in their paper version.
The exact color as the logo. Although ISO printed copies of this document have been met (the naked eye is judged to have acceptable color difference) ISO 3864-1
Requirements do not indicate that these prints are available for colorimetry. Instead, look at the ISO 3864-1 that provides colorimetric and photometric properties, as well as the color sequential system.
References are used as principles.
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 37820 specifies the general design of signs, reminders and markings used to convey safety-related information to ship personnel.
in principle.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only dated versions apply to this article.
Pieces. For undated references, the latest edition (including all amendments) applies to this document.
Graphical symbols - Safety colours and safety signs - Part 1 . Design principles for safety and safety markings
(Graphicalsymbols-Safetycoloursandsafetysigns-Part 1.Designprinciplesforsafetysignsand
ISO 3864-3.2006 Graphical symbols - Safety colours and safety signs - Part 3
(Graphicalsymbols-Safetycoloursandsafetysigns-Part 3.Designprinciplesforgraphicalsymbols
Graphical symbols - Safety colours and safety signs - Part 4. Chromatic and photometric properties
(Graphicalsymbols-Safetycoloursandsafetysigns-Part 4. Colorimetricandphotometriproperties
ISO 7010 Graphic Symbol Safety Colors and Safety Signs Registered Safety Signs (Graphicalsymbols-Safetycolours
ISO 15370 ship and offshore technology passenger ship low-level lighting arrangement [Shipsandmarinetechnology-Low-location
ISO 17398 Safety colours and safety signs Safety signs Classification, performance and durability (Safetycoloursandsafety
signs-Classification, performanceanddurabilityofsafetysigns)
ISO 17724 Graphical Symbol Vocabulary (Graphicalsymbols-Vocabulary)
ISO 20712-1 Waters Safety Signs and Beach Safety Flags Part 1. Water Safety Signs for Workplaces and Public Areas
(Watersafetysignsandbeachsafetyflags-Part 1.Specificationsforwatersafetysignsusedinwork-
IMO International Safety Management Rules [International Safety Management (ISM) Code]
Similar standards: GB/T 37820.2-2019 GB/T 37820.3-2019 Similar PDFs (Auto-delivered in 9 seconds): GB/T 7094-2016