GB/T 36123-2018_English: PDF (GB/T36123-2018)
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Technical requirements for gas leakage alarm device of gas vehicle
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GB/T 36123-2018
Standard ID | GB/T 36123-2018 (GB/T36123-2018) | Description (Translated English) | Technical requirements for gas leakage alarm device of gas vehicle | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | T47 | Classification of International Standard | 43.040.20 | Word Count Estimation | 14,190 | Date of Issue | 2018-05-14 | Date of Implementation | 2018-12-01 | Drafting Organization | China Automotive Technology and Research Center, China First Automobile Co., Ltd., Wuhu United New Energy Heavy Truck Industry Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd., Tianjin Puhai New Technology Co., Ltd., China Heavy Duty Truck Group Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Yousui Sensor Technology Co., Ltd. , Yingkou Xinxing Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. | Administrative Organization | National Automotive Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 114) | Regulation (derived from) | National Standards Announcement No. 6 of 2018 | Proposing organization | Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China | Issuing agency(ies) | State Administration of Markets and China National Standardization Administration |
GB/T 36123-2018
ICS 43.040.20
T 47
Technical requirements for gas leakage
alarm device of gas vehicle
ISSUED ON. MAY 14, 2018
Issued by. State Administration for Market Regulation of the People's
Republic of China;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 5
4 Technical requirements ... 6
5 Test method ... 11
6 Inspection rules ... 16
7 Instructions ... 18
8 Marking, packaging, transport and storage ... 18
Technical requirements for gas leakage
alarm device of gas vehicle
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the terms and definitions, technical requirements, test method,
inspection rules, instructions, marking, packaging, transport and storage of gas
leakage alarm device of gas vehicle (hereinafter referred to as alarm device).
This Standard applies to gas fuel (NG, PG) leakage alarm device using the point type
gas concentration testing principle, which is installed and used in single-fuel, bi-fuel
and dual-fuel gas vehicle, and oil-gas and gas-electric hybrid vehicle. This Standard
can be referred to for leakage vehicle of other types of gas fuels.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this
document. For dated references, only the edition dated applies to this document. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced documents (including all
amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 2828.1-2012, Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes – Part 1.
Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot
GB/T 9969-2008, General principles for preparation of instructions for use of
industrial products
GB/T 17619-1998, Limits and methods of testing for immunity of
electrical/electronic sub-assemblies in vehicles to electromagnetic radiation
GB/T 18655-2010, Vehicles boats and internal combustion engines – Radio
disturbance characteristics – Limits and methods of measurement for the
protection of on-board receivers
GB/T 19951-2005, Road vehicles – Test methods for electrical disturbances from
electrostatic discharge
GB/T 21437.2-2008, Road vehicles – Electrical disturbances from conduction and
4.1.6 The type of alarm of alarm device shall meet the following requirements.
a) Alarm device shall distinguish leakage alarms and fault alarms; leakage alarms
shall be given using acousto-optic signals at the same time; fault alarms shall be
given using optic signals at least.
b) The words, graphic symbols, values, etc. displayed by warning module shall be
clear and legible.
c) Alarm device equipped with multiple detectors shall distinguish different detecting
locations when giving alarms.
d) Alarm device for which two alarm setting values are set, shall distinguish different
alarm levels when giving leakage alarms.
e) Alarm device, in the state of leakage alarm, stop alarm only when alarm
conditions are removed and confirmed manually.
f) In case of any short-circuit or open-circuit fault in the sensor itself of detector
detecting gas concentration and the connecting line between detector and
control module, alarm device shall give fault alarms within 60 s.
4.1.7 Alarm device shall not give false alarms or fail because of the disturbances of
other gases.
4.1.8 The operating temperature of all components of alarm device shall be as required
by the recommended operating temperature range in Table A.1 of GB/T 28046.4-2011;
unless agreed otherwise by the supplier and the purchaser, the upper limit of operating
temperature range of detector shall not be lower than 85°C.
4.1.9 The rated operating voltages and operating voltage ranges of alarm device are
as follows.
a) when the rated operating voltage is DC 12 V, the operating voltage range is DC
9 V ~ DC 16 V;
b) when the rated operating voltage is DC 24 V, the operating voltage range is DC
16 V ~ DC 32 V.
4.2 Alarm setting value
When alarm device has one alarm setting value, it shall be within the range of 6% LEL
~ 25% LEL; when alarm device has lower and upper limits of alarm setting value, its
lower alarm setting value shall be 6% LEL ~ 25% LEL, and its upper alarm setting
value shall not be higher than 50% LEL.
4.3 Alarm value
LEL ~ 25% LEL.
4.11 Alarm endurance performance
Alarm device is tested as required in 5.11; the alarm value shall be as required in 4.3.
4.12 Abnormal supply voltage resistance performance
4.12.1 Supply reverse polarity resistance performance
All components of alarm device shall be capable of bearing supply reverse polarity test
for 1 min without damage; it shall have no electrical faults after the test.
4.12.2 Overvoltage protection performance
All components of alarm device shall not have fault alarms or damages during the test;
its alarm value after the test shall be as required in 4.3.
4.13 Environmental performance
4.13.1 High- and low-temperature resistance performance
Alarm device is subjected to low-temperature storage, low-temperature operation,
high-temperature storage and high-temperature operation tests as required in 5.13.1.
Operation test requires alarm device to remain in the operating state during the test; it
shall not give fault alarms or leakage alarms. The difference between alarm value and
alarm setting value measured after each test shall not exceed ± 10% LEL.
4.13.2 Thermal shock resistance performance
Alarm device is tested as required in 5.13.2. The difference between alarm value and
alarm setting value after the test shall not exceed ± 5% LEL.
