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GB/T 33606-2017 English PDF

GB/T 33606-2017_English: PDF (GB/T33606-2017)
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GB/T 33606-2017English759 Add to Cart 6 days [Need to translate] Flexible and torsion resistant cables of rated voltages from 6 kV (Um=7.2 kV) up to 35 kV (Um=40.5 kV) for wind power generation Valid GB/T 33606-2017

Standard ID GB/T 33606-2017 (GB/T33606-2017)
Description (Translated English) Flexible and torsion resistant cables of rated voltages from 6 kV (Um=7.2 kV) up to 35 kV (Um=40.5 kV) for wind power generation
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard K13
Classification of International Standard 29.060.20
Word Count Estimation 38,347
Date of Issue 2017-05-12
Date of Implementation 2017-12-01
Quoted Standard GB/T 156-2007; GB/T 2423.17-2008; GB/T 2423.18-2012; GB/T 2900.10; GB/T 2951.11-2008; GB/T 2951.12-2008; GB/T 2951.13-2008; GB/T 2951.14-2008; GB/T 2951.21-2008; GB/T 2951.31-2008; GB/T 3048.4-2007; GB/T 3048.5-2007; GB/T 3048.8-2007; GB/T 3048.10-2007; G
Drafting Organization (Shanghai) Cable Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Hengtong Power Cable Co., Ltd., Baosheng Technology Innovation Co., Ltd., Far East Cable Co., Ltd., TBEA (Deyang) Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Cable Technology Co., Ltd., Cable Co., Ltd., Jiangsu China Coal Cable Co., Ltd., Qingdao Han Cable Co., Ltd., Hengyang Hengfei Cable Co., Ltd., Anhui Lingyu Cable Technology Co., Ltd., Anhui Huayu Cable Group Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Wanma Co., Ltd. (Hubei) Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Zhongchen Cable Co., Ltd., Hunan Hualing Cable Co., Ltd., Hunan Hingling Cable Co., Ltd., Changzhou Hinge Cable Co., Ltd.,, Hebei Huatong Cable Group Co., Ltd. is limited
Administrative Organization National Wire and Cable Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 213)
Proposing organization China Electrical Appliances Industry Association
Issuing agency(ies) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, China National Standardization Administration Committee
Summary This standard specifies the characteristics of the use of twisted flexible cables, product codes, logos, technical requirements, inspection rules, test methods and packaging requirements. This standard applies to high-power wind power equipment in the turbine and tower connections or similar occasions with rated voltage 6 kV ~ 35 kV wind power with twisted flexible cable.

