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GB/T 33960-2017 English PDF

GB/T 33960-2017_English: PDF (GB/T33960-2017)
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GB/T 33960-2017English160 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Aluminum and aluminum alloy welding wires for pressure vessel Valid GB/T 33960-2017

Standard ID GB/T 33960-2017 (GB/T33960-2017)
Description (Translated English) Aluminum and aluminum alloy welding wires for pressure vessel
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard H61
Classification of International Standard 77.150.10
Word Count Estimation 14,154
Date of Issue 2017-07-12
Date of Implementation 2018-04-01
Drafting Organization Hangzhou Kunli Welding Materials Co., Ltd., Northeast Light Alloy Co., Ltd., Southwest Aluminum (Group) Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Yuguang Aluminum Co., Ltd., Beijing Institute of Nonferrous Metals and Rare Earth Application
Administrative Organization National Standardization Technical Committee for Nonferrous Metals (SAC / TC 243)
Proposing organization China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association
Issuing agency(ies) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People Republic of China, China National Standardization Administration Committee

GB/T 33960-2017 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 77.150.10 H 61 Aluminum and aluminum alloy welding wires for pressure vessel ISSUED ON: JULY 12, 2017 IMPLEMENTED ON: APRIL 01, 2018 Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine; Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative references ... 4  3 Requirements ... 5  4 Test methods ... 9  5 Inspection rules ... 10  6 Traceability ... 12  7 Marks, packaging, transport, storage and quality certificate ... 12  8 Contents of order sheet (or contract) ... 13  Annex A (informative) Matching relationship between wires and aluminum alloy material that requires welding ... 15  Annex B (normative) Test method for deposited metal X-ray flaw-detection .. 16  Annex C (normative) Test method for plate stack welding ... 19  Aluminum and aluminum alloy welding wires for pressure vessel 1 Scope This Standard specifies requirements, test methods, inspection rules, traceability and marks, packaging, transport, storage as well as quality certificate and contents of order sheet (or contract) of aluminum and aluminum alloy welding wires for pressure vessel. This Standard is applicable to aluminum alloy wires for welding of aluminum vessel such as medium- and low-pressure tank body, tower body, box body (hereinafter referred to as wires). 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 3190, Wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy - Chemical composition GB/T 3199, Wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy products - Packing, marking, transporting and storing GB/T 3880.1, Wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy plates, sheets and strips for general engineering - Part 1: Technical conditions of delivery GB/T 7999, Optical emission spectrometric analysis method of aluminum and aluminum alloys GB/T 8170, Rules of rounding off for numerical values & expression and judgement of limiting values GB/T 16672, Welds-Working positions - Definitions of angles of slope and rotation GB/T 17432, Methods for sampling for analyzing the chemical composition of wrought aluminum and aluminum alloys GB/T 20975 (all parts), Methods for Chemical Analysis of Aluminum and Coil wire of which designation is 5356, diameter is 1.60 mm, mass per box is 7 kg, is marked as: Coil wire GB/T 33960 5356-Φ1.6-7 Example 2: Straight wire of which designation is 5356, diameter is 1.60 mm, length is 1000 mm, mass per box is 5 kg, is marked as: Straight wire GB/T 33960 5356-Φ1.6×1000-5 Example 3: Hollow coil wire of which designation is 5356, diameter is 3.20 mm, mass per box is 8 kg, is marked as: Hollow coil wire GB/T 33960 5356-Φ3.2-8 3.2 Chemical composition Chemical compositions of 1188, 5183A, 5356A wires shall comply with provisions of Table 2. Chemical composition of wires of other designations shall comply with provisions of GB/T 3190. When there are special requirements for mass fraction of other impurity elements, they shall be indicated in order sheet (or contract) after agreed by supplier and purchaser via negotiation. Table 2 -- Chemical composition De sig na tio Chemical composition a (mass fraction) / % Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Ti Be Other impurities a Al b Sin gle To tal 11 88 ≤0.06 ≤0.06 ≤0.005 ≤0.01 ≤0.01 - ≤0.03 Ga≤0 .03 V≤0. 05 ≤0.01 ≤0.0003 0.01 - ≥99.88 51 83 ≤0.40 ≤0.40 ≤0.10 0.50~1.0 4.3~5 .2 0.05~ 0.25 ≤0.25 - ≤0.15 ≤0.0005 0.05 0.15 allo wa nc 53 56 ≤0.25 ≤0.40 ≤0.10 0.05~0.20 4.5~5 .5 0.05~ 0.20 ≤0.10 - 0.06~ 0.20 ≤0.0005 0.05 0.15 allo wa nc a Other impurities refer to elements unlisted or unspecified values in this table. diameter. Use ruler or measuring tape or other measuring tool of corresponding size precision to measure length. 