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GB/T 34628-2017 English PDF

GB/T 34628-2017_English: PDF (GB/T34628-2017)
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GB/T 34628-2017English150 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Non-destructive testing of welds -- General rules for metallic materials Valid GB/T 34628-2017

Standard ID GB/T 34628-2017 (GB/T34628-2017)
Description (Translated English) Non-destructive testing of welds -- General rules for metallic materials
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard J33
Classification of International Standard 25.160.40
Word Count Estimation 18,118
Date of Issue 2017-10-14
Date of Implementation 2018-05-01
Drafting Organization Shanghai Institute of Materials, China Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute, Guangzhou Union standard quality inspection Technical Services Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Fangtian Power Technology Co., Ltd., Jining Ruixiang mold limited liability company (Shandong Jining Die Factory), Hubei Sanjiang Space Jiangbei Mechanical Engineering Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd., Fujian Industrial Equipment Installation Co., Ltd., Shanghai COSCO Kawasaki Heavy Industries Steel Co., Ltd., South Germany Certification Testing (China) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Shipping Institute, Luoyang LYC Bearing Co., Ltd., Shanghai Aerospace Precision Machinery Institute, CITIC Card Co., Ltd., Wujiang Hongda Testing Equipment Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization National Welding Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 55)
Proposing organization National Welding Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 55)
Issuing agency(ies) People's Republic of China General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, China National Standardization Administration

GB/T 34628-2017 Non-destructive testing of welds-General rules for metallic materials ICS 25.160.40 J33 National Standards of People's Republic of China General rules for the application of non-destructive testing of metal materials for welds (ISO 17635.2016, IDT) Released on.2017-10-14 2018-05-01 implementation General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China China National Standardization Administration issued Content Foreword III 1 range 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Terms and Definitions 2 4 Abbreviations 3 5 limited 3 6 Personnel qualification 3 7 Testing organization 4 8 file 4 9 detection method selection 4 10 Test Implementation 6 Appendix A (Normative Appendix) Application Rules and Standards 7 Appendix B (informative) Standard System Block Diagram 10 Foreword This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. This standard uses the translation method equivalent to ISO 17635.2016 "General Rules for the Application of Non-destructive Testing of Metallic Materials for Welds". The documents of our country that have a consistent correspondence with the international documents referenced in this standard are as follows. ---GB/T 9445-2015 Non-destructive testing personnel qualification and certification (ISO 9712.2012, IDT) ---GB/T 11345-2013 Non-destructive testing of welds Ultrasonic testing technology, inspection level and assessment (ISO 17640.2010, MOD) --- GB/T 18851.1-2012 Non-destructive testing - Penetration testing - Part 1. General (ISO 3452-1.2008, IDT) ---GB/T 19418-2003 Steel arc welding head lack of quality classification guide (ISO 5817..1992, IDT) ---GB/T 22087-2008 Aluminum and aluminum alloy arc welded joints lack of quality classification guidelines (ISO 10042.2005, IDT) ---GB/T 26951-2011 Non-destructive testing of welds Magnetic particle testing (ISO 17638.2003, MOD) ---GB/T 26952-2011 Non-destructive testing of welds Magnetic particle inspection acceptance level (ISO 23278.2006, MOD) ---GB/T 26953-2011 Non-destructive testing of weld penetration inspection acceptance level (ISO 23277.2006, MOD) ---GB/T 26954-2011 Non-destructive testing of welds Based on complex plane analysis of weld eddy current testing (ISO 17643.2005, MOD) ---GB/T 29711-2013 Non-destructive testing of welds Ultrasonic testing of display characteristics in welds (ISO 23279.2010, IDT) ---GB/T 29712-2013 Non-destructive testing of welds Ultrasonic testing acceptance level (ISO 11666.2010, MOD) ---GB/T 32259-2015 Non-destructive testing of welds Welded joints for visual inspection (ISO 17637.2003, MOD) This standard is proposed and managed by the National Welding Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC55). This standard was drafted. Shanghai Materials Research Institute, China Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute, Guangzhou Union Standard Quality Inspection Technology Service Co., Ltd. Division, Jiangsu Fangtian Power Technology Co., Ltd., Jining Ruixiang Mould Co., Ltd. (Shandong Jining Mould Factory), Hubei Sanjiang Aerospace Jiangbei Machine Mechanical Engineering Co., Ltd., Fujian Industrial Equipment Installation Co., Ltd., Shanghai COSCO Kawasaki Heavy Industries Steel Structure Co., Ltd., Nande Certification Testing (中 China) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Ship Technology Research Institute, Luoyang LYC Bearing Co., Ltd., Shanghai Aerospace Precision Machinery Research Institute, CITIC Daika Co., Ltd., Wujiang Hongda Testing Equipment Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard. Ding Jie, Zheng Hui, Li Wuxian, Jin Yufei, Yan Lifeng, Ma Fang, Ma Junpeng, Wei Zhongrui, Wang Xiaoyong, Fan Zhizhong, Liu Xuming, Ding Weichen, Ding Bing, Chen Cuili, Li Laiping, Liu Jun, Shen Mingkui. General rules for the application of non-destructive testing of metal materials for welds 1 Scope This standard gives general application rules for the selection and evaluation of weld non-destructive testing methods. The general rule is based on quality requirements, materials, welding Seam thickness, welding process and inspection range are based on quality control. This standard specifies the general rules for the application of non-destructive testing of different types of metal materials. This general rule contains methods for detecting metallic materials. And/or acceptance level criteria. The acceptance level cannot be directly understood as the quality rating specified by ISO 5817 or ISO 10042. Acceptance level and mass production of welds Overall quality related. Acceptance level in accordance with ISO 5817 or ISO 10042 quality level is a basic application principle, not for each display Specific requirements. Appendix A gives the correlation between weld quality, non-destructive testing and acceptance criteria. Appendix B gives an overview of the standard relationship between weld quality grades, acceptance levels, and non-destructive testing methods. 2 Normative references The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only dated versions apply to this article. Pieces. For undated references, the latest edition (including all amendments) applies to this document. ISO 3452-1 Non-destructive testing - Penetration testing - Part 1. General (Non-destructivetesting-Penetrant testing-Part 1.Generalprinciples) ISO 5817 steel arc welded joint lack quality classification guide (Welding-Fusion-weldedjointsinsteel,nickel,ti- Taniumandtheiraloys(beamweldingexcluded)-Qualitylevelsforimperfections) ISO 9712 Non-destructive testing personnel qualification and certification (Non-destructive testing-Qualificationandcertifica- tionofNDTpersonnel) ISO 10042 Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Arc Weld Head Under-Quality Classification Guide (Welding-Arc-weldedjointsinalumin- iumanditsaloys-Qualitylevelsforimperfections) ISO 10675-1 - Non-destructive testing of welds - Radiographic testing - Acceptance - Part 1 . Steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys (Non- destructivetestingofwelds-Acceptancelevelsforradiographictesting-Part 1.Steel,nickel,titanium Andtheiraloys) ISO 10675-2 - Non-destructive testing of welds - Radiographic testing - Acceptance - Part 2. Aluminium and its alloys (Non-destructive Testingofwelds-Acceptancelevelsforradiographictesting-Part 2.Aluminiumanditsaloys) ISO 10863 Weld Nondestructive Testing Ultrasonic Testing Diffraction Acoustic Time Technology (TOFD) [Non-destructivetestingof welds-Ultrasonictesting-Useoftime-of-flightdiffractiontechnique(TOFD)] ISO 11666 weld non-destructive testing ultrasonic testing acceptance level (Non-destructive testingingwelds-Ultrasonic Testing-Acceptancelevels) ISO 13588 weld non-destructive testing ultrasonic testing phased array technology (Non-destructive testing ofwelds- Ultrasonictesting-Useofautomatedphasedarraytechnology) ISO 15626 weld non-destructive testing Diffraction sound time technology (TOFD) acceptance level [Non-destructivetestingofwelds- Time-of-flightdiffractiontechnique(TOFD)-Acceptancelevels] ISO 17636-1.2013 Non-destructive testing of welds - Part 1 . X and gamma radiographic testing (Non-de- structivetestingofwelds-Radiographictesting-Part 1.X-andgamma-raytechniqueswithfilm) ISO 17636-2.2013 Non-destructive testing of welds - Part 2. X and gamma ray digital imaging (Non- destructivetestingofwelds-Radiographictesting-Part 2. X-andgamma-raytechniqueswithdigital Detectors) ISO 17637 weld non-destructive testing, fusion welding head visual inspection (Non-destructive testing ofwelds-Visualtesting Offusion-weldedjoints) ISO 17638 weld non-destructive testing magnetic particle testing (Non-destructive testing ofwelds-Magneticparticletes- Ting) ISO 17640 weld non-destructive testing ultrasonic testing technology, inspection grade and assessment (Non-destructivetestingof welds-Ultrasonictesting-Techniques,testinglevels,andassessment) ISO 17643 weld non-destructive testing Weld eddy current testing based on complex plane analysis (Non-destructive testing ofwelds- Eddycurrenttestingofweldsbycomplex-planeanalysis) ISO 192851) Weld Nondestructive Testing Phased Array Technology (PA) Acceptance Criteria [Non-destructivetestingofwelds- PhasedArraytechnique(PA)-Acceptancecriteria] 1) Being drafted. ISO 23277 weld non-destructive testing penetration inspection acceptance level (Non-destructive testing ofwelds-Penetrant Testing-Acceptancelevels) ISO 23278 weld non-destructive testing magnetic particle inspection acceptance level (Non-destructive testing ofwelds-Magnetic particletesting-Acceptancelevels) ISO 23279 Non-destructive testing of welds Ultrasonic testing of display characteristics in welds (Non-destructive testing ofwelds- Ultrasonictesting-Characterizationofindicationsinwelds) 3 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1 Detection level testinglevel The degree of detection perfection and parameter setting/sensitivity selection of a certain detection method. Note 1. Different grades correspond to different sensitivities and/or detection rates. The choice of detection level is usually related to quality requirements and/or component applications. 3.2 Testing organization testingorganization An internal or external agency that performs non-destructive testing. 3.3 Display indication From discontinuous signals or characterization. This form of expression varies depending on the detection method used. 3.4 Internal discontinuity internaldiscontinuity (Nondestructive inspection of welds) Discontinuities where the surface is not open or the surface is not directly visible. 3.5 Quality level A description of the weld quality grade based on the selected type, size, and quantity of defects. 3.6 Inspection lot inspectionlot (Nondestructive testing of welds) A set of welds of consistent quality is desirable. Note 1. A group of welds can be part of a weld, a complete weld or multiple welds. Note 2. Welding process, materials, joint type, welder, environmental conditions during welding, inspection cycle or other factors affecting quality, affecting weld quality consistency. 4 Abbreviations The abbreviations given in Table 1 apply to this document. Table 1 Abbreviations Detection method abbreviations Eddy current testing ET Magnetic particle testing MT Penetration detection PT Radiographic detection RT Ultrasonic detection UT Visual inspection of VT 5 limited 5.1 Manufacturing stage This standard is only applicable to the non-destructive testing of welds (see 10.3). For the detection of base metal before welding or welding, it is recommended to use relevant tests. Method and acceptance criteria. 5.2 Detection range The scope of inspection shall be governed by applicable non-destructive testing standards or specifications. 5.3 Materials This standard covers the testing requirements for the following materials, alloys and their combined welds. a) steel; b) aluminum; c) copper; d) nickel; e) Titanium If other metal materials use this standard, it should be specified separately. 6 qualification Personnel performing non-destructive testing of welds and assessment of results shall be qualified and recognized in accordance with ISO 9712 or the system agreed by the parties to the contract. Certificate and the job training and operation authorization of the employer or its agent. 7 Testing agency The testing organization should be independent of the manufacturer, and its testing activities should be controlled by a quality management system. 8 files 8.1 Documents before testing 8.1.1 Written testing procedures All necessary basic information required by the test method standard should be obtained before testing. Should comply with each test method standard or technical specification It is necessary to prepare a written test procedure and perform all tests. 8.1.2 Inspection plan When applying multiple detection methods or multiple techniques in one method, it is advisable to develop a detection scheme. In the inspection plan The requirements of various testing methods and their technologies are applied. The test plan should describe the test sequence, the scope of the test, and the quality control associated with the test. Content. 8.2 Documents after inspection 8.2.1 Test record All test results should be recorded according to the standard requirements of the relevant test methods. 8.2.2 Final report For each test object or batch test object, the final report should contain all the information required by the test plan and should also contain at least The following information. a) the test report required by each test method standard; b) detecting the object identifier; c) Test records for each test method, including status (undetected, acceptable, unacceptable) d) the identification of the welds inspected and/or the documentation identifying the welds; e) identifying a single weld coordinate system and/or a coordinate system file for detecting consistency; f) the identification of the non-destructive testing personnel and testing agency performing the test; g) Records that deviate from the detection techniques and acceptance levels of the relevant standards. 9 Detection method selection 9.1 General This standard specifies the selection requirements for non-destructive testing methods for welds of various materials and types. In order to get the desired result, the detection method can be separate Use or combination. Before choosing a test method and level, the following factors should be considered. a) welding process; b) base metal, welding materials and treatment processes; c) connector type and size; d) component structure (accessibility, surface conditions, etc.); e) quality level; f) Expect to detect the type and direction of discontinuity. If necessary, you can also choose the test method and grade not given in Appendix A. If an application standard only requires other method choices, Appendix A The level of detection given can be considered as appropriate. Such adjustments should be specified in advance. 9.2 Docking and T-type full penetration joints The general test methods for weld acceptance are shown in Table 2 (surface discontinuity) and Table 3 (internal discontinuity). Table 2 General inspection methods for various types of welds including non-continuous surface acceptance of fillet welds Material detection method Ferritic steel VT VT and MT VT and PT VT and (ET) Austenitic steel, aluminum, nickel, copper and titanium VT VT and PT VT and (ET) Note. The methods in parentheses are only applied under defined conditions. Table 3 General test methods for continuous penetration of all-through butt joints and T-joints Material and connector type Nominal thickness of weld base metal t/mm T≤8 8 \u003ct≤40 t\u003e 40 Ferrite, butt joint RT or (UT) RT or UT UT or (RT) Ferrite, T-joint (UT) or (RT) UT or (RT) UT or (RT) Austenitic, butt joint RT RT or (UT) (RT) or (UT) Austenite, T-joint (UT) or (RT) (UT) and/or (RT) (UT) or (RT) Aluminum, butt joint RT RT or UT RT or (UT) Aluminum, T-connector (UT) or (RT) UT or (RT) UT or (RT) Nickel-based and copper-based alloys, butt joints RT RT or (UT) (RT) or (UT) Nickel-based and copper-based alloys, T-joint (UT) or (RT) (UT) or (RT) (UT) or (RT) Titanium, butt joint RT RT or (UT) Titanium, T-joint (UT) or (RT) UT or (RT) Note 1. The method in parentheses is only applied under certain conditions. Note 2. Ultrasonic testing of austenitic joints, see ISO 22825. 9.3 Docking and T-type non-full penetration joints, fillet welds Recommended for ferrite welds, austenitic welds, aluminum welds, nickel-based and copper-based alloy welds, titanium welds with a minimum yield strength greater than 280 MPa In addition to the visual inspection, one or more methods are selected according to Table 2. To determine the actual penetration and other discontinuous types of dimensions, the detection methods and techniques other than those in Tables 2 and 3 can be negotiated. When the partial penetration weld and fillet weld are tested using the test method given in Table 3, the incomplete penetration may not be satisfactorily Check out. If a specific test method is not negotiated, the weld quality should be guaranteed by the welding process control. 10 Testing implementation 10.1 Determination of application criteria See Appendix A. 10.2 Test conditions Before testing, the inspector should obtain all information related to the test object, including. a) the necessary basic information required for each test method standard; b) testing plan, if required; c) the measures taken when unqualified welds are detected; d) the responsibility of the subcontractor to test the conformity of the subcontracted components it manufactures; e) Detection time and location. 10.3 Timing of detection Testing should be carried out after all specified heat treatments have been completed. Materials that are sensitive to hydrogen cracking (such as high-strength steel) or other delayed cracking The weld to the weld shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the process specification or after the specified delay time after welding. As specified in the test procedure, the test may be performed prior to the final heat treatment or a specified delay time. If surface method testing is performed, it should be performed before any internal discontinuous testing. If practicable, the welded joint should be visually inspected according to ISO 17637 or other suitable surface inspection methods prior to internal discontinuous testing. Testing and evaluation. 10.4 Unacceptable display If any non-acceptable display is detected, it shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the test procedure or application standard. Any repaired welds shall be retested at least at the same level as the initial weld inspection. Appendix A (normative appendix) Application rules and standards A.1 Overview This appendix gives the detection techniques, test levels and acceptance levels for ISO 5817 or ISO 10042 quality and non-destructive testing standards. The relationship between. It should be noted that they are related but have no quantitative relationship. A.2 Visual inspection See Table A.1. Table A.1 Visual inspection (VT) According to ISO 1717 or ISO 10042 quality inspection level according to ISO 17637 inspection technology and grade acceptance level a B does not specify quality level B C does not specify quality level C D does not specify quality level D a The acceptance level for visual inspection is equivalent to the quality level of ISO 5817 or ISO 10042. A.3 Penetration testing See Table A.2. Table A.2 Penetration Test (PT) According to ISO 5817 or ISO 10042 quality level according to ISO 3452-1 inspection technology and grade according to ISO 23277 acceptance level B does not specify quality level 2X C does not specify quality level 2X D does not specify quality level 3X A.4 Magnetic particle testing See Table A.3. Table A.3 Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) According to ISO 5817 quality level according to ISO 17638 testing technology and grade according to ISO 23278 acceptance level B does not specify quality level 2X C does not specify quality level 2X D does not specify quality level 3X A.5 Eddy current testing See Table A.4. Table A.4 Eddy Current Testing (ET) According to ISO 1717 or ISO 10042 quality inspection level according to ISO 17643 inspection technology and grade acceptance level B does not specify the quality level C does not specify the quality level D does not specify quality level Determined by specification A.6 Radiation detection A.6.1 Radiographic inspection technology See Table A.5. Table A.5 Radiographic Detection Technology (RT-F) According to ISO 5817 or ISO 10042 quality level Testing according to ISO 17636-1 Technology and rating According to ISO 10675-1 or ISO 10675-2 acceptance level BB 1 C Ba 2 D at least A 3 a The minimum number of exposures for circumferential seam detection should be performed in accordance with Class A requirements of ISO 17636-1.2013. A.6.2 Digital radiography detection technology (RT-D) or computer radiography detection technology (RT-CR) or digital detector array technology (DDA) See Table A.6. Table A.6 Digital Radiographic Detection (RT-D) or Computer Radiographic Detection (RT-CR) Digital Array Array Technology (DDA) According to ISO 5817 or ISO 10042 quality level According to ISO 17636-2 testing technology and Level b According to ISO 10675-1 or ISO 10675-2 Acceptance level BB 1 C Ba 2 D at least Aa 3 a The minimum number of exposures for ring seam detection should be performed in accordance with Class A requirements of ISO 17636-2.2013. b It is advisable for both parties to use the image intensifier to perform digital radiography detection (A/D conversion ≥ 12 bits). Weld inspection requirements, such as minimum exposure The number of times, one transillumination length, the image quality meter, and the two-wire image quality test shall be performed in accordance with ISO 17636-2. When not using double wire quality timing should be contracted Both sides confirmed. A.7 Ultrasonic testing of ferritic steel A.7.1 Ultrasonic pulse echo detection technology See Table A.7. Table A.7 Ultrasonic pulse echo technique According to ISO 5817 quality level according to ISO 17640 testing technology and level a according to ISO 11666 acceptance level B at least B 2 C at least A 3 D No definition No requirement b a If the display characteristics are to be assessed, they shall be assessed in accordance with ISO 23279. b Ultrasonic testing is not recommended, but can be specified in the specification (same as Class C quality requirements). A.7.2 Ultrasonic Diffraction Acoustic Time Detection Technology (TOFD) See Table A.8. Table A.8 Ultrasonic Diffraction Acoustic Time Detection Technology According to ISO 5817 quality level according to ISO 10863 inspection technology and grade according to ISO 15626 acceptance level BC 1 C at least B 2 D at least A 3 A.7.3 Ultrasonic phased array detection technology (PAUT) See Table A.9. Table A.9 Ultrasonic phased array detection technology According to ISO 5817 quality level according to ISO 13588 testing technology and grade according to ISO 19285 acceptance level BB 2 CA 3 DA 3 Appendix B (informative appendix) Standard system block diagram See Figure B.1, Figure B.2 and Figure B.3. Figure B.1 Standard System Block Diagram Figure B.2 Radiographic inspection standard system block diagram Figure B.3 Ultrasonic testing standard system block diagram ......

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