GB/T 36262-2018_English: PDF (GB/T36262-2018)
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Fiber reinforced polymer composite grids for civil engineering
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GB/T 36262-2018
Standard ID | GB/T 36262-2018 (GB/T36262-2018) | Description (Translated English) | Fiber reinforced polymer composite grids for civil engineering | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | Q23 | Classification of International Standard | 83.120 | Word Count Estimation | 14,168 | Date of Issue | 2018-06-07 | Date of Implementation | 2019-01-01 | Drafting Organization | Southeast University, Jiangsu Greenwood New Material Technology Development Co., Ltd., China Metallurgical Building Research Institute Co., Ltd., Nanjing Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Zhejiang Shijin Basalt Fiber Co., Ltd., Beijing Texiuda Technology Co., Ltd. Company, Tsinghua University, Nanjing Fenghui Composite Material Co., Ltd., Zhejiang University, Nanjing Nortel Composite Material Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Sichuan Beysite High-tech Co., Ltd. | Administrative Organization | National Fiber Reinforced Plastics Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 39) | Proposing organization | China Federation of Building Materials | Issuing agency(ies) | State Market Supervision Administration, China National Standardization Administration |
GB/T 36262-2018
ICS 83.120
Q 23
Fiber reinforced polymer
composite grids for civil engineering
Issued by. State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 4
4 Classification and labelling ... 5
5 Technical requirements ... 6
8 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage ... 8
Annex A (Normative) Tensile property test method of fiber reinforced
polymer composite grids ... 10
Annex B (Normative) Alkali resistance test method of fiber reinforced
polymer composite grids ... 14
Fiber reinforced polymer
composite grids for civil engineering
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the terms and definitions, classification and marking, technical
requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and
storage of fiber reinforced polymer composite grids for civil engineering.
This Standard applies to fiber reinforced polymer composite grids for the reinforcement
of existing and new structures of civil engineering (hereinafter referred to as composite
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this
document. For dated references, only the edition dated applies to this document. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced documents (including all
amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 1446, Fiber-reinforced plastics – The generals for determination of
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
fiber reinforced polymer composite grids
a continuous grid-shaped composite product which is produced with continuous fiber
by a certain process, such as pultrusion, pressure forming and vacuum forming,
usually in the orthogonal bi-directional
grid segment
c) every 12 months during normal production;
d) when the production is resumed after a production halt for more than 1 year;
e) when there is any significant difference between the results of an exit-factory
inspection and those of the last type test.
7.3 Sampling rules
7.3.1 For appearance inspection and dimensional deviation, use single sampling and
take 6 rolls randomly from each batch.
7.3.2 For tensile property and alkali resistance, use double sampling and take 6 rolls
randomly each time.
7.4 Determination rules
7.4.1 When single sampling is used for appearance inspection and dimensional
deviation, a batch is a pass if all samples taken are as required or only 1 roll is not as
required; or else, it is a fail.
7.4.2 When all samples taken for the first time for tensile property and alkali resistance
property are as required, then the batch is a pass; and when there are 2 rolls or more
are not as required, then it is a fail. When 1 roll is not as required, then a second
sampling is carried out, and it is a pass if the total number of samples not as required
in two samplings is 1; or else, it is a fail.
8 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
8.1 The package of products shall be marked clearly with the following content.
a) name and address of manufacturer;
b) product name, label and trademark;
c) date of manufacture, batch number and guarantee period;
d) area of product;
e) matters needing attention in storage and transportation.
8.2 Packaging
Composite grids shall be packaged using strong, flexible packaging materials.
Products shall be tied together closely to prevent impact and abrasion. The package
shall be accompanied by product compliance certificate.
Annex A
Tensile property test method of fiber reinforced polymer composite
A.1 Scope
This test method specifies the test principle, test equipment, test piece preparation,
test conditions, test procedures, calculation and result handling for the tensile property
of composite grids.
This test method applies to the determination of tensile strength, tensile elasticity
modulus and elongation at break of composite grids for civil engineering.
A.2 Test principle
Apply a tensile load at a constant speed along the axial direction of test pieces until it
breaks or achieves the predetermined elongation.
A.3 Test equipment
A.3.1 Testing machine
The relative error of testing machine shall not exceed ± 1%.
A.3.2 Strain measurement equipment
The relative error of extensometer or strain gage for the measurement of elongation of
composite grids shall not exceed ± 1%.
A.3.3 Sampling frequency
The sampling frequency of data acquisition system shall be less than 1 Hz.
A.4 Test piece preparation
A.4.1 Test pieces consists of a test part and an anchor part.
A.4.2 Test part. take not less than 40 times of grid segment width from test pieces as
the measuring length.
A.4.3 Anchor part. fastener shall be fit for the geometrical shape of the section cut from
composite grids’ test piece, with the single-side anchoring length not less than 300 mm.
preferably made of stainless steel;
c) the thermostat soaking tank shall be sealed to prevent the evaporation of water
in the alkaline solution;
d) the temperature control range is 0°C ~ 100°C and the temperature control
accuracy is ± 3°C.
B.4.2 pH meter
pH meter for laboratory use, with the measuring range 0 ~ 14.00 and accuracy 0.01.
B.5 Test solution
The proportion of test solution is that each 1 L of deionized water is added with 118.5
g of Ca(OH)2, 0.9 g of NaOH and 4.2 g of KOH to prepare an alkaline solution; and the
pH of the solution is 12.6 ~ 13.0. The chemical reagents used are all analytically pure.
B.6 Test procedures
B.6.1 Prepare the alkaline solution for test; fully soak test pieces.
B.6.2 Place test pieces in the thermostat soaking tank, with the distance between test
pieces, between test pieces and the thermostat soaking tank, and between test pieces
and the liquid surface, at least 10 mm. Maintain the temperature of the alkaline solution
within (55 ± 3)°C.
B.6.3 Soak test pieces in the alkaline for 7 days. During the soaking process, stir the
alkaline solution once every 12 h; use a pH meter for determination; record the pH of
the liquid; and maintain the pH constant during test. The liquid and test pieces shall be
kept in a dark place.
B.6.4 After soaking for 7 days, take out test pieces; use clear water to rinse the residual
alkaline solution thoroughly on test pieces; wipe them dry and store for 7 days at room
temperature; and carry out tensile property test for the soaked composite grids as
required in Annex A.
B.7 Calculation
B.7.1 Load (stress)-strain curve
Load (stress)-strain curve is obtained using the date acquired by the data acquisition
B.7.2 Tensile strength retention rate
Calculate tensile strength retention rate in accordance with Formula B.1; take the