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GB/T 34566-2017 English PDF

GB/T 34566-2017_English: PDF (GB/T34566-2017)
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GB/T 34566-2017English145 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Hot stamping steel sheet and strip for automobile Valid GB/T 34566-2017

Standard ID GB/T 34566-2017 (GB/T34566-2017)
Description (Translated English) Hot stamping steel sheet and strip for automobile
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard H46
Classification of International Standard 77.140.50
Word Count Estimation 14,166
Date of Issue 2017-10-14
Date of Implementation 2018-07-01
Drafting Organization Shougang Corporation, Metallurgical Industry Information Standards Institute, Benxi Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd., Anshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Tangshan Branch of Hebei Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization National Steel Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 183)
Proposing organization China Iron and Steel Association
Issuing agency(ies) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of PRC; China National Standardization Administration

GB/T 34566-2017 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 77.140.50 H 46 Hot Stamping Steel Sheet and Strip for Automobile ISSUED ON. OCTOBER 14, 2017 IMPLEMENTED ON. JULY 01, 2018 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine; Standardization Administration of PRC. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 4 2 Normative References ... 4 3 Terms and Definitions ... 6 4 Classification and Grade Expression Method ... 7 5 Ordering Contents ... 8 6 Dimension, Shape, Weight ... 8 7 Technical Requirements ... 9 8 Test Method ... 13 9 Inspection Rules ... 15 10 Package, Mark and Quality Certificate ... 15 11 Approximate Grade Comparison between Domestic and Foreign Standard ... 15 Appendix A (Informative) Reference Value for Mechanical Properties of Hot Stamping Parts ... 16 Appendix B (Informative) Weight Test Method of Hot-Dip Aluminium-Silicon Alloy Coating ... 17 Appendix C (Informative) Approximate Grade Comparison between Domestic and Foreign Standards ... 19 Hot Stamping Steel Sheet and Strip for Automobile 1 Scope This Standard specifies the terms and definitions, classification and grade expression method, ordering contents, dimension, shape, weight, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, package, mark and quality certificate of the hot stamping steel sheet and strip for automobile. This Standard is applicable to the cold-rolled and hot-dip aluminum-silicon steel sheet and strip with thickness of 0.50mm ~ 3.00mm, and hot-rolled steel sheet and strip with thickness of 1.20mm ~ 12.0mm (hereinafter referred to as “steel sheet and strip”) used for manufacturing the safety structural parts of the automobiles. 2 Normative References The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) are applicable to this document. GB/T 222 Permissible Tolerances for Chemical Composition of Steel Products GB/T 223.5 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Iron, Steel and Alloy - The Reduced Molybdosilicate Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Acid-Soluble Silicon Content GB/T 223.9 Iron and Steel - Determination of Aluminum Content - Chromazurol S Photometric Method GB/T 223.11 Iron, Steel and Alloy - Determination of Chromium Content - Visual Titration or Potentiometric Titration Method GB/T 223.17 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Iron, Steel and Alloy - The Diantipyrylmethane Photometric Method for the Determination of Titanium Content GB/T 223.23 Iron, Steel and Alloy - Determination of Nickel Content - The Dimethylglyoxime Spectrophotometric Method GB/T 223.26 Iron, Steel and Alloy - Determination of Molybdenum Content - The Thiocyanate Spectrophotometric Method GB/T 223.37 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Iron, Steel and Alloy - the Indophenol Blue Photometric Method for the Determination of Nitrogen Content after Distillation Separation GB/T 223.40 Iron, Steel and Alloy - Determination of Niobium Content by the Sulphochlorophenol S Spectrophotometric Method GB/T 223.59 Iron, Steel and Alloy - Determination of Phosphorus Content - Bismuth Phosphomolybdate Blue Spectrophotometric Method and Antimony Phosphomolybdate Blue Spectrophotometric Method GB/T 223.63 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Iron, Steel and Alloy - The Sodium(Potassium)Periodate Photometric Method for the Determination of Manganese Content GB/T 223.68 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Iron, Steel and Alloy - The Potassium Iodate Titration Method after Combustion in the Pipe Furnace for the Determination of Sulfur Content GB/T 223.69 Iron, Steel and Alloy - Determination of Carbon Contents - Gas- volumetric Method after Combustion in the Pipe Furnace GB/T 223.76 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Iron, Steel and Alloy - The Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Method for the Determination of Vanadium Content GB/T 223.78 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Iron, Steel and Alloy - Curcumin Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Boron Content GB/T 228.1-2010 Metallic Materials - Tensile Testing - Part 1. Method of Test at Room Temperature GB/T 230.1 Metallic Rockwell hardness test—Part 1.Test method(scales A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, N, T)) GB/T 247 General Rule of Acceptance, Package, Mark and