GB/T 36162-2018_English: PDF (GB/T36162-2018)
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Copper-steel composite sheet and strip
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GB/T 36162-2018
Standard ID | GB/T 36162-2018 (GB/T36162-2018) | Description (Translated English) | Copper-steel composite sheet and strip | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | H62 | Classification of International Standard | 77.150.99 | Word Count Estimation | 17,187 | Date of Issue | 2018-05-14 | Date of Implementation | 2019-02-01 | Drafting Organization | Ningbo Yueng Composite Copper Belt Co., Ltd., Nonferrous Metals Technology and Economic Research Institute, Chinalco Materials Application Research Institute Co., Ltd., Shaoxing Quality and Technology Supervision and Inspection Institute | Administrative Organization | National Nonferrous Metals Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 243) | Regulation (derived from) | National Standards Announcement No. 6 of 2018 | Proposing organization | China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association | Issuing agency(ies) | State Administration of Markets and China National Standardization Administration |
GB/T 36162-2018
ICS 77.150.99
H 62
Copper-steel composite sheet and strip
ISSUED ON. MAY 14, 2018
Issued by. State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 5
4 Requirements... 8
5 Test methods ... 20
6 Inspection rules ... 24
7 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage and quality certificate ... 26
8 Order form (or contract) content ... 26
Copper-steel composite sheet and strip
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the requirements, test methods, inspection rules,
marking, packaging, transportation, storage, quality certificate and order forms
(or contracts) for copper-steel composite sheets and strips.
This Standard applies to copper-steel composite sheets and strips (hereinafter
referred to as CSC sheets and strips) for general industrial use.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of
this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
GB/T 223 (all parts) Iron, steel and alloy
GB/T 228.1-2010 Metallic materials - Tensile testing - Part 1. Method of test
at room temperature
GB/T 232 Metallic materials - Bend test
GB/T 235 Metallic materials - Sheet and strip - Reverse bend test
GB/T 351 Metallic materials - Resistivity measurement method
GB/T 700 Carbon structural steels
GB/T 1591 High strength low alloy structural steels
GB/T 4156 Metallic materials - Sheet and strip - Erichsen cupping test
GB/T 5121 (all parts) Methods for chemical analysis of copper and copper
GB/T 5213 Cold rolled low carbon steel sheet and strip
GB/T 5231 Designation and chemical composition of wrought copper and
copper alloys
GB/T 6394 Determination of estimating the average grain size of metal
GB/T 8170 Rules of rounding off for numerical values & expression and
judgement of limiting values
GB/T 8888 Wrought heavy non-ferrous metal products - Packing, marking,
transportation, storing and certificate of quality
GB/T 10561-2005 Steel - Determination of content of nonmetallic inclusions
- Micrographic method using standards diagrams
GB/T 13298 Inspection methods of microstructure for metals
GB/T 26303.3 Measuring methods for dimensions and shapes of wrought
copper and copper alloys - Part 3. Sheets and strips
GB/T 33948.1 Method for chemical analysis of copper-steel composite metal
- Part 1. Determination of copper content- Iodine titration method
GB/T 33948.2 Method for chemical analysis of copper-steel composite metal
- Part 2. Determination of zinc content - Na2 EDTA titration method
GJB 1458B Specification for high quality carbon steel sheets and strips for
copper cladding
WJ 643-1994 Copper-clad steel sheets for bullets
YS/T 668 The sampling method of physical and chemical testing for copper
and copper alloys
YS/T 815 Preparation method of test pieces for mechanical and
technological properties of copper and copper alloys
YS/T 1045-2015 Copper-steel composite sheet and strip for decoration
YS/T 1104-2016 Copper-steel composite sheet and strip for deep drawing
3 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
copper-steel composite sheet and strip
Material using carbon steel as the base metal, with copper and copper alloy of
a certain thickness integrally and continuously cladded on one or both sides by
Table 14 -- Non-metallic inclusions
of base metal of CSC sheets and strips
Product code A, C (sulfide) category B, D (oxide) category
H90/11Al/H90 ≤ grade 2.5 ≤ grade 2.5
H90/18Al/H90 ≤ grade 2.5 ≤ grade 2.5
4.11 Composite quality
The cladding metal and the base metal of CSC sheets and strips shall be firmly
bonded and shall not be laminated. The specimen of CSC sheets and strips is
repeatedly bent to break in any direction, and the joint between the cladding
metal and the base metal at the break shall not have visible lamination to the
naked eye.