GB/T 33606-2017 Flexible and torsion resistant cables of rated voltages from 6 kV (Um = 7.2 kV) up to 35 kV (Um = 40.5 kV) for wind power generation ICS 29.060.20 K13 National Standards of People's Republic of China Rated voltage 6kV (Um = 7.2kV) to 35kV (Um = 40.5kV) Warp - resistant flexible cable for wind power generation Flexibleandtorsionresistantcablesofratedvoltagesfrom6kV (Um = 7.2kV) upto35kV (Um = 40.5kV) forwindpowergeneration 2017-05-12 released 2017-12-01 implementation of the implementation General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China China National Standardization Management Committee released Directory Preface I 1 range 1 2 normative reference document 1 3 Terms and definitions 2 4 Use Features 3 5 code, model, specification and product representation 4 6 conductor 5 7 Insulation 5 8 shield 5 9 metal shield 6 10 three-core cable into the cable and fill 7 11 Sheath 7 12 Test conditions 9 13 routine test 9 14 sample test 10 15 Electrical Type Test 15 16 Non-electrical type test 18 Special Type Test Electrical test after installation 19 cable identification mark 23 Acceptance Rules 21 Cable packaging, transport and storage Appendix A (normative) Semi - conductive shielding resistivity measurement method Appendix B (Normative Appendix) Torsion Test 29 Appendix C (Normative Appendix) Load Test 31 Appendix D (normative) Low temperature bending test of finished cable Appendix E (Normative Appendix) Artificial Climate Aging Test 33 Appendix F (normative) Salt spray test Preface This standard is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. This standard is proposed by China Electrical Equipment Industry Association. This standard by the National Wire and Cable Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC213) centralized. The drafting of this standard. Shanghai Cable Research Institute, Jiangsu on the Cable Group Co., Ltd., Prysmian (Tianjin) Cable Co., Ltd., Jiang Suhangtong Power Cable Co., Ltd., Baosheng Technology Innovation Co., Ltd., Far East Cable Co., Ltd., TBEA (Deyang) Cable Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd., Jiangsu China Coal Cable Co., Ltd., Qingdao Han Cable Co., Ltd., Hengyang Hengfei Cable Co., Ltd., Anhui Lingyu Cable Technology Co., Ltd., Anhui Arima Cable Group Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Wanma Co., Ltd., Zhongtian Technology Equipment Cable Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou Cable Co., Ltd., Xingle Group Co., Ltd., Changzhou Marine Cable Co., Ltd., Le Xinghongqi Cable (Hubei) Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Chen Cable Co., Ltd., Hunan Valin Cable Co., Ltd., Hebei Huatong Cable Group Co., Ltd., National Wire and Cable Quality Supervision Supervisory center. The main drafters of this standard. Fan Yujun, Yuan Jie, Zhang Huiyi, Guan Xinyuan, Fang Quansheng, Wang Chuanbin, Liu Chunfang, Liu Jingguang, Chen Peiyun, Wang Xiaorong, Li Wansong, Deng Jiuwang, Liu Huanxin, Xie Xiangqian, Luo Jun, Yu Jingfeng, Gao Jun, Du Qing, Bai Qingmei, Zhang Gongzhuo, Zhao Wenming, Li Xingchen, Zhu Tao, Xiao Jingcheng, Li Congcong, Chen Jiawei. Rated voltage 6kV (Um = 7.2kV) to 35kV (Um = 40.5kV) Warp - resistant flexible cable for wind power generation 1 Scope This standard specifies the characteristics of the use of twisted flexible cables, product codes, logos, technical requirements, inspection rules, test methods and packaging Claim. This standard applies to high-power wind power equipment in the turbine and tower connection or similar occasions with rated voltage 6kV ~ 35kV Anti-twist flexible cable for wind power generation. 2 normative reference documents The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the dated edition applies to this article Pieces. For undated references, the latest edition (including all modifications) applies to this document. GB/T 156-2007 standard voltage GB/T 2423.17-2008 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2. Test methods Test Ka. Salt mist GB/T 2423.18-2012 Environmental tests - Part 2. Test methods Test Kb. Salt mist, alternating (sodium chloride solution) GB/T 2900.10 Electrical terminology GB/T 2951.11-2008 Cables and cables - Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials - Part 11. General test methods Measurement of mechanical properties of thickness and dimensions GB/T 2951.12-2008 Cables and cables - Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials - Part 12. General test methods Thermal aging test method GB/T 2951.13-2008 Cables and cables - Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials - Part 13. General test methods Density measurement method Water absorption test Shrink test GB/T 2951.14-2008 Cables and cables - Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials - Part 14. General test methods Low temperature test GB/T 2951.21-2008 Cables and cables - Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials - Part 21. Elastomer mixtures Test method for ozone resistance - Thermal test of mineral oil GB/T 2951.31-2008 Cables and cables - Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials - Part 31. Polyvinyl chloride mixtures Special test methods - High temperature pressure test - Anti - cracking test GB/T 3048.4-2007 Test methods for electrical performance of wire and cable - Part 4. Conductor DC resistance test Test methods for electrical properties of electric cables and wires - Part 5. Insulation resistance test GB/T Test methods for electrical properties of electric cables and wires - Part 8. AC voltage test GB/T GB/T 3048.10-2007 Test methods for electrical performance of wire and cable - Part 10. Extruded sheath spark test GB/T 3048.11-2007 Test methods for electrical performance of wire and cable - Part 11. Dielectric loss tangent test GB/T 3048.12-2007 Test methods for electrical performance of wire and cable - Part 12. Partial discharge test Test methods for electrical properties of electric cables and wires - Part 13. Impulse voltage test GB/T 3048.13-2007 Conductor of cable GB/T 3956-2008 Test methods for bare wires - Part 2. Dimensions measurement GB/T 4909.2 Tinned copper wire ......

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