Certification for Steel Plates (Sheets) and Strips GB/T 708 Dimension, Shape, Weight and Tolerance for Cold-Rolled Steel Plates and Strips GB/T 709 Dimension, Shape, Weight and Tolerance for Hot-Rolled Steel Plates and Strips GB/T 2523 Measuring Method of Surface Roughness and Peak Count for Cold- Rolled Metal Sheet (Strip) GB/T 2975 Steel and Steel Products - Location and Preparation of Test Pieces for Mechanical Testing GB/T 4336 Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel - Determination of Multi-Element Contents -Spark Discharge Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method (Routine Method) GB/T 4340.1 Metallic Materials - Vickers Hardness Test - Part 1. Test Method GB/T 8170 Rules of Rounding off for Numerical Values & Expression and Judgement of Limiting Values GB/T 17505 Steel and Steel Products – General Technical Delivery Requirements GB/T 20066 Steel and Iron-Sampling and Preparation of Samples for the Determination of Chemical Composition GB/T 20123 Steel and Iron - Determination of Total Carbon and Sulfur Content Infrared Absorption Method after Combustion in an Induction Furnace (Routine Method) GB/T 20124 Steel and Iron - Determination of Nitrogen Content - Thermal Conductimetric Method after Fusion in a Current of Inert Gas GB/T 20125 Low-Alloy Steel - Determination of Multi-Element Contents - Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method GB/T 20126 Unalloyed Steel - Determination of Low Carbon Content - Part 2. Infrared Absorption Method after Combustion in an Induction Furnace (with Preheating) GB/T 25052 Continuously Hot-Dip Coated Steel Sheet and Strip - Tolerances on Dimensions Shape and Weight 3 Terms and Definitions The following terms and definitions are applicable to this document. 3.1 Hot stamping; HS A process that the steel sheet is heated to an austenitizing temperature, the heated steel sheet is stamped in the mold; meanwhile finish the forming and quenching processes. 3.2 Hot-dip aluminum-silicon alloy coating; AS In the hot-dip aluminum-silicon production line, the coating obtained through 9 Inspection Rules 9.1 The steel sheet and strip shall be checked and accepted by the Quality and Technical Supervision Department of the supplier. 9.2 The steel sheet and strip shall be accepted in batches. Each inspection batch of cold-rolled steel sheet and strip consists of the steel sheet and strip with the same grade, the same specification, the same processing state, and weight no greater than 30t; for the cold-rolled steel strip with roll weight greater than 30t, each roll shall be regarded as one inspection batch. Each inspection batch of hot-rolled steel sheet and strip consists of the steel sheet and strip with the same grade, the same furnace number, the same thickness, the same rolling system, and weight no greater than 60t; the steel strip and continuously-rolled sheet with rolling weight greater than 30t, it can be grouped in two rolling coils. 9.3 The sampling quantity and sampling method of steel sheet and strip shall conform to the provisions of Table 10. 9.4 The reinspection and judgement rules of steel sheet and strip shall conform to the provisions of GB/T 17505. 9.5 The test results of chemical compositions and mechanical properties shall be rounded off as per the rounding off comparison method; the rules for rounding off shall be as specified in GB/T 8170. 10 Package, Mark and Quality Certificate The package, mark and quality certificate of steel sheet and strip shall conform to the provisions of GB/T 247. If the purchaser has particular requirements, it shall be negotiated when ordering product. 11 Approximate Grade Comparison between Domestic and Foreign Standard The comparison between this Standard grade and approximate grade of domestic and foreign standards can refer to Appendix C. Appendix B (Informative) Weight Test Method of Hot-Dip Aluminium-Silicon Alloy Coating B.1 Principle This Appendix specifies the weight test method of hot-dip aluminium-silicon alloy coating. Weigh the specimen before and after removal of the aluminium-silicon alloy coating. B.2 Reagents B.2.1 Hydrochloric acid (ρ20=1.19g/mL). B.2.2 Sodium hydroxide solution with concentration of 20%, made by dissolving 20g of sodium hydroxide into 80mL of water. B.3 Procedures B.3.1 Specimen Sampling the steel sheet as per 8.3, use the appropriate solvent to wash the specimen, then use ethanol to wash till it is completely dry. B.3.2 Method Weigh the specimen (accurate to 0.001g) firstly, then immerse into the sodium hydroxide solution (B.2.2) to react; when the reaction is stopped, take out the specimen, use water to wash; if necessary, use nylon brush to remove the loose attachments on the specimen surface; then use absorbent paper to remove water; use ethanol to wash; quickly dry it with hot air; then immerse into hydrochloric acid for 2s~3s. Take out specimen to wash with water, then immerse into the sodium hydroxide solution to react till the reaction is stopped. Repeat such operating procedures till no more visible reaction appeared after the specimen is immersed in the sodium hydroxide solution. Take out, wash, dry and weigh it (accurate to 0.001g). After weighing, measure the exposed surface area after the specimen is dissolved, the accuracy shall reach 1%. The diameter measurement of steel sheet and strip shall be accurate to at least 0.01mm. When measuring the weight of single-sided coating, use appropriate method to seal one side; after measurement, then measure the other side. ......

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