GB/T 33732-2017_English: PDF (GB/T33732-2017)
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Textiles -- Determination of resistance to water penetration -- Impact penetration test
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GB/T 33732-2017
Standard ID | GB/T 33732-2017 (GB/T33732-2017) | Description (Translated English) | Textiles -- Determination of resistance to water penetration -- Impact penetration test | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | W04 | Classification of International Standard | 59.080.30 | Word Count Estimation | 7,718 | Date of Issue | 2017-05-12 | Date of Implementation | 2017-12-01 | Quoted Standard | GB/T 6529 | Adopted Standard | ISO 18695-2007, MOD | Drafting Organization | Zhejiang Shengshan Kefang Co., Ltd., China Textile Standard (Beijing) Inspection and Certification Center Co., Ltd., Shandong Ruyi Technology Group Co., Ltd., Laizhou City Electronic Instrument Co., Ltd. | Administrative Organization | National Textile Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 209) | Proposing organization | China Textile Industry Federation | Issuing agency(ies) | General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, China National Standardization Administration Committee | Summary | This standard specifies the test method for testing the impermeability of fabrics under low impact conditions. The method can be used to predict the anti-rainy osmotic properties of fabrics. This standard applies to all types of fabrics that have not been subjected to water repellent finishing or water repellent finishing. This method is more suitable for medium-loose fabrics than the Bondier method (GB/T 14577) or the leaching method (GB/T 23321), which is more severe. This standard does not apply to fabrics that can not be flattened under certain tension conditions. |
GB/T 33732-2017
ICS 59.080.30
W 04
Textiles – Determination of Resistance to
Water Penetration – Impact Penetration Test
(ISO 18695.2007, MOD)
ISSUED ON. MAY 12, 2017
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Standardization Administration of PRC.
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immediately delivered to your EMAIL address in 0~60 minutes.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative References ... 5
3 Terms and Definitions ... 5
4 Principle ... 5
5 Safety Precaution ... 6
6 Reagent ... 6
7 Apparatus ... 6
8 Atmosphere for Conditioning ... 8
9 Specimen ... 8
10 Procedures ... 8
11 Result Calculation and Expression ... 8
12 Test Report ... 8
This Standard was drafted as per the rules specified in GB/T 1.1-2009 and GB/T
This Standard adopts re-drafting method to modify and use ISO 18695.2007 Textiles
– Determination of Resistance to Water Penetration – Impact Penetration Test.
Compared with ISO 18695.2007, this standard has the major technical differences and
causes as follows.
--- On the normative reference documents, this Standard has made the adjustment
of technical differences, so that adapt to China’s technical conditions; the
adjustment situations focus on reflecting on the Clause 2 “Normative
References”; use GB/T 6529 that modifies and adopted the international
standard to replace ISO 139 (see Clause 8).
--- Modify two instrument physical diagrams in ISO 18695.2007 into schematic
diagram; delete the corresponding 7.1.1 and 7.1.2, so that facilitate the
understanding of the corresponding clauses.
--- Supplement the contents of Item f) in Clause 12 of ISO 18695.2007; add the
report test surface and report value situations, so that the report can be more
For ease of use, this Standard made the following editorial changes as follows.
--- Modify the terminology in 3.1 of ISO 18695.2007 into “resistance to penetration
by water”;
--- Adjust the Footnote 1 and Footnote2 in ISO 18695.2007 into the NOTEs in 7.1
and 7.2; and simplify them;
--- Adjust the metal spring clip quality requirements in structural diagram of ISO
18695.2007 into consistence with the requirements specified in 10.1;
--- Adjust the relative positions of each view in the structural diagram of ISO
--- Adjust the order of Item e) and Item f) in Clause 12 of ISO 18695.2007.
This Standard was proposed by China National Textile and Apparel Council.
This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee for
Standardization of Textiles (SAC/TC 209).
Drafting organizations of this Standard. Zhejiang Shengshan Technology Textile Co.,
Ltd., CTTC (Beijing) Inspection and Certification Center Co., Ltd., Shandong Ruyi
Textiles – Determination of Resistance to
Water Penetration – Impact Penetration Test
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the test method to measure the fabric resistance to water
penetration under the low impact conditions. This method can be used to predict the
anti-rain and pervaporation properties of fabrics.
This Standard is applicable to the fabrics been subject to or not been subject to the
waterproof or water repellent finishing. Compared with severe-role of Bounds method
(GB/T 14577) or leaching method (GB/T 23321), this method is more suitable for
fabrics with medium loose structures.
This Standard is not applicable to the fabrics that can’t be flattened under certain
tension conditions.
2 Normative References
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the
dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this
document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the
amendments) are applicable to this document.
GB/T 6529 Textiles – Standard Atmospheres for Conditioning and Testing (GB/T
6529-2008, ISO 139.2005, MOD)
3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions are applicable to this document.
3.1 Resistance to penetration by water
The ability of fabric resistant to the water wetting and penetration.
4 Principle
Spray a certain amount of water, on the height of (610±10) mm away from to-be-tested
8 Atmosphere for Conditioning
Perform conditioning against the specimen according to the standard atmospheric
conditions stipulated in GB/T 6529; the conditioning of specimen and absorbent water
shall be performed at least 4h.
9 Specimen
Cut at least 3 blocks of specimen with size of (178±10) mm × (330±10) mm from the
to-be-tested sample; the warp (or longitudinal) of the fabric shall be consistent with the
specimen length direction.
10 Procedures
10.1 Clamp one end of the specimen along the width direction onto the steel plate
with metal spring clip, the clip-mouth length of metal spring clip is (152±10) mm; clamp
the other end of specimen by the metal spring clip with clip-mouth length of (152±10)
mm, total mass of (0.45±0.05)kg; then the specimen test surface shall be sprayed.
Weigh the mass of white absorbent paper with size of (152±10) mm × (229±10) mm,
accurate to 0.1g; and insert it in between the specimen and test bench.
10.2 Pour (500±10) mL of reagent into the funnel of tester to start spraying; try to
avoid the swirl phenomenon during water pouring process.
10.3 After the spraying (2s after continuous spraying stops), carefully take out the
absorbent paper, swiftly weigh the mass of absorbent paper, accurate to 0.1g.
11 Result Calculation and Expression
Take the increasing amount of absorbent paper mass in the test as the penetration
amount; calculate the average value of at least 3 blocks of specimens, in “g”.
When the average value of the specimen test results or single specimen test value
exceeds 5g, it can be expressed by “+5g” or “>5g” simply.
12 Test Report
The test report shall contain the following contents.
a) This Standard number, namely, GB/T 33732-2017;