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GB/T 33825-2017 English PDF

GB/T 33825-2017_English: PDF (GB/T33825-2017)
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GB/T 33825-2017English130 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Steel/copper composite rod and wire for hermetically sealed relay Valid GB/T 33825-2017

Standard ID GB/T 33825-2017 (GB/T33825-2017)
Description (Translated English) Steel/copper composite rod and wire for hermetically sealed relay
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard H62
Classification of International Standard 77.150.30
Word Count Estimation 8,812
Date of Issue 2017-05-31
Date of Implementation 2017-12-01
Quoted Standard GB/T 223.20; GB/T 223.25; GB/T 3077; GB/T 4336; GB/T 5231; GB/T 6462; YS/T 668; YB/T 5231; GB/T 5121.1; GB/T 5121.2; GB/T 5121.3; GB/T 5121.4; GB/T 5121.5; GB/T 5121.6; GB/T 5121.7; GB/T 5121.8; GB/T 5121.9; GB/T 5121.10; GB/T 5121.11; GB/T 5121.12
Drafting Organization Xi'an Nuoboer precious precious metal materials Limited
Administrative Organization National Standard Committee on Nonferrous Metals (SAC/TC 243)
Proposing organization China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association
Issuing agency(ies) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, China National Standardization Administration Committee
Summary This standard specifies the requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation, storage, quality certificates and orders (or contracts) for ladle copper composite rods for sealed relays. This standard applies to the sealing relay seal with ladle copper composite rod wire (hereinafter referred to as composite rod wire).

GB/T 33825-2017 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 77.150.30 H 62 Steel/copper composite rod and wire for hermetically sealed relay ISSUED ON. MAY 31, 2017 IMPLEMENTED ON. DECEMBER 1, 2017 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine; Standardization Administration Committee. 3. No action is required - Full-copy of this standard will be automatically & immediately delivered to your EMAIL address in 0~60 minutes. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative references ... 4  3 Requirements ... 5  4 Test method ... 7  5 Inspection rules ... 8  6 Mark, packaging, transport, storage and quality certificate... 9  7 Order (or contract) content ... 10  Annex A (Informative) Average linear expansion coefficient of the substrate and electrical properties of the composite ... 11  Foreword This Standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. This Standard was proposed by China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association. This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee on Nonferrous Metals of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 243). The drafting organization of this Standard. Xi'an Norboer Precious Metal Materials Co., Ltd. Main drafters of this Standard. Zhou Longhai, Yu Jianjun, Zhao Tao, Han Jiqing, Chen Hao, Zhou Yabo. Steel/copper composite rod and wire for hermetically sealed relay 1 Scope This Standard specifies the requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marks, packaging, transport, storage, quality certificate and order (or contract) of steel/copper composite rod and wire for hermetically sealed relay. This Standard applies to steel/copper composite rod and wire for hermetically sealed relay (hereinafter referred to as the composite rod and wire). 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 223.20, Methods for chemical analysis of iron steel and alloy - The Potentiometric titration method for the determination of cobalt content GB/T 223.25, Methods for chemical analysis of iron, steel and alloy - The dimethylglyoxime gravimetric method for the determination of nickel content GB/T 3077, Alloy structure steels GB/T 4336, Standard test method for spark discharge atomic emission spectrometric analysis of carbon and low-alloy steel (routine method) GB/T 5121(all parts), Methods for chemical analysis of copper and copper alloys GB/T 5231, Designation and chemical composition of wrought copper and copper alloys GB/T 6462, Metallic and oxide coatings - Measurement of coating thickness - Microscope method YS/T 668, Sampling method of physical and chemical testing for copper and copper alloys YB/T 5231, Sealed iron-nickel-cobalt alloy with permanent expansion The product and test accessories shall be tested after sealing. The leakage rate is not more than 1×10-4 Pa · cm3/s. 3.7 Appearance quality Product surface shall be bright and clean, no obvious longitudinal scratches, cracks, peelings, inclusions, pressure pit or other defects, allowing a slight local scratch or straightening roll. 4 Test method 4.1 Chemical composition The analysis of Ni element with the substrates of 4J29, 4J44, 4J33, 4J34, 4J4 is carried out according to GB/T 223.25. The analysis of Co element is carried out according to GB/T 223.20. The analysis of other element shall be in accordance with GB/T 4336 or the method agreed by the supplier and the purchaser. The chemical composition analysis with the substrate of 30CrMnSiA is carried out according to GB/T 4336. The chemical composition analysis of composite is carried out according to GB/T 5121 (all parts). 4.2 Dimension and its allowable deviation The outer diameter of the product is measured with a micrometer. The length is measured with a tape measure. And the diameter of the composite is measured according to GB/T 6462. 4.3 Surface roughness The surface roughness of the product is measured with a roughness meter. 4.4 Composite quality The finished wire is repeatedly bent until it is broken. And the fracture longitudinal metallographic sample is prepared and observed with a 30x microscope. 4.5 Air tightness The testing of the product's air tightness is carried out according to the method agreed by the supplier and the purchaser. 4.6 Appearance quality The appearance of the product is visually inspected. batch Air tightness Twenty samples at random from each batch 3.6 4.5 Appearance quality Piece by piece or by roll 3.7 4.6 5.5 Determination of inspection results 5.5.1 If the chemical composition fails, this batch of products shall be rejected. 5.5.2 Should the dimension and its allowable deviation, surface roughness, appearance quality fail, this piece or roll of products shall be rejected. 5.5.3 When the air tightness qualification rate is not greater than 90%, this batch of products shall be rejected. 5.5.4 If a sample of composite quality inspection fails, it shall extract double samples from this batch to repeat the test (including the failed piece or roll in the previous inspection). Only when the retesting results are qualified, this whole batch of products shall be accepted. If there is still one sample in the retesting failing, this whole batch of products shall be rejected. 6 Mark, packaging, transport, storage and quality certificate 6.1 Mark In addition to the inspection mark, the product shall be marked or labeled on each box with. a) supplier’s name; b) product’s designation, dimension and status; c) product’s batch number. 6.2 Packaging The rods are in single or multiple bundles. The wires are in coils. Wrap in plastic woven cloth or cosmetic paper. Load in a wooden box with plastic film, moisture-proof paper or gas-phase rust-proof paper. 6.3 Transport and storage During the product’s transport, it shall prevent bruises, abrasions. The products shall be kept in a dry, non-corrosive place. ......

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