4.13.3 Cyclic damp heat performance
Alarm device is tested as required in 5.13.3. Alarm device remain in the operating state
during the test and shall not give fault alarms or leakage alarms. The difference
between alarm value and alarm setting value measured shall not exceed ± 5% LEL
after each test.
4.14 Mechanical performance (not including functional modules integrated in
complete vehicle)
4.14.1 Vibration resistance performance
All components of alarm device are tested as required in 5.14.1. Alarm device shall
meet the following requirements.
-- atmospheric pressure. 86 kPa ~ 106 kPa.
5.1.2 Test gas preparation accuracy
The purity of gases used for the preparation of test gas shall not be lower than 99.5%.
The gases used for the preparation of test gas shall be fresh air not containing dust or
oil. The humidity of gas prepared shall meet the normal humidity conditions. The error
of gas preparation shall not be greater than ± 2% of alarm setting value.
5.1.3 Test gas
If it is not specified in particular, methane is used as test gas for testing NG and
propane is used as test gas for testing PG.
5.2 Sample requirements
5.2.1 When relevant components of alarm device are from different manufacturers,
relevant components shall be submitted to form a complete system to carry out
relevant tests. When one component of alarm device is tested, corresponding
components can be submitted to form a complete system to carry out relevant tests,
and the information of the other components to form alarm device shall be indicated
(including photographs, types, manufacturer, technical parameters, performance
indexes and so on).
5.2.2 Before the test, the instructions to alarm device to be tested shall be provided, at
least including operating manual of alarm device, type of test gas, alarm setting value,
fault list, technical class of relevant test items, and so on.
5.3 Alarm value test
Install detector in a test chamber; switch on the power supply to make alarm device
remain in the normal operating state for 20 min. Start ventilator to make the airflow
velocity in the test chamber stabilize at 0.8 m/s ± 0.2 m/s; increase the concentration
of test gas at the speed of not greater than 1% LEL/min, until alarm device gives alarm
signals; record the alarm value of alarm device.
5.4 Response time test
Switch on the power of alarm device to make it remain in the normal operating state
for 20 min. Prepare test gas whose flow rate is 500 mL/min and concentration 1.6 times
of the alarm setting value of detector (using the lower setting value if alarm device has
two alarm setting values); after the concentration of the gas is stabilized, convey test
gas to the detector of alarm device; start the timing apparatus at the same time; stop
timing when alarm device gives alarm signals; record the response time of alarm
5.10 Silicon poisoning resistance test
After detector is electrified in a gas of concentration of 0.001% HMDS
(CH3)3SiOSi(CH3)3 for 40 h, measure its alarm value.
5.11 Alarm endurance test
Detector operates continuously for 12 h in the test gas environment of 30% LEL; during
the period, alarm device remains in the leakage alarm state. Restore the environment
for detector to fresh air (do not switch off the power supply); after manual confirmation
to remove alarm, continue to electrify detector in fresh air for 1 h; measure its alarm
value after the test.
5.12 Abnormal supply voltage resistance test
5.12.1 Reverse polarity resistance test
Reverse the polarities of all components of alarm device for 1 min according to the
reverse polarity voltages including “DC 14 V ± 0.2 V for rated supply voltage DC 12 V;
DC 28 V ± 0.2 V for rated supply voltage DC 24 V”; after the test, check the condition
of sample.
5.12.2 Overvoltage protection test
Alarm device is tested as specified in 4.3 of GB/T 28046.2-2011; after the test, measure
its alarm value.
5.13 Environmental performance test
5.13.1 High- and low-temperature performance test
Carry out low-temperature storage, low-temperature operation, high-temperature
storage and high-temperature operation tests for alarm device using the test methods
specified in 5.1 of GB/T 28046.4-2011. Operation test requires alarm device to remain
in the operating state and not to give fault alarms or leakage alarms during the test;
allow alarm device to stand at room temperature after the test and measure its alarm
If the operating temperatures are not specified in the instructions to sample, carry out
the test in accordance with “high temperature. + 85°C; low temperature. - 40°C”.
5.13.2 Temperature shock resistance test
Alarm device is tested using the test method specified in 5.3.2 of GB/T 28046.4-2011.
The specific test requirements are as follows.
-- high temperature. + 85°C; low temperature. - 40°C (if it is specified clearly in the
5.16.2 Electromagnetic disturbance resistance performance
In the operating state, alarm device is tested using the test method specified in Clause
9 of GB/T 17619-1998; radiated disturbance resistance test is carried out in
accordance with the disturbance resistance electric level limits specified in Table 1 of
GB/T 17619-1998.
5.16.3 Electrical transient conduction disturbance resistance
The control module of alarm device is tested in the system monitoring state using the
test method specified in Clause 4 of GB/T 21437.2-2008.
5.16.4 Electrostatic discharge resistance
Alarm device system or components shall be powered on and operated in accordance
with the specifications for module test in Clause 5 of GB/T 19951-2005. Alarm device
is tested using the air discharge method (with the maximum test voltage ± 15 kV);
warning module and detector are tested using the direct discharge method (with the
maximum test voltage ± 6 kV).
5.17 Enclosure protective performance test
Detector is tested using the test method specified in GB/T 30038-2013.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Type inspection
Type inspection is carried out in the following cases.
-- during the trial production of a product newly designed;
-- when the production site is changed;
-- when production is resumed after a production halt for one year;
-- when there is any significant change in major structures, key materials, key
components and processes.
6.2 Exit-factory inspection
Exit-factory inspection is carried out by the manufacturer as specified in Table 3. Carry
out 100% inspection for the two items, i.e. appearance inspection and alarm value; the
sample quantity for other exit-factory items is as specified in GB/T 2828.1-2012.