4.12 Surface and appearance quality
4.12.1 The surface of CSC sheets and strips shall be smooth and clean and
shall have no defects affecting use.
4.12.2 The surface of CSC sheets and strips at O60 status is allowed to have
slight, local tensile strain marks, oxidation, white spots, black spots and oil
4.12.3 CSC sheets and strips shall be rolled up tidily and tightly, and there shall
be not looseness, slump or socket.
4.12.4 For CSC sheets and strips of which the width > 250 mm ~ 600 mm, the
height of the roll tower shall not exceed 10 mm; for those of which the width ≤
250 mm, the height of the roll tower shall not exceed 8 mm.
4.13 Form of delivery
CSC sheets and strips are delivered in rolls, and the recommended roll internal
diameters are 300 mm, 400 mm and 500 mm.
5 Test methods
5.1 Chemical composition
5.1.1 The chemical composition of the cladding metal of CSC sheets and strips
shall be based on the chemical composition of the cladding metal material
before cladding, and the arbitration analysis method shall be carried out in
accordance with GB/T 5121 (all parts).
5.1.2 The chemical composition of the base metal of CSC sheets and strips
5.9.1 The microstructure specimen shall be taken along the longitudinal section
of CSC sheets and strips in the rolling direction, and the inspection method is
carried out in accordance with the specifications of GB/T 13298.
5.9.2 For the pearlite inspection of CSC sheets and strips, etch the inspection
surface of the specimen with 2 % ~ 4 % ethanol solution, magnify 400 times,
select a representative field of view, carry out grade determination according to
Annex A of WJ 643-1994.
5.9.3 For the grain size inspection of CSC sheets and strips, prepare two
specimens, deeply etch the inspection surface of the specimens with 2 % ~ 4 %
nitric acid solution, magnify 100 times, carry out according to the specifications
of GB/T 6394, to measure the average grain size.
5.9.4 For the non-metallic inclusion inspection of CSC sheets and strips, the
throwing surface of the specimen is magnified 100 times, select a square field
of view of 0.50 mm2, and comparatively evaluate according to Method A and
Annex A of GB/T 10561-2005.
a) For Class A and Class C inclusions present in the same field of view, they
shall be evaluated in combination, and the corresponding coarse and fine
rating pictures shall be selected according to the dominant inclusions and
their coarse and fine tendency, evaluate according to the most serious
b) For Class B inclusions and Class D inclusions of similar size to Class B
present in the same field of view, they shall also be evaluated in
combination and reported as Class B inclusions, evaluate according to the
most serious ones;
c) For dispersed oxides, it is also reported as Class B inclusions; for coarse
and large Class D inclusions, treat as appropriate.
5.10 Composite quality
The composite quality test method for CSC sheets and strips shall be carried
out in accordance with the specifications of GB/T 235.
5.11 Surface and appearance quality
5.11.1 The surface and appearance quality of CSC sheets and strips are
visually inspected by the naked eye.
5.11.2 For the shape quality of CSC sheets and strips, the tower shape is
checked with a tape measure and a ruler, and the rest is visually inspected.
shall be carried out in accordance with the specifications of GB/T 8170.
6.5.2 If the chemical composition of cladding metal and base metal, the
cladding ratio, and the cladding metal layer weight ratio are unqualified, the
batch is determined to be unqualified.
6.5.3 If the dimensions and surface quality of CSC sheets and strips are
unqualified, the roll or the piece is determined to be unqualified.
6.5.4 When the test results of the specimen of mechanical properties, bending
test, cupping test, microstructure, electrical properties and composite quality
are unqualified, double the quantity of specimen shall be taken from the batch
of products (including the unqualified roll or piece) for repeated test. If the
repeated test results are all qualified, the whole batch of products is determined
to be qualified. If the repeated test results are still unqualified, the batch is
determined to be unqualified, or the supply party shall inspect roll by roll or
piece by piece and delivery the qualified products.
7 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage and
quality certificate
The marking, packaging, transportation, storage and quality certificate of
products shall comply with the specifications of GB/T 8888.
8 Order form (or contract) content
The order form (or contract) for ordering the products listed in this Standard
shall include the following.
a) product name;
b) product code;
c) status;
d) weight;
e) dimensions and their allowable deviation (when it is specific length, high
precision level or has special requirements);
f) product use;
g) if necessary, indicate the following.