4.3 Welding performance Test method for deposited metal X-ray flaw-detection of coil wire and hollow coil wire is in accordance with Annex B. Test method for plate stack welding of straight wire shall be in accordance with Annex C. 4.4 Appearance quality Visually inspect or use 20-times magnifying glass to check wire’s appearance quality. In arbitration, use 20-times magnifying glass. 4.5 Wire coil Use measuring tool that can guarantee corresponding precision to measure size deviation of wire coil. Visually inspect other items. 4.6 Coiling requirements Coiling requirements shall be visually inspected. When necessary, use measuring tool of corresponding precision to measure. 5 Inspection rules 5.1 Inspection and acceptance 5.1.1 Wires shall be inspected by supplier to ensure wire quality comply with provisions of this Standard and order sheet (or contract). Fill in quality certificate. 5.1.2 Purchaser inspect received wires according to provisions of this Standard. When inspection results fail to meet this Standard or order sheet (or contract), it shall propose to supplier in written form. It shall be solved by supplier and purchaser via negotiation. Objection about appearance quality or size deviation shall be proposed within one month since wires are received. Objection about other performance shall be proposed within three months since wires are received. When arbitration is required, it shall be entrusted to a third organization that is recognized by both parties to conduct arbitration. Conduct sampling together at purchaser’s site. 5.2 Batching Wires shall be submitted for acceptance in batches. Each batch shall be composed by wires of same designation, of same melting time and of same dimensions. Batch weight is not limited. after being agreed by supplier and purchaser, this batch of wires shall be inspected by supplier box by box (roll). The product inspected as accepted shall be delivered. 5.6.4 When appearance quality of any wire fails, this box (roll) of wires shall be rejected. But after being agreed by supplier and purchaser, this batch of wires shall be inspected by supplier box by box (roll). The product inspected as accepted shall be delivered. 5.6.5 When any wire coil fails, this batch shall be rejected. But after being agreed by supplier and purchaser, this batch of wires shall be inspected by supplier box by box. The product inspected as accepted shall be delivered. 5.6.6 When coiling requirements fail, this box (roll) shall be rejected. 6 Traceability 6.1 Supplier shall ensure production, inspection or test, delivery into warehouse of any batch of wires, any wire traceable. Ensure that wire mark can be traced back to raw data of wire manufacturing and inspection. 6.2 Supplier shall make safekeeping of various raw records for future reference. The shelf life is not less than 3 years. 7 Marks, packaging, transport, storage and quality certificate 7.1 Marks 7.1.1 Product marks Print following marks (or stick labels) on outer packaging of wires that are inspected as accepted, indicating: a) designation; b) dimensions; c) reference to this Standard; d) certification mark; e) product’s melting time number, lot number; f) inspection seal of supplier’s quality inspection department (or signature or seal of quality inspection personnel); g) use permanent mark to mark wire’s alloy designation on end of each straight wire. 7.1.2 Packaging box marks Packing box marks of wires shall comply with provisions of GB/T 3199. 7.2 Packaging, transport, storage Use aluminum foil vacuum packaging or plastic bag vacuum packaging to pack wires first. Then load into paper packaging boxes. Condition for storage is: humidity is not greater than 60%. Or packaging is according to the one agreed by supplier and purchaser. Other packaging, transport, storage requirements are in accordance with GB/T 3199. 7.3 Quality certificate Each batch of wires shall be attached with product quality certificate, indicating: a) supplier’s name; b) product’s name; c) designation and dimensions; d) lot number; e) melting time number; f) net weight, or number of boxes, pieces; g) reference to this Standard; h) certification mark; i) inspection results of each analysis item and inspection seal of supplier’s quality inspection department (or inspection mark); j) packaging date (or exit-factory date); k) period of use (indicating that immediately use after it is unsealed; use within one year in sealed state). 8 Contents of order sheet (or contract) Order sheet (or contract) to order wires listed in this Standard shall contain the